
A moment of peace 1/2

In the forbidden library inside the Mathers Mansion, Chris could be seen scrolling through the pages of 'A Guide to Goa'. As Beatrice continued to glare at him from time to time, she had tried to drain his mana to the point it would leave him with only a small amount causing him to pass out. But sadly due to the fact his body runs on his SOUL instead of mana he couldn't be exhausted, he would just be unable to cast normal magic for a few hours.

This of course caused Beatrice to be worry of him as seeing how he doesn't rely on mana unlike normal people she saw him as an anomaly and due to the fact he was currently reading one of her mother's precious books it would be safe to say that she loathed him.

'Different applications of Goa relies on the casters Gate and control over Goa magic, the user must at least be able to constantly use Ul Goa the second stage of the spell to even think about lowering the temperature to make ice'

The more he read about the book the more he thought about actually contracting the lesser spirits that were pestering him outside, but he then looked at Beatrice and began to wonder if he could make a contract with her but he decided against it. As unlike Subaru there was no way Beatrice would make a contract with him.

'So lesser spirits it is, but before I do that I should find a book on mana reinforcement'

In this world there was many applications to mana other than spells, even if one couldn't use any type of spell they could still enhance their muscles and bones to the point they could reach inhuman levels. While having more mana was good for a mage if you wanted to learn mana reinforcement and mana enhancement which was the application of mana to a foreign object like a sword, having more mana meant you would have a harder time controlling it. So for Chris who had only a normal amount of mana it was a good start.

But as he closed the book and placed it back on the shelf he felt a strong gust of wind trying to force him out the door, he turned to see Beatrice trying her best to cause no damage to the library but sadly unlike Subaru he wasn't someone who would be easily force out of the library.

So ignoring her attempt of kicking him out her began walking to part of the library that was focused on mana application and it didn't take long for him to get the book he needed.

'Mana Application in Combat: Volume 1'

It was a book that focused on many types of mana application for the soldiers and knight of the kingdom, it may either be a bit out dated due to the fact it was written 400 years ago but it would still prove useful for Chris.

So having what he needed he started to exit the library with the cursing of Beatrice behind him.

"If you are to lose or damage that book I will burn you to a crisp I suppose!"


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Over the past week Chris had been going through quite a boring but productive routine, he would make sure to keep his eye on Emilia everytime she was outside of the Mansion walls while patrolling not only the Mansion but the village from time to time.

While doing so he would practice what he had read from the book he had forcefully borrowed from Beatrice, he couldn't find a volume 2 and after asking the loli she told him told him why he couldn't find it.

"It's because that's the only volume made I suppose!"

And it was acceptable as the book was just a guide and the basics of applying ones mana to themselves or their weapon, which was done by enhancing your muscles and speeding up your blood flow using your gate.

But instead of actually using mana he would use his SOUL energy as a substitute which worked twice as better as he had more control over soul magic, but that didn't mean he was slacking off with his mana based magic as he is now able to spam Goa for a straight five minutes and from time to time be able to pull off the spell without needing to say the casting words forty percent of the time.

But other than learning mana enhancement and learning how to use spells, Chris's routine was quite simple from 6 in the morning until 12 midnight he would be doing a patrol all over the Mathers territory. Which included Arlam Village so he would be asked by the children to do what they called 'Something cool and rad' if he wanted to pass the village.

He would just using his Soul magic to make a smaller blaster which the children would use as a form of transportation, as they would act like Knight's with their spirit friend and go on adventures.

He reassured the children's parents by showing them that the blaster was linked to him so anything it could see he could see and it didn't have a mind of its own, so it was basically Chris being a babysitter for the children.

But right now after waking up expecting the day to be the same routine he noticed one thing.

'Why the hell is it so cold!?'

The whole manor was basically freezing to the point that the cup of water he had placed last night right next to his bed was now frozen, he stood up and noticed one crucial thing.

"Good morning Chris!"

Rem was in a chair beside his bed watching him, sure he had noticed a presence in the room while he slept but he would always assume it was an insect like a fly as it didn't have any harmful intent towards him.

But finally remembering how one of the Canon OVA's for the anime started like this he finally remembered some bits of it despite watching it 18 years ago.

'Something about pucks mana, but nothing dangerous so today is basically the rezero equivalent of a beach episode.'

Chris only remembered dangerous and interesting parts of anime and only parts of the Light Novel he had read online, at first he did fear the knowledge of not knowing the whole plot of the show but after realizing that the OVERWRITE button would just basically allow him to not worry about this world as he would have already left it before anything else dangerous would happen after the sanctuary arc of the anime.

"Hey Rem what are you doing here."

He asked the blue haired miad who continued to sit before happily replying at him.

"Well I don't have time to watch you during the day so most of the time I would sit in this chair to watch you sleep all night!"

"Don't you also need sleep?.."

"Rem doesn't need sleep when watching you gives me all the energy I need for the day!"

Chris could only look at her dumbfounded before he stood up and made his bed with Rem watching the whole process, but as Chris finished Rem got up from her seat and mad her way to the door.

" Aren't you cold Rem? "

" Yes but like my sister I'm used to the cold"

'That makes sense'

Chris then proceeded to equip his Knight clothes and proceeded to open the window letting the sun warm the room up a little, as he was ready to get to work despite the cold.

"As much as I would love to watch you even more I need to prepare breakfast as due to the cold Ram is currently sleeping in"

"Thanks for telling me, I'm going to go wake her up now."

Chris couldn't accept the fact that while he worked Ram slept so he made his way to her room despite Rem telling him not to.

(A few minutes later)

In one of the many stock rooms Chris could be seen carrying crates out of the room as Ram was sweeping the floors with a broom with fatigue as she had just woken up.

"Why couldn't you just let me sleep crish..."

"Because I don't want my senior being lazy, and what's with that awful nickname!?"

"I have no idea what you mean crisp."

Due to just waking up Ram would sometimes fall asleep while sweeping in one spot for only to be awakened by the sound of a loud clap from Chris, now due to the fact that Emilia hasn't woken up yet as it was just 6 in the morning Chris didn't need to be in his patrol just yet.

It was safe to say he was enjoying tormenting the half-asleep Ram.

"Its still dusty over here even after you've finished start over m dear senior"


As Ram was about to throw the broom at Chris's face she noticed a handle in the wooden floors, to what seemed to be a trap door.

"Crisp would you be a good junior and open this hatch while I wait outside and lock the door incase a huge insect flies out."

Ram asked Chris who only sighed before he tugged a piece of red string that came from his finger prints as it was latched onto the hatch revealing a variety of alcohol stashed very neatly.


"I have heard that Lord Roswaal's grandmother was a heavy drinker this must be one of her stashes"

Chris hearing this knew was definitely one of Roswaal's stashes during his time in what he knew was a quite beautiful and busty body, but instead of trying to remember about any more detail about Roswaal's past possessions he crouched down to take one of the many wine bottles before popping it open.

"I know you're a weird looking fellow with a pale complexion but alcohol isn't the way crisp."

"Oh shut up I'm just smelling the wine"

Chris knew a few things about wine if it smelled like dry fruit it was good but if smelled like vinegar it was bad, he took a small sip without letting his lips touch the bottle and with just a single sip he could already taste the many flavors in the wine.

"Good morning you two!"

But before he could take another sip Emilia greeted them from the door with a nervous expression, Chris could already guess why but he still found it hard to believe but after remembering who Puck was he found it easier to believe.

'Its better for him to release it as ice then fire...'

"Lady Emilia please stop your worthless knight, he's slowly becoming an alcholoic to drink his sorrows away!"

Emilia hearing Ram's statement looked at Chris who was still crouching while holding the open bottle of wine and Emilia being well Emilia assumed the worst.

" Chris I know it's hard to live life while being someone with your looks but you can't just drink your problem's away!"

'What the hell Is up with my face and skin!?'

[The next day]

'Its even colder now!'

Chris wasn't bothered by the cold as his Knight clothing which being the X!Tale Frisk's clothing which came when he first used his ITEM box of course he couldn't used it when he was amid but after having his growth spurt he was able to wear it, this armor was basically made for the snowdin part of the underground so despite it looking thin and flashy it was very comfortable and it's material was very strong and soft and more importantly kept him warm.

'So she's already casting the barrier'

As Chris stood outside his room he saw Beatrice casting the barrier to keep the cold inside the Mansion grounds, which meant tomorrow it would get even colder. But instead of talking to her he walked pass the little loli while patting her head as he began walking towards the kitchen to grab something to eat before doing his patrol around the territory.

"Don't you dare try doing that to Betty again!"

With ignoring Beatrice, Chris went along his day greeting Rem in the kitchen doing his patrols around th territory paying his 'Toll' with the kids to let him pass and finally reporting to Roswaal in the end of the day before he went to sleep.

[The next day]

"How was your morning Chris?"

"Well other than having my drool frozen when I woke up it was alright"

Currently Chris was in the kitchen with Rem as he enjoyed a cup of coffee while she was cooking what seemed to be soup, but as she did so Chris from time to time would need to use Goa on furnace to stop it from freezing.

Around the room everything could be seen slightly covered in a layer of thin ice to the point that the coffee Chris was drinking would even turn told cold after a few seconds of being placed down thus needing to be heated up using Fire magic.

"My my my, Good morning my two lovely servants is that a warm breakfast I smell~~~?"

"" Good Morning lord Roswaal ""

As Roswaal made his presence known both Rem and Chris greeted him politely, well Rem did but Chris did his greeting quite lazily but still needed to pay his respects to his boss if he wanted to get his pay by the end of the week.

"So what brings you here Zeke-Sama"

"Now I don't know what 'Zeke-Sama' means but Chris my dear servant could you be a darling and check up on Emilia~~~"

Seeing how his little joke failed with a quick chug Chris finished his coffee before placing it in the sink before making his way to Emilia's room followed by Rem who was just behind him.

Knock knock knock

"Emilia you there?"

"C-Chris!?, wait don't come in I'm changing!"

"I'm going to give you until the count of five."

Chris then took a few steps back from the door as Rem watched from behind questioning what he was about to do, he began counting.



But before Emilia could say anything further Chris kicked the door open launching I across the room as a cold gust of wind came out of Emilia's room all coming from her bed from a wrapped up Puck.


[A few minutes later]

"So it's just his Magic Release Period?"

"Mhm, his Od can't fully contain his energy and mana so from time to time he would need to release it."

Right now all the residents of the Mansion were inside the dining room, Ram wrapped up in a huge comforter, Roswaal with his highly fashionable and expensive feathered warmed cloak, Rem with her winter maid outfit, Beatrice who was sipping her fifth cup of tea, and Chris who was still wearing his Knight Clothing as he talked to both Puck and Emilia.

"You seem to be quite familiar with the release Period Chris ~~, then again someone with your strength would surely have experienced it~~"

"Yeah when I didn't use my magic for a week I woke up in my room back in the capital covered in scratches and slices with red energy leaking from them..."

Chris wasn't proud of it but thanks to his SOUL and DT affecting his Gate so much it would cause it to leak his excess LOVE to something similar to that of a magic release period.

"I hope you all have any idea how to pass the time as bubby releases his Magic I suppose?"

And with that Chris had just remembered something that would help lessen the cold temperature in a specific part of the Mansion and his plan included the Bath.

(Later at the bath)

"Why in the hell is it leaves and dirty water!?!?"

Chris's idea included using his controlled version of Goa to heat up the definitely frozen bath's and for all of them to take a dip, but instead they were all met with the baths being covered in different types of leaves and the water being very dirty.

"Rem remembered Chris taking a bath wishing it was a green tea bath he had many years ago, Rem didn't know what type of tea leaves to use so she added every type of tea into the bath!"

Hearing Rems words Chris could only look at her dumbfounded and even flabbergasted.

"Feel free to praise Rem-"


And with that Chris's plan failed before it could even start.