

Chapter 247: Eighth-Order Invincibles (Subscribe Requested)

Battlefield B520 of the Aliens.

Lin Yuan's Taiyin Yueshen stood still, gazing at the colossal ten-thousand-meter permanent spatial rift.

"The accumulation speed of Boundary Breaking Source Power is much faster here than in small alien battlefields. The factor affecting the accumulation of Boundary Breaking Source Power is the size of the permanent spatial rift, not the quantity?"

Lin Yuan pondered.

He had tried before to send his Taiyin Yueshen and Taiyang Yueshen to different small alien battlefields, simultaneously approaching permanent spatial rifts.

However, there was no significant increase in the amplification effect on the Boundary Breaking Source Power.

But now, after approaching the ten-thousand-meter permanent spatial rift in this medium-sized alien battlefield, Lin Yuan clearly felt a difference.

"The initial accumulation speed of Boundary Breaking Source Power for the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms was one wisp accumulated every three hundred and thirty-three days. The spatial rifts in small alien battlefields increased this speed to one wisp accumulated every two hundred and ninety days."


Lin Yuan closed his eyes again for confirmation.

"It's one wisp accumulated every two hundred days!"

A smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face. With one wisp accumulated every two hundred days of Boundary Breaking Source Power, he could accumulate two wisps in a little over a year.

Compared to the initial accumulation speed, it was almost doubled.

"I already have seventeen wisps of Boundary Breaking Source Power."

Lin Yuan thought to himself. Seventeen wisps of Boundary Breaking Source Power theoretically could support him to shuttle non-stop seventeen times.

However, that was the most basic form of travel, random shuffling.

When Lin Yuan's strength was not strong, even with random shuffling, he could gain significant improvements.

After all, weak strength meant there was still a considerable distance to the limit, the endless dimensions, even random shuffling could probably help him in most cases.

But now.

Lin Yuan was already an eighth-order evolver, and in many worlds, even if he shuffled over, the help he received would be extremely limited.

The most crucial point was—

After Lin Yuan's seventh shuffling, which was for passing through the Tribulation of Heart's Demons, he came to a conclusion.

The time Lin Yuan stayed after shuffling was related to the level of the world itself.

Simply put, the higher the level of the world, the longer Lin Yuan's stay, and vice versa.


Taiyin Yueshen chose the best position near the ten-thousand-meter permanent spatial rift.

This position maximized the accumulation speed of Boundary Breaking Source Power, eventually boosting the speed to one wisp accumulated every one hundred and ninety-eight days.

"My internal world now."

Lin Yuan sensed the Taiyin World inside his Qihai Dantian.

After advancing to the eighth order, even if it was just a spiritual sense, one could still open up an internal world.

The Taiyang Yueshen opened up the 'Sun World' filled with flames, while the Taiyin Yueshen opened up the 'Taiyin World'.

However, due to various factors, the internal worlds opened by the main body, Taiyang Yueshen, and Taiyin Yueshen differed.

The main body simultaneously controlled Taiyang, Taiyin, and Taiji, with perfect rules. Currently, the opened world exceeded seven hundred thousand miles. After undergoing the mysterious transformation of the liquid inside the mysterious gourd, the internal world had skyrocketed to two million miles.

The Taiyang Yueshen, having understood the rules of the sun, opened an internal world that also reached four hundred thousand miles, stepping into the peak threshold of the eighth order.

As for the Taiyin Yueshen's current internal world, it was only two hundred thousand miles in diameter. It could be foreseen that once Lin Yuan understood the rules of the moon, his 'Taiyin World' would also reach a size of four hundred thousand miles in diameter.

"Unfortunately, the liquid in that gourd only works on life forms with flesh and blood. As for energy life forms? It's ineffective."

Taiyin Yueshen shook his head slightly.

The universe is vast, giving birth to countless lives, with flesh and blood life forms being predominant, but only predominant. Beyond flesh and blood life forms, there exist energy life forms.

Energy life forms, without flesh and blood, have life essence in the form of soul and other illusory powers. Lin Yuan's two major deities, strictly speaking, could be classified as energy life forms.

Compared to flesh and blood life forms, energy life forms have many advantages, such as being immune to most physical attacks, and so on.

In human civilization, some special physiological and bloodline methods can achieve temporary physical energyization.

But compared to true energy life forms, these methods are not even on the same level.

"The next time, this deity will need to remain here." Lin Yuan scanned the surroundings.

He deliberately chose this medium-sized alien battlefield because, apart from meeting the permanent spatial rift, there were rarely high-intensity wars here.

This made Lin Yuan satisfied because once high-intensity warfare occurred, it could lead to a scene similar to the initial small alien battlefield, where human evolvers fled in droves.

Of course, on most battlefields with high-intensity warfare, human civilization's evolvers held the advantage and actively hunted the aliens.

Galactic Main Star.

Lin Yuan was still in seclusion.

Most of the trivial matters of the main star and even the entire galaxy were delegated to his subordinates, with the Wise Goddess paying more attention.

There would hardly be any problems.

After once again transforming into ashes and returning with the fleshly divine ability 'Blood Rebirth'.

Lin Yuan began to sense the changes in his physical body and internal world.

"The speed of advancement is getting slower and slower."

Lin Yuan pondered.

The first time he absorbed that drop of crimson liquid, Lin Yuan's physical body's internal world doubled in size directly.

Subsequent absorptions resulted in diminishing returns for the expansion of his internal world.

Lin Yuan wasn't surprised by this. The liquid from the gourd, able to forcibly increase the basic size of the internal world, was already quite astounding.

Moreover, Lin Yuan had only absorbed the first type of crimson liquid. There were still six different colored liquids waiting for him.

"Now my internal world has reached two million two hundred thousand miles in diameter, which is 3.1 times the initial seven hundred thousand miles," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

The further he went, the lower the rate of expansion.

Lin Yuan estimated that the first type of crimson liquid would only increase his physical body and internal world by up to 3.33 times.

At this point, Lin Yuan would completely absorb this type of crimson liquid and begin absorbing the next type of orange liquid.

"Three point three three times?" Lin Yuan pondered. He was familiar with this number.

One of the prerequisites for becoming an ordinary member of the Devil Jade Tower was to understand three thousand three hundred and thirty-three evolution pathways.

The initial accumulation speed of Boundary Breaking Source Power for the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms was three hundred and thirty-three days.

Whether it was the Devil Jade Tower or the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms, they both had mysterious origins, especially the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms, which easily sent Lin Yuan to worlds in other dimensional planes.

When he was weak, Lin Yuan didn't think much about it. But as his strength increased and his understanding of spatial rules deepened, he increasingly felt that this method was terrifying. Even if it were an invincible, they wouldn't be able to open a passage to other dimensional planes, right?

"Continue, continue."

"After completely absorbing this type of crimson liquid, let's see what improvement the next orange liquid brings."

After resting for a while, Lin Yuan began to absorb the crimson liquid again.

In addition to this, Lin Yuan did not neglect to perfect the martial evolution pathways and comprehend the spatial rule models.

Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner. Almost every passing day, Lin Yuan's strength would increase by a notch.

For every expansion of his internal world, it could cause a significant increase in power for an eighth-order evolver. Moreover, Lin Yuan's current rate of expansion of his internal world was more than just one mile per day.

Several months later.

A guest arrived at the Galactic Main Star.

"Hahaha, you're the little disciple of Red Kun? Impressive." In the palace, Lin Yuan sat face to face with a bald man in white robes.

This bald man in white robes exuded a sense of brightness and purity in his every move, making people instinctively feel close to him.

"Master Bai Guang, you flatter me. I feel a bit embarrassed," Lin Yuan said with a smile.

The current Master Bai Guang was an old-fashioned peak eighth-order evolver of human civilization and a good friend of Master Red Kun.

Although Master Bai Guang was not invincible at the eighth order, his strength was absolutely at the pinnacle among eighth-order evolvers.

In terms of comprehension of spatial rules, he was not much weaker than Master Red Kun.

It's just that he hadn't comprehended some kind of universal power, which made him inferior to Master Red Kun.

Invincible eighth-order experts were still essentially in the fourth stage of the eighth order.

But having comprehended some kind of universal power, their combat power soared, surpassing the eighth order, and even having the ability to survive in front of ninth-order evolvers.

"This is the Thunderheart you wanted." Master Bai Guang smiled as he looked at Lin Yuan, then threw out a completely thunder-based heart that seemed to pulsate.

The Thunderheart was an extremely rare treasure of the eighth-star universe and was considered a top-notch item.

Lin Yuan's internal world was rapidly expanding and required such universal treasures for perfection. Just when he learned from his teacher, Master Red Kun, that Master Bai Guang had recently obtained this 'Thunderheart', he took the initiative to contact him for a trade.

It just so happened that Master Bai Guang had recently returned from a certain alien battlefield and passed by the Galactic Main Star, so he decided to come in person.

"Thank you, Master Bai Guang."

Lin Yuan immediately took out twelve thousand universe crystals.

As an eighth-star top-grade universal treasure, the Thunderheart was always valuable, priced between ten thousand and twenty thousand universe crystals.

Master Bai Guang was clearly giving face to Master Red Kun by agreeing to the trade for twelve thousand universe crystals.

"That concludes our transaction."

Master Bai Guang accepted the universe crystals, glanced at Lin Yuan once again, and said, "Next, which path do you intend to take? Comprehend some kind of universal power and become an invincible eighth-order expert?"

"An invincible eighth-order expert?"

"That's too difficult," Lin Yuan said, shaking his head slightly.

Whether it's human civilization, other peak groups, or powerful and ordinary tribes, there are powerful eighth-order invincible experts in each.

But so far, no group has summarized the specific method to become an eighth-order invincible.

Each eighth-order invincible is unique, and the universal power they comprehend is also different.

"Eighth-order invincible is indeed very difficult."

"Many eighth-order evolvers, until they ascend to the ninth order, have not comprehended any kind of universal power."

Master Bai Guang nodded.

Taking human civilization as an example, it is estimated that thousands of eighth-order evolvers would need to be born to produce one eighth-order invincible.

Becoming an eighth-order invincible also requires luck.

"However, for other evolvers, it's difficult, but for you..."

A hint of strangeness appeared on Master Bai Guang's face. Lin Yuan's talent and aptitude were definitely the most terrifying he had ever seen.

Below a hundred years old, he became an eighth-order evolver.

Furthermore, he single-handedly cleansed the Galactic Main Star, wiping out all those powerful special beings and solitary wanderers of other races?

And to achieve this, at least the strength of the pinnacle of the eighth order was needed.

This was simply a freak.

Master Bai Guang didn't know how to describe Lin Yuan.

But one thing was certain.

For other evolvers, being an eighth-order invincible might just be a matter of time in front of Lin Yuan?

After seeing off Master Bai Guang, Lin Yuan fell into contemplation.

Recently, he had also been thinking about how to become an eighth-order invincible.

But there were no results. The universal power condensed by every eighth-order invincible was grasped by chance and couldn't be replicated.

Lin Yuan wanted to become an eighth-order invincible, he had to comprehend some kind of universal power himself.

But this wasn't a simple matter.

"Take it slow."

"There's no need to make being an eighth-order invincible the goal."

"While it's good to become one, if it's not possible, just directly aim for the ninth order."

Lin Yuan thought very clearly.

No matter how strong an eighth-order invincible was, it was only about survival in front of ninth-order experts, and obviously, the former was far inferior to the latter.


Just because Lin Yuan couldn't comprehend some kind of universal power didn't mean he couldn't become an eighth-order invincible.

According to Lin Yuan's estimation, it only takes expanding his inner world to over tens of millions of square miles. Even without relying on universal power, his true combat power won't be lower than that of an eighth-order invincible.

Outside the Galactic Main Star.

On a desolate planet.

There were five figures standing quietly.

These five figures completely restrained their aura, but faintly resonated with the surrounding cosmic sky, unmistakably five eighth-order invincibles.


A consciousness projection descended.

The vague shadow of a nest larger than the planet appeared.

"Respected envoy."

Seeing this, the five eighth-order invincibles bowed slightly towards the shadow of the nest.

As eighth-order invincibles, even when encountering ninth-order experts, there was no need for such respect because most eighth-order invincibles had means to survive in front of ninth-order experts.

But the current shadow of the nest was a great existence of the insect race, surpassing even the ninth order.

"Your target this time is the Galactic Master, the unparalleled genius of human civilization."

The shadow of the nest emitted a mental wave, and its gaze swept towards the five eighth-order invincibles.

Between the major peak groups, there was an unspoken agreement not to deploy ninth-order or higher experts as much as possible, whether on the battlefield or elsewhere.

Even assassinating someone like the Galactic Master, the unparalleled genius of human civilization, wouldn't break this agreement.

Previously, the insect race broke the agreement because of the body of the supreme being that drifted in from beyond the world.

Inside it contained an ultimate evolutionary path with no end.

It had the potential to add a supreme being (Empress) to the insect race.

That's why the insect race flipped the table directly.

But the Galactic Master? While indeed an unparalleled genius of human civilization, the probability of him becoming a supreme being?

Most likely not.

For the insect race, assassinating the Galactic Master was just to reduce losses in future battles.

"Respected envoy, the Galactic Master has just entered the eighth order. Even if he has the combat power of an eighth-order invincible, wouldn't it be enough for one of us to take action? Is it necessary for all five of us to join forces?"

The eighth-order invincible on the leftmost side asked.

"Just entered the eighth order?"

The shadow of the nest glanced at this eighth-order invincible, a hint of disdain in its eyes.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 248 Ten Years (Seeking Subscriptions)

The other four eighth-order invincibles realized immediately. They immediately realized that the insect race definitely knew more crucial intelligence or had deeper scheming.

"Galactic Master, in our race's ranking list of many geniuses under the human civilization, ranks seventh," the shadow of the nest spoke lightly.

"Seventh?" The five eighth-order invincibles were surprised.

Peak groups like the insect race had an extremely strict definition of genius. The list of geniuses established for human civilization was considered from many aspects.

For the Galactic Master to rank seventh, he must be terrifying in all aspects.

It's worth noting that if it's just an eighth-order under a hundred years old, it's difficult to reach this ranking.

"Galactic Master, his growth speed is too fast," the shadow of the nest didn't explain much.

Although the insect race didn't have a virtual world or three ultimate intelligent goddesses, they had the top divination masters.

Through the convergence of many pieces of information, it was inferred that the potential of the Galactic Master was not inferior to those offspring of the supremes or human evolutionists who obtained special inheritances.

Finally, he was ranked seventh.

In fact, those divination masters of the insect race didn't know that the martial evolution path was established by Lin Yuan.

The supreme beings like Xia Qin clearly understood this. They directly admitted that Lin Yuan's talent could rank in the top twenty or ten in the history of human civilization.

This was the ranking in human history, and the list formulated by the insect race was only for the current generation of geniuses under a thousand years old.

There was no comparison between the two.

If the insect race got Xia Qin's evaluation of Lin Yuan, they would probably tear up the agreement again regardless of everything and use higher-level means to kill Lin Yuan.

The possibility of the current seventh-ranked human evolutionist genius becoming a supreme being was extremely slim.

But for geniuses ranked in the top twenty or ten in human history, the possibility of becoming a supreme being was much higher.

Human civilization didn't allow another supreme being from other peak groups, and the insect race also didn't want to see another supreme being from human civilization.

In fact, even Xia Qin had underestimated Lin Yuan's talent.

In Xia Qin's view, Lin Yuan obtained the inheritance from outside the main world, so he knew about the Devil Jade Tower.

And that inheritance from outside the main world must include a large number of cultivation resources and even adventures.

That's how Lin Yuan became what he is now.

But in reality, from becoming an evolutionist to taking over the Galactic Main Star, apart from the World Gate, Lin Yuan never gained any unknown adventures.

"This time, I want you to completely kill the Galactic Master so that he can't resurrect," the shadow of the nest emitted a mental wave.

"Can't resurrect?"

"Completely kill?"

The five eighth-order invincibles looked at each other.

They looked helpless.

With Lin Yuan's identity and strength, the one sitting on the Galactic Main Star now is most likely his clone.

The main body is probably in an extremely safe place.

With the five eighth-order invincibles joining forces, the Galactic Master definitely couldn't resist, but to completely kill him, including killing his main body, was almost impossible.

In any case, Lin Yuan was also an eighth-order, in the same realm as them, eight-order invincibles.

Some special methods, like curse killing techniques, were ineffective.

Not to mention complete killing.

Let alone unable to resurrect.

"Don't worry," the shadow of the nest's mind flickered.

A cubic container appeared.

The cube was transparent, and a misty fog could be vaguely seen swirling inside.

"This is the Memory Poison."

"The five of you, together, control the Galactic Master's clone, and then inject this Memory Poison into his body."

"The rest, you don't need to worry about."

The shadow of the nest emitted a mental wave.

"Memory Poison?"

The five eighth-order invincibles were suddenly shocked.

Memory Poison was a very special rare item that could destroy and twist creatures on the level of memories.

It was well known that the clone technique shared memories with the main body. If the clone was injected with Memory Poison, then the memories of the main body would also be contaminated and twisted.

By then, even if a supreme being intervened, reversed time and space, and brought the dead creature back from the past, it would be meaningless.

The principle of resurrection was that a supreme being used the rules of time to reverse time and space, pulling the dead creature from the past to the present.

Furthermore, to achieve the goal of 'resurrection.'

But no matter which time period they return to, the moment the deceased creature resurrects, it will synchronize with the universe and receive all memories from before death.

In other words, even if a supreme being returns to a more distant past to pick up a creature whose memories have not been contaminated, when this creature returns to the universe and synchronizes memories, it will still be contaminated again.

"To deal with just a human eighth-order, even if he's a super genius, we're using a Memory Poison," one eighth-order invincible whispered.

Memory Poison is extremely precious, requiring a supreme being to expend effort and pay some price to possibly create it.

Even with the heritage of the insect race, there probably isn't much Memory Poison available.

"As long as you're ranked in the top ten on the list made by our race, you're qualified to use Memory Poison," the shadow of the nest said.

"However, with the potential of the Galactic Master, he will undoubtedly be bestowed with life-saving items. You five must spare no effort and not give any chance."

The shadow of the nest reminded.

Memory Poison is terrifying, but it only targets memories.

Other powers, even a trace, can destroy Memory Poison.

So only when the five eighth-order invincibles completely subdue the Galactic Master, cutting off any resistance from him, can Memory Poison be used.

Galactic Main Star.

Lin Yuan entered his inner world.

"Heart of Thunder."

Lin Yuan slowly merged the eighth-grade cosmic treasure he obtained in exchange for twelve thousand cubic cosmos crystals into his inner world.


Threads of purple lightning began to fill the vast inner world, which was over two million square miles.

The purple lightning was full of destruction, but it also brought forth vitality, making the entire inner world suddenly much more vivid.

"Truly worthy of the Heart of Thunder."

Lin Yuan felt the changes in his inner world.

A satisfied expression appeared on his face.

Even among cosmic treasures, there were significant differences.

Cosmic treasures like the Heart of Thunder were obviously superior to cosmic treasures like the 'Primordial Fire,' judging by their value.

"I should be considered the top sequence under the eighth-order invincible now," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

"But until now, I'm still missing a bit to comprehend the Yin rules."

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged in his inner world, his thoughts fluctuating.

Starting from the fourth stage, Lin Yuan began to comprehend the Yin and Yang rules.

After that, the fifth, sixth, seventh, and now the eighth stage were all overwhelmingly dominated by the Yang rules.

In addition, the Yin and Yang formed Tai Chi, so even if Lin Yuan's comprehension of the Yin rules was slightly weaker, it didn't affect him much.

As a result, Lin Yuan's comprehension of the Yin rules was much weaker than that of the Yang rules, even though he had already comprehended the complete Yang rules. After the Tai Chi transformation of Yin and Yang, he still couldn't quickly comprehend the Yin rules.

"No hurry."

"I can feel it speeding up."

"Fast is a few years, slow is over a decade."

Lin Yuan knew.

Other evolutionists needed to break through countless bottlenecks to comprehend the Yin rules. But he had the conversion of the Yang rules, and there were almost no bottlenecks, so it was almost smooth sailing.

"Soul-sealing Bead."

Lin Yuan glanced at the life-saving item bestowed by Xia Qin, the supreme being.

The Soul-sealing Bead seals one's soul and will, encompassing one's memories.

Xia Qin's intention was that even if a supreme being intervened, the Soul-sealing Bead could still block the moment and provide Lin Yuan with an opportunity to expose himself.

But that doesn't mean the Soul-sealing Bead only works when a supreme being intervenes.

Any attack or method that threatens Lin Yuan's soul, will, or memory will be blocked by the Soul-sealing Bead.

Of course, the demons from the Heart Demon Tribulation are not included in this category.

Galactic Main Star Palace.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged, and the crimson flames inside his body burned wildly.

It was unknown how long had passed.

Lin Yuan opened his eyes.

"My body didn't collapse?"

According to the information Lin Yuan obtained from the mysterious gourd.

To completely absorb the liquid in the gourd, the prerequisite is to endure without damage to the flesh until the end.

In the past, Lin Yuan's body turned to dust countless times, and he returned through the 'Blood Rebirth' divine ability.

But now.

Lin Yuan's body had persisted.

"It has indeed increased by three point three times."

Lin Yuan carefully sensed his flesh and his inner world, and came to a conclusion.

The current inner world was vast, almost two million seven hundred thousand square miles.

This was because during this time, Lin Yuan comprehended more spatial models, causing the basic size of his inner world to exceed eight hundred thousand miles.

Then it expanded by three point three times, and finally, the current inner world reached nearly two million seven hundred thousand square miles in size.

"Now, just with my inner world, I'm enough to crush ordinary eighth-order peaks."

A smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face.

The inner world of an ordinary eighth-order peak is roughly around four hundred thousand square miles.

Four hundred thousand square miles?

Two million seven hundred thousand square miles?

Far more than just crushing.

"Continue, continue."

"Let's see the orange-yellow liquid."

Lin Yuan's eyes lit up as he looked at the gray-red gourd in front of him.

The gray-red gourd can condense seven types of liquid, divided by color into red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple.

Lin Yuan had already completely absorbed the crimson liquid.

Next up was the orange-yellow liquid.

With this in mind, Lin Yuan immediately reached out, grasped the gray-red gourd, and turned the mouth of the gourd downwards.

Perhaps because Lin Yuan's right hand touched it, the originally gray-red gourd began to change slowly.

The red color began to fade away, replaced by yellow.

Gray-yellow gourd.


A drop of orange-yellow liquid condensed at the mouth of the gourd.

"It's so beautiful."

Lin Yuan stared at the drop of orange-yellow liquid, faintly feeling like there was a miniature universe inside.

After observing for a moment, Lin Yuan directly swallowed the drop of orange-yellow liquid.


The orange-yellow liquid turned into flames, quickly spreading throughout Lin Yuan's body.


In an instant, Lin Yuan's body turned into ashes.

After several breaths.

The Blood Rebirth divine ability operated, and Lin Yuan returned from the ashes.


Lin Yuan was a bit puzzled.

"Was the improvement too great, causing me to not be able to withstand it?"

After pondering for a moment, Lin Yuan concluded.

"It seems that I need at least five million square miles of inner world to withstand the enhancement of the orange-yellow liquid?"

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Different from comprehending the spatial rules to improve the inner world.

The enhancement of the liquid inside the mysterious gourd is a forced enhancement, breaking some restrictions and shackles to use.

Therefore, the steps cannot be too big at once.

Lin Yuan must have a certain foundation to withstand a sufficiently large enhancement.

"A five million square mile inner world is not difficult for me."

Lin Yuan thought to himself. After the transformation brought about by the crimson liquid, a five million square mile inner world was nothing for him.

The inner world, equivalent to the inner world of other evolutionaries, is about one million five hundred thousand square miles.

It is far from reaching the limit of the inner world.

Outside the Galactic Main Star.

Five figures hid in the depths of space.

"This planet, after a B-grade modification, even if we take action, we can block for a few breaths."

The leader of the eighth-order invincible spoke.

These few breaths could potentially cause the Galactic Master to sense something wrong and directly reveal his clone.

Once this happens, the mission of the five eighth-order invincibles will end in failure.

Although they won't be punished by the Swarm, the treasure rewards clearly have nothing to do with them.

"What should we do now?"

The second eighth-order invincible frowned.

The Galactic Master is inside the planet. Although they are still hundreds of millions of miles away, for eighth-order invincibles, teleporting there is as easy as blinking.

Of course, the Galactic Main Star, after the B-grade modification, has the ability to block teleportation. They can only teleport outside the star.


"Wait for the Galactic Master to come out on his own."

The leading eighth-order invincible continued, "We only have one chance. Once the Galactic Master notices, even if we fail."

After these words were spoken.

The four eighth-order invincibles nodded slightly.

The strength of the Galactic Master is indeed not comparable to any of them.

But the Galactic Master doesn't need to confront them. As long as he successfully reveals his clone, they will be powerless.

Although the Galactic Master is young, he's not foolish. Realizing that five eighth-order invincibles are ambushing him, he will surely be able to infer that they have some means to affect his main body.

If it were only to kill a clone, why would five eighth-order invincibles be mobilized?

Although, in the peripheral star domain, the cost of mobilizing eighth-order invincibles is much lower than in the rear of human civilization.

In the peripheral star domain, after assassinating an eighth-order invincible, the probability of escaping alive is quite high.

But what's the identity of an eighth-order invincible?

Why would five of them be mobilized at once? Even for peak tribes, it would be wasteful to use resources like this. The only possibility is that they intend to kill both the clone and the main body.

"Yes, we only have one chance."

"We must seize it."

The five eighth-order invincibles glanced at each other.

They immediately began to wait patiently.

As long as the Galactic Master didn't detect their ambush outside.

Sooner or later, he would come out.

At that time, their opportunity would come.

With this in mind, the hearts of the five eighth-order invincibles burned slightly.

As long as the mission went smoothly, the rewards from the Swarm,

Perhaps it could help them take that step forward.

And so.

The five eighth-order invincibles waited outside the Galactic Main Star for ten years.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 249 Lurking (Subscribe)

Outside the Galactic Main Star.

Five members of different races merged into the depths of space,

As eighth-order invincibles, they had mastered five to six thousand core spatial models.

They could easily blend into layers of space.

The space of the main world is vast, with countless layers. Many secret realms are hidden in certain layers of space, undiscovered for countless millennia.

"What is the Galactic Master doing? Not coming out for ten years?" The five eighth-order invincibles from different races wondered.

It's not unusual for eighth-order experts to meditate for decades or even centuries, but considering that the Galactic Master has just taken control of the Galactic Domain, he should be moving around the domain frequently.

How could a new Galactic Master hide on the main star without showing up?

Certainly, as a Galactic Master, he wouldn't directly involve himself, but shouldn't he at least show himself?

"No problem."

"We just need to wait."

"If ten years don't work, then fifty."

"If fifty years don't work, then five hundred."

The leader of the group of eighth-order invincibles, from the powerful tribe 'Dark Lin Clan', named Sala, spoke. 

The Dark Lin Clan is a member of the Swarm alliance, and the other four eighth-order invincibles also come from major races within the Swarm alliance.

The Swarm itself does not have the concept of eighth-order invincibles. Each Swarm Mother Nest can incubate countless warriors. As long as there are enough eighth-order Swarm warriors, even eighth-order invincibles would feel threatened.


The strength of a Swarm Mother Nest is classified by its level.

And by how many ranks of Swarm warriors it has bred.

An eighth-order Swarm Mother Nest is the strongest among the eighth-order. With sufficient time and resources, it can produce an endless stream of eighth-order Swarm warriors.

Even if these Swarm warriors lack basic rule comprehension, quantity can bring about a qualitative change, and with enough numbers, they can dominate the universe.

That's the 'Swarm Tactic' sweeping through the universe.


"But it's just a matter of time."

"For us, even if we wait for thousands of years, what can be done?"

The third eighth-order invincible spoke. They also longed to advance to the ninth rank, but relying on closed-door cultivation was ineffective when it came to integrating rules.

Rule integration, especially involving certain fundamental rules, requires not only sufficient personal accumulation but also that crucial 'enlightening moment.'

"Waiting for thousands of years?"

The fourth eighth-order invincible furrowed his brows slightly, sensing that something was wrong.

"This Galactic Master has such terrifying talent and potential. He ranks seventh on the list compiled by the Swarm. If he meditates for thousands of years, he might become ninth rank, or at least an eighth-order invincible."

This eighth-order invincible sounded concerned.

Once these words were spoken.

The other four eighth-order invincibles fell silent immediately.

If they were talking about other evolutionaries, being able to comprehend a certain cosmic power within thousands of years and becoming an eighth-order invincible would be scoffed at.

Is cosmic power so easy to comprehend?

They were all eighth-order invincibles and naturally understood the difficulty of comprehending cosmic power. They didn't know how many life-threatening situations they had experienced or how many fortuitous opportunities they had encountered.

Even if someone were a genius, could they comprehend cosmic power by sitting still?

But if they were talking about the Galactic Master?

The miracles surrounding the Galactic Master were numerous.

If he were to meditate for hundreds or thousands of years and comprehend a certain cosmic power, it was entirely possible.

"We have no choice now."

Sala, from the Dark Lin Clan, spoke, "We only have one chance. If the Galactic Master stays on the main star and really comprehends a certain cosmic power after thousands of years, our mission for the Swarm will be considered a failure."

Among eighth-order invincibles, there are differences in strength, but the gap is not significant. When two eighth-order invincibles fight, they are basically evenly matched. Normally, one side finds it difficult to defeat the other.

This is also why such strong individuals are called 'eighth-order invincibles'.

Even if several eighth-order invincibles besiege one, even if the latter cannot win, they can easily retreat.


In Sala's view, if the Galactic Master really comprehended a certain cosmic power and became an eighth-order invincible, their assassination would be considered a failure.

The Memory Poison only affects mental memory and can only be effective if the Galactic Master is completely devoid of any resistance.

Even a ninth-rank powerhouse would find it difficult to completely strip an eighth-order invincible of their ability to resist, let alone them.

Of course, in the eyes of several eighth-order invincibles, the Galactic Master becoming an eighth-order invincible is only a possibility, not a certainty.

They are waiting outside the main star, and the chances of success are still high.

Galactic Main Star.

In the palace, Lin Yuan sat cross-legged.

"The talent I revealed outside is crossing into

He wanted to fortify his lair as solid as a rock.

B-level planet reconstruction could easily suppress the vast majority of eighth-order experts. In terms of defense, it was equally inconceivable. Even if a ninth-order expert intervened, Lin Yuan could withstand it for a moment.

If an eighth-order invincible made a move, even a group of them could only sustain for a few breaths.

For strong individuals, even a fraction of a second could accomplish a lot. Lin Yuan could completely expose his true self to avoid direct contact with ninth-order experts.

Moreover, Lin Yuan didn't believe that the Swarm would deploy ninth-rank forces to assassinate him.

Deploying ninth-rank forces was equivalent to tearing apart the facade with human civilization.

If the benefits were significant enough, the Swarm wouldn't mind doing so, but based on Lin Yuan's displayed talent, he was far from qualifying for such attention.


Lin Yuan primarily guarded against eighth-order invincible assassinations.

Faced with eighth-order invincibles, Lin Yuan only needed to hide on the main star.

When Lin Yuan first arrived in the Galactic Domain, he swiftly eliminated the biggest instability factors in the domain.

That was to reduce his frequency of going out later.

"Evolutionaries of human civilization, upon reaching the eighth rank, must guard the bordering star regions. This is tradition, it's the rule, even the descendants of the strongest are not exempt."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Evolutionaries below the eighth rank receive protection and investment from human civilization.

By the eighth rank, they must give back and guard the bordering star regions, which actually aren't very dangerous.

Individuals like Lin Yuan, who might be targeted by other races, often receive many life-saving cards before going to the bordering star regions.

The Supreme Being Xia Qin gave Lin Yuan the Bead of Suppression, even if a supreme being of another race intervened, he could still have the possibility of resurrection.

Of course, if an evolutionary made significant contributions to human civilization, such as being a scholar of evolution or being close to one.

They can also apply to be exempt from the duty of guarding the bordering star regions.

But such cases are extremely rare.

Based on Lin Yuan's displayed potential, he actually qualified for such an application.

But in doing so, if all the other newly promoted eighth-order evolutionaries went to guard the bordering star regions and Lin Yuan didn't, it would be equivalent to announcing to other races that the Galactic Master had even greater secrets.

If that were the case, even if Lin Yuan hid in the depths of human civilization, it wouldn't necessarily be absolutely safe.

"These ten years..."

Lin Yuan's thoughts turned, a smile appearing on his face.

The ten years in the main world allowed Lin Yuan to make rapid progress in all aspects.

Firstly, in terms of rule comprehension, Lin Yuan had already comprehended two thousand nine hundred and thirty-two core spatial models.

It's worth noting that ten years ago, Lin Yuan's comprehension of core spatial models was just over two thousand.

After ten years, Lin Yuan directly comprehended nine hundred core spatial models.

The difficulty of comprehending these nine hundred core spatial models was much higher than the initial nine hundred.

The difficulty of comprehending the two thousandth core spatial model far exceeded that of the first.

Reflected in the aspect of the internal world, the more advanced the spatial model comprehended, the greater the expansion of the internal world after comprehension.

And the two thousand nine hundred and thirty-two core spatial models elevated Lin Yuan's internal world to two million miles in radius.

This two million miles in radius is the normal size of an internal world.

After the basic amplification of the red liquid, Lin Yuan's internal world reached six million six hundred and sixty thousand miles.

After the basic amplification of the orange liquid, Lin Yuan's internal world size now exceeded ten million miles in radius.

"The orange liquid..."

Lin Yuan took out the mysterious gourd. At this moment, the gourd's color had turned grayish-yellow, emitting a mysterious aura.

Whether it was the initial red liquid or the orange liquid, the amplification of the physical body and the internal world was basic amplification.

Compared to the red liquid, Lin Yuan's absorption of the orange liquid was much slower, and in ten years, he had only absorbed most of it.

"Now, the basic amplification of my physical body and internal world should be about five times?"

Lin Yuan estimated in his heart.

The red liquid was amplified by three point three three times, and the orange liquid by nearly twice.

The latter was less than the former because Lin Yuan hadn't fully absorbed the orange liquid.

Theoretically, if Lin Yuan completely absorbed the orange liquid, the final amplification would reach six point six six times.

"It's terrifying."

Even after more than ten years, Lin Yuan was still shocked by the effect of the mysterious gourd.

This was basic amplification, not ordinary addition and subtraction. Now, Lin Yuan's internal world had reached a radius of over ten million miles.

A ten million mile internal world.

That was the limit for human evolutionary beings, only achievable by comprehending complete spatial rules at the eighth rank.

But to comprehend the complete spatial rules at the eighth level is almost impossible; some ninth-level experts haven't even comprehended them. But Lin Yuan achieved it in a certain aspect. Although he hadn't comprehended the complete spatial rules, he had gained one of the greatest benefits of doing so. A million-mile radius internal world. And this million-mile radius internal world wasn't Lin Yuan's limit; he could still continue to enhance it, quite significantly. 

"With a million-mile radius internal world, my current strength, even if not on par with eighth-order invincibles, isn't far off," Lin Yuan scrutinized himself. According to his estimation, with an internal world reaching tens of millions of miles in radius, even without comprehending some cosmic power, he could still challenge eighth-order invincibles. If his internal world reached hundreds of millions of miles, he could crush eighth-order invincibles. Throughout history, eighth-order invincibles have stood undefeated at the eighth level; this is their myth. But as long as Lin Yuan continues to cultivate, he can break this myth. "It's a pity, the lunar rules are still lacking," Lin Yuan sighed. Over the past ten years, some of his energy was devoted to absorbing the orange liquid and comprehending spatial rules, among other things, which delayed his understanding of the lunar rules. Even so, Lin Yuan felt he was close; even if he did nothing, it would only take another two or three years for the lunar rules to naturally become clear to him. This is the essence of the Tao of Yin and Yang in Tai Chi. When one aspect improves, the other naturally follows suit. "Breaking through the boundary force. I already have thirty-six strands," Lin Yuan's mind sank deep into his thoughts, looking towards the towering and majestic Door of the Myriad Realms. Ten years ago, Lin Yuan only had seventeen strands of accumulated boundary force; now, it had risen to thirty-six strands. "The Galactic Domain is stable now, and I don't need to do much. I can embark on the eighth journey." Lin Yuan thought. However, he hesitated about how to choose for the eighth journey. "Huh?" Lin Yuan's gaze shifted towards a certain direction of the main star. There was a mountain peak, where more than ten years ago, Ruan Wei, the eighth-level evolutionary who voluntarily followed Lin Yuan, resided. At this moment, Ruan Wei stood on the mountaintop, with the surrounding space subtly distorted, evidently contemplating the core spatial models. "Wrong." "The direction is wrong." Lin Yuan immediately discerned Ruan Wei's issue. The vast and endless spatial rules, the seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-two core spatial models summarized by the ancestors of human civilization, only describe certain aspects of the essence of spatial rules. Each person's comprehension of core spatial models may differ. "Oh well."

Lin Yuan pondered for a moment before disappearing from the palace.

"Space? What exactly is space?" Ruan Wei frowned, his breath faintly becoming unstable.

Just then, Lin Yuan reappeared, pointing a finger at Ruan Wei's brow. In an instant, the fluctuations in the surrounding space gradually dissipated, and Ruan Wei's unstable aura also began to calm down.

"Your Majesty," Ruan Wei regained his senses and immediately bowed to Lin Yuan.

"Space is everything," Lin Yuan shook his head and spoke. As someone who had comprehended nearly three thousand core spatial models, Lin Yuan was fully qualified to correct Ruan Wei's misconceptions.

"Space is everything?" Ruan Wei looked slightly puzzled.

"Space encompasses all things. What you perceive as space is just a tiny part. The universe, layer upon layer of space, is almost endless," Lin Yuan explained. "When you comprehend spatial rules, never try to materialize space. Otherwise, you'll easily go astray."

Evolutionists comprehending spatial rules are like blind people feeling an elephant. Without specific guidelines, if they happen to feel an elephant's leg, they might mistake space for an elephant's leg. It would undoubtedly be a grave mistake.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Ruan Wei felt moved and immediately expressed her gratitude. She had been trying hard to perceive the spatial rules, attempting to visualize the appearance of spatial rules, unaware that she was committing a grave mistake. Once she fixed the specific image of space in her mind, it would be difficult for her to continue advancing in spatial rules.

Although Lin Yuan's reminder was casual, it undoubtedly put Ruan Wei back on the broadest path. This was also why many evolutionists were willing to follow strong individuals; often, a single piece of advice from a strong individual could help them out of a dead end. A single sentence could change a lifetime. (End of this chapter)

Chapter 250 The Eighth Shuttle (Subscribe Please)

Guiding Ruan Wei was just a casual act for Lin Yuan.

For more than a decade, Ruan Wei had been bustling about for the Milky Way Galaxy. Lin Yuan had observed it all and now noticed she had strayed from the right path, so he didn't mind pulling her back. 

Anyway, for Lin Yuan, it was just a matter of a few words, without much cost. 

Feeling a bit tired from cultivation, he decided to take a stroll outside. After a while, he returned to the palace.

Humming, Lin Yuan's consciousness connected to the virtual world, arriving at the peak of a mountain.

Under the sky, the figure was still there, seemingly unchanged as if it had existed for eternity.

"Continue your comprehension," Lin Yuan glanced around. Many evolutionists had started to explore more evolutionary paths instead of practicing, but they were in the minority and faced great mental pressure. Even with Lin Yuan's extraordinary comprehension, it took him quite some time to achieve. For other genius evolutionists, it was nearly impossible. 

This was also why Lin Yuan informed the Goddess of Wisdom about this comprehension method, ultimately only gaining 1.5 million merit points. It was too difficult, almost like during feudal times. It was like giving the emperor a blueprint for building a nuclear factory.

Honestly, Lin Yuan felt that choosing to cultivate a certain evolutionary path and perfecting it to the final stage to become an ordinary member of the Tower of Demon Jade was more reliable.

"This evolutionary path has this aspect of the rule of life? Marvelous!" Lin Yuan continued his comprehension, analyzing each evolutionary path he understood, benefiting greatly from each one.

In the past ten years, Lin Yuan had comprehended over twenty thousand evolutionary paths from this figure, each one greatly beneficial to him.

"Just a part of the figure contains almost countless evolutionary pathways. Is this what it means to be an Overlord?"

"I wonder when I, Lin Yuan, will become such an existence?"

As Lin Yuan continued to comprehend, he faintly felt the height where the Overlords existed. It was truly remarkable. The ultimate control of a path, eternal existence, impervious to the erosion of time. What kind of scenery would that be?

Lin Yuan had also met the Overlord Xia Qin, but he didn't sense anything useful from him.

"The influence of the true body on the outside world is very subtle," Lin Yuan thought as he continued to comprehend.

"Just how many evolutionary paths do the next members of the Tower of Demon Jade need to comprehend? I've already comprehended over twenty thousand, and it hasn't triggered yet. Do I need to comprehend thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three?"

Lin Yuan squinted his eyes. Comprehending thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three evolutionary paths automatically made one an ordinary member of the Tower of Demon Jade.

Currently, Lin Yuan had comprehended over twenty thousand evolutionary paths, so it was reasonable to speculate that the next members of the Tower of Demon Jade needed to comprehend thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three evolutionary paths.

Over thirty thousand evolutionary paths. Although it was ten times the number of thirty-three hundred and thirty-three evolutionary paths, the difficulty would undoubtedly rise exponentially.

Lin Yuan even suspected that being an ordinary member of the Tower of Demon Jade was the limit, and there was no next level of membership.


"Whether it's thirty thousand or three hundred thousand."

"As long as it's helpful to me, I'll continue to comprehend."

Lin Yuan's thoughts converged as he entered a state of deep comprehension.

In the virtual world of Canglan Star, Lin Yuan's figure appeared, and his parents and sister were already sitting there.

"Little Yuan," Mother Lu Qiong greeted with a smile.

"Brother," Sister Lin Yi looked full of admiration.

Over the past ten years, Lin Yi had grown up. Leveraging her relationship with Lin Yuan, she had come into contact with many things in the upper circles of human civilization.

It was precisely because of this that Lin Yi realized what kind of existence her brother truly was. He was an extremely dazzling genius, rivaling even the offspring of Overlords, across the entire Human Civilization Alliance.

Thanks to Lin Yuan's influence, Canglan Star, an inconspicuous medium-life planet, had become a hot star in the Red Kun Star Territory and even the Annan Star Alliance.

Many powerful families and forces from various star regions specifically send their members to Canglan Star to propagate their descendants.

Since Canglan Star can produce a super-genius like Lin Yuan, it indicates something special about it. Otherwise, why wouldn't those higher-life planets produce a super-genius like Lin Yuan?

Out of this consideration, the most popular industry on Canglan Star surprisingly turns out to be the fertility industry. To have one's offspring born on Canglan Star, even if there's only a one-in-a-billion chance, as long as they give birth to descendants with qualifications of one in a million of a Galaxy Lord, it's worth it.

"How's your recent cultivation?" Lin Yuan casually chatted with his parents.

After reaching the eighth stage, Lin Yuan began to pay attention to the cultivation of his parents and relatives, even occasionally giving pointers.

The purpose of doing so was naturally to hope that his parents and sister could live a little longer.

With advanced human civilization technology, even if they didn't become evolutionists, there were many means of extending life. But among all methods of longevity, the most perfect and least risky was still the path of evolution, namely, becoming an evolutionist.

"Our qualifications probably aren't very good. The analysis videos you gave us will take a long time for us to comprehend," said father Lin Shoucheng, shaking his head.

At first, he had lofty ambitions for the path of evolution, thinking that he could give birth to a super genius like Lin Yuan. At least the Lin family's genes should be good, right? But when he truly embarked on the path of evolution, he was undoubtedly dealt a fatal blow.

Seeing Lu Qiong also struggling in her cultivation, Lin Shoucheng, for some reason, felt relieved.

"We still need to work hard," Lin Yuan said. Unless absolutely necessary, Lin Yuan wouldn't let his parents undergo that kind of life-extension modification technology.

"We'll work hard. Both of us will definitely work hard," Lin Shoucheng nodded. Who wouldn't want to become a powerful evolutionist who roamed the stars? Now that their son had become a regional lord, the conditions for their cultivation were enviable by many evolutionists, so they would naturally work hard.

"Lin Yuan, make sure to rest more often. Don't overwork yourself, and remember, the border regions are dangerous," Lu Qiong chatted for a while and then kindly reminded.

"Yeah, Lin Yuan, do you really need to go to the border regions?" Lin Shoucheng grumbled. He still hoped his son would stay in the Red Kun Star Territory. The border regions were so dangerous. Those aggressive alien races...

"Of course, it's necessary to go," Lin Yuan smiled and nodded. In fact, with Lin Yuan's current status, especially as the founder of martial arts, he was qualified to apply for exemption from the task of guarding the border regions. Although the martial arts evolutionary path was currently at the seventh stage, its potential evaluation had already surpassed some eighth-stage evolutionary paths. Lin Yuan wasn't an evolutionary scholar, but he was better than one. If he really applied to the Goddess of Wisdom, it would definitely be approved. But that would be too conspicuous. If Lin Yuan obediently went to guard the border regions, even if he was assassinated by the alien races, he would at most be invincible at the eighth stage. But if Lin Yuan didn't go to the border regions, who knows what would happen? Those top-tier alien diviners would probably get some information from the clues. By then, a more dangerous situation would await Lin Yuan. Even the Red Kun Star Lord might not be able to protect him.

After chatting with his parents for a while, Lin Yuan's consciousness returned to reality.

"The Gateway of the Myriad Realms." Lin Yuan's mind sank into the depths of his thoughts once again.

Looking at the towering and magnificent Gateway of the Myriad Realms.

"In fact, after stepping into the eighth stage, the Gateway of the Myriad Realms has not remained unchanged."

Lin Yuan carefully observed the Gateway of the Myriad Realms. At the eighth stage, his mental willpower had greatly increased.

He had a vague feeling that even if he were to shuttle through, he would descend into worlds of other dimensions and other dimensions.

By relying on the Gateway of the Myriad Realms, he could also establish a connection with the main world, perceiving in real-time everything happening around his physical body in the main world.

This was similar in essence to Lin Yuan being able to receive information transmitted by the Ancestral Demon Tree through the coordinates of the Cyan World.

If Lin Yuan were to rely solely on himself, it would be impossible to perceive the other side beyond dimensional dimensions. Even the supremely powerful might not be able to do so.

But with the Gateway of the Myriad Realms serving as a 'medium,' it was possible to achieve this scene.

"This is good." Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

During the shuttle, sensing the minutiae around his physical body in the main world was definitely a good thing for him.

When shuttling to lower-level worlds, the flow of time was immense. Decades might have passed there, while only minutes might have passed in the main world.

But as the number of shuttles increased, the worlds Lin Yuan descended into became increasingly higher-level, and the flow of time in sync with the main world gradually decreased.

This resulted in longer shuttle durations. If a crisis were to occur in the main world during Lin Yuan's shuttle, wouldn't he be defenseless?

However, being able to sense information around his true body provided Lin Yuan with the opportunity to choose.

If a huge crisis were to occur in the main world, potentially causing harm to his physical body, Lin Yuan would definitely forcibly end the shuttle, return with his mental will, and take control of his physical body.

Compared to the loss of a single shuttle, Lin Yuan valued his physical body more.

Not to mention how much Lin Yuan had sacrificed for this body. With the physical body serving as a 'marker' for his mental will to return, Lin Yuan wouldn't allow any problems to occur with it.

"I wonder if I can shuttle with the gourd." Lin Yuan's mind moved, beginning to communicate with the Gateway of the Myriad Realms.

Since the Gateway of the Myriad Realms could shuttle the physical body, naturally, it could shuttle objects as well. It was just a matter of how much boundary-breaking source power was required.

During the seventh shuttle, Lin Yuan had brought the Primordial Essence Gold to the Cyan World and placed it within the world's origin, saving him hundreds of years.

The gourd was also an external object, so theoretically, it could be brought into the shuttle world.

"Yeah, it's possible. Is it also a strand of boundary-breaking source power?" Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't doubt whether the gourd could be brought into the shuttle world, but he was worried that the Gateway of the Myriad Realms would demand a hefty amount of boundary-breaking source power.

"Just a strand of boundary-breaking source power." Lin Yuan smiled faintly. Currently, his reserve of boundary-breaking source power was close to forty strands, which was considered quite substantial.

"Things are almost settled."

"It's time for the eighth shuttle."

Lin Yuan's thoughts converged, and he made his decision.

Each shuttle would greatly enhance his strength. And being in the border regions, Lin Yuan couldn't help but feel insecure, urgently needing to increase his strength.

"What kind of shuttle method should I choose?"

Lin Yuan pondered.

Firstly, the random shuttle method, for Lin Yuan now, was somewhat unstable, so he preferred not to choose it if possible.

Excluding random shuffling, he could only choose directed shuffling.

There are two types of directed shuffling. The first one consumes a hundred strands of boundary-breaking source power to shuttle according to one's own requirements.

The hundred strands of boundary-breaking source power here are just the beginning. If the chosen world level is too high, the consumption of boundary-breaking source power will only be more.

The second type consumes ten strands of boundary-breaking source power to land in a world with obtained coordinates.

Among the world coordinates Lin Yuan currently possessed, only two were worth revisiting.

One was the Cyan World.

The other was the Spirit Realm.

The Cyan World was where he had shunted for the seventh time, and Lin Yuan had yet to explore the boundless void there.

And the Spirit Realm was the 'upper realm' of the Midland Divine Continent world.

"This time, let's go to the Spirit Realm."

Lin Yuan made his decision. The immortal cultivation system would provide significant assistance to the martial path of evolution, while the boundless void was filled with extraterrestrial evil gods. Compared to that, the assistance from the immortal cultivation system was much more significant.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan released a strand of his mind, following the bottom end of the Gateway of the Myriad Realms, and the coordinates of the Spirit Realm merged into the Gateway of the Myriad Realms.

Using the Gateway of the Myriad Realms, Lin Yuan arrived outside an immensely vast world.

This world was very familiar to Lin Yuan. When he was in the Midland Divine Continent, he had broken through the void several times to arrive outside the world, looking up at this colossal entity.

But compared to the admiration back then, the view was even clearer now, with the mighty world force operating, threatening to crush everything.

"Are those the millions of small worlds beneath the Spirit Realm?"

Lin Yuan looked down and saw countless points of light, presumably similar to the lower realms of the Midland Divine Continent.

It was said that there were over a million such lower realms.



After observing the Spirit Realm, Lin Yuan subconsciously looked up.

Indeed, he discovered a corner of a more vast world.

"Another world?"

"Could it be the legendary Immortal Realm?"

Lin Yuan was surprised. Among the many secrets of the Morality Immortal Sect in the Midland Divine Continent, Lin Yuan had seen records of the Immortal Realm being above the Spirit Realm.

"Let's stick with the Spirit Realm."

Lin Yuan made up his mind.

Outside the Gateway of the Myriad Realms, Lin Yuan's mind shattered.

Lin Yuan opened his eyes again outside the Gateway of the Myriad Realms.

"The Immortal Realm?"

"Perhaps that's where the ultimate in immortal cultivation is?"

Lin Yuan thought to himself. He didn't know much about the Immortal Realm, or more accurately, the records of the Morality Immortal Sect about the Immortal Realm were sparse.

If it weren't for the occasional visits and communications of the Morality Immortal Sect's generations of immortals, there probably wouldn't be any records of the Immortal Realm.

"I'll probably stay in the Spirit Realm for about nine hundred years this time."

"If we talk about the rate of time flow, it's probably hundreds to one. By the time the residency period is over, the main world will probably have passed one or two years?"

Lin Yuan had a rough estimate.

"Let's get started."

Lin Yuan communicated with the Gateway of the Myriad Realms without hesitation, activated the coordinates of the Spirit Realm, and his mental will surged into the Gateway of the Myriad Realms.

(End of this chapter)