
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · ファンタジー
716 Chs

Strange Feelings

Hearing a light whisper of a voice enter her ears she shivered as she barely made them out as joy ran through her body.

"What'd you say?"


Refusing to repeat himself, he walked down the hall a little absentmindedly while that scenario played out in his mind over and over again as he walked. "What exactly happened during the time I didn't see her or did she always have that power?" It had only been about two months now since he had last seen her and he honestly didn't think someone could change that much in so little time. "That raw aggressiveness, the no signs of fear or hesitation..." Even back when she almost had to kill those people she had those things but in front of those Astral Beasts it disappeared almost like a switch was flipped. "Looks like I need to pay more attention to her." She was given him plenty of surprises and he was curious how much more she had in her before it ran dry.

"So Xilo what did you want to do now?"

"My original goal was to come here for the treasures inside like all the rest but recently it's been changing."

listening to Felli's voice he decided to talk about it a bit with her since maybe she might give him some help.

"Changing you say, Can I ask how it's been changing?"

"It's weird and complicated but I guess I've been aching to fight more things and test my strength out more than I initially thought I would when coming here."

"Is that really something weird or complicated Xilo? Seems to me like you just want to get stronger."

"...I suppose, got any idea on how to go about it then?"

"Well besides the things that you've hoarded in your bag we can only try and find more things to fight like those metal knights. Like you've seen the further we go in the more of them that show up and I don't think we're even that far in yet, maybe halfway."

"Makes sense but I'm curious as well, What are you doing here?"

She had been following him around everywhere along with Tearia but even when they found treasure or things to take she would always refuse his offer to have some and always give it to him. "Is she really just not that greedy or does she have something else in mind?" That question had nagged at him for quite a bit as well but he never found a place to ask it until now. "She may be Tearia's friend but still, and with the strength she's shown there has to be another reason why she's here." Well she may not have killed everyone in that room herself she was still able to lock down the entire place and only get a little tired so she had to be pretty strong herself.

"Ahaha...I'm looking for something...that's in this place."

"Mind describing what it is? I don't mind helping you."

Silently watching their conversation unfold Tearia kept to herself as she snuck closer to Xilo. "They seem so suspicious of each other and yet friendly at the same time. Weird." Having thoughts like that she grabbed Felli's hand as they walked and pushed her ahead. She was tired of having her walk a bit further behind them like a lurker. They were friends and she wanted to treat her that way even if Xilo didn't share the same thoughts now. "Relationships are complicated..." She was used to social things in life though so she was just as good as Felli if not better at reading the mood except when it came to Xilo. Then her brain just stopped working as it turned to mush or at least that's how it felt.

"Well....my mother said there might be a purple Elemental Stone with a decent size to it unlike the ones you found before. I was hoping to get a hold of it and use it."

However that was only one of the things she came here for, the other would be kept a secret for now but if she could get help finding one of the objects then that was fine with her. "It's the less important one after all." Plus with Meeting Tearia she had been opening up a little more than she usually would. Without her, she might have already wandered off by herself not having any care for those around her but Xilo was still another story regardless of how much Tearia loved him. "He's....an interesting one to say the least." She couldn't quite place her finger on it but he felt different or weird to her in some ways but she just couldn't figure it out yet.

"Ahhh, Alright well that's something to keep in mind then."

Hearing her explanation he lightly shuddered as he remembered the stone he had found back in the ruins underground with Xelfia. "So she wants that kind of object." Gripping his bag tighter he didn't make a move to offer it to her like before. He knew the rarity and the trouble he went through to get it and unlike Relia, Felli didn't give him the same vibes. Offering that to her went way beyond just being polite and he wasn't willing to go that far for her. However if they happened to find another one along the way he wouldn't mind letting her have it. "Least I can do for her..." Playing around with those thoughts in his head he heard more Creaking entered his perception.

"Seems more enemies are coming."

"Yeah, I'll take care of them this time don't worry."

Hearing Felli speak with such confidence and after Tearia's show from before he didn't even bother arguing with her and let her do her thing as more Metal Knights entered their vision before freezing in their tracks as Gravity held them in place forcing their metal to bend and break in mere seconds before they collapsed to the floor dead.

"Well then."

"I told you, I'd take care of them this time."

With a slight smile hidden by most of her hair they continued walking ahead.

Bit late, whoops,, sorry


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