
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · ファンタジー
287 Chs

Mortis' Sea of Souls and the Goddess of Blood

When Mortis entered his sea of souls, he was amazed and needed some time to realize that a small sea of souls had now become a silver galaxy. It was full of planets that could not be more different. It was as if his sea of souls represented heaven and hell itself. The lower planets seemed like elements rising up, while the upper ones seemed filled with plants, water and life. Mortis himself stood on a plateau, made of silver marble, towering over this realm. The galaxy seemed to be monitored from up there. As Mortis continued to look around, three figures suddenly appeared beside him, startling him, as he had not expected strange visitors in his own sea of souls.

One person was Fidelia, the other was a small demon and a small soul offshoot of Mortis, who took care of the sea of souls and made sure that everything went its regular course. The little demon was the guardian of the lower realms and made sure that evil souls were prepared for what would befall them. Mortis was surprised, because he had not even noticed that he had given a part of his soul to this place. It seemed like there was still a lot he needed to learn. He thought about how this probably happened when he embraced his divinity and was now ready to learn more about it.

But the little demon, who looked almost like the Imp in the crypt, wore the silver trademark of Mortis and the Dead, which intrigued him. Most of all, he was interested in why he was the guardian here and how it came to be. The soul split knew what Mortis was thinking, and pointed to the demon as she said, "This being was born from the dark, evil souls to watch over them themselves and control the hell realm. Meanwhile, Fidelia has risen to become the ruler of the upper heavenly realms with our covenant. I myself am you and oversee this place as well as the gateway to the next life, where I decide which soul enters which world."

Mortis would have liked to know more, but he did not want to take too much time and was about to say something when suddenly four souls entered through two gates. Two of them came from the upper realm and two from the lower. At that moment, the soul split said, "These four souls are the most suitable ones we have here. Two of them are hunters like the vampire, and two are pugilists like the incubus. I also chose souls from the lower realm because they have to be obedient as servants anyway. So you are free to serve yourself from them as well." Mortis thought this service was excellent, because it saved him time, and it seemed that his spin-off thought 100% like him. So he let them decide too, and an evil soul was chosen for the vampire, while a good soul was chosen for the incubus. After Mortis agreed, he said goodbye to Fidelia, who looked sad, and left his sea of souls together with the two chosen souls.

Mortis opened her eyes, and a hundred spirits watched anxiously to see what would happen next. Some were even jealous of the new spirits that would hover around Mortis and begin their new lives. Mortis commanded the new souls to lay over the two corpses, and then began the ability of soul binding. In the process, Mortis' mana dropped drastically, and the souls gradually began to form a new core in the bodies, slowly adapting to the new body. It took a while, but suddenly the bodies opened their eyes and took deep breaths. Then the great roar began, for as it seemed, this was not a peaceful act. The two demon bodies were writhing in pain and constantly holding their heads as if they were in immense pain. After the whole spectacle, Mortis was exhausted, and the two new servants didn't seem to have quite their strength yet. Slightly angry, Mortis sent them on their way to clear out all the cultists so he could get out of that basement while he rested.

The spirits roamed the corridors, ridding themselves of the half-demons and the humans who had joined them. They left the humans in the cells unmolested while they took larger treasures and valuables. One spirit even beckoned to Mortis and gestured for him to follow. After they had collected enough souls, Mortis quickly felt better. He followed one of his companions into a room with statues of evil gods filled with huge jars of blood and gold. This pleased Mortis, so he praised his companion and began to collect all the gold. Then he remembered that the blood was important for the continent, so Mortis stored it in his ring, which had a capacity of 30 cubic meters - a gift from his uncle for his wedding with Lumina. As Mortis was about to collect the last jar, a statue began to move and spoke, "I see you're stealing our offerings. That's not very nice. I am aware that believers or beings kill each other, but I have not seen this impudence. Are you sure you don't fit in better with us?" Mortis turned and looked into the eyes of a goddess with black hair and caramel-colored skin, who looked at him with black beady eyes. Mortis asked, "And who are you?" The goddess replied, "I am Crimsona, the goddess of blood, and I do not like to be robbed. I am Mortis, and I only take my spoils of war. Now then, my beauty, goodbye." Mortis bowed and was about to leave the goddess standing when he heard her roar, "Not so fast, handsome!"

Suddenly the cellar turned into a cave surrounded by rivers of blood, and the goddess slowly approached Mortis from behind and laughed wickedly. Then she said, "I may not simply kill you, but I may have my fun with you. Especially since I pulled you into my realm and you can't move or think properly. But when I send you back, you will understand what I have done to you." The goddess hugged Mortis from behind, caressed his chest and belly, and whispered in his ear, "Being such a pretty person is forbidden. Even as a demigod, you should know your limits." Mortis turned his head and said, "If you want to fondle or more, all you have to do is ask." The goddess jumped back in amazement, wondering what was happening. "Who are you? You shouldn't even be able to move around this plane as a demigod. So, who are you?" the goddess asked, somewhat shocked. "I'm Mortis, but what exactly I am, I won't tell you. So, if you don't mind, please send me back. I have one more thing to do. Next time you want to fiddle, just come to my house. But I still have a few prisoners waiting for me." The goddess nodded, made a hand gesture and sent Mortis back. After that, she took to her heels and went to Sabalef to tell him about the incident, because after all, no being can move in her planes unless it is divine.

When Mortis returned, he put his mask back on to transform. He gathered his spirits and gave orders to his new companions to travel further south the next evening to the next county to hide and gather information. Meanwhile, Mortis took it upon himself to take a closer look at the count here. Although memories said there was no connection between the council and him, Mortis couldn't imagine that no one had noticed when people disappeared from the streets. He released the hostages and took them upstairs, where great chaos ensued as half-naked children ran en masse from a small house. Mortis disappeared and made his way to the Count's castle in ghost form.