

( just another abandoned story. an approach to harry potter with a realistic touch. as mentioned it is abandoned and not complete. while I will not call this one enjoyable it is worth reading. ) Harry returns to Privet Drive after 4th year and finds it...empty! What do you do when you can't go to your friends for help? Additional Story Notes FYI: a. AU Summer before Fifth Year Fic, b. Not particularly fast-paced. (harry potter belongs to JK Rowlings. and I am not the author of this fanfiction. all credits for this fanfiction goes to wish weaver. this story is available on fanfiction.net)

whitethief274 · 書籍·文学
81 Chs

Chapter 74- Meeting at the Leaky cauldron( part 2).

"Sure, bud," Steve said easily. "So the Gandalf look-alike is Professor Dumbledore?"

Harry frowned. "Gandalf?"

Steve blinked in mock amazement, then gave Harry a big grin. "Oh, man, when you finish that little novel of Jannie's, do I have a story for you!"

Harry made a noncommittal noise, grateful for the offer, but not certain he was going to be able to start another reading project. Not the way Snape was glaring at him.

"Friendly looking bunch," Janet murmured behind him, then there was no more time for talking. They were standing in front of the teacher's table.

Harry met Dumbledore's somber blue eyes and resisted an urge to squirm. "Hello, Professor Dumbledore."

Dumbledore responded with a small nod. "Good day, Mr. Potter. Feeling better I trust?"

"Yes, sir." Harry took a step to the side, then indicated the family behind him. "I'd like to introduce you to the Wright family, Professor. This is Steve and Janet, and their children Katrina and Rebecca. Steve, Janet, this is Professor Dumbledore, my headmaster, Professor McGonagall, deputy headmistress, and head of Gryffindor House, Professor Flitwick, head of Ravenclaw House, Professor Sprout, head of Hufflepuff House, Professor Snape, head of Slytherin House, and-" Harry stumbled when he realized he didn't know the last person's name. She came to his rescue, though, smiling and extending a hand.

"Professor Abigail Penstone, Mr. Potter. Head Registrar of the Salem Witches' Institute," she said, as Harry automatically clasped her hand. Moving out from behind the table, she greeted Steve and Janet. "Mr. Wright, Mrs. Wright, the Hogwarts professors and I thought we might be able to answer some of your questions about our schools while Professor Dumbledore has a brief chat with Mr. Potter."

Steve and Janet looked at each other, then at Harry. "Is that all right with you, sweetie?" Janet asked, as Hogwarts heads of house filed out from behind the table to join Professor Penstone.

Harry smiled, bolstered by the idea that Janet would tell five senior professors that they could bloody well wait a minute if he wanted her to. He might have been tempted if this was Professor Snape he was facing off with, but he trusted Dumbledore not to do anything too painful. Well, physically, anyway. "I'll be fine."

"Okay." Janet reached out and gave his arm a little squeeze before allowing Steve to lead her to a neighboring table the teachers had already gathered around.

Taking a deep breath, Harry turned his attention back to table three, and Professor Dumbledore. Calm, blue eyes still studied him, but the Hogwarts headmaster didn't seem angry. In fact, if Harry wasn't grossly mistaken, his headmaster seemed intrigued.

"Remarkable." Dumbledore came around the table and very gently touched the pads of his first two fingers under Harry's chin. "Quite remarkable. There's just enough of a change..."

Harry had nothing to say to that, so he stood uncertainly before the older wizard.

Dumbledore's hand fell away from his face and disappeared into one of his robe pockets. "Well, I suppose we should get on with this," he said, a faint note of regret in his voice that made Harry feel sick inside.

This is it. he thought, expecting an expulsion scroll, or worse, some sort of magical wand snapper. Dumbledore's hand reappeared, but to Harry's surprise, it was holding an open Honeydukes bag full of familiar yellow candies. "Lemon drop?"

Harry glanced from the bag of sweets to his headmaster's face. "I'm not being expelled?" he asked cautiously.

Dumbledore gave his a sad smile. "No, dear boy. You are not going to be expelled. You haven't performed one hint of underage magic though your entire ordeal. You might also be interested to know, that unless you expressly wish it, you will not be returned to your aunt and uncle's care."

That definitely got Harry's attention. "I-I'm not? But where will I go?" Do I have to go anywhere?

"That is one of the things I wished to discuss with you." Professor Dumbledore indicated the table. "Please, be seated, I'm afraid the explanation could take some time."

Feeling a little overwhelmed, Harry nodded and reached for a chair, turning at the last second when the fireplace flashed green. Before Harry had time to do more than blink, a streak of black fur came racing across the dining room, and two great forepaws hit him squarely in the chest. After that things got a little confused. The last clear memory Harry had was angry-sounding barks, Janet's horrified shriek, and all the air leaving his lungs in a great rush as he collided painfully with the Leaky Cauldron's floor.


"What's happening?"

"Are they there yet, Remus?"

"Let me see, Professor Lupin!"

Remus threw a harassed look over his shoulder. "Back off you lot! I can barely see or hear anything with you all making so much noise. Harry and the Muggle family just arrived. They're walking over to Dumbledore's table."

"I don't see why Professor Dumbledore won't let us greet Harry properly," Ron complained. Since his back was to the room at large, Remus allowed himself an exasperated eye roll. Now that he thought of it, having everyone wait in the parlor until Harry and his Muggle friends entered was a feat only Dumbledore could have achieved.

Hermione sighed audibly, making Remus chuckle when she said, "Oh, Ronald!"

"I think he wants to make sure Steve and his family aren't frightened off by this crowd," Arthur Weasley put in, deftly cutting off the squabble threatening to erupt. His wife, on the other hand, wasn't so easily pacified.

"Rubblish!" she scoffed.

"Now, now, dear, magical training isn't a small decision, and there are quite a few of us," Hermione's mother said.

"I suppose."

Remus shook his head. Molly's acceptance of this whole thing was shaky at best. If the Burrow hadn't been damaged, he reckoned she'd be more then happy to pack Harry up and take him home with her. Even now he suspected she'd insist Harry give up wherever he'd been living and stay with her family at the Leaky Cauldron.

Returning his attention to the scene in the dining room, Remus noticed the group had split up. The other teachers were talking to the Muggles while Dumbledore dealt with Harry. Even better, some of the tension was beginning to leave the boy's shoulders. Remus was beginning to think that this might turn out all right after all, when a complication showed up. A complication named Padfoot.

Remus tried to shout a warning, but it was too late. Sirius just never seemed to realize how big he was as Padfoot. He'd toppled all his friends at Hogwarts at one time or another, and with the exception of Peter, they'd all been fair sized boys.

Harry never stood a chance. When taken by surprise by about 150 pounds of excited dog, he went down like a ton of bricks.

"That idiot!" Remus grimaced when the Muggle mother's terrified shriek reached his eardrums, but to be fair he couldn't really blame her. Sirius never appreciated how ferocious he sounded either. The literal translation of the black dog's barks, snarls and growls was most likely "Where have you been? Why didn't you write? We've all been so worried!" but to the uninitiated, Padfoot appeared ready to rip Harry's throat out. "Stay in here," he barked to the other occupants of the parlor, rather amazed when they actually complied.

Shaking his head, Remus stalked out of the parlor, determined to pull Sirius off Harry, but the Muggle woman got there first. Surprised, Remus watched in amazement as her bag collided solidly with Sirius' ribs, knocking him off Harry's chest. Well, that's one way to do it, Remus thought, quickening his stride, then slowing down again. Sirius did sort of have this coming, the great git. 'I won't come to the Leaky Cauldron with you' indeed! Maybe he'd let her get a few licks in... Maybe she'd let him claim a couple of them.

"Remus! Stop this or I will!" Arthur Weasley hissed in his ear. "Harry doesn't need to deal with this and the Wrights are frightened to death!"

"Bad dog! Bad dog!" The mother was swinging the bag for all she was worth now, though by her scent panic was driving her on rather than any true malice. To his left Remus saw the father had lifted both his daughters onto a table-the little one pushchair and all-and was hurrying towards his wife. Stopping a second, he glanced back at Harry had been helped into a sitting position by Professor Dumbledore, but Harry waved him on.

Watching, Remus felt a guilty flush bloom on his cheeks. Arthur was right. Harry looked horrified, and Professors McGonagall, Sprout and Flitwick seemed to have their hands full between calming the Wright girls and preventing Snape and Abigail Penstone from leaping into the fray.

"Jannie! Janet!" Remus snorted in spite of himself when the mother swung around at the sound of her name and nearly flattened her husband with the bag. "Criminey, woman! Gimmee that! Now get back!" he ordered, shoving her behind him.

Responding to the more overt threat, Remus hurried forward, leaving Arthur standing a few feet in front of the parlor door. He wasn't sure Sirius would make it if the other Muggle decided to have a go at him. "Hang on! Just a moment! Please, there's been a misunderstanding!"

"Is this your dog?" the Muggle father asked. Sirius, Remus noted, seemed okay but was wisely staying down.

"I..." Remus moved to stand by Sirius and searched for an acceptable story. "I'm looking after him for a friend. Terribly sorry. He just doesn't know his own size-thinks he's still a puppy."

"What in-Remus, really! I'm shocked!" Tom scolded, coming out of the kitchen with trays of tea and biscuits floating in his wake. "You know I don't allow animals in here! I'm afraid you'll both have to leave."

"No, wait..."


"Please, Tom, can't he stay? I...I haven't seen either of them all summer."

The mother's defensive demeanor slipped somewhat. "You know this dog?"

Harry nodded earnestly. "He didn't mean to knock me down, he was just excited."

"Excited? He looked about ready to tear you to pieces!"

Harry fidgeted a bit. "He was probably scolding me. I think I might have worried him a bit."

The mother crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "The dog was worried."

Remus saw Harry glance at Sirius. "I think so." Responding to his godson's words, or perhaps the uncertain note in his quiet voice, Sirius immediately sat up, bobbed his head, and barked once. Seeming heartened by the positive response, Harry smiled and held out a hand. Taking his cue, Sirius immediately trotted over to him and gave him a huge, slobbery lick on the cheek.

Remus beamed in what he hoped was his most charming manner. "There, you see?" he said, as Harry scratched a now-grinning Padfoot behind the ears. "It was all just a misunderstanding."

"A dog who understands English. Great." Janet pinched the bridge of her nose while her husband came over and put an arm around her shoulders. "I suppose he's magical, too."

Harry didn't let that one get by. Remus grinned. Harry might not have been his most disciplined student, but no one could accuse him of being slow on his feet. "That's right."

Janet sighed. "It appears I owe you an apology, dog, but in the future, I'd appreciate it if you were more careful. Harry's been sick for the last few days, and just got back on his feet."

In a move Remus thought a trifle overdone, Sirius draped a forepaw over his muzzle and whined in response.

"Lovely, now that you have that settled, Remus and the dog can leave on a positive note," Tom observed. When Harry started to object, he held up a hand. "I can't have him in the dining area, lad."

"What about one of the parlors? Please, Tom, I'll make sure the room has a good cleaning after. You'll never know he was there."

Tom rubbed a hand over his bald pate, clearly at odds with the whole situation. "All right, lad, but I'm holding you responsible for any accidents."

Harry nodded. "Agreed." Turning to Professor Dumbledore he asked, "Shall we go in, then?"

"After you. Oh, I should tell you, Mr. Ronald Weasley, Miss Granger, and their families are waiting inside. I had planned to let you get your bearings first, but you see what happened."

"That's all right, sir. I'd rather not tell the story more than once..." Harry trailed off looking uncertainly at Kitty and Becky.

"I think I know most of this part. I'll stay with the girls," Janet offered, earning a grateful smile from Harry. "We can talk to Professor Penstone until Professor Dumbledore is ready for us."

"An excellent idea, madam. I will be happy to remain with you to answer any questions you have about Hogwarts or its curriculum," Snape offered smoothly.

Oh, great, Remus thought, unsure whether or not this was a good idea. Harry evidently shared his sentiments. "Professor Dumbledore..." he began, but it was Professor McGonagall who came to his rescue.

"An excellent idea, Severus. Between Professor Penstone and the Hogwarts Heads of House, I'm sure we'll be able to answer all of the Wrights' questions."

Dumbledore nodded his approval. "Very good, Professor McGonagall."

Remus was about to escort Harry into the parlor, but the Muggle father approached. Being a werewolf had it's definite downsides, but there were times when his enhanced senses could be very useful. Curious as to what the Muggle had on his mind, Remus shamelessly listened in.

"Are you okay on your own? Tom or I can go in with you if you like, but one of us needs to stay with Janet. I'm not sure about that one sour-looking character from Hogwarts. He reminds me of a snake-oil salesman."

Remus was hard pressed to control his own features when Harry snorted at this last observation.

The father noticed, too. "Of course if you prefer, Tom and I could talk to the Professors and Janet could come in with you. No one will give you grief more than once when they see that diaper bag turned morningstar of hers." He paused artfully. "All she needs is a few spikes and a chain."

That got a smile and a laugh. Remus grinned as well. Maybe this guy wouldn't be so bad to have around. No matter who got the actual guardianship, he doubted Harry would want to sever ties with this family.

Sirius had evidently come to the same conclusion. Remus grinned. Sirius might be unable to speak in his Padfoot form, but that didn't mean he couldn't make himself understood. He barked at Harry, then he butted his head up against the father's leg, pushing him forward a bit.

Harry knelt down to the dog's level. "Really? You don't mind?" he asked, sputtering when Sirius licked his face again.

"I take it that's a yes," Steve observed, turning to signal his wife and Tom.

Remus thought Harry looked a little more confident, as he climbed back to his feet. "All right, then, let's get this over with," he said to no one on particular, and heading toward one of the Leaky Cauldron's parlors.

He never made it.

As soon as the Weasleys and the Grangers saw him heading in their general direction they came thundering out the door to greet him.

Surprisingly, given how badly the kids wanted to catch up with Harry, Molly Weasley was leading the pack, face like a thundercloud and scolding finger at the ready. "Harry James Potter! Where have you been?"she demanded, faltering when she got close enough to look at him properly, and hesitating even more when Harry took an unconscious step back, bumping into Steve. "Is that you, Harry dear?"

Remus noted Harry was looking rather like an owl in daylight, but he recovered nicely once Molly was no longer coming at him like a freight train. "It's me, Mrs. Weasley," he verified, then stopped and bit his lower lip. An awkward silence fell until Steve nudged him. "Throw her a bone, kid. Say you're glad to see her or something," he prompted in a voice only Harry and Remus could hear.

Harry nodded slightly, then did as he was told. "It's good to see you, all of you," he offered, directing the first part at Molly and the second at the group at large. Seeking out Arthur and Molly Weasley he added, "I'm sorry about the Burrow."

Steve barely had time to get out of the way before Harry was enveloped in a tearful hug. "Oh you naughty boy! We've been so worried! Never you mind about the Burrow. What were you thinking? You could have been captured! You could have died!" Molly scolded as the others gathered around.

"Hmm, yeah, I see now what he was worried about," Steve said with a grin, moving to stand alongside Remus, and indicating the excited group. The boys had pried Harry loose from their mother's grasp and were taking turns ruffling his hair and pounding him on the back.

Remus laughed in spite of himself as Ginny elbowed Ron out of the way so she and Hermione could give Harry hugs. "They're good people. A little exciteable perhaps, but good people." He paused, mulling over what Steve had said a second, then asked, "Harry was worried?"

"Yeah." When Remus and Padfoot both looked at him, Steve shrugged. "Let's just say he was expecting a much colder reception. Janet, Poppy and I tried to reassure him, but he wouldn't believe us," he said, breaking off with a grin as Harry, Ron and Hermione came over to them.

"Professor Dumbledore wants to wait until Janet can join us," Harry told Steve, "so, you can go listen to the Professors if you want."

Steve nodded. "Thanks, bud, don't mind if I do." He started toward Tom and Janet's table, then stopped and looked back at Harry. "And by the way, you owe me five bucks."


"So you say Potter's Muggle family and his folder are gone?"

Percy Weasley nodded. "Yes, Minister. The uncle accepted an overseas position with his company, and they appear to have left Potter behind."

"Behind? You mean alone?"

"I..." Percy stopped and spread his hands helplessly, wishing he hadn't been so short with his father a few days ago. There was definitely more to this story than he knew, but he was sure his parents had enough to be getting on with after vandals had damaged the Burrow a few nights ago.

"I'm not sure, sir," he finally admitted, feeling horrible since he hadn't even bothered to send an owl. Stop that. You can do it later, Percy counseled himself, forcibly dragging his mind back on track. "Arabella Figg knew Potter's relatives were gone, though. She said the uncle only had a short time to prepare for his move. Someone must have known, though. She thought I had come out to gather specifications so the warding in Surrey could be dismantled."

"Yes, yes, that will have to be done..." Cornelius Fudge muttered distractedly. "Be a good chap and drop by the Auror's Warding Office, will you?"

"Of course, Minister."

"This is a most irregular transfer of guardianship. I'm concerned the proper procedures weren't followed. At the very least the proper forms have to be filed unless..."

"Unless what, Minister?" Percy asked, when the silence began to stretch out.

"Unless Potter's relatives were having difficulty finding a suitable place for him. The boy can be a handful at times."

"As you say, Minister. I know Potter has seemed discontent living in the Muggle World," Percy said, as the conversation he had with his father crossed his mind for perhaps the millionth time. "Perhaps he would be happier in the Wizarding World. My mum and dad have offered to take him in."

"Arthur Weasley? Shelter another child? Don't be daft, man! Besides, aren't you always carrying on that he has more people in his house than he can manage?"

Percy opened his mouth, then closed it again. What could he say? The minister was right.

"However, I do think you may be onto something," Fudge continued, missing or ignoring Percy's aborted reply. "It's high time Harry Potter learned about the Wizarding World and his place in it. Perhaps hiding him in the Muggle World was a mistake. Perhaps I should look into placing him in a magical family this time. Excuse me, will you Mr. Weasley? I want to make a few Floo calls.
