
Re: Zero

Zen died and Reborn in Re: Zero with Sasuke's looks and Virus System

Navizy · 書籍·文学
5 Chs


Chapter 1

Zen, an average high school student, who was self-proclaimed Otaku, other than watching anime or reading manga, Zen also likes to spend his time playing games, and that resulted in him being somewhat lonely, barely having friends.

"Sigh~, boring." Zen sighed as he pushed his body onwards to his house.

Waking up in the morning, then going to school then returning home, that routine would go all the way to weekdays, only weekends could Zen have free time and that's still enough for him to satisfy his needs.

While walking towards his home, Zen was suddenly struck by lightning.

Yup, struck by lightning.

Pretty cliche, right?

Zen didn't know why there's lightning came out of nowhere and ruthlessly struck him.

He died painfully.

And afterward, Zen met an old man who called himself God.

Then, God told what really happened to Zen.

It turns out that God accidentally let out a bit of his power that resulting in Zen's painful death.

God compensated Zen and gave him 3 wishes.

Zen thought for moments before stating his wishes.

1: Get Reincarnated, 2: He will still keep his Memories, 3: Get a Virus System that will infect his targets[Like Zombies]

Zen really wanted to reborn or something, and he also loves watching Zombie Movies.

Just thinking of creating a horde of powerful zombies slightly excites him.

Hearing what Zen wishes, and after knowing that it could be done, God asked Zen where he wants to reincarnate.

Zen answered in Re: Zero

Then the God nodded and waved his hand then Zen was sucked by the Void and Disappeared

{I just wrote this to remove the nonsense part}

Gladiator Island Ginunhive

Gladiator Island Ginunhive: Group of Islands located closed Vollachia

Within a very dense forest that seemed filled with endless huge trees, a white light suddenly glowed and after a few seconds it quickly faded, leaving a young man on the ground

"Ugh." Zen, who is naturally the young man, felt dizzy, he felt that he moved very fast that his brain couldn't keep up.

"Now here I am in the Re: Zero" Zen, after his dizziness subsided smiled as he checked his surroundings, however, he could only see is an ocean of trees

"It looks like I am in the middle of a forest, and its quite vast, to say the least."

Zen then started to think about what to do and not to do.

First things first; he needs basic needs.

Water and Food

And second things second; he needs to be extremely careful as this place is full of dangers and wonders.

And third things third; send your prayer above all the hate...


After having a slightly feasible plan that could work, for now, Zen started to walk, aimlessly.

Well, he doesn't have any map or something like that.

While aimlessly walking, Zen tried to contact his system but to no avail.

Zen decided to wait for the system to reveal itself.

Maybe there's binding binding stuff going on so that's why the system isn't active yet.

After minutes of walking, Zen could finally hear a sound other than the roaring of unknown animals and chirping of exotic looking birds.

Hearing the slightly familiar sound, Zen started to head towards it.

'A river?'

Several minutes later, Zen finally arrived and saw a river with crystal blue water flowing.

"The first objective is accomplished next is to know my current appearance" Zen sighed in relief as he looked at the river.

Zen needed to know if God changed his previous appearance or not, looks are a must.


Zen was surprised, extremely surprised.

Zen excitedly touched his face and foolishly smiled.

After sometime Zen finally calmed down.

"As a Fan of Uchiha Sasuke, I shall not shame this appearance. I am now a proud Uchiha!" Promised Zen as he washed his face and drink some water to quenched his thirst.

Walking for how many long minutes slightly tired him.


Finally, he heard a sound that made him sighed in relief and felt rejuvenated.

Even though he was sure that his system is there, he didn't know for how long it would be inactive.

'System, are you there?"

[Here Host]

[Host, do you want to do a tutorial?]




[As the host knows, the system was given to host by God.]

[The V-System!]

[With me, the host can finally achieve his long-lasting dream, having zombies on his side, doing everything that host asks, I mean e-ve-ry-thing~.]

[Though, the system wishes that the host doesn't have strange kink like fucking corpses...]

[I don't have Shop or Lucky Spin but I have Status]

[Every living thing Host kills or infects will give Host Exp to level up his body attributes and Skills/Abilities, etc.]

[Every level up, host's overall stats will increase by 1 and host will gain 5 Free Attributes that can be allocated to stats!]

[An average adult has 1 Strength, 1 Endurance, etc...naturally there are expectations.

A kid with a special constitution can have a strength greater than an adult's.

And an adult can have a child's intelligence, etc.]

[The system recommends that the Host should become stronger to protect what he wants to protect and destroys what he wants to destroy.

So infect infect now!]

[That's all]


[Zen-Healthy{Reincarnation of Uchiha Sasuke}

Exp: 0/1Low-Level00/Low-Level Academy Student

Strength: 0.8

Agility: 0.7

Intelligence: 0.8

Vitality: 0.9

Luck: 10(Host's Luck was increased due to meeting God and having reincarnate)

Attribute Point: 0

Bloodline: Uchiha(Unawaken)

Virus: Lvl 1: Can only affect some weak animals like Rabbits, Frogs, Fishes, Etc..

Information: Virus[Unnamed Lvl 1: The Virus who are infected will become emotionless and will obey the Master orders without hesitation]

'So I was lucky I died?'

Zen smiled bitterly.

'So... how did I become a reincarnation of Uchiha Sasuke?' Zen wasn't too surprised as he got a vaguely guessed it when he saw his appearance was changed and turned to Uchiha Sasuke.

[This is God's bonus for the host. God wants the host to enjoy his second chance by becoming handsome.]

'Thank you God' Zen's smiled with gratitude as his eyebrows twitched.

'Am I that ugly?' Zen thought of his previous appearance but didn't find any problem with it.

His previous appearance is neither too good nor too bad, just slightly above average.

[Host will gain Uchiha Sasuke's memories as the Host gets stronger. For now, Host can only receive a few pieces of memories of Uchiha Sasuke.]

'Hmm, Thanks System'

[Welcome Host]

After having finished washing his new handsome face, Zen re-entered the forest as he started to look for weak prey.

Zen is really eager to try using his Virus!

After some time, Zen found a small rabbit eating grass.

Hiding far enough for him to go unnoticed by the small looking harmless rabbit, Zen took a deep breath.

"Now let' try my [Virus]" Zen pointed his open palm towards the Rabbit and activated his skill.

'[Virus!]' Black gas came out from his palm and it shot towards the Rabbit.

The Black gas rapidly arrived a few meters away from the rabbit.

The rabbit sensing a danger looming over its entire body was shocked.

It tried to spring away but found its body doesn't listen to it.


At this moment, the black gas had already arrived and it covered the whole body of the rabbit.


Then, the black gas slowly entered the rabbit's pores.


The rabbit cried in pain.

Then, a few seconds later, the entirety of the black gas had now entered the body of the rabbit.


The rabbit's body became stiff and fall on the ground.

While this happening, Zen was there silently looking on with a crazy smile and a cruel glint flashed in his eyes.





[The Virus has successfully invaded a living being's body.]

[Now commencing the zombification...]

[Estimate countdown; 30 Seconds]

[Starting countdown...]