
ch. 15 danzo

(AN: we're onto the next arc but uploads might be a little slower due to me having to rewatch Naruto shipputen.)

*35 months since Naruto left the village*

"Danzo-sama we found the jinchuuriki and he has been reported to be in a weakened state." A man with an anbu mask and attire reported as he knelt in front of a one eyed man. He wore a black and grey robe. One of his arms was hidden beneath his robe while the other rested on top of a wooden cane his head was wrapped in bandages while coving one of his eyes.

"Good, this will be the perfect time to take control of the weapon." Danzo spoke with a cold and malicious smirk while he reached up to brush across his bandaged eye. "Gather a unit." He ordered the anbu kneeling in front of him.

"Hai danzo-sama." The root anbu replied in an emotionless tone before disappearing. Unbeknownst to danzou or the other hidden root the masked anbu has a shit eating grin on his face.

Knocking his cane on the floor he spoke "torune, fu take care of the root while I am gone."

Two other root anbu fell from the roof and kneeled before replying "hai danzo-sama."

Nodding in satisfaction with himself danzou slowly walked out of the room.

After he left the root base torune placed down a paper tag than the two shinobi suddenly burst out in laughter. "Fucking idiot!" Fu exclaimed

Nodding torune's reply was another round of giggles. "Yes now let's start we have to do our job while boss deals with the one eyed pedo."

*three hours later south west of konoha*

In a destroyed clearing a blond teen layed bloody and bruised only letting out shallow and labored breaths. Around him were dead bodies. Most of which had metal headbands with a scratched out cloud Symbol on them.

Feeling people surround him the blond boy lifted his head. Across from him was a one eyed old man. Narrowing his eyes he let out a relieved sigh "danzou right?" He asked in a relaxed tone. Getting a nod the boy let his head fall back down. "Thank Kami I thought there were more of them." Naruto breathed out.

Nodding Danzo looked around the clearing "hmm you've grown stronger." Danzo finally spoke while buying time for his anbu to get in position.

Grinning Naruto replied in a happy tone "yup ero-sennin said I'm a jonin level shinobi now Dattebayo!" Than pouting he continued "but the Damm perv won't give me the jonin rank, said I needed more experience." As Naruto finished he pointed to his torn up chunin vest.

Looking at the blond Danzo thought 'hmm this will be easier than I thought.' Than opening his mouth he addressed the blond"You know uzumaki I lead the anbu." He started and seeing he had the blond's attention he smirked and continued "I'm always on the look out for strong shinobi and I'd love to have you in my forces."

Widening his eyes Naruto exclaimed "really! That would be awesome dattebayo, What do I have to do!"

Nodding to himself Danzo walked up to Naruto and spoke while undoing the bandages on his head. "Simple Mr uzumaki just look into my eyes and pass my test."

Nodding happily Naruto stared up into danzo's eyes before 'got him kotoamatsukami' danzo thought as his Sharingan spun wildly as the three tomoes combined and morphed into a four pointed shuriken.

The Naruto in front of him stilled before speaking in a dead and emotionless tone. "This tool is at your disposal Danzo-sama."

Nodding a grin formed on Danzo's face. "Haha finally, with the jinchuuriki by my side I'll become the hokage." He whispered to himself as his eyes burned with greed. Than looking down at the teen he ordered "your first mission is to get close to Tsunade Senju and kill her."

Nodding Naruto slowly stood up and replied "hai Danzo-sama" before limping off towards konoha.

Watching Naruto walk off Danzo was knocked out of his high when he grunted in exhaustion. 'Damm the mangekyo Sharingan still costs too much to use.' He internally cursed before letting himself rest on one knee. As he some of his anbu appeared next to him while a female root anbu in a fox mask put a hand on his shoulder

"Danzo-sama are you ok?" He asked

"Yes I'm fi…" Danzo started but was cut off as multiple seals sprung to life on and around him.

His Sharingan immediately deactivated while he fell to the floor limply his chakra and ability to move completely sealed away. "Danzo-Chan not looking to good." A cheerful and happy voice rang out as another Naruto entered the clearing. Unlike the last one this Naruto was in perfect shape, he was sporting a shit eating grin and a predatory gleam in his eyes.

"Uzumaki what's the meaning of this!" Danzo shouted

"Ah Danzo-Chan don't be some mad, after all if you were ready to use me than a turnaround is fair play no?" Naruto replied with a amused chuckle

"Root attack and get me out of here!" He ordered but none of his anbu moved except for the fox masked anbu in front of him. She stood up while calmly walking towards Naruto.

After a few more steps a poof of smoke surrounded her before a red haired woman in her late teens maybe 18 or so walked out of the smoke. Stretching out she spoke "Ruto you better reward me later, I had to touch the disgusting pedo for this." She whined with a pout.

Rolling his eyes Naruto gave the woman a kill before walking towards Danzo. "You know I should actually thank you Danzo-Chan after all you did all the hard work and built the organization I'm going to take over." He giggled out watching the rage and hatred boil over in the old man's eyes.

"You…Damm you! When konoha finds out about my death they'll figure out it was you. Than you'll be branded as a traitor!" Danzo shouted out on desperation trying to figure a way out of his predicament. 'Dammit without chakra I can't use izanagi!' He mentally screamed as his mind raced

Smiling Naruto bent down in front of Danzo and gave him a cold and emotionless look. "Don't worry Danzo I'll be sure to use root to protect konoha, and unlike you I won't fall into the darkness." Casting a loving smile at his aunt/lover Naruto turned back to Danzo and added "you messed up when you cast away all your friends, without someone to bring you back from the edge you were bound to be swallowed up by the very darkness you once feared." Than sighing Naruto put his hand on danzo's head and went through hand seals. 'parasitic clone jutsu.' Naruto thought as danzo's world went black and he felt his mind being invaded and destroyed.