
Realm of Ascendency

NPC In the real world? In the near future, a revolutionary new virtual reality MMORPG called ‘Realm of Ascendancy’ takes the gaming world by storm. Unlike traditional MMORPGs, where players create their characters and choose classes, Realm of Ascendancy introduces a groundbreaking feature known as ‘Dynamic Proficiency.’ In this game, players are not bound by pre-defined classes or abilities. Instead, they start with a blank slate and earn proficiency points by using various skills and abilities within the game world. These proficiency points can be allocated to any skill or attribute, allowing players to create truly unique and customized characters. However, a mysterious anomaly occurs during the game’s highly anticipated launch. The virtual world of Realm of Ascendancy suddenly merges with the real world, blurring the boundaries between the game and reality. Players find themselves physically transported to the game world, where their in-game actions and achievements directly impact their lives in the real world. Gabriel, an avid gamer and a skilled strategist, discovers that he possesses an extraordinary ability within the game world. He can not only earn proficiency points but also ‘steal’ and ‘borrow’ abilities from other player or Npc! ***

MidnightWolfe · ゲーム
20 Chs

Vespara, The Gatekeeper

The second day since the game merged with reality…

Everyone appeared healthy and energized after the meal. A few even display smiles that were very difficult to conceal. They weren't boisterous; however, something Gabriel, who was ahead of them, appreciated.

A curious Fiona spoke:

"How did you get the food?"

"From the cafeteria."

"You ventured outside...alone?"

The word "outside" briefly caused Gabriel to pause on his steps, and this didn't go unnoticed by Fiona; her eyebrows raised even higher.

Outside the building was usually filled with swarm of creatures so she was worried slightly.

Ending the conversation, Gabriel's eyes narrowed as he gazed intently into the distance.

"Everyone, brace yourselv–!"

Before these words could escape the young man's lips, the sound of a deafening explosion rocked the building, bringing with it a shockwave that caused everyone to crash to the floor.


For a brief moment, all the students felt a ringing sensation assault their ears. They became disoriented. A few students were writhing on the ground, clutching their ears, blood gushing out.

Scarcely a minute later, the ringing eventually faded away, and the students were now back to normal. They still felt their ears hurt a little, but it was bearable now.

When the students finally recollected their composure, they turned to the front expecting to see their leader, but all they saw was an empty space.

Apparently, the white-haired youth had run off.

Brawler approached Helen.

"Now that's a man with a sense of responsibility. The Boss is truly reliable, don't you think?"

As if Brawler was the wind, the blonde didn't make an effort to give a reply as she silently walked away.

"Common, why are all the girls treating me like this?"

Aiden shot a glare at his brother.

"I think you should stop focusing on girls and focus on how to get the students to be in order!"

A moment later, the students were about to march towards the direction Gabriel had taken, but after a stern warning from Fiona, they decided to wait. They didn't know what he was possibly facing ahead.

What if he was facing a formidable beast?


Curiosity piqued to know what was behind the cause of the deafening shockwave, Gabriel had swiftly darted forward, focusing on the direction where the sound had resonated from.

It didn't take long for him to encounter the first abomination that immediately pounced on him with its fangs bared, but the beast was cleaved into two as the mighty sword flashed.

By now, the monster drops had become too familiar. In fact, they could now be considered annoying. Thus, he proceeded to continue. However, a new screen soon flickered to life before him.

[Swiftwind bow and a quiver filled with 5 arrows was dropped]

'Finally another treasure, is it?'

Gabriel picked up the bow and quiver.

The treasure would certainly be useful. Since he wasn't adept at archery, he would naturally gift it to one of his subordinates.

Either way, he decided to give it a try first. Fishing out an arrow from the quiver, he carefully placed it on the strings and aimed ahead. Pulling the strings with a tight grip, Gabriel pressed forward, as he had already detected a beast ahead.

Eventually, the beast came into view. It was a four-legged creature, a giant bear with savage eyes.

Gabriel aimed at the forehead of the beast and released his grip on the strings.


The arrow whizzed forward in the air, causing the air to ripple as it approached its target in a flash. It was as though a projectile was fired, and the creature, seeing the approaching arrow, attempted to dodge to the left.

However, it was too late.

The arrow struck its target and pierced right through the bear, bursting out of the other side.

The arrow continued forward in the air before it suddenly spun and darted towards Gabriel, whose face was now covered in confusion.

"What is this?"

Gabriel attempted to step aside, but the arrow continued forward. When he was about to perform a slash with the great sword, he eventually saw it. The arrow was now slowly hovering ahead of him.

It didn't pierce him?

"Oh, is this what I think it is?"

Gabriel couldn't hide the excitement he felt as he read the cluster of text describing the treasure.

[Swiftwind Bow/Arrow(Rare grade treasure) A weapon that allows a player to shoot super fast arrows, dealing devastating damages. Note: the arrows can return to the quiver after hitting its target. Additional stats granted: none]

"This would certainly improve the group's strength. No wonder it had only five arrows."

Now that Gabriel thought about it, if the quiver was filled with over 100 arrows, wouldn't it make the one who possessed it overpowered?

The answer was obvious.

Another message caught Gabriel's attention:

[Combat proficiency+1]

Still deciding that he would continue to stack proficiency points, Gabriel proceeded forward. His main goal after all was to find the origin of the shockwave.

He already had an idea, but he needed to be sure. That's why he had run off when the others were disoriented.

On the way, Gabriel continued to fire more shots at the creatures. He continued to slay more beasts, but the amount of experience points they gave was pitiful.

On the bright side, his control on achery improved by leaps, yet he wasn't blinded by greed.

If it were some people, after noticing the usefulness of the bow and arrow, they would have kept it for themselves. But Gabriel was different. He was a man who valued valuable followers, and he wanted all his subordinates to be strengthened for his clandestine cause.

'Just wait, father. I'm coming for you.'

The thought of gaining an army of loyal players to do his bidding caused a smirk to appear on Gabriel's lips.

The game merging with the real world could be a curse for some people, but it was actually a blessing for Gabriel.

If it'd been the old world, he wouldn't have been able to summon the courage to face that person.

Shooting down more creatures, Gabriel made a discovery: all the beasts he had slain so far didn't possess any [Monster Shards].

"Well, I knew something like this would happen very soon."

Disregarding the thoughts of the shards, Gabriel finally caught the terrifying presence of a creature that was looming up ahead with a menacing look in its eyes. The creature would have caused anyone to turn on their heels and run. It was that terrifying.

If it weren't for him always being in control of his emotions, even Gabriel might have entertained thoughts of fleeing.

This was by far the most terrifying creature he had come across.

Gabriel put the quiver and bow away, and the mighty sword flashed in his hands, trembling as if hungry to fulfill its purpose, the one it was forged for in the first place.

Because Gabriel didn't want any inconvenience while facing this creature, he put away the newly acquired treasure and wielded the mighty sword, the weapon he was most adept with. One could even call him a master of the sword.

Narrowing his eyes, the white-haired youth pressed forward with unwavering glints in his eyes. It was never in him to run away from a fight. Instead, he would gladly welcome any foes with open hands.

Advancing forward with relaxed shoulders and deliberate, leisurely steps, Gabriel noticed something.

The place he stood was gloomy, covered by a blanket of darkness, but it was illuminated by flickering greenish flaming torches. With the lights, Gabriel could see that they were in a wide passage that could fit a thousand men, and at the end of this passage, a monster glared at him with crimson eyes.

He'd long gotten acustumed to the abrupt change of scenes in this new word.

Then, the string of text hovering just above the creature appeared.

[Vespara, void blessed…Level 6; The First Gatekeeper:(1/3)]

"What? Just level six?"

Gabriel was genuinely shocked as he discovered the level of the beast.

He'd expected to finally encounter his first boss monster. It was a fierce battle he had been anticipating for a while now, and after feeling the aura emanating from the creature, he had already subconsciously classified it as a boss-level threat, but…

Gabriel thought with a grimace.

'How? This doesn't make sense.'

For this beast to emanate a dangerous aura at this level, Gabriel knew in an instant that he needed to take this creature as seriously as he could.

Tightly gripping the hilt of the mighty sword, the distinct green flames began to shroud the blade. The heat encompassing the spot he stood became fierce. This was the first time he had attempted to draw out this much flame from the sword.

Because he wanted to finish the fight as fast as he could, Gabriel charged forward and performed a wide swing that caused a large quantity of green flame to surge forth towards the beast, whose figure was still shrouded in darkness.

Even now, the white-haired youth failed to see the outline of his enemy.

As the flame shot forward in an arc at the speed of light, the beast suddenly dissipated into the darkness.


A thunderous explosion rang out as the flame missed its mark.

Gabriel still had his guard up. Since he hadn't seen any message announcing the death of the creature, he knew that his one-time big attack, which he had planned to use to finish the fight in one hit, was a failure.

By instinct, Gabriel spun around and performed a slash, shooting out another arc of flames, but the flame hit nothing.

Normally, if someone vanished in front of you, you'd naturally look behind you. This was the reason Gabriel had abruptly slashed at seemingly empty air behind him, but once again, he was proved wrong.

'These monsters are intelligent; underestimating them is digging your own grave.'

Gabriel became even more cautious.

He attempted to pinpoint the enemy's hiding spot by using his ears. Everywhere was eerily quiet, however.

Gabriel furrowed his brows.

"How can a level 6 beast be this difficult to defeat?"

He'd vanquished a level 20 beast effortlessly, so why was this seemingly weaker beast giving him so much trouble?

Just from this little encounter, Gabriel could tell that this beast was more formidable compared to the previous ones he had slain.


Gabriel threw his head to the direction of the sound and performed a sequence of slashes, roughly 20 in mere seconds.

[Combat proficiency +1]

Seeing this message would have caused a smile for Gabriel, but at this moment, he didn't feel anything…

"If I hadn't increased my stats, I wonder what would have happened by now."

The young man eyes became sharp. It was obvious that this beast wanted to play mind games with him, something he disliked greatly.


He heard another sound again. This time, he didn't perform any slashes because he…he knew that there was no one there. The beast made that sound for a purpose.



More sounds reverberated yet Gabriel barely budged from his spot.

He waited a little, but the anticipated sound wasn't heard. Then the sound finally came 3 seconds later. This time, Gabriel spun around and executed a slash.


It felt like the greatsword hit metal as a disorienting sound filled the air. Gabriel drew his sword back. He pressed forward and slashed again, the same clang was heard, then he saw it. Those bloody eyes were now visible.

"Found you!"

Without further ado, Gabriel activated the [Thousand Strike Art].

The difference, however, was that he was using a sword.

In the blink of an eye, numerous clangs were heard as Gabriel continued to strike the creature, which used its scythe-like limbs to nimbly parry all the sword strikes like an expert.

As though sensing that Gabriel was about to make a hit that would be devastating, the Vespara opened its mouth, giving view to a row of malicious teeth as a huge explosive sound rang out.


Gabriel found himself flying in the air, and with a loud sound, he crashed into a passage wall engulfed in green flames. Rising from the rubble of shattered rocks, Gabriel wiped a trail of blood from his lips as he clenched his ribs with a painful expression.

'So it was the cause of the shockwave.'

Gabriel tightened his grasp on the [Flaming Sword of Annihilation], but he discovered something…

The sword was no longer in his grasp… gazing around, he found nothing. Then he scrutinize the beast, whose body was still cloaked in eternal darkness.

Within the grasp of this abomination, the mighty great sword gleamed dangerously. Even a mocking grin now crossed the beast's face.

Seeing that mocking look, Gabriel's eyes narrowed as he bolted towards the creature, which used the mighty sword to slash furiously.

However, the youth didn't hold back as he began to knock the sword with his bare hands, but it was at the cost of receiving deep cuts all over his arms.

The beast's grin increased as the speed at which it slashed increased.

Gabriel gritted his teeth, muffling a cry of pain. His entire arms were now covered in deep wounds. As he drew closer to deliver a blow, the same shockwave blasted him back.

With unwavering glint in his eyes, Gabriel rose up and pressed forward despite the pain emanating from his hands.

Vespara opened its mouth again, and Gabriel's determination grew as he started all over again.


Gabriel eventually dropped his hands and began to approach the beast. The creature, bewirlded, slashed at Gabriel's chest.

But that didn't stop the youth from advancing. He continued to stumble forward, and the beast made another slash at his knees.

Gabriel collapsed to his knees, and the abommiation stared down at him with no mercy apparent in its eyes, its mouth opening slowly.

From a closed space like this, if the creature shot out its shockwave, it would undoubtedly be devastating. Worse, it could kill Gabriel within mere seconds.

Vespara's jaws expanded, and the invisible energy began to boil furiously in its mouth as it proceeded to shoot out the energy.

But… Gabriel stretched out his hands, touching vespara on its legs as a blinding light eveloped the darkness for a moment.

[Ding! You have absorb the skill shockwave from Vespara.…]