
Realms of the beyond

José is transported to the Realms of the Beyond, a vast and dangerous universe filled with magic and legendary creatures, after his death on Earth. In the new world, he encounters his psychopathic father, transformed into a monster, who tortures him and causes him to lose a life. José is reborn in the center of the island and must join forces with other newcomers to learn how to survive and grow stronger. He embarks on an epic journey facing magicians, warriors, and beast tamers while preparing for a final confrontation with his father. "Realms of the Beyond" is an adventure that blends fantasy, magic, and suspense as José struggles to find his place in this unknown universe and discover his own destiny.

Jose_8330 · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 1: At the Frontiers of the Unknown

Chapter 1: At the Frontiers of the Unknown

Darkness enveloped José like a thick cloak, taking him back to a state of unconsciousness.

He awoke on the shore of an unknown island, with the rays of the sun piercing through the clouds and warming his skin.

Still disoriented, he rose from the fine sand, realizing he was dressed strangely: in light, worn clothes more suited to an adventurer than a modern man.

He wasn't sure how he had ended up there or what had happened since his last memory — that of his previous life.

The memory of what occurred on Earth was a blur, but he knew he had just arrived in this new world. Still confused, he looked around, trying to understand where he was.

The gentle sound of waves breaking on the sand echoed in his ears as he gazed at the vast blue sea in front of him.

The water was clear, a turquoise blue that gave him the sensation of being in paradise. He started walking along the beach, looking for any clue about where he might be.

But something unexpected caught his attention. A large shark, about 30 meters long, was swimming a few meters from the beach, a sight that awakened in José a primordial fear. He took a few steps back, watching the shark cautiously as it swam in circles in the sea near him.

At first, José didn't understand why the shark was so close to the beach, but then he realized the creature's eyes were fixed on him, as if it were studying him. Something didn't seem right. The shark seemed too interested in him, as if he were prey.

Then, to his astonishment, the shark began to change shape. José watched, terrified, as the creature transformed before his eyes.

The shark's body shrank and changed into a human form. At the end of the transformation, the man's face was eerily familiar: it was his father, a psychopath who had died a few months before in prison.

José was paralyzed. It was impossible. How could his father be there, in this strange world? His father, whom he thought was dead, was now standing before him, with a sinister smile on his face.

"You again, my beloved son," exclaimed his father, his voice dripping with disdain. "What bad luck for you when you thought you could escape from me so easily after you denounced me?"

"You monster! You killed my mother!" José shouted with rage on his face.

"Your mother and you were nothing but toys for me to play with at will," he said, laughing sadistically and looking at José as if he were an insect.

José could barely respond, as he was stunned by the absurdity of the situation.

His father watched him with malevolent eyes, and José felt a chill run down his spine. How could his father be there?

"This world is better for me to play with you, as you won't die easily now, so let's have some fun," said the father, his voice full of malice as his eyes shone with a psychotic light.

Then, before José could react, he felt an intense pressure in his mind, as if his head were about to explode.

It was excruciating pain, and he felt his resistance breaking. His father's words echoed in his mind, torturing him with painful and obscure memories. His mind was being manipulated, but he couldn't defend himself.

For what seemed like an eternity, José suffered under the psychic torture of his father.

Every memory of pain, every trauma, was exploited and amplified by his father. He tried to fight back against the attack, but his mind was being fragmented, and his father laughed cruelly at his helplessness.

The torture was so intense that José ended up losing a life. His consciousness was consumed by the pain, and eventually, he succumbed, losing his life on the beach. However, his psychopath father was not done yet.

"You've already lost a life, I could continue, but it wouldn't be fun; I want you to live this new life in fear hahaha, and every time I find you, you can bet you'll lose a life." He laughed and vanished into the depths of the sea, leaving José fallen and exhausted.