
Reality Bender System, Marvel

Embark on a journey alongside Emelia as a bored god whimsically transports her to another universe, or perhaps even a multiverse. In this intriguing realm, she encounters a myriad of characters from diverse backgrounds. Immerse yourself in the excitement of Emelia's adventure as she grapples with her 'Reality Bending System' and unravels the enigmas of the extraordinary realm unfolding before her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello there I'm the Author, this is my first time writing fan-fiction, please let me know what I can improve at! Also, to let you all know, this will be done in my spare time when i am not busy with RL stuff! I hope you all enjoy! FYI: I do not own Harry Potter or any other pre-existing novels/ works that i use within my Fan-Fiction. This does have a Harem, it will be purely Yuri though. (Since people have been complaining i am adding this to say that this is inspired by 'The Fallen Gamer'... They have accused me of Plagiarism, so, just to let you guys know I am not stealing from the other author only using some of the ideas and basic themes with a sprinkling of some of the same events early on in the story; mainly because they are some of the best and easiest to start from; even these I have made changes to.) My Discord: https://discord.gg/EVj54tc8dt

Alex_Simmonds · アニメ&漫画
397 Chs

Spending Time with Family (Part 11)

With the people chosen and the plan started, I carefully grabbed Fleur in a princess carry. She was a little drunk from after our moment in the alternate dimension, where she insisted on having some Asgardian Mead. She wasn't speaking or making noise, simply sleeping within my embrace as her snored made soft melodic rhythms. Harry, Hermione, Draco and Albus all watched on as I smiled down at my cute little French wife.

"We'll start working towards the Wizarding World Integrating with the Veritas Imperium. Trust us!" 

Hermione spoke with gusto as she wanted to be payed attention to, her jealousy clear for all to see. Ignoring her outburst I simply nodded whilst using magic to gently fix my wife's hair.

"I trust you all, that is why I am letting you deal with these things. Anyway, i bid you all adieu."

I blinked and apparated myself and Fleur, watching as Hermione lost some of her energy and Harry chuckled at his friend in the few pico-seconds before we re-emerged inside our Atlantean Apartment. Laughter surged out from the living room as many of my women, including Hel and Hela; who were my next partners I'd be taking, were joking with each other. A TV sat there, some of my kids quietly watching it as the others ran around playing with one another.

Walking into the room I was completely silent, Fleur not even stirring despite the sing-song laughter of her sisters, my wives. 'That Asgardian Mead is really something.' Chuckling to myself I softly set her down on the couch beside my wives, all of them turning their heads in my direction despite not being able to see me.

"Hel, Hela and Sol are ready for you to take them to Loki."

Jean spoke aloud, alerting my children to my presence, all of their faces alighting in happiness as they tackled where she was looking. There was no single ounce of hesitation in their eyes or souls as they burst through the air and slammed into my side. They wouldn't be able to move me, usually, but in order not to hurt them... I decided to take the fall.


I landed on the ground, all ten of the kids present giggling and laughing as they shouted my name and started to cast magic at me. I countered each instance of magic before grasping them all in tight magical hands, their limbs frozen spatially.

"Little munchkins... you're too energetic!"

My words caused them to burst out in varying tones of laughter, the most evil emanating from Lanfear who seemingly loved causing me some discomfort. Perhaps it was her playful nature or even just a kid's enjoyment of chaos but her maniacal nature concerned me.

"Emelia, love, I am afraid that you will also have to visit Thor..."

One of my kids broke my hastily made spell and tried to leap at me, my hand unconsciously grasping Shiva's face. I looked at Sol who was squirming, my mind working through hundreds of separate scenarios before I got the answer.

"Thor is your dad, or at least related to you...? Interesting."

Sol blushed before nodding, embarrassment at being related to the dense God of Thunder evident in her mannerisms. Hel poked the side of her stomach and almost got punched, her upper body having to lean back as Sol's hand whooshed through the air. Hela chuckled and created some obsidian hand cuffs on both of them, forcing them to calm down. It was also a little kinky, for me at least... 'That's a good idea though...'

"Well, if Shiva is done trying to kick me-" I looked at my son and watched him deflate, his angered strikes subsiding in favour of mercy.

"-Let's go loves... We'll be back to play my little gremlins, maybe we'll even play some Call of Duty?" 

There was a resounding cheer as they all had wanted to play games with me for a while. This also reminded me of the game I used to play with my wives, the society building game that was created using the Lantean' tech.

"Also, to my wives, perhaps we can start up a new game of that Civilisation game?" 

They smiled widely as they all took out pad devices from their dimensional storages, the glints within their eyes making them all look beautiful in their own way. I had chosen the best wives to be with... I knew this because Illyana even took out some snacks, popcorn specifically. Blowing them a kiss, kids included, I grasped Hel and Hela, Sol hugging the front of my body before I blinked once more and warped space to appear within the Bi Frost within a second.


Standing in front of me and my wives was a happy looking Heimdal, his mythically powerful great sword of golden hue and pallid crystals impaled into the ground before him. His stance was neutral and powerful as in the distance we could the rainbow bridge of Asgard. Citizens traversed the distance for trade with the Elves, the Dwarves and some other factions. One popular trade destination of recent had been Sol Invictus. It was now a thriving space station/continent that had myriad goods from the peoples, species and governments that resided there.

The Asgardians of our Solar System had chosen to sell some of their technology for other's tech. Along with this there were some minor food exports and mineral resource exports. Imports were rather low in Asgard, with the exception of VR technology. VR tech has become a staple of Asgardian culture as it could be used to fight safely, enjoy adventures of a scale and rules that were illogical, and ultimately have as much booze as you want without any side effects in real life.

This tech was given by me, the Veritas Imperium technically. We received some pretty sculptures hand-made by the artisan gods and also the technology to create artificial Bifrosts. Essentially we had the public transport option of Einstein-Rosen-Bridges. Oceana and Tony were currently working through distant communication in order to create a Multiversal Transport option. Meaning we could have Veritas Citizens Travelling to DC, Lucifer, Stargate, Star Trek or any other Multiverse on a regular basis. It was still far away though and even though we could make the trips safely with spacecraft, for a singular person it was very difficult. I'd have to spend a lot of my time creating enough suits and gear to ensure safety if we were to use current tech.

Digressing from that Heimdal smiled warmly and bowed ever so slightly to me and my women.

"Emelia Lionheart, Sol, Hel, Hela... Nice to be able to greet you all once again. Is there anyone you are here to see in specific?"

His eyes shined with the light of a million-billon stars as he had expanded his perceptive powers to the entire Universe in this Multiverse. In comparison to Marvel, Star Wars was weaker, therefor his power was more pronounced and immense. The same was the case for the majority of Asgardians, the only one who didn't change much being Odin who gained his power singularly from the Odin Force, or technically, his ancestors. Yes, you heard me right, Valhalla had come along with the Nine Realms. 

"Loki, I wish to speak to him about his daughters."

Heimdal chuckled slightly as his chest rose up and down in subtle breath. He was a very chill man and looked like a badass. To be honest, I'd like him to serve under me as my Praetorian Captain but he served Odin... 

"Ah, Loki, yes... He recently returned from some venture in the distant galaxy. Apparently there was some witches on a planet, they thought they were superior to him, so he killed them all and resurrected them just to toy with them again."

"Heh, Witches of Dathomir. "

"No, these witches called themselves the witches of Brendok."

"The what now? Who the fuck are they...?"

"I have no idea if an entity as powerful as you does not... they are now all killed anyway. Apparently they were tied to some ridiculous order of Jedi that were masquerading as the Jedi Temple or something such?"

"That's intriguing. Seems a bit paradoxical, but sure. I'll ask him about it."

He shrugged and nodded at each of my women, summoning up a small holographic display that was then used to direct me towards Loki's quarters within the palace. Thanking him for his effort and dedication we soon left Heimdal behind, my women pointing out areas where things had changed massively. I had no idea what changes they were but apparently this was unprecedented. So backwards was Asgard's Technology and Culture that many of the things that were being introduced were anathema to the majority of popular sports, games, training, etc...

The city itself had a minute colour palate change as the golden opulence soon made way to white marble columns, obsidian crystalline structure and varying silver metallic etchings. It seemed the architecture was undergoing a revolution and the ancient heart of Norse Gods was slowly progressing. So efficient was the Veritas Imperium in advancing that we were even dragging the Vanir along with us. Pride swelled in me, seeing the influence that my changes were causing.

"It's beautiful!" 

Sol was astounded as well, murals of her domain being pressed into the side of a statue, of me, along with a skull for Hela and a tri-knot for the healing domain of Hel. It seemed they had come to worship my women in a certain extent as my own statue was also grandiose. It was made from Emeralds, Rubies, Sapphires, Diamonds, Gold, Silver and Platinum. My statue's pose was that of my godly form holding a Universe within her hands. The artwork and craftsmanship was insanely good, with small details being added, such as the exact location of this solar system within the galaxy, within the Universe.

After spending a few minutes there we soon moved on and beheld similar changes throughout, the palace itself brimming with life force as Yggdrasil was rooted into the very structure itself. Leaves from Yggdrasil's branches billowed above the palace as planet-sized branches spread up and outwards from the central spire of the Palace. It was transcendentally gorgeous, an urge to create an interdimensional pocket home near it increasing within my mind. In fact, that is what i decided my gift to my women would be...

'Fuck it! I am a Primordial Goddess! I'll do whatever the fuck I want.'

|That's the Spirit!|

'I feel like you are trying to intentionally guide me down the wrong path...'

`She is... That is the monster inside of you taking control of the system to speak to you. Do not worry though, she cannot use the system against you, in fact, she is now bound to it and cannot take over for you anymore.'

`That's, good...?`

`It is, because she would have slowly tried to corrupt your mind to become you.`

`Oh, thanks then!`

'Shit is always weird in my head, got so many people speaking to me...'

`Ooooo, who's stealing who's stick now?`

'Fuck off Deadpool...'

`Why would you want me to fuck myself off? Is it because I'm a man? I can dress like a nurse if you want...?`


`Oh gods! Anything but that...! Even Dora the Explorer is better...! Tch, about to get copy writed, sorry bout that author...`

[Shut the fuck up Deadpool...]

`Is everyone having their periods today? Or is it just me...?'

(Everyone in the Entire Star wars Universe: SHUT UP DEADPOOL!)

`Jeeze fine. Then I guess i'll go snort some coke off a hookers breasts then... See if i cared to join your stupid story...!`

[Don't let him go! We need him for comedy!]

'Hold on, don't do that shit, its illegal.'

`Who the fuck cares? What are you going to do, kill me? I've been trying that shit for years, good luck sweetie pie.`

*Discord Disconnect Noises Play*


'What cocaine did I have to be imagining all this shit?'

|I think it may be the monster trying to confuse you...?|

'I'll go with that, makes much more sense.'


Thanks for all of the power stones and support! Please continue to donate power stones for me if you like my work, it really helps me gain motivation and keeps me wanting to give more chapters.

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