
Realm of Nightmares

*** The red moon was shining down upon the Dreamscape also known as Nightmare Realm. Everywhere the light fell, a creature, seeming to stem from the deepest pits of hell lingered. All were fighting. Each trying to consume the existence of the other. Reality breaking in the process. Now this cruel world, intent on satiating its endless hunger had set its eyes on earth. While two worlds Clash, one the pray and the other the predator, Kalvin alongside humanity is caught in between. This new world like many others had in the past, now stood before its ultimate fate. The reason that the universe was quiet and devoid of life had now come to earth. *** Everything shall be assimilated and the deck is to be reshuffled. The only question is if where you end up. At the top or the bottom of the food chain ? *** When neither society nor the earth itself remain, what remains for Kalvin who had lived a quiet and peaceful life until now. How will he fare in a world where death is the norm and morality a suggestion. What will the decent into hell drive humanity to? In this hell, only the strongest survive.

MasteroNothing · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Martial arts and house tour

At first Kal had not noticed, but the gold that would normally feel quite heavy when carrying around, had felt pretty light to him. When the manager had almost fallen over because of the weight, he knew something was afoot. Since the last time, he had left the nightmare realm,he had grown much stronger physically.

Even before he was able to use about two thirds of the weights of every single equipment without any problem. But ever since his muscles had started absorbing the energy even while not being damaged,

he felt he had grown stronger. But gaining that amount of strength was beyond his expectations.

While he had not reached superhuman levels in strength, he believed that he was easily in the top 1% of humanity in the department of strength. While competing in strength with a professional body builder was difficult, he could at least contend with semiprofessionals.

But this was only considering his pure explosive strength.

While he had not tested his endurance yet, he believed he was among the absolute peak of humanity.

Mainly because he would just absorb energy to heal his muscles, so while a normal humans muscles would possibly break and need recovery, with the proper technique he could regenerate a particular area for a long time, holding against the destruction with constant regeneration.

Wanting to test his guess by running for an extended period of time, he started sprinting towards his apartment.

It was about 1500 meters away from the bank.

Reaching his home within a record time, without breaking his pace once, he was impressed.

Even with the very sparse amount of energy on earth, he could still use the bit that was available to him to heal faster than normal.

What this made him realize though, was that if he wanted to become stronger, gaining more of the energy was the best way.

The heights he had reached at the moment were already nothing that could be achieved with jus a few days of training or even within a few months, when ignoring the time it would normally take to recover.

Seeing direct evidence of his training paying of, he was even more motivated than he had been before.

Knowing that doing nothing would be a waste of time, especially if he could become more powerfull, he went to go train with his martial arts teacher instead.


~Kalvins Martial arts teacher pov~

His teacher, an old man who had previously been fighting on a worldwide level in his prime, had been looking to make some money in his retirement. Martial arts simply did not pay well enough, to allow him to relax for the rest of his life, even after getting to the semifinals of the 1990 Martial arts world cup.

So he had taken to becoming a trainer. While he had received some offers to become a trainer for some people outside the country, he simply refused to leave the city. It was a good place. He knew many people here, his daughter and his cute grandchildren were reason enough, to refuse their offers to leave his home.

So when he heard some kid wanted to learn martial arts from him and was even offering a quite generous salary, he was very ready to take the offer. Especially because he would still be able to stay close to home.

When he first trained with his new student, he thought that he would just teach him some basics for a long time including some general physical exercises.

What he got instead was some kind of monster. While the first day went as expected, just doing some intense training to prepare the boys mindset for what was to come. Instead of the day or two break he would usually have his students take to not damage their body's. Instead, the student insisted on training everyday from 9 to 5.

Though he heavily advised against it, the kid did not seem to want to back down. 'Soon enough he will learn whats good for him' he thought, believing that once the insane muscle pain hit the next day, he would call of the meeting.

Subverting his expectations, the next day, perfectly on time, the boy arrived, looking as if he was not even feeling the slightest bit of pain.

No, in fact the boy looked even more energetic than he had the day before. He was emanating a healthy blow, that spoke of incredible vitality.

Once more he had trained him to the breaking point.

Yet the next day, he returned again.

This time he looked even better than before.

"Boy, what happened to you, it looks like you just grew stronger over night"

The old master spoke, not knowing he was actually completely correct.

"It must be your imagination, growing stronger over night is impossible. I probably just slept better."

Kalvin countered, not wanting to expose the truth.

"Hmph, there is no need to fool me boy, though I may be old, the way your muscles have changed and the way you walk like there was a lot of force hidden in your body, you may be able to fool some normal people, but not someone with my experience."

The master retorted.

Though Kalvin only responded with silence this time.

"Well, since you do not wish to tell me about it, don't. Everybody has their secrets. Though if you want me to train you properly stop hiding your strength. If you had shown your capability's from the. beginning we may not have needed to waste time with muscle training and gone straight to the fighting part."

Kalvin was very impressed, since with just the way he walked and some other clues, the man had figured out that he was stronger than before.

The only thing he misjudged, was that he had not hidden his strength, but instead just gotten stronger in general.

"Since I now know you have at least the basics needed to properly learn, lets not waste time today."

It appeared as if the boy in front of him was not as simple as he first expected. Nevertheless, he would teach him. He needed to fund his retirement after all.

'But seriously, what a weird kid.' The old master thought to himself.


Finally, after all that time, he had finally received his promised money from the bank. As expected, it was a hefty sum of about one and a half million. Enough to buy that house and live comfortably for a long while, Though of curse, he would make time to get some more gold from the vault in case he needed some for emergencies.

Giving a call to the real estate agency that sold the house, he quickly got himself a time where he could take a tour. Since he hinted at maybe buying the mentioned house right away and even directly payed a premium to the company for arranging a tour on the spot, a private tour could actually be arranged the very same day after a bit more negotiating on his part.

Thusly,he arrived at the house on the outskirts of the city. While he could have taken the bus or train, ( he actually did not own a car) he decided to jog to the place. It was not too straining on his body anyway ugh it may take a bit longer if he wanted to get to the building not covered in sweat from sprinting a lot of the way.

When he arrived at the designated place and time, the sun was already setting. There, he arrived to a woman leaning on the front of a nice looking car. The woman had shoulder length black hair and a rather petite figure and sharp eyes and a round face. She was wearing a business suit with a red tie around her neck, contrasting with her white shirt. At the moment she was busy looking at her phone.

Seeing him arrive from the corner of her eye, the woman looked up from her phone. Staring at him for a second, she asked him a question.

"Are you by any chance Kalvin Edevane ?"

"Indeed I am, and you knowing my name and being here at this time must mean you are here to show me the house?"

Kalvin replied with a smile on his face.

Approaching to shake the woman's hand.

"The names Amelia Wright. And you guessed correctly. I am indeed here to show you around."

"Perfect, then lets get right to it shall we?"

Kalvin asked. He hoped to finish this off rather quickly, as he planned on furnishing his house as soon as possible.

Yes, his house. Although he wanted to get a tour in order to see if the house was in as good a condition as advertised, he pretty much already planned on buying the place.

Since he would urgently need more space and wanted to get out of his apartment very much, as if he had his own house, he would be able to act more freely, and put some of his plans into motion as well as practice his ability's more freely while he was not in the nightmare world.

Walking behind Amelia, who unlocked the gate to the Mansion, they walked onto a stone pathway, that was surrounded by well kept grass, that surrounded the entire building from all sides.

The whole garden meanwhile, was surrounded by large grey brick walls, that blocked access and vision to the modern looking Villa that stood in the center, with large windows that let light inside it, showcasing the open interior.

"Like the first look? Well, wait till you see the interior the petite Woman said with a smile on her face."

And indeed, upon entering the building, he was impressed. Instead of the usual quite small rooms of his apartment he was used to, the villa had big rooms.

"High ceilings and wide rooms allow for a lot of light inside even with the sun setting, as you can see now."

Amelia advertised.

But he could do nothing more than to agree. He too liked the warm sunlight that was lighting up the whole room.

Walking into the kitchen that was

located adjacent to the first room he entered, that was divided with just a rectangular hole but without a door.

"The open and doorless structure allows for more light to reach every place of the villa, making for a great place for spending some time cooking or with the family eating."

Like this, the woman introduced the whole place to Kalvin, who looked in awe at the whole thing, that would be his soon.

Later they went to the upper story, that had 5 free rooms that he could make into bedrooms or whatever he needed. There was also a very big bathroom with a inbuilt bathtub that lowered itself into the ground, kind of resembling a pool.

There was actually a pool outside as well.

When the tour had finally finished, the sun was already setting and the two talked for a bit.

Having confirmed that the house was in a pretty good condition, he was about to request buying the whole thing right here right now.

When she heard, that he wanted to buy the whole house right now, she had to try hard to suppress her smile and her serious attitude almost crumbled.She almost drooled at the thought of the huge commission she would receive at selling this piece of land. For gods sake, this had been the first real job she had taken since she had joined the company. The only reason she was able to take it, was that there wasn't anyone available on such a short notice.

She started to find Kalvin more and more sympathetic. He had been a great company for the hours the two had spent on the tour. And now when he was going to buy the house, she started to like him even more.

Sorry for missing a chapter yesterday, did not have much time to write anything while simultaneously getting barely enough sleep.

Dont worry, I will try to post a chapter at least every two days at least and maybe more on weekends.

MasteroNothingcreators' thoughts