
REALITY DESIGN: Cosmic cultivator.

everything is translated with google translator. well... To begin with, I'm new to writing so there will be many spelling mistakes, MANY. and I have no fucking idea how to write a story so I'll do it as I go. The reason I write this is to remove a thorn in my side that I had regarding a concept about cultivation novels that I have never seen developed much. It is about the tao or dao that is the path and its relationship with philosophy, the way of living or rather the path(dao) of your life, human morality, the concept of higher thought. Something like a mix of Hp.lovecraft cosmic horror in a culture novel. Anyway. I don't know if I explained it well but oh well. If anyone is reading me, I ask you to please give me advice to improve this story. And of course, I cannot forget that the story will have obscenity.

Poeta_sin_cordura · ファンタジー
2 Chs


I can't tell you my real name, not that you can hear it.

But you can call me Ektere.

Names are important, they are more than words in the wind, they not only identify you in a world in which everyone is equal to the rest. Like grains of sand in the wide sea, so small and insignificant that you cannot distinguish them from each other.

But beyond a label that distinguishes you from the arena, and beyond the sense of identity formed from overcoming existential doubt. It is a fleeting glimpse of history that reveals its essence to those who know it, like a story that has written down every experience lived, every encounter along the way, every memory stored.

I must clarify that you do not confuse the name at birth with a real name. Almost no one knows their real name and they live without knowing that they have them, others live their lives searching for them without success. But those who, unable to find it, decide to live with such intensity that they take over the names they were given at birth, thus creating their own meaning.

However, those who know their true name do not carry stories that precede them because these will never be heard. Their names also carry no meaning as no one can conceive the idea behind it. Beyond identity, its history and its concrete meaning.

Beyond… the name obtains the weight of its existence and this in turn becomes power. Power beyond that conceivable in a mortal mind. Power that can be used by whoever knows it.

Whoever wants power only has to pronounce it without any price other than the brief glance of its bearer. But be careful not to catch their interest because they will also know your real name, the one you never knew or the one you are still looking for.

That's why never throw the name of someone you don't know to the wind. IF you know your name, do not share it and guard it with suspicion so that it does not cause your name to be misused.

Now I have a question.

Like your name?

If you don't know.

Would you be interested in knowing mine?


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