
Realm of Ascendance

In a not-so-distant future where virtual reality has become an inseparable part of society, the immersive game "Realm of Ascendance" captivates players with its vast fantasy realm. Meet Alex, an anomaly in this world, physically weak but possessing extraordinary magical talents within the game. As Alex's reputation for unparalleled magical prowess grows, he unwittingly stumbles upon a hidden plot, driven by a mysterious group seeking to exploit the game's mechanics for personal gain. Intrigued and determined to protect the integrity of the virtual world he cherishes, Alex delves deeper, gradually uncovering the extent of their machinations. Alongside his like-minded allies, he forms unlikely alliances, challenging the complex web of political rivalries within the game. However, as secrets unravel, Alex discovers a dormant power within himself, one that blurs the boundaries between the virtual and real worlds. The revelation both astounds and frightens him, for he realizes the immense impact his unique abilities hold. With the oppressive ruling faction tightening its grip, Alex embraces his extraordinary powers, becoming the catalyst for change. Guided by resilience and personal growth, he leads his allies in an exhilarating quest to expose the hidden plot, facing formidable challenges and adversaries along the way. Their journey intertwines the fate of the virtual and real worlds, as the implications of their actions reverberate beyond imagination. As tensions mount and stakes escalate, Alex undergoes a profound transformation, shedding self-doubt to emerge as a confident and resolute leader. In a climactic battle, he unleashes his dormant power, challenging the fabric of reality itself. The lines between the virtual and real worlds blur, and the destiny of both realms hangs in the balance.

FIRE_ANGEL · ファンタジー
17 Chs

The Awakening [1]

The room was cloaked in darkness, matching the heavy atmosphere that weighed upon Alex's shoulders. He lay huddled beneath a thick blanket, seeking solace in the shadows. The persistent taunts of his classmates and the indifference of his teachers had taken their toll on him. The cruel words echoed in his mind, chipping away at his already fragile self-esteem.

As the door creaked open, a sliver of light pierced through the gloom, gradually illuminating the room. It was Alex's father, Jones, a man who had always been a pillar of support in his son's life. Concern etched across his face as he took in the sight of his despondent son.

Jones approached Alex's bedside, his footsteps gentle yet purposeful. "Alex," he said, his voice laden with both worry and determination. "You can't stay cooped up in here forever. I know things have been tough, but we need to find a way for you to regain your confidence and find joy again."

Alex shifted slightly, peering up at his father with weary eyes. "What's the point, Dad? It's not like anything will change. I'm always the target of their ridicule. It's as if I'm invisible to everyone but you."

Jones sighed, his heart heavy with the weight of his son's pain. "I can't pretend to understand everything you're going through, Alex. But I refuse to believe that you're destined to be a victim forever. Life has a way of surprising us when we least expect it."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, his eyes gleaming with a glimmer of hope. "I bought something for you. It might not solve all your problems, but it might offer a temporary escape, a chance to discover a different world where you can be whoever you want to be."

Alex's curiosity was piqued, but skepticism lingered in his voice. "What is it?"

Jones placed the box on the bed beside Alex, revealing a sleek VR-RPG headset. "It's a virtual reality role-playing game, 'Realm of Ascendance'. I thought it might be a way for you to explore a different side of yourself, to experience strength and power, even if just for a little while."

Alex's eyes widened, his curiosity slowly overcoming his doubts. The prospect of escaping his mundane existence, even if confined to a virtual realm, held a glimmer of allure.

"But Dad," he hesitated, "if the game mirrors real-life attributes, won't I just be weak in the game too?"

Jones smiled, a flicker of excitement dancing in his eyes. "That's where the magic lies, Alex. Sometimes, the greatest strength comes from the places we least expect. Don't let your physical limitations define your potential."

With a mixture of apprehension and newfound hope, Alex nodded. "Okay, Dad. I'll give it a try."

Jones clasped his son's shoulder, his voice filled with pride. "That's all I ask, Alex. Remember, this game isn't about winning or losing—it's about discovering something within yourself. You have the power to surprise everyone, including yourself."

As Jones left the room, Alex took a deep breath, anticipation swirling within him. With trembling hands, he carefully donned the VR-RPG headset, the world around him fading away as the virtual realm beckoned.

In that moment, Alex dared to dream of a place where he could rewrite his story, where strength and confidence were not dictated by the confines of his physical form.

As Alex stood in front of the signboard that read "Welcome to Village Tervana," he took a moment to absorb the surroundings. The vibrant colors and intricate details of the virtual world were awe-inspiring, almost indistinguishable from reality. A sense of anticipation and excitement coursed through his veins.

Curiosity urged him forward, his virtual feet carrying him towards the large wooden gate guarding the outpost of the village. As he approached, he noticed the two men stationed there, donned in silver-colored armor. They stood tall and imposing, their gazes vigilant yet welcoming.

With a newfound sense of confidence, Alex approached the guards, his eyes focused on their intricate armor. He couldn't help but wonder if their appearances mirrored their real-life counterparts as well. Would their stature and skills be a reflection of their physical attributes?

"Good day, travelers," one of the guards greeted, his voice resonating with authority. "What brings you to Village Tervana?"

Alex took a moment to compose himself before responding. "I'm new to this realm. I seek adventure and a chance to prove myself. I'm here to explore, to test my skills, and perhaps make a difference."

The second guard studied Alex for a moment before a faint smile graced his lips. "We welcome brave souls like yourself. Tervana offers a myriad of opportunities for those who dare to venture forth. Just remember, the challenges you face within these lands are not merely battles of strength but also of wit and resilience."

Alex nodded, absorbing the guard's words. This world seemed to hold more depth and complexity than he initially anticipated.

"Before you proceed, young adventurer," the first guard spoke, his tone stern yet encouraging, "I must remind you to always remain vigilant. This realm can be unpredictable, and dangers lurk where you least expect them. Equip yourself with weapons, armor, and companions to aid you on your journey. And remember, your true strength lies not only in your abilities but in your determination to persevere."

The guards parted, allowing Alex passage through the gate and into the heart of Village Tervana. The sounds of bustling marketplaces, laughter, and the clinking of weapons filled the air. Buildings adorned with intricate designs lined the streets, and NPCs (non-player characters) and other players moved about, each with their own quests and ambitions.

As Alex ventured deeper into the village, he noticed various shops and stalls offering a wide array of items: weapons, armor, potions, and magical artifacts. The possibilities were endless, and the urge to acquire gear to aid his journey stirred within him.

Determined to equip himself for the challenges ahead, Alex stepped into a blacksmith's shop. The sound of clanging metal and the warm glow of the forge greeted him. The blacksmith, a burly NPC with a grizzled beard, glanced up from his work.

"Greetings, traveler," the blacksmith said, wiping sweat from his brow. "What brings you to my humble forge? Looking for a weapon, are you?"

Alex nodded, examining the various weapons displayed on the walls. "I seek a blade worthy of a warrior, something that can withstand the trials that lie ahead."

The blacksmith's eyes gleamed with understanding. "Ah, a warrior's spirit burns within you. Let me show you my finest creations."

As the blacksmith showcased his collection, Alex marveled at the craftsmanship and the enchantments imbued within the weapons. After careful consideration, he selected a gleaming sword that seemed to resonate with his own determination.

'' Status " Alex called and a screen opened.


[Player Name: Alex Walker] [Level: 1] [Experience Points: 0/100]

Health points: 10/10






Strength: 5

Agility: 3

Intelligence: 10

Vitality: 4

Mana: 50


[Magic Bolt][Grade: Inert] (Level 1)

Unleash a bolt of magical energy towards the target, dealing damage based on Intelligence attribute.

Cooldown : 10 s

Mana require : 5

[Healing Touch][Grade: Unique] (Level 1)

Channel restorative magic to heal minor wounds and restore a small amount of Health Points (HP) up to 3 points.

Cooldown : 30 s

Mana require : 3

[Dash][Grade: common](Level 1)

help user to make a 10 meter dash.

Cooldown : 1 min

Mana requires : None


Weapon: Steel Longsword

Attack: +5

Durability: 100/100

Armor: Novice Robes

Defense: +2

Durability: 80/80


Health Potion x3

Mana Potion x2

Small Bag of Gold (10 gold coins)




No party members currently


Gold: 10

[Virtual Attributes]

Avatar Appearance: Customizable

Avatar Gender: Male

Avatar Race: Human


None unlocked yet

[Game Time]

Hours Played: 00 : 30

Days Passed: 00


Sound: On

Graphics: High

Language: English


With the newly acquired weapon in hand, Alex felt a surge of confidence and purpose. He knew he had taken the first step towards his true awakening. The challenges ahead would be arduous, but he was determined to prove that one's true strength was not solely dictated by their physical attributes.

Alex paid 5 Gold coins to the shop owner for the sword and left the shop. Leaving the blacksmith's shop, Alex took a moment to soak in the bustling atmosphere of Village Tervana. The scent of adventure lingered in the air, beckoning him towards the unknown. The path ahead was vast and uncertain, but he was ready to embrace his anomaly, his hidden power, and reshape the boundaries between the virtual and real world.

With each step, Alex embarked on a journey that would test his mettle, forge lasting friendships, and unravel the mysteries that lay within the realm of "Ascendance." Little did he know that the greatest adventure of his life was just beginning.

A/N : hope you will like my work. pleas give me power stone

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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