
Realm of Nightmares

*** The red moon was shining down upon the Dreamscape also known as Nightmare Realm. Everywhere the light fell, a creature, seeming to stem from the deepest pits of hell lingered. All were fighting. Each trying to consume the existence of the other. Reality breaking in the process. Now this cruel world, intent on satiating its endless hunger had set its eyes on earth. While two worlds Clash, one the pray and the other the predator, Kalvin alongside humanity is caught in between. This new world like many others had in the past, now stood before its ultimate fate. The reason that the universe was quiet and devoid of life had now come to earth. *** Everything shall be assimilated and the deck is to be reshuffled. The only question is if where you end up. At the top or the bottom of the food chain ? *** When neither society nor the earth itself remain, what remains for Kalvin who had lived a quiet and peaceful life until now. How will he fare in a world where death is the norm and morality a suggestion. What will the decent into hell drive humanity to? In this hell, only the strongest survive.

MasteroNothing · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Setting the trap

Kalvins watch showed, it was already three o'clock . Like he had decided on before, he had gone looking for a bar. Finding one had wierdly been more difficult than he had expected.

After finding the first one however, he had quickly found more. For whatever reason the bars in this city had been mostly located around one area.

'Finally. That took way longer than it should have, If I am unlucky the moth is already back on its... wings .'

Weirdly, Kal had not been able to find a single bar for almost two hours. Whether it be for their weird placement or the city's slightly changed layout in this world.

The specific bars he had found were also, as he noticed in a slightly out of the way point in the city. A bunch of trash was lying around scattered here and there.

Like around the hospital, the bars were all surrounded by the same sort of smog, the difference being, that the bars had way less of it than the hospital.

Not being sure of what effect the smoke would have on him, he decided that it would be a better choice to visit one of the ones with a bit less of it present.

The plan he had hatched was to set the creature on fire. Simple as that.

Though he was not sure whether it would burn, at least the hair covering its body looked like it would burn rather well.

The reason he had gone to a bar, was not to get himself drunk(maybe later should his plan end the creature ) but to create a weapon using the very flammable resource. He was planning on making a Molotov cocktail.

It was something a friend in the military had showed him how to make once.

Simply put, get some alcohol put clothe above it, light that on fire and done.

Just like in the movies. Or something like that.

After he had selected the bar, he went to the front door and tried to open it.

Surprisingly, the door was open.

Inside the bar, there were no signs of the smog. Almost like it had disappeared in it's entirety

All he noticed was a very slight drop in temperature, something akin to a 1 degree drop.

Spotting the Counter and the beverages located on a shelf behind it, he approached and took some high percentage drinks off of it.

Grabbing a few trash bags from behind the counter used to contain the bottles, he put the full bottles inside along with some paper towels he had grabbed from the counter.

In total he had gotten a total of 10 bottles, which he stored inside the trash bags, he had layered on top of one another, making it possible to carry the load without ripping. A way to make fire was easily found as well. Since the bar he was in allowed smoking, he was quick to spot a lighter on top of one of the tables.

Just in case he would get to meet the moth again while preparing for the next part of his plan he also began preparing one for their eventual meeting.

To really give his weapon that extra kick, he decided that it would be better if he added some benzene or other easily ignited liquids to the mix. How he would find these was simple. He was in a city. Cars were everywhere around the corner. And with his basic knowledge on physics, getting to the fuel inside the tank was not all that difficult.

Leaving the bag filled with the alcohol on the counter he went

searching through the backrooms of the bar, where he discovered stairs leading him upwards.

There he found a small apartment with a small bedroom, a. bathroom with a shower and a toilet and a tiny kitchen, likely all belonging to the bars owner.

Seeing the bath, he was delighted to find an old school shower. Unscrewing the shower hose from its brackets, he took the whole thing with him to the outside. There it took him not even 20 seconds to go to a car, taking all the alcohol he found with him.

Emptying half the contents of each bottle to make space for the gas, he used the shower hose he obtained to siphon the gas from the old car to fill in the now empty space inside the bottles, before proceeding to stuff paper towels.

Though some may call his actions illegal or of criminal nature, like breaking and entering or stealing, Kal had realized that the things happening in this world did not carry on into the real world. With the exception of death of course.

He realized this at the beginning when he had fled from the moth into the apartment above him where the would couple had been murdered. While the glass of the window had been broken in this world, there were no signs of damage in the real world. Had the scene in his world looked like the one he saw in the red moon world ,as he decided to call it, the police and the media would certainly not have spoken of finding 'no traces of somebody breaking in'.

And even if his actions here would affect the real world, he did not believe that what he was doing was wrong. He was after all only doing all of this to increase his chances of survival.

'Good, now that this is done, time to head that gas station I found on the way.'

'Good for me that in this world the gas station is currently being refueled today truly my lucky day'

Kal exclaimed,a slightly sadistic smile creeping up his face.

The time it had taken him, though his actions were quick to sum up, was quite substantial. Almost 45 minutes had passed since he arrived in his current location. If he wanted to finish his preparation, then he would have to hurry up before he would meet with his newly acquired enemy again.

Now that the moth would not underestimate him anymore he would constantly have to be on guard. At any moment it could rear its ugly head and swoop down from above, robbing him from his most valuable of possessions, his life.


It was finally up.

The energy of the realm had been kind to it.

Its wound had almost fully healed.

In a short time all of the things it had lost would be regained again.

Its ability had been slightly restricted.

It would do everything to prevent any more injuries.

Especially to its wings. Its precious wings.

None of the humans weapons could touch it now that it was serious.

It was hungry now.

For now it would take to fly above the fickle manmade constructs.

It would take its revenge.

Its hunger would be sated for another night.

The slightest sign of life it would find.

It would find,see and kill.

It should still have one or two earth hours till it would lose its chance for the cycle.

It had to hurry.

It was craving blood.


It had just hit 5Am

He was confident this time. This confidence was certainly not an illusion this time. It had taken an hour to set up his plan. He was glad the moth had not showed up to kill him in the time while he was setting his trap. The hit he had secured on it must have been really impactful to have taken it out for that long. Either that or it was currently stalking him, only waiting for an opportunity to have him join its other victims. Or maybe it had not yet found him. He was almost two hours away from his original location after all.

The city was big and the more confusing construction and narrow roads made it difficult to find him.

For a second Kalvin even considered hiding in some building to maybe simply avoid the moth.

This idea had two problems however. First, he was positive that a fierce predator like the big moth would have some way of tracking his movement. Second, since he did not know when he would be able to leave the place, it was possible that he would be trapped here for a long time or even for the rest of his life.


he could still get hungry in this world he would someday need to come out of hiding to replenish his supplies. Since the moth seemed to live in this world, it would be only a matter of time till he encountered it again, spelling his demise.

The moth was currently injured, meaning there was no better time to end it other than right now. Or rather, if he had the best chance right at this moment. If something were to go wrong his death would still be the outcome. Even injured, in a purely physical battle, the moth would, now that it took him seriously still win.

An analogy would be a child fighting with an Adult. Obviously in a direct fight the adult would always win.

If however the Adult would let his guard down and get punched in the nuts while not looking or defending , even a toddler could bring an adult to their knees.

In a way it was kind of ironic. Had the moth been less intelligent he would probably not have even survived for 10 seconds. It would have simply swooped down and severed his head from his neck while he was still in shock due to the entire situation overwhelming him.

In he end the true bane of intelligent beings was arrogance. The moth even used it as a weapon against him and it had almost worked. Again and again they each would succumb to arrogance.

Even though Kalvin knew his trap was not completely foolproof, he still felt confidence well up inside of him.

Yet, what else could he do but feel proud and confident at the moment. The only other remaining emotion would be fear and despair. Those two had never gotten one far in life.

But despite thinking all these complicated thoughts only one sentence left Kalvins mouth.

'Things will get hot soon.'