
Realm of Shadows: The Enchanted Dungeon

In a peaceful corner of the kingdom's border, lives Sebastian, a dedicated botanist whose passion for plants is only matched by his lack of adventure skills. However, he has always found solace in crafting poisons to protect himself while collecting samples in the dangerous surroundings of the enchanted forest. His tranquil life takes an unexpected turn when a group of daring adventurers arrives with a strange request: they need a doctor to accompany them on a perilous expedition, as they lack a priest capable of healing their wounds. Despite his doubts and limitations, Sebastian accepts the proposition and ventures into the forest alongside the group of adventurers. After two days of arduous trekking, they discover a recently formed dungeon. Blinded by greed, they decide to explore it, and Sebastian is compelled to follow suit. Upon reaching the depths of the dungeon, they find a mysterious red orb radiating a hypnotic glow. Beside it, a malnourished and terrified little girl watches them, trembling in fear. Convinced that the girl is the dungeon's master, they mercilessly resolve to end her life. However, Sebastian staunchly opposes such cruelty. Disregarding his objections, the adventurers press on with their plan, unleashing a critical battle. In a desperate act, Sebastian employs his deadliest poison to confront his companions. After a bitter struggle, he emerges victorious and chooses to protect the girl as if she were his own daughter. Little does Sebastian know that his noble action will unleash a series of events that will lead to the emergence in the future of the "Empress of the Eternal Night." As the secrets of the girl and her connection to the dungeon unravel, Sebastian delves into a world of magic, power, and darkness, defying his own peaceful nature as he fights to protect those he loves and confronts the terrible challenges that lie ahead. Can Sebastian face his own intertwined destiny with the girl and the hidden power that resides deep within the dungeon? Discover the secrets of the "Empress of the Eternal Night" in this thrilling and captivating story of adventure, love, and sacrifice. Embark on this thrilling tale of romance and action, where Sebastian's world is forever changed. Though I am new to writing, I assure you that it will be an engaging journey. I have always admired strong female characters in stories, so there won't be any kind of betrayal or romantic relationships between women. This story will be a long one, so don't expect the protagonist to conquer worlds and move mountains in the first 100 chapters. I prefer a slower pace, but rest assured, there will be intense battles. This is a safe haven where the heroines are strong enough to fend for themselves, eliminating the need for kidnappings.

ShuraZero · ファンタジー
34 Chs

6.-The decision

The group stood before the moss-covered entrance of the dungeon, its ancient and rusty door creaking as they opened it. The external appearance showed signs of abandonment, revealing the mysteries that lay beyond.

As they entered, the characters found themselves in a dark and damp corridor, illuminated by flickering torches. The walls were moist and covered in salt residue, while the floor was strewn with a thin layer of dust and debris. Faint sounds of bats fluttering overhead echoed through the air.

Markus took the lead, guiding the group through the labyrinthine passages. He turned to his companions, his voice filled with both caution and excitement. "Entering a dungeon like this carries both risks and rewards," he explained. "We may encounter deadly traps, formidable monsters, but also hidden treasures that could change our lives."

Roland's eyes gleamed with a hint of greed as he added, "Imagine the power and wealth we could amass if we conquer this dungeon. It's an opportunity we can't afford to miss."

Liam, though excited, voiced his concerns. "Let's not forget the dangers that lie within. We need to be prepared and work together to overcome the challenges ahead."

Sebastian, conflicted by his own thoughts, observed his companions' growing desire for riches and power. He understood their motivations, but his own reasons for entering the dungeon were different. He needed the protection of the group, as he was too weak to navigate the treacherous forest alone. He kept his thoughts to himself, not wanting to disrupt the camaraderie that had formed.

With Roland's convincing words, the group reached a consensus, deciding to press on into the dungeon. Sebastian knew he had to accompany them, setting aside his doubts for the sake of safety.

As they ventured deeper into the dungeon, they encountered the first challenge on the first floor—Shadow Bats. These bats had distinct physical characteristics: medium-sized with a wingspan of approximately 30 centimeters, their dark and glossy fur allowed them to blend easily into the darkness. Their bright red eyes provided a stark contrast against their black skin. They possessed agility in flight and moved swiftly in the shadows.

Before the battle commenced, Roland took out a small device resembling a stone. He aimed it at one of the bats, projecting an image onto it. The image displayed a floating board with the following information:

Species: Monster

Class: Shadow Bat

Subclass: None

Level: 3

Health: 300/300

AGL: 30

VIT: 5

INT: 20

STA: 10

STR: 5

DEF: 10

Status: Healthy

Sebastian readied his bow, carefully selecting an arrow. He had studied poisons and honed his archery skills, relying on precision rather than magical abilities. The group braced themselves for the impending battle.

The skirmish began with the bats swooping down from the shadows, their echolocation guiding their movements. Sebastian unleashed a volley of arrows, aiming for their vulnerable points. However, the bats proved to be agile adversaries, dodging and weaving through the air. Sebastian's arrows occasionally missed their intended targets, unable to find their mark.

The bats retaliated with nimble maneuvers, trying to weaken their adversaries with their biting attacks. Liam and Markus utilized their combat skills to keep the bats at bay, engaging them in close combat. Markus, armed with his sturdy shield and sharp sword, positioned himself as the group's frontline protector, skillfully blocking the bats' attacks and drawing their attention.

Meanwhile, Roland assumed his role as the group's leader and warrior. He stood alongside Markus, supporting him with his own offensive strikes and providing strategic guidance.

As the battle unfolded, Sebastian adjusted his aim, trying to anticipate the bats' movements and make every shot count. Some of his arrows found their mark, causing the bats to screech in pain, while others went astray, missing their intended targets.

Sebastian, realizing the limitations of his archery skills, remembered the plants he had gathered on their previous journey. He reached into his bag and retrieved a small bundle of healing herbs. These herbs possessed slight curative properties that could aid his allies. One of the herbs, called Sylphium, had leaves with a mild healing effect when chewed or applied to wounds. Another herb, called Moonwort, had small white flowers that, when crushed and mixed with water, created a healing salve that could alleviate minor injuries.

Sebastian quickly chewed on a few leaves of Sylphium and felt a slight surge of energy revitalizing his body. He then took a moment to prepare the Moonwort salve, carefully applying it to Liam's shallow cuts during a brief respite from the bats' attacks. Although the healing effects were not instant or significant, Liam felt a slight relief, allowing him to continue fighting.

The remaining bats grew more cautious, now aware of the danger posed by Sebastian's accurate aim. They evaded his shots, making it increasingly difficult for him to land a hit.

Undeterred, Sebastian persevered, focusing on his shots and waiting for the right moments. His accuracy improved with each attempt, managing to hit some of the bats and weaken their movements.

The battle raged on, with Liam and Markus engaging the bats in close combat. Markus, with his shield raised high, attracted the majority of the bats' attention, skillfully blocking and countering their attacks. His role as the group's tank allowed Liam, who possessed exceptional agility and stealth, to exploit the openings created by Markus. Liam darted between the bats, striking with swift and deadly precision, aiming for their vital spots.

Despite Sebastian's occasional misses, the group fought with determination and synergy. They used their unique abilities and strengths to their advantage, coordinating their attacks and exploiting the bats' vulnerabilities. Roland, despite lacking healing powers, proved to be a valuable leader, guiding the group's movements and providing tactical support when needed.

Finally, with one last decisive strike, Markus cleaved through the final bat, its lifeless body plummeting to the ground. The room fell silent, except for the heavy breathing of the victorious group. They stood amidst the fallen bats, victorious but exhausted.

Markus wiped the sweat from his brow and turned to the group, a satisfied smile on his face. "Well fought, my friends! We've proven our skills once again. Let's take a moment to catch our breath and tend to any wounds before we press forward."

Sebastian nodded in agreement, feeling a mix of relief and accomplishment. The battles they had faced before had prepared them for this moment. They were growing stronger and more united with each challenge they overcame.

Liam, while catching his breath, approached Sebastian and patted him on the back. "Nice shooting there, Sebastian! Your accuracy keeps getting better. And thanks for the healing. That Moonwort salve did wonders."

Sebastian smiled, grateful for the recognition. "You did an amazing job as well, Liam. Your agility and precision strikes were invaluable. We make a great team."

Roland joined the conversation, his voice filled with pride. "Indeed, we are a formidable team. Let's continue forward, my friends. The treasures and mysteries of this dungeon await us!"

With renewed determination, the group regrouped, attending to their minor injuries and bolstering their spirits. They had overcome the first challenge and were ready to face whatever lay ahead in the depths of the dungeon.