
Chapter 42 don't scream.

At noon, Oscar Potter woke up again. He had not slept so long for a long time. He did not know whether it was because the hospital was quiet or because he was really weak.

When I opened my eyes, there was no one in the ward. There was a faint sound coming from the direction of the bathroom. Oscar Potter was just about to open his mouth. The woman's cell phone lit up when he hung it on the bedside.

——Lincoln Murillo.

A very familiar name, followed by a small love, he frowned.

After a while, the screen went black again, and it was the other side that hung up.

Before Oscar Potter could get his eyes back, his cell phone lit up again, and it was the same person.

Looking in the direction of the bathroom door, Oscar Potter answered with a sullen face.

"You finally answered my phone. I just woke up. The doctor said I wasn't particularly serious. I just lost a lot of blood. You don't have to worry too much."