
The importance of questions

This is morning time.The classes of students already started in PKN Engineering College. as it is a residential educational institution.. Here the matter to be noted that today honorable Principal Sir is taking class of final year students. Due to passion of teaching, Principal Sir managed to take some classes in addition to so much administrative work. Actually the first choice of a teacher is teaching and he gets satisfaction by that. He explains the subject matter and analyse that and provide the summery to students. There is still half an hour to end the class, but Sir looks towards students stopping his explanation.. When students are listening his explanation without creating any disturbance, why he discontinue ?.

Another matter to be noted that the students present in that do not surprised by this act. Because they know that, now Sir will ask various questions from the subject matter whatever discussed in this class and previous classes. Actually Sir is not taking a break,he is giving some time to be prepared to answer the questions After few moments Principal Sir started asking questions to students. He asks the questions to students of first bench and also to other students sitting in last bench. Today he get correct answer from all. Students feel proud and hopefully wait for the remarks from honorable Principal Sir. But surprisingly they did not get such remark.They become worried and try to find out the reason, which become a very difficult task for them because the do not find any mistake. Without getting any other way they sit silently and wait.

Principal Sir looks toward them , and understand their situation,but do not said very good or good as remark. The students also understand that he is wanting something more or waiting for something,but they could not get any answer.

Well after a few moments Principal Sir say something to them. He informed them that whatever answer they have given for his questions are correct but that is not satisfying me.. I wait for some moments but no-one understand my requirement.

Listening his words everyone remain silent,but however one student dare to stand and beg permission to say something.

there is no requirement to beg permission, you are free to ask said Principal Sir.

The student said with due respect that, truly we are trying to understand your requirement but unable to reach at a conclusion, so please inform us about your requirement.

Principal Sir donot get angry after listening this words, he explained other with care that you all have answered correctly this is definitely a matter of great pleasure,but think carefully what is the work required in addition to that.

Don't worry, I am explaining again. When some matter is discussed or explained the students, who are not listening with care , will not able to answer the questions. But it is more important that the students ,who are not thinking and analysing the matter in addition to listening will not able to ask any questions. So I wait for some time to get any questions from you, but no-one asked any questions.That mean you all listened my explanation with care but did not think or analyse that so there is no questions from your side You should always ask or think why, how etc.you should think limitations, contradiction and alternative of every aspect. Any mathematical analysis have some benefits, practical application and alternative ways. The matter which is seems to be very simple in that case also you have to find reason. For engineering students this quality is most important. Let's discuss about scientist Sir Isaac Newton. This is not a new chapter to you, but now it is very important to discuss about that great scientist. He had explained about gravitational force. He could able to do that due to the attitude of finding reason of everything,,.You all know about this story that such a great scientific formula is achieved. While seating ina bench of garden having apple trees he noticed one apple fall from the tree, at that time he think in a different way in stead of taking the matter as usual. He think ,why the apple fall downward straight, not sideway or go upward. He think and analyse and reach at the conclusion that some force is present for that reason apple is attracted towards earth. He formulated the gravitational force theory. Here his attitude of finding reason provide so much benefit to all.

Honorable Principal Sir explained the students with greater care to be attentive in study and develop thiking and analysing ability. He continued his explanation and at last he tell with emotion that he has much expectations from the students and he wishes all a bright future. The P K N Engineering College is trying to provide all support to you so work hard . I hope one day not only The P K N Engineering College will feel proud for you, but also the whole nation will praise you.

Principal Sir leave the class and students start discussions.But this time they discuss about importance of questions .

After discussion they get some other points regarding importance of questions. Simply by asking " how are you " to any one ,you can please In contradiction they also get some points.Yes,when a junior staff asks the superior officer about delay in arrival that may create a critical situation. He has to ask him very gentle way. In this way the discussion continued as this is tea break time.

suddenly one student tell something different from the matter of discussions He tell everyone that we should ask our student representative for his absence in today's class.,is not it a very important matter ?. Everyone take the matter seriously, this is a very important class, the class taken by honorable Principal Sir, so remaining absent in this class must have some reason. Some other students replied without wasting a moment that they had also noticed the absence of many studentrepresentative in central mess during dinner in yesterday's night. All other also try to remember them.

However they conclude that, their friends means those students were not present in hostel. They can accept the matter, truly this is not acceptable. This is hostel of P K N Engineering College, where strict rules and regulations are observed,, no-one can remain outside of hostel during night without prior permission from hostel warden Sir. Then it is very clear that hostel warden sir must have some information about the reason of their absence. Now still there is some time for next class , we can meet hostel warden sir and get the information about our friends. They take it as an emergency situation and donot want to waste a moment. They rushed towards hostel ,to meet hostel warden sir and ask so many questions. Yes, truly so many questions ar inform the e arising in there mind like why they couldn't come?,Where they remained in night ?. Why didn't they informed to friends.?, etc They become very much worried. Another matter to be noted that from this experience they understand ,what honorable Principal Sir had explained. .If you think and analyse then so many questions will arise about that.

However they reached at hostel and inform the security to take permission from hostel warden sir to meet him for some emergency work .They get the permission moreover they notice hostel warden sir coming towards them. He reached at hostel gate.and ask them the reason. Everyone become disappointed to notice him equally worried. However they managed to tell the reason .

Without wasting any time the hotel warden sir inform them whatever he knows, again he informed them that he is also worried due their absence. and he is waiting for them. He again informed to them that their mobile phones are out of network are so he is unable to contact from morning.

"we may contact Mr jitendra " said one student.

oh no his mobile is switched off condition, said hostel warden sir. This information create so many questions in everyone's mind. But no answer from anyone.. however they think about various possibilities. Then discussion start about those possibilities and arguments to cancel or proof the views continued. .But they could not continue the discussion for long time., because they did not forget the presence of hostel warden sir. Yes in presence of respected person disciplined behaviour should be maintained. This responsible act of student give much pleasure to Sir , he explained them to return to class .He tell them that he is more worried than other as he had not informed about their absence to honorable Principal Sir. It may create a big problem . Everyone accept his points but remain silent as they donot find any solution to this problem..The mobile phones are switched of and some are telling unreachable so how can they contact. However one student get one idea that police can track the location of mobile Phone by advanced technology The hostel warden sir replied without delay that for that those activities can be done after filing a F I R in police station about missing of student representative and that requires permission of head of the organisation that means the permission of honorable Principal Sir. It is matter to be noted that Sir is till unknown about this matter and I am not daring to inform him after so much delay. Everyone understand his problem and decide to return to classroom without disturbing him ,now they become more worried for hostel warden sir,, because he officially responsible for all act of the students residing in hostel..If they stay here some more time without attending the class that will increase his problem so they return to classroom with heavy heart.

Hostel warden sir looks toward them and feel relaxed for their obedience, at the same time anger generated in his mind for disobedient act of student leaders. He decides to take strict action against those students after their arrival. This type of indiscipline is not expected from students of such a reputed college He stand in front of tha hostel waiting for their return without getting any other way..

The breakfast time is already over and there is only some time for lunch, He had not taken the breakfast yet. He understands clearly that he had not taken right decision by allowing those students for weekend picnic..

Suddenly his mobile phone rings and that bring him back to real situation.When he notice name of the caller in mobile phone he become very happy. Yes now this is a call from one of the student leaders, whose phone is very important at this moment. He received the call without wasting time and keeping lot of questions in mind.

hello, hello goodmorning sir.

yes, yes goodmorning

,sir replied and wait for their explanation insted of asking any questions.

some moments lapsed silently.

Actually at this moment each moment is valuable but some moments wasted because hostel warden sir is unable to decide the question and they are also in same condition that means the explanation of which mistake to be started first and in which way . ?

However sir control himself and ask them.

First of all you tell me within how much time you will reach here ?.

This question however solve the critical situation of student to great extent , because now they have to give the answer of a perticular question only so they give the answer without wasting time that they may reach within ten or fifteen minutes only

Listening this Sir become very happy and feel relaxed but he could not stop himself to ask another question although he tried himself to to wait for their arrival.. Yes he asked them .

that why didn't they reach here in early morning and why their phones were switched off .?.

Actually he asked this with louder voice which is quite justified at this moment because they student leaders could have informed him in early morning,the matter to be noted that he had not taken his breakfast till now.

He wait for the answer patiently controlling his anger..

The student leaders take some moments to answer which is not acceptable in this moment but Sir wait patiently.

After some moments answer come from other side with trembling voice that to forgive them for their mistake and they are extremely sorry for their mistake.At last they informed that the reason of return journey in early morning is very funny and they are unable to tell that.

Listening this reply Sir could not decide next step because they have already begged excuse,but not answered the original question. To clear his doubt he asked them to explain that funny reason, yes he did not forget to inform that he had excused them so without fearing please inform the reason clearly. He also inform them to start the return journey after informing the reason without wasting time.

Perhaps the student leaders understand the importance of time so they give the explanation which is truly very funny. They informed that they could not wake up in early morning due to extreme tiredness they actually wake up just before few minutes.They again beg excuse for their mistake.

Now another question arise in mind of hostel warden sir that what is the reason of that tiredness was that due to any difficulty or due to grand enjoyment programme.

However he control himself and did not ask any question and tell them to return carefully.

He get satisfaction that, students are in safe condition and may reach here within short period, although so many questions are there whose answers are very much required. Well, he decide to ask them after their arrival. He take a long breath and turn backward to return his chamber. and noticed his assistant. His assistant request him to take breakfast. , he also inform that he has again arrenged fresh breakfast for him. Hostel warden sir accept his request, yes for any reason the health care is not to disturbed, because that will only increase the problem. Another matter also come to his mind that after arrival of students discussion may continue for various direction so he will not get time for breakfast. Without thinking much he decide to take the brekfast. He entered to his chamber and noticed the served breakfast on his table. He started taking the breakfast without thinking any other thing.,the breakfast is really very well prepared . Just after completion of his breakfast his assistant entered to the chamber with hot coffee.Hostel warden sir received that coffee with great pleasure and thanks him for his care..He drink the coffee and look toward outside through window of his chamber.Yes he is looking outside to get the information or indication of arrival of those students. He noticed someone coming with greater speed toward this direction and that person is not unknown to him, he is a senior staff of Principal Office. He prepared himself for a new challenge, because the senior staff is coming here certainty with a critical task .Generally in case of emergency only senior officer work like this,so he become sure that someone informed the absence of some students during night to honorable Principal Sir. He did not think much and prepare himself for the task Yes the senior officer reached near his chamber and entered into the chamber. Hostel warden sir welcome him and request him to sit down on chair and he also order coffee for him. The senior officer thanks him for this warm welcome and receive the request and take coffee before discussing any official matter or his reason of visit . Well the coffee cup become empty after some moments and there is no reason to remain silent or to make any delay in discussion of official matter, after all they are on duty .The senior officer said without anger or emotion, yes that means keeping the official procedure of a messenger, he informed hostel warden sir that , he has to meet principal sir for some emergency work. The hostel warden sir is actually remained prepared for this type of message so he stand up to run toward principal sir's office, but surprisingly stopped by the senior officer insted of getting positive remark for his quick response. He did not fear to ask the reason this time. The senior officer answered with smiling face that he is actually very much pleased by noticing this type of quick response and respect to official order ,but this time honorable Principal Sir ordered to meet him after one hour just before lunch time so I stopped you, please donot mind. Hostel warden sir return to his seat and feel quite relaxed because within this one hour time the student leaders may return back to hostel. He did not forget to thank the senior officer for providing this information. The senior officer return back to his chamber. .

Hostel warden sir try to contact to student leaders by mobile phone and this time get success, yes he informed them the situation of college and ask them to reach here quickly. and get information that they may reach within five minutes because they are at just three kilometres distance from P K N Engineering College.

Yes, he get the information he also understand the information but that make him more worried because so many questions arises in his mind .Now he has to ask them the reason of absence in hostel . and actual matters of yesterday's night..

Well he get information from security guard about arrival of student leaders.

Yes, the student leaders reach near chamber and beg permission to enter .After getting permission all enter into chamber of hostel warden sir. Sir become very happy to see them safe and sound forgetting the anger.. Actually he was very much worried for their safety.. Silence is maintained for some moments, then Sir speak something, breaking the silence.

Please tell me the reason of your absence in last night, I want explanation, I am having a meeting with Principal Sir ,if I get all the information, I may convince Principal Sir to excuse you.

the students tried to tell about the matter but could not understand how to explain.

The hostel warden sir again informed them that he has to meet honorable Principal Sir as per his instruction so donot waste time.

Student leaders understand the situation and explain every thing without wasting time. But so much informations, about so much mistakes and so much unnecessary activities make. hostel warden sir angry but he has no time to react so he allow the students to take rest and rushed toward Principal's office to attend the meeting .

He reached near Principal's office and notice head of department of all engineering branches are also waiting there to meet principal sir. Within some moments all entered to the chamber and take their seat and wait eagerly to know the topic of discussion.

Principal sir start the discussion of meeting by asking one question to all. The question is what is the vision and mission of P K N Engineering College. Everyone remain silent as they have not thought such type of question. Principal sir again ask them the same question informing one other thing that the display boards are fitted in every department and laboratory explaining the vision and mission of the institution. . All feel ashamed as they have ignored the most important matter. However Principal sir donot get angry to continue the meeting and read the vision and mission of P K N Engineering College.


to be the leader in the field of technical education and to groom students into responsible and valuable citizen of nation.


1 to offer state of the art undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

2 to create an ambiance for academic excellence through creative and innovative practice in teaching -learning so as to produce the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.

3 to produce ethically strong and emotionally balanced human resource to serve man kind .

4to undertake collaborative project and consultancy by fostering relationship with industry and institutions of repute and in the process help students in gaining exposure to application of technology towards employability and entrepreneurship.

Principal sir looks toward all after reading this vision and mission of PKN Engineering College and tell them that there are separate vision and mission for each engineering branch.But the meaning of those are nearly equal.

The reason of discussion regarding the vision and mission of our college is very important and it is not unknown to you.brcause we are truly trying our level best to perform whatever the target written in our vision and mission of our college PKN Engineering College. We are also getting good remark from all industries The guardian and parents of our students are also very happy. we are getting remark that the students of PKN Engineering College are having sufficient technical education ,leadership qualities and discipline ..

He looks towards all HOD and other officers and continue his speech. Yes explain that the reputation of PKN Engineering College is actually dependant on the achievement of the students ,that will prove that all necessary steps are being taken by College for improvement of students. So we should be very careful for that.

Speaking these things Principal sir remain silent and looks toward all.

Head of the department of one engineering branch stand up and tell with due respect to Principal sir and other officers that whatever discussed here is fully justified and true and all the members of PKN Engineering College are working with full devotion for improvement of students. He beg permission to show the students achivement report of previous year.

Principal sir tell everyone that we will see the report later.

Suddenly one senior professor stands up and asked Principal sir to tell others the actual reason of the emergency meeting, He tells again that whatever discussed here is only introduction of of the actual matter to be discussed and that may be verry critical one, but after discussion only solutions of that problem can be formulated.,so without hesitation please describe the actual matter ,I am sure we will be successful to find the solution.

Principal sir answered with smiling face that indirectly you are asking the reason of this emergency meeting. Yes no-one should fear to ask justified questions, here I speak so many things as introduction, so the actual matter must be very important., I am not going to make any delay, so listen carefully.

I come to know from a reliable source that some students, yes the student leaders of various sections were not present in hostel in last night, that means they had. not returned to hostel last night.

It is quite unacceptable that hostel warden sir had not informed me about that.He is also remained silent till now.

Is not it a very serious matter.

Here so many questions must be arising in your mind.. Let's discuss one by one

which question one should ask first?

Please answer this question, I am sure all or you are thinking about same answer., so any one please say it without hesitation.

Head of department of one engineering branch stand up ask that till now they have reached here or not,

Another one asked with trembling voice that till now any information received from them or from other sources about them.

Another one express his worriness about their safety.

After listening this Principal sir become very happy and thanks all for their affection toward student for which ignoring their mistakes, they are thinking about their safety.. Now I am giving the answer of your questions, yes the students already reached here in safe condition

This answer make everyone relaxed. But Principal sir continue explains that only answer to one question is solved The next important question is how I get all the informations.Actually I had got the information from chief security officer from midnight and now also the information about their arrival is come from him. But one important person had not done his duty properly.. Please answer who is that person principal sir asked to all, and everyone look toward hostel warden sir.

Hostel warden sir stands up and beg excuse for his mistake without wasting a moment, but find everyone unsatisfied with that act so he start explaining the matter clearly. He explained others that when the students did not returned to hostel till midnight he had decided to inform the matter to Principal sir, but due to strong faith on the students he wait for some moments ,again for some moments in this way it become too late to inform and at that time he get the information from students, so I feel relaxed and decide to inform everything in morning to Principal sir Speaking these things at a stretch hostel warden sir take a deep breath,but noticed the unsatisfied face of other remain unchanged. So again he continue his explanation. He explained other that from early morning I wait for their arrival ,but they didn't come,then I decide to wait for some time and again decided the same thing after some time inthis way I wait them till breakfast time. Then I tried many times to contact with them by phone but found some mobiles switched off and some mobiles out of network coverage area. Then I found only one way to solve the situation and that was , nothing but providing all information regarding this matter to honorable Principal Sir and beg excuse for mistakes..

But before taking that step , I get phone call from those students. After getting some information about their return journey, I feel relaxed and decide to inform about these matters to Principal Sir after the safe arrival of students.

Speaking these things he looks towards all to know their reaction and he noticed satisfaction in most faces..

At that time Principal Sir stands up which make everyone surprised. Everyone become sure that there is something very important matter is going to be announced .

The matter of absence of students in hostel during last night is nearly clear from various direction, although some questions are still there, but that is something critical or important . Thinking like this evryone become very much worried and wait eagerly for the information from Principal sir.

Principal sir also understand everyone's situation and start explanation without wasting time. He directly come to the point and tell everyone that at early morning I get a phonecall from a senior Police officer and from him I get the information about the unacceptable or unwanted or we can say unnecessary act of our students .

Everyone astonished to listen this thing., they could not decide to give any remark on this.

However one senior professor dare to ask Principal Sir the details regarding that matter and he he also ask wether the matter is under control or not.

Principal sir tell everyone with greater care that truly so many questions are arising here. The first one is how I decide to tell this important matter after a long discussion?. Yes I remained in confused state .The involvement of students of PKN Engineering College in unacceptable work made me depressed and the more unacceptable thing is that the Information come from a senior Police officer. Then I decide to call emargency meeting and after discuss some other matter with you before giving this important information to reduce the mental shock to all of you who have affection and faith to all students

suddenly one professor stands up and informed politely to Principal Sir to explain the works to be done In case of emergency situation time should not be wasted considering emotional factor..please donot misunderstand me I am requesting for quick action to save them.

Principal sir answered to him without anger that the students have already reached at hostel safely.They are not in any problem now.The matter is something different, please keep patience. Then he explained the all about the weekend picnic, unnecessary journey to forest and whatever incidents happened in that place.

All listened his words with greater care but could not reach in any conclusion. Here what is the actual problem or mistake. Truly speaking the student leaders had taken the correct step by informing the police about that murder case.They are not involved in that case, they can be treated as a member of problem solving team, although they create some problem for themselves. They informed the matter to police and after that police get information about their presence in that forest at that unacceptable time without justified reason then police informed it to honorable Principal Sir and he come to know about such unacceptable reason of absence of those students, so inthis way they create some problem for themselves. Now Principal Sir is present and he has to decide the next step.Perhaps all think like this, and Principal Sir also understand that so he again started explaining. He explained that here we have to do three important things, first of all discussion with those student leaders regarding this matter, second work is to meet the senior police officer and do all the legal formalities and third important matter is to analyse the role of Mr jitendra and Bajradanta sir in this matter.

This explanation satisfy all..

Then some of them analyse the explanation and discuss with each other That doesn't mean everyone agree with the explanation, however they consider it important to meet and discuss with police officer. All other are inside matter or emotinal matter but discussion with police is official and legal matter so first of all we should prepare our action plan to face that problem. They inform their opinion to Principal Sir.

Principal sir replied al that he is truly understanding whatever they had explained .He thanks them for their opinion.,with smiling face , which being noted by all. Yes they cannot accept absence of worriness in this critical situation in face of honorable Principal Sir., but they become sure that he has some masterplan to solve this problem. they immediately ask about the next step without fear.. Principal Sir tel everyone clarifying their doubt that he had already solved that critical work, yes discussion with police officer and official and legal formalities are already being handled by him..

" Everyone become very happy after getting this information," this statement is seems to be correct in this situation, but if analysed with greater care this statement will not granted. Yes the students have already reached in hostel and the official and legal formalities are already done, this is the situation. Then here some questions are also arising . The first question,which seems to breaking the protocol is " what is the necessity of calling this emergency meeting and so much discussions about various matter " ..

One senior professor however ask this question to Principal Sir.

Principal sir answered to all without wasting time that the situation is under control but that does not mean that problems are fully solved .He explained all that the matter of legal and official formalities are still a work for them., but some time relaxation is granted, truly speaking we can avoid that but we shouldn't avoid.

This answer did not clear all doubts of professors rather create more doubts or questions in their mind.

However Principal Sir understand that and explain again with greater care that in early morning he get the information from Police officer and truly become very much worried , but during the discussion the senior Police officer informed him that his son is also reading in PKN Engineering College and he has a lot of respect and faith on this institution. He informed to handle the case in such way that the reputation of PKN Engineering College will not affected, that means he indirectly indicated to do some favours for us.,but I answered him directly that we want everything to be done as per law and accepting any favours in this situation will truly destroy the reputation of our institution. After listening my answer he become very pleased and informed me with emotion that he had truly taken a great decision by admitting his son in this great college ,however he forced me receive the time relaxation, that means he will investigate the case and only after getting any proof of involvement of students in murder case he will disturb us otherwise he will keep the matter secret.

I accept his request and this description is sufficient to understand the situation. speaking this Principal Sir looks toward all. He noticed satisfaction in everyone's face,Yes for development of students and reputation of PKN Engineering College they are always ready to accept any challenge.

The situation become more pleasurable as tea and coffee distribution started by the concerned staffs. Everyone enjoy the Coffee and snacks.

Well, they are on duty and they are employee of such a reputed institution so ho do they forget their duty?. After few moments they come to the same position to discuss and plan to solve the situation .

It is decided that the students leader has to be invited to get more information and if situation permit then some action may be taken .

Hostel warden sir take quick action and send information to all student leaders to reach at Principal's office as early as possible.. Everyone prepare their questions so that they can ask to them But however they understand that no question is required only asking them about the matter of that night answer will be presented.

The description from their mouth and in their language will give a clear description of that night That is the only benefit, because we had already received all information and analysed also .

Within a short period the students reached at Principal's office and beg permission to enter.. Yes they get the permission and enter into the chamber and astonished to so many professors and senior officer in that chamber. After greetings to all they also beg excuse for their mistake.

Everyone give assurance that no action will be taken if they give all the informations .

The student leaders describe all the matter without hiding anything and give all satisfaction for their obedient act. They also get some more information.

Principal sir notice another thing at that time, yes he noticed tiredness in everyone's face. He stands up and tell everyone that the meeting is continuing from a long time and all are feeling tired, I am understanding that but we should reach at a conclusion before ending the meeting. We listened the description of that matter from students and also get some information now it is better to leave the students and end the meeting, but before ending I feel it highly required to discuss with the police officer about the present condition or achievement of investigation .. Everyone agree with him, so he make contact to police officer by mobile phone, he discuss with police officer for some minutes.. Everyone is looking toward him and trying to understand the present situation, however the bright and smiling face of Principal Sir giving the indication of success.or good news. After completion of discussion with police officer Principal Sir do not get a moment rest, sudden questions from all the professor, senior officer and students make him confused. However he answered all without anger that the police officer informed an information that is solving the problem to great extent, he informed that the report of docter indicating that the death of that person is caused due to attack of a wild animal. The injury formed in that dead body is not caused by any weapon, so no human being is responsible for his death.

This description satisfy all, although so many questions arises like which animal, why the person go there at that time etc.comes to mind But they get satisfaction that the student leaders are free from the murder case

Principal sir allowed the students to return to their hostel and the the students return happily thanking all .

The meeting is going to end, so everyone become very careful to listen the conclusion of meeting. Yes there is a conclusion in every discussion, they also think about the informations and try to find out the conclusion, it is the matter to be noted that they are also highly educated

Principal sir started the discussion by asking about the conclusion to others instead of giving any conclusion. This is not a new matter for the professors. and it is also acceptable.He is doing that because he is having respect to all professors and senior officers. Yes before taking any decision or announcing any conclusion everyone's remark is to be taken into consideration.

One by one present their opinion about the conclusion. Principal sir listen their opinion patiently.and thanks all for their opinions. Although the opinions are are different but all are targeted to development of students.

Principal sir tell everyone the conclusion is nothing but focus to academic activities and placement of students. He informed other that the extra curricular activities are additional work and we had given much stress on that so now we have to be serious about academic activities only, that means study , attendance of students, surprise tests etc. We have to prepare them for job. One important matter I am going to announce ,yes that is about placement of our students. He announced the matter with louder voice that he had discussed with Mr Bajradanta sir about that and received clear information to conduct a walk in interview for his company. .So we have to make all arrengement for walk in interview, the attention of students will be definitely focused towards study.. Everyone become very happy and thanks Principal Sir. All return happily to their chambers.

End of chapter 3

CHAPTER 4. Prepare to reply