
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · ファンタジー
287 Chs

Stormy Sea

After an exhausting battle in which Mortis' group had suffered considerable damage, they sat down to eat and rest. After the spirits recovered, Mortis gave the order to march on, and the group slowly approached the bay, which was filled with black sand and lined with tents made of bone and ivory. More enemies poured out of these tents en masse to oppose Mortis and his party, but normal enemies were no problem and were quickly defeated.

Far back in the bay, in a hidden cave, was a large, broken warship that had been converted into a bar and brothel. In this ship, the group encountered the next boss, or more precisely, two bosses. They were two twin sisters who looked like dancers, but still seemed like pirates. One of them wielded two sabers, while the other carried a musket and two blunderbusses. Both were agile, quick, and extremely accurate with their weapons. However, since their skills were hardly tricky and contained no traps, these two opponents were no problem. Mortis was able to stop and outplay the boss with the two sabers on her own, while the other nine members bombarded the other sister until the group defeated her.

Without pause, the group continued on their way, feeling little exhaustion. They made their way to the anchored ships, one of them hauling in its anchor and sailing away as Mortis approached. Standing on the railing, the pirate captain yelled to Mortis, "You landlubbers won't get us all, we'll be back!" This confused Mortis at first, but when he saw some sailors chained and locked in cages behind a number of tents, it became obvious. Mortis searched for the captain of the captured people while the others freed the other hostages. When they were freed, as well as the captain, they proceeded without words to the stationary ship and set sail. "Get on board, we can't let the pirates escape!" roared the captain of the captive fleet. Mortis and Merlin didn't need to be told twice and stormed the deck with the ghosts to chase after the pirate ship.

As luck would have it, Mortis' ship quickly caught up with the pirate ship, which had only a few pirates on it trying to escape to safety. But the pirates did not give up and opened fire with their cannons.

Some damage was done to the ship, but although they themselves had cannons on board, not a single sailor took up arms. Mortis gave orders to his group to man the cannons and fire them while the tanks tried to keep damage away from their own ship. When all the cannons were manned, Mortis yelled, "Fire!" The cannonballs flew toward the pirate ship, doing considerable damage, but not enough to sink it with just a few shots. The group wanted to reload the cannons themselves, but this was taken care of by the fleet, though not exactly quickly, as if to prevent the group from moving too fast. Meanwhile, Mortis and the group set about blocking any enemy shots or deflecting them somehow.

When both ships had already suffered significant damage and were getting closer and closer, the pirates and the fleet started boarding the enemy and getting ready to take over the other ship. At that moment, the next boss, Captain Briggs, showed himself. A fat, older man with wavy black hair and a long full beard. The Boss jumped from his ship onto the deck of Mortis to begin the fight. Captain Briggs was a crafty bastard and armed from head to toe with blunderbusses and daggers. He used them so quickly that you would think he had modern weapons. In addition, he was very strong in hand-to-hand combat and could dish out a fair amount. Not only that, but he could make exploding barrels appear. This boss mastered everything that his entourage could. But after minutes of intense battle, when the boss was already almost defeated, the sky over the sea darkened, and just before the ships, a whirlpool formed, pulling both ships into its center and threatening to swallow everything. The weakened boss was even the first to go over the deck and be swallowed by the sea.

Mortis held on to the main mast and watched the spectacle, while panic broke out among the others, including Merlin. Then Mortis said, "Stay calm, we won the battle. Hold on tight and enjoy these incredible images. Look ahead to what else awaits us instead of panicking. This scenario is just part of it." Those were the last words heard as the ships were sucked into the sea, shattered on the seabed, and the sea became calmer as the hole was flooded with water.

After a while, Merlin opened his eyes and lay on a beach. Next to him sat Mortis, and the spirits were also recovering from the shock, as if they were not actually already dead. Mortis said, "Man, you missed something, I tell you. When the waters came at us and then we got eaten by a whale that spit us back out here, that was something." Merlin looked at him with his mouth open and said, "I didn't pass out or sleep. I just closed my eyes because of the falling, so don't give me that crap." Mortis replied, "Alright, you don't believe me. But first, you should clean the drool out of the corner of your mouth before you contradict me." Merlin looked puzzled and quickly wiped his mouth. Then he asked, "Where are we, anyway?" Looking around, he noticed that they were on a small island. Mortis pointed aft and said, "The gold box is back there. Apparently the captain wasn't the final boss, because there's no portal here to get us out. So, princess, wipe the sleep from your eyes and let's look for where it might go next." Merlin stood up, patted the sand off his robe, and just nodded as he set off to find something that might help them move on.