
Realm Of Deaths

Mated by fate to a snow wolf as a mermaid, it a rare occurance. A mixture not supposed to be linked, Being the ever first merman blessed with one from my realm. someone striped me from that golden opportunity I've been gifted with, for greed, selfishness and lust for power. who ever dares to touch or hurt my mate have to settle it with me. Because no one is born a hero or a villain, they're made by those around them and the world is about to turn me into a villain, then I'll be the villains lord.

Ivoryaseems · ファンタジー
20 Chs


" Lyra you sure this way leads to Whitehaven right", Nora asks using the bond link. 

The road they took was a narrow path which leads towards a light forest, it was filled with nature, fresh tree's, scattered scrub, blooming flowers and a small lake flowing through the path. It emits a serene essence which calms the mind. The environment looks so sacred and the peacefulness makes her wants to live there for ever. The sight was so beautiful she looks at her surrounding in awe.

" Have more trust in your maid dear, we went there alot with my Grandma when am young".

" You're still young Ly, you're not eighteen yet if am correct, you should be sixteen now if you're truly the princess". 

" You still don't believe I am the Princess right", 

Even as a wolf, Nora can still hear a hint of mockery in her tone but the edge was laced with sadness.

" I'll tell you what I went through when they executed my Grandma in the palace",

" Is she also a wolf shifter?, Nora asks.

" Yeah, she's the Luna's trusted maiden".

Nora gasp in suprise " is she by chance named Cora", Nora ask her voice tightening.

" You know about Cora", even in her wolf form, Nora still feel the suprise in her tone.

" Everyone know about her been the traitor of the throne, Alpha Sylvan invited the queen three years back saying something about a maid wanting to kill the princess". 

Lyra fell silent, she can't seem to wrap her mind round the fact that she was labelled a traitor, she was always by her side even when the guard took her away her sister was there for her. 

" You should tell me about her before we get to Whitehaven", Nora said but doesn't expect an answer from Lyra. 

" I don't know much, but I can clearly remember on the night she was taken to the palace before being labelled a traitor, her sister said something about she going to meet her mate Luis whicht turns out he was being followed by the palace best warriors, he was slayed right there so Cora loose her mind, you know how the mate bond works Nora". 

Nora was quiet listening to Lyra sad shaking voice, she can feel her heart beating faster, she's on the verge of tears. 

" Where were you when she was taken", 

" Cora intentionally took me to this clothes vendor in Moongroove, turns out she's her immediate sister, She hid me before the palace guards arrive for a search", 

" You mean you're not in the palace then, I don't get it all of it",

" Agni told me what happen when I pressured her asking her why am always in hiding and where Cora is". 

" So you don't know she was taken". Nora asks looking lost.

" I know nothing about me then, I just know we're always cowering away from the cities and towns, I always thought Cora was afraid of people or just don't like staying in town, I takes her to be my Grandma then, she's too old to be my Mom". Nora chuckles at how Lyra makes it sound. 

" Agni told me everything the night I ran into you guys at the forest, I was so many things that night, sad, angry, scared and so desperate to take out my anger on someone,

" So you knew you're the princess at that time?". 

" Yeah, that the night she told me I wasn't birthed in the palace, my dad Alpha Elaine wasn't killed in a rouge attack, and my mom, Luna Phoebe loose her mind after loosing her mate, she ends her life a few days after I was birthed. Cora took me away when she went to the palace and overheard some maids In the kitchen discussing about they'd eliminate me so Houda, daughter to Alpha Sylvan can fulfill the prophecy of alliance made between the wolf's and the water creatures".


Nora was shocked, she was speechless, when the great Alpha of Moonrise passed away, it was said he got attack by rogues colliding with the enemies and assassinated him at night. They said the Luna lost her life during child birth, Alpha Sylvan announced the Princess being taken cared of and raised by his Luna, Scylla.

Nora was agitated, how can they be this cruel just for their lust of powers. " Am sorry Ly, the queen know nothing about this all those years, she could have done something about it", 

" Come on Nora, you not the one who should be sorry but those who barred me into this situation". Lyra was so angry she couldn't mask it. 

" It my brother's destined mate we're talking about here babes, anything for you Ly". Nora said patting her head from where she was sitting. 

Lyra let out a soft chuckle, Which takes Nora by suprise.

" What funny Ly", 

" Just how bad timed it is", 

" What bad timed here Ly", 

" Finding my mate in the forest after loosing my cool, you know I felt this pull which lead me to you guys in the forest, I know he was my mate then". 

Nora's eye widen " how did you", her voice was barely a whisper, Lyra chuckle once more humming in content. Nora hit her head a little shaking her head.

" I was born with some powers which made the current Alpha feels threatened, when the oracles discovered that few years of me leaving in the palace, Alpha Sylvan planed on transfering my chi to his daughter whom was same age as me, that when Cora took me away".

Nora was taken aback, she knows some wolf are born with powers while some are just born wolf's. But those born with powers are mostly royalty for all creatures not just werewolf and their chi can be removed using some unique cultivation Arts, but it affects their mental health which makes them loose their mind, removing someone's chi makes them an empty vessel just like broken mate bond. 

" So you can tell a creatures mate by looking at them", Nora finally asks.

" Noo Anora, by looking at their eye's, for some I see their future which is how I know their mate and where they're while some I see their inner self which is what creature they're when they transform, but it mostly for other creatures whom ain't wolf shifters", 

Nora nods her head in understanding, she looks around their surroundings, the narrow path was getting wider, they gets to an open space, it was filled with different type of plants, tall trees and scattered flowers, chirping of birds in the distance and sound of running water. 

" Did I make the right choice of trusting you Ly", Nora said climbing off Lyra. She gently pulls Rayd off laying him beside a giant tree. Lyra transform into her human form sitting close to Rayd, she place her hand on his chest, feeling the soft beating of his heart which was painfully slow.

" You sure are oblivious too Anora", she said smirking. 

Nora who was about to dive into the small pool of water halt, this the second time she called her name completely, only Rayd and the queen calls her that. 

" Everyone knows the outskirts of Whitehaven, even those who've never been here", she said laying her head close to Rayd's.

" What do you mean", Nora asks noticing how close Lyra lays but ignores the questioning stare Lyra gave her when she caught her staring.

" Whitehaven is known for its abundance of nature, just like thus", Lyra said pointing at the trees and small ponds which forms separately at every parts of the area. 

" Ohhh, I never knew", Nora said jumping into the pool of water without a care. Lyra shakes her head seeing as fast as Nora transform into her Mermaid form.