
Reality Bender System, Marvel

Embark on a journey alongside Emelia as a bored god whimsically transports her to another universe, or perhaps even a multiverse. In this intriguing realm, she encounters a myriad of characters from diverse backgrounds. Immerse yourself in the excitement of Emelia's adventure as she grapples with her 'Reality Bending System' and unravels the enigmas of the extraordinary realm unfolding before her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello there I'm the Author, this is my first time writing fan-fiction, please let me know what I can improve at! Also, to let you all know, this will be done in my spare time when i am not busy with RL stuff! I hope you all enjoy! FYI: I do not own Harry Potter or any other pre-existing novels/ works that i use within my Fan-Fiction. This does have a Harem, it will be purely Yuri though. (Since people have been complaining i am adding this to say that this is inspired by 'The Fallen Gamer'... They have accused me of Plagiarism, so, just to let you guys know I am not stealing from the other author only using some of the ideas and basic themes with a sprinkling of some of the same events early on in the story; mainly because they are some of the best and easiest to start from; even these I have made changes to.) My Discord: https://discord.gg/EVj54tc8dt

Alex_Simmonds · アニメ·コミックス
387 Chs

Granting The Asgardians a Gift and a Solution

"Thor! Buddy, friend, old chap, it's good to see you!"

"It is good to see you as well O'Niell."

"Hello Thor."

"Greetings Carter."

Teal'c nodded towards Thor who equally responded with a nod of his own. At this moment Hammond stepped out of the office his expression resigned as he struggled to maintain his sanity despite the craziness of today.

"It is good to see you Commander Thor."

Let us just say at this point that they finish all of the pleasantries as they continue for a little while, even going on to ask how each other were doing. I kind of tuned out.

"I apologise for the intrusion into your compound however we detected an object travelling at ten times the speed of a normal Asgardian Vessel, i was sent by the council to investigate." He looked over at me with twinge of expectation and intrigue.

"Haha, that was Atlantis... We were travelling here to Earth to hopefully gain a communication link to your people."

"Intriguing, why did you not travel to our home galaxy first?"

"Well, i figured that seeing as how the Ancients fled to Avalon, or the Milky Way, when they lost to the Wraith I figured i could meet the people who were left behind, not to mention i was kind of bored."

They all quietened down when i finished, the randomness of my choice truly sinking into them.

"I see... Then what do you wish to communicate with our people for? And why do you have the Ancients' lost city, Atlantis?"

"Well, i had information that your species was suffering from genetic degradation based upon your cloning technology, also, i heard about your problem with the replicators."

His expressions were very hard to pick out and tell me what he was thinking but luckily my Ruler of Emotion kicked in and i began to feel inner-conflict and worry over where i was getting this information.

"Don't worry about the minutia of my sources just know that i am willing to offer you the cure for your genetic deficiency and your replicator problems..."

"The cost?"

"Nothing much, just a single Asgardian ship." I didn't really want to ask for anything as i really like the Asgardian species within Stargate, they were the awesome OP big brothers of the Humans and were always a good laugh most of the time.

"I will need to discuss this with the council and then we can come up with an answer to your trade..."

"How about this?" I created a serum to the specifications that the Ancient Database had given me, the liquid in the cannister being a bright orange and yellow as it flittered side to side inside.

"This is the cure for your genetic issues... I was going to give you this no matter what happened, the Replicator issue will be the only requirement for one of your ships..."

Astonishment glimmered through their expressions as the one thing holding back the Asgard from prominence in the multiverse, was just handed over as if it was nothing but a trinket gift from a newsagency.

"W-Why would you do this so suddenly?"

"Well, why not? I have already met the Furlings and they were a nice group. The Ancients were dicks but quickly came around after a beating and reminder of their weakness. The Nox i have not met but i would assume they can't be all that bad if the Furlings allied with them, so? Why not help you out? It would suck to have a species die because of one little fuck up a thousand or so years ago."

"I do not have words to show how grateful i am at this moment, therefor i will strive to get you that single ship and hope you will aid us in our fight against the Replicators."

"There is no problem, seeing as how it is Ancient Technology there should be no issue once a Prime Replicator takes control of the others."

"Prime Replicator?"

"Ancient Technology?"

Carter and Thor asked at the same time causing them both to look at each other before looking back at me.

"Yes, see i have two human-form replicators in Atlantis and they are cute twins... They can ultimately take control of all of the Replicators with very little issues, even going so far as to destroy the other human-forms that may be present in the forces facing you."

Thor was oddly still and calm, his eyes blinking every few seconds until a small sigh could be heard and he started speaking Asgardian. It was actually a language i understood well, Runes! It was runes and they were using a very basic form of it.

"Why do these bloody people always have to be so frustrating and revelation giving every time i come here?"

"Because they are very intelligent and curious about everything." Thor looked at me in what i perceived as shock, its presence locking onto his face as Daniel sighed again and drank from his never-ending smoothie.

"Anyway... Please go meet with your council, when you have accepted my proposal i'll send the two replicators with you and all you have to do is get them within 100 light years of any replicators and they will be easily controlled and tamed. They will then drag them away towards Atlantis where i'll lock them away and get out of your hair."

Thor merely ignored most of my spiel and nodded towards the end, disappearing there after.

"Anyone want a smoothie whilst they watch my battle?" I asked the room, O'Neill putting his hand up immediately.


After a few hours of waiting and watching my battle amongst other things Thor finally appeared again, his answer being a definite yes despite his bewilderment at our watch party.

Things moved quickly from there as I brought down Himari and Aurélie, their attitudes just as cute as they were when I first made them... I kind of treated them like my own daughters considering i named them and started teaching them.

"This is Himari" The Japanese looking woman did a cute peace sign greeting whilst her sister copied her.

"And, this is Aurélie."

No one had words, Daniel just facepalmed.

"These are my cute little Replicator Primes and they will deal with the nasty replicators of your home galaxy."

"Yeah! Let as at them and we'll end them." Himari drew her index finger over her throat whilst trying to look intimidating, making me laugh at her antics. Aurélie tried to calm her sister down a little as she noticed the seriousness of the other party, particularly the grey alien.

"H-himari please settle down, we need to make Mistress seem powerful and kind."

"Good point Aurélie! You should all bend your knee to my mistress for her kindness, peasants...!"

I facepalmed at that as i cringed at the Xianxia-like voice line... 'When did she become a young master's sidekick?'

"Himari, please stop, your making mistress cringe!"

"O-oh, sorry mistress... 🥺"

I dragged my hand down my face as I let it drop onto her head, giving her some head pats to calm her down. Her face scrunched up in sadness, like a puppy dog, i couldn't help it as I began to give her more head pats, a small smile coming onto her face.

Yet again everyone was completely speechless and lacked any emotional response to the situation, the only one that was fine being Thor as he nodded at me and quickly teleported himself and the two cute twins with him, their quest to go hunt down the replicators and make them mine...

'Good, all according to my plan, i must admit, getting the replicators from the Asgard is really good! I would have gotten the replicators in the Pegasus Galaxy but they are a bit of a danger for even my Prime units as they had gone completely rogue and had access to their base code. Maybe later on when i have time or cares for this universe again...'

I said my goodbyes to everyone in the room and quickly got back to my wives who were all waiting for me on the couch, tablets in hands and ready to play the civ game.

'They are way too addicted to this... Maybe i should get them some friends? I could go to less powerful universes and allow them to make friends and connections there, especially since they would be so weak it doesn't matter.'

"Emelia... Play with us! Stop thinking..." Illyana whined to me in a very bratty way, it kind of turned me on a little as she almost never whines. 'Maybe i was leaving them alone too much?'

[No shit Sherlock... *Cough* I mean, yes i think you have it right... 😊]


I am thinking of doing one more chapter just to finish off the Stargate arc for now and move past it tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed!


Thanks for all of the power stones and support! Please continue to donate power stones for me if you like my work, it really helps me gain motivation and keeps me wanting to give more chapters.

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