
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · ファンタジー
716 Chs

Gathering Information

"I'll be sending you to Tidal soon and this time you will only be bringing a couple members with you. Are you prepared?"

After finishing everything he needed to do for the day Katrin had called him to the throne room. He figured she probably wanted to talk about his next assignment and since he was free there was no reason not to. Letting the sun shine down on them Xilo listened to what she had to say. "Only allowed to bring a few of them." Since he was restricted in numbers by Katrin, Xilo tried to think about the best people to bring with him. "Probably Yulrin and Vandor." Keld would be the best choice to take over while he was gone and Raran was still in a condition that wasn't suited for that kind of travelling.

"Yeah, I already have the people I'll be taking with me picked out. Everyone should also be ready, so we're just waiting for you to give the approval. I do want to know what it is that you want us to do, I doubt you're sending us there for just a light visit. Nor do you want to get rid of us...I think."

Hearing Xilo's rambling Katrin rolled her eyes.

"Of course not and yes I do have a reason in mind. For starters when I made a deal with Tidal's Queen I said I would send over a certain number of soldiers to help her out. You will be included in that group or well more precisely leading it. I'm leaving you in charge of over 200 soldiers. I hope you can handle that."

"That's a lot of people to watch over..."

Xilo was already struggling to deal with the people he had now, two hundred seemed like a massive mountain in comparison.

"It is but you need experience which brings us into the next reason you're going. I want you to get out in the world more. You've only ever seen this small Country. A shallow world view will chain you down and stop your growth. It's good to be out of your comfort zone and this is exactly what'll do that."

"True, I haven't travelled much and it would be nice to see everything. Who knows maybe I can find some information on Relia while I'm gone."

Katrin knew there was zero hope in that happening.

"Lastly, I want you to spy on their Queen for me. You're one of the few people I can trust to send there at the moment. She also knows nothing about you unlike most of the people in this Castle. You're a wild card that will grab her attention and maybe let her guard down a bit. I will ask you this, don't let her pry any sensitive information from you, especially the fact that you aren't totally human. If she learns about that it's hard to say what she will do. She honestly is a good person but she's also the Queen of her own Country. People also don't react well to demon's typically as you know....Just keep that in mind alright?"

"I will, what information are you after exactly though?"

"Anything honestly, But mostly information on the current state of the Astral Zone and her....er..Husband. That man loves war and I'm a bit worried he might push this opportunity too far. While I wouldn't exactly call us friends after recent events I still care about her and I don't want to see her get hurt because of a couple of idiots mistakes.

Concern slipped into Katrin's voice as she looked at Xilo, she knew that this wasn't so simple.

"Got it, Sounds doable though I may have trouble getting to talk with her. I guess I'll figure that out when I get there. Is there anything else you wanted to say."

"You'll be leaving tomorrow morning, I'll be teleporting you there. Other than that I have nothing else to say. Just get some good rest and take care of yourself."

With that, Xilo left Katrin by herself. Walking back to his Clan's area he repeated everything Katrin said in his mind. "Find information." Something that stood out to him was the way she talked about the Queen's husband. "It was like she wasn't willing to call him that." The only reason XIlo could think of why she said it like that was because they might not have been "partners" anymore. "She's still his Wife though but why?" If that was the case wouldn't she have just left him and moved on. "Maybe it isn't so simple. There was also a very good possibility that his mind was just creating stories and drama for no reason.

"I guess I'll find out soon."

Going down the halls Xilo got lost in his thoughts when he bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry."

Looking up from his thoughts he saw the person he had bumped into.

"Don't worry about it Xilo, in fact you were the person I was looking for."

"Oh hello Raran, why were you looking for me? Did something happen to the recruits or something?"

This was the first time Raran had come to him to talk about something, so Xilo was worried something bad happened.

"No, no nothing like that. I just wanted to talk to you about my, or our power. I think I've finally made a proper decision."

Thankfully it looked like it was nothing that bad, settling down Xilo was surprised that Raran came to talk to him about that. The last time they had talked about it he had seemed very hesitant, now though there was confidence in the way he talked. "I wonder what changed." Either way, Xilo wanted to help and it was nice to see Raran opening up to him more. If things kept going like this maybe they could become better friends. "There's more out there I want to help as well." Xilo was far from the only person with this power, if Raran accepted his help maybe Raran could also start helping other people as well.

"Oh, let's hear it then."

"I want you to teach me how to use it, please."


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