
Reality Rewrite: Jake's Playful Power

Jake, an ordinary high school student, discovers an extraordinary ability to manipulate reality itself. With a simple thought, he can alter perceptions, change outcomes, and bend the world to his whims. But Jake isn't interested in grand ambitions or sinister plots; he just wants to have fun.

notmexican · 都市
6 Chs

New Realities

Jake lay under the shade of a large oak tree, enjoying the warm afternoon sun. Karen was nestled against him on one side, her head resting on his shoulder, while Emily was on the other side, her hand gently intertwined with his. The size difference between Jake and the girls was evident, emphasizing his protective, dominant role in their trio.

Karen sighed contentedly, looking up at Jake. "This is nice," she murmured.

Emily nodded, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the moment. "Yeah, really nice."

Jake smiled, feeling the warmth of their affection. "You know," he said, breaking the silence, "I could fall asleep right here."

Karen giggled, giving him a playful nudge. "You always want to sleep, Jake."

Emily opened her eyes, a mischievous glint in them. "Or maybe you just want an excuse to have us around you all the time."

Jake chuckled, turning his head to kiss Karen on the forehead, then doing the same to Emily. "Maybe I do," he said, smirking.

The girls blushed but didn't pull away. Instead, Karen reached up and kissed Jake on the cheek, while Emily did the same on the other side. "Weird how we both like the same guy, huh?" Karen remarked.

Emily nodded, looking thoughtful. "Yeah, it's strange. But I guess it just means Jake is special."

Jake grinned, enjoying the attention. "You two are the ones who are special. How many guys get to have two beautiful girls fawning over them?"

Karen and Emily exchanged a glance, then burst into laughter. "Jake, you're such a pervert," Karen teased.

"But you're the ones who are so submissive," Jake shot back, his grin widening. "Always doing what I want."

The girls blushed even more but couldn't hide their smiles. "Speaking of which," Jake said, stretching lazily, "I'm getting hungry. How about you two grab us some lunch from the cafeteria?"

Emily and Karen both nodded eagerly. "Sure, Jake," Emily said. "We'll be back soon."

As they walked to the cafeteria, the girls chatted about their day. Suddenly, Lila appeared in their path, her innocent demeanor now replaced by an aura of seductive confidence. Her eyes gleamed with a knowing light as she approached them.

"Well, if it isn't Jake's little concubines," she said with a sly smile, her voice dripping with mockery.

Karen's face turned beet red. "We're not his concubines!" she protested. "We're... we're his girlfriends."

Lila's laughter rang out, echoing through the hallway. "Girlfriends, concubines, what's the difference?" she said, her smile widening. "Either way, you're both under his spell, just like everyone else will be."

Emily stepped forward, her brow furrowed. "What do you mean by that, Lila?"

Lila's eyes glinted with mischief. "Oh, haven't you figured it out yet? Jake's not the only one with special abilities around here." She leaned in closer, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "I'm a succubus."

Karen and Emily gasped, stepping back instinctively. "A succubus?" Karen repeated, her voice trembling.

Lila nodded, her smile never faltering. "That's right. And let me tell you, there's a lot more going on at this school than you realize." She straightened, brushing off her skirt. "Enjoy your time with Jake. Things are going to get very interesting."

With that, Lila turned and walked away, her laughter lingering in the air like a haunting melody.

Emily and Karen exchanged bewildered looks. "Did she just say she's a succubus?" Emily asked.

Karen nodded slowly. "Yeah, she did. And she seemed pretty serious about it."

They walked to the cafeteria in silence, gathering their thoughts. As they waited in line, Karen finally spoke up. "Jake's got some pretty weird abilities, doesn't he? We've never really asked him about them."

Emily nodded. "Yeah, we've been too shy. But after what Lila said... maybe we should."

Karen blushed, remembering her earlier slip. "And I called us his girlfriends."

Emily giggled. "You did. But honestly, I don't mind. I... I like the idea of being Jake's girlfriend. Even if it's with you."

Karen smiled, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. "Yeah, me too. It is weird, but I guess it just is what it is."

Emily nodded firmly. "Then let's not hide it. If we like Jake this much, we should be proud of it."

The next day, Jake walked to school with Karen and Emily on either side of him. The girls were animatedly telling him about their encounter with Lila and the decision they made.

"Wait, you told people we're in a three-way relationship?" Jake asked, his eyes wide with surprise.

Karen nodded, a bit sheepish. "Yeah, it kind of spread quickly."

Before Jake could respond, his two best friends appeared, practically bouncing with excitement. "Jake! Dude! Is it true?" one of them asked, eyes wide with curiosity. "You're dating both Karen and Emily?"

The other friend laughed, clapping Jake on the back. "Man, you're living the dream! How did you pull that off?"

Jake smiled, glancing at Karen and Emily who were both smiling shyly. "I guess I just got lucky," he said, pulling them closer. "Really lucky."

As his friends continued to pepper him with questions, Jake couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and happiness. Despite the strange and unexpected twists his life had taken, he knew he was exactly where he wanted to be, surrounded by the people he cared about most.