
ch. 22 Deidara and Sasori

(AN: im not good with fight scenes so stay with me also I've just realized my phone has been auto correct ting gai to guy so I'll fix that from now on.)

*with Naruto and deidara*

Naruto watched as Deidara ran at him in a blind rage with complicated emotions. On one hand he was happy he was able to provoke the man and on the other hand he was severely disappointed with how easy it was.

Sighing Naruto thought 'I wanted to test myself but if this is… boring.'

Waiting till the blond man got close Naruto acted as the man's hand was only inches away before tilting his body and bringing up his lightning encased katana severing the blond man's arm. "Ahhhhhh!" Deidara let out an ear piercing scream as he jumped back. "DAMM YOU NAMIKAZE!" He shouted while tossing clay bugs at him that immediately cumbusted in his face as the latent static electricity in the air activated the clay explosives.

"Fool I told you that your explosion released wouldn't work up here." Naruto announced with a smirk as he stared at the fuming man that slowly pulled himself out of a crater. His body was covered with burns and scars while most of his hair was just gone.

"AHHHHH!" He screamed in rage while pulling out a kunai and rushing at Naruto.

Looking into the man's eyes Naruto could see that the last bits of sanity and clarity have left the man or overgrown child as Naruto now deemed him. Shaking his head Naruto thought 'he was only an S-rank nin for that explosion release, the rest of his abilities are only high jonin, not even elite jonin.' Than he disappeared in a body flicker and reappeared at the opposite side of the field, his back to Deidara. Slowly turning he sheathed his katana with one hand while holding deidara's head in the other. He watched with dispassionate eyes as deidara's corps enlarged to the size of a two story house. 'Oh a dead mans last ditch effort huh?' Naruto thought as he disappeared in a flash of yellow. A few seconds later kumo would have one less mountain.

*with Gaara and sasori*

Watching from his place atop his sand cloud Gaara stared at the scene of Sasori desperately running away from his sand tsunamis. "The information on Sasori Naruto gave me was correct. Sasori in good at close to mid range but doesn't have many long range options. All I have to watch out for is his hundred puppet technique." Gaara mumbled as he easily dodged another hail of poisoned senbon. 'Hmm I'm getting hungry, it's temari's night for cooking than I get to sleep.' He thought as a small smile formed on his face as he remembered when his friend/ brother visited him with his girlfriend. Naruto and kana helped him by fixing his seal and calming Shukaku down. The tanuki was still a bloodthirsty and sometimes pissy asshole but sometimes he could be a good conversationalist when talking about the ancient times when human worshiped the biju. He also learned a lot of forgotten sand jutsu from the tanuki, like the one he was about to perform.

Coming out of his thoughts Gaara went through a few hand seals before whispering his favorite technique with a childish tone. "Secret technique: wrath of the desert."

As he finished the sand around Sasori formed large and tall walls. A second later the sand within the arena that he created parted revealing a pitch dark pit that went down for miles. Sasori instantly fell down not being able to resist gravity. He watched as Sasori tried to stick to the sand or stab his tail into the sand walls but his efforts were for not as the sand immediately crushed his legs and tail before sending him into the middle of the hole and away from the walls. After Sasori disappeared the hole collapsed into itself and sealed Sasori under the sand. The sheer pressure of the millions of pounds of sand crushing and grinding away at his puupet body till it's was nothing more than spects of wood and metal.

Sighing Gaara floated himself down to the ground before falling to his knees in exhaustion. That technique required almost 90% of his total chakra pool, he also had to spare a good amount of his mental power to forcibly grind away the sandstone below the sand until the hole was deep enough to get a guaranteed kill. "Few that was tiring maybe I'll skip dinner and go straight to sleep." He mumbled already regretting not taking Naruto's advice on preparing a sand hole before hand.

Just than a flash of yellow appeared to his right. "So I told yo…" Naruto started but Gaara interrupted him.

"Shut it!" Gaara snapped in between his heavy breaths, his shout did nothing but raise Naruto's amusement much to his personal ire.

Chuckling Naruto wrapped one of gaara's arms around his neck and hefted the red haired teen up. "Sorry, now let's get you back, id rather not delay this any further. Kana's already pissed that our special time was interrupted and I'd rather not wake up not only sore but bruised as well." As Naruto finished speaking he disappeared along with Gaara in a golden flash.


Teleporting back to the village naruto created a clone before slapping multiple reinforcing and hardening seals in it than sent the clone to tsunade while he went back home.

After reaching his shitty old apartment he sighed. 'The clones should be done fixing up mom and dads house tomorrow, I can't wait to leave this shithole.' He thought as he opened his door

Walking inside he made his way to the bedroom. Spotting the mop of red hair he laid behind his woman and spooned her, than letting out a comfortable hum he buried his head into her hair and let himself fall asleep to the pleasant scent of flower shampoo.

*hokage office*

"Yo baa-Chan problem salved two dead akatsuki and one strengthened alliance." Naruto announced as he hopped in through the window and addressed the tired blond woman.

"Shhhh loud." She mumbled with a yawn.

Sighing Naruto hopped down from the window and walked over to tsunade. "Come on it's late." Naruto whispered as he picked up the curvy blond goddess in a princes carry.

"Hmmm sake." She mumbled as her eyes dropped.

"Well we k ow what she's dreaming about huh sis?" Asked Naruto

A second later a cat masked anbu fell from the ceiling "yes ruto, now come on I'll escort you to the Senju clan compound." She stated

"You free tomorrow?" Naruto asked

"Yes, also I've been thinking of quitting the anbu and go back to being a jonin." Yugao replied

"Really that's good, I know you like it in the anbu but a beautiful big sis like you needs to show off a little more." Naruto responded with a soft smile

Blushing yugao mumbled about her 'oblivious blond brother, and his random genuine compliments.' Which Naruto chose to completely ignore

"Truly though how long has it been since you spent time with anko or Kurenai?" Naruto asked

Looking down yugao replied with a whisper "not since hayates death."

Sighing Naruto pulled yugao into a hug and kissed the woman's forehead. "We'll your hanging out with them tomorrow and I'll drag you out of anbu headquarters if I have to." Naruto threatened good naturedly.

Letting out a content sigh yugao just nodded while she snuggled into her little brothers chest and felt his chakra. His chakra was always warm and soothing, but also burned wildly. But after his training trip he tempered that fire into a warm and inviting campfire that also has a kind of protective effect on you, and yugao found that she loved that feeling.

'Jeez now yugao's doing her cat thing again.' Naruto thought as he shifted tsunade onto his back while supporting her with one hand while his other picked up yugao making sure not to break her out of her pleasent trance.

Getting to the senju clan compound he flared his chakra a little as shizune came running out of the house. Smirking he nodded to her while handing over the sleeping tsunade. "She's like a child." Naruto whispered amused making shizune giggle and tsunade….well tsunade was dreaming about floating on a casino boat while surrounded by sake instead of ocean water.

"Thank you ruto I was about to go pick her up." Tsunade whispered as she smiled with amusement in her eyes at her little brother figure while yugao proceeded to start licking Naruto's neck

"I swear she's going to make me her scratching pole one day, or I'm going to find a dead mouse or rat on my doorstep." Naruto grumbled as he walked off with yugao.

After twenty minutes of walking he finally reached yugao's abode. Where he gently pulled off yugao's armor and sandles, he made sure to be extra gentle with how he took off her sandles. He learned the hard way that his sister's toes and feet were extra "sensitive" when she was stimulated or in her weird cat mode like she was in nor.

As he slipped off yugao's right sandle he did it flawlessly but as he took off the left yugao suddenly bit into him causing him to rub against a curtain nerve point causing the purple haired woman to moan out and stare up at Naruto in pure unadulterated lust. Groaning in annoyance Naruto's hand blurred before landing on the woman's neck. She fell like a puppet who's strings were cut. "Come on big sis, you may have got me once while in your cat mode but I promised to never be with a woman who isn't herself. Now come on let me haul you to bed."

Reaching her bedroom Naruto put the half dressed woman into the bed before he was caught off guard and pulled down as well. Falling onto the bed he felt as yugao quickly curled up on his stomach before letting out a purr of approval. "I swear if you had a tail I'd pull it."