
Re Zero - The Journey Of Demon Lord Candidate

Emilia has became more distant due to her participation in Royal Selection. Still optimist Subaru is getting ready to travel to Karagi with Ram, without knowing what fate has in store for him on that day. The normal journey would lead him to a greater adventure, this time with cold-hearted Ram.

SpookySaint · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Chapter 8

"Rosawall, what the fuck are you trying to do?" Subaru screamed while opening the study room with a loud THUD!. "No Ros-Chi today huh!" Rosawall had a stoic expression on his face but it didn't manage to subdue the confusion that Subaru's anger induced upon him. He hadn't had the first hand encounter of an angry Subaru, and although he was a proud magician with a strong arsenal of skills and magical talent, he was for the first time since ages scared, that too of this scrawny boy with devilish eyes.

"Subaruuu, is something wrooong?" asked Rosawall keeping an innocent tone in his voice.

"Don't play Dumb with me. There's no way those two devils are here in your mansion, without your knowledge"

So heee did found them? There's no point in keeping information to myself anymore.

"They are here for a reason" said Rosawall while sipping a cup of coffee, placed in an luxurious looking cup with a golden handle.

"What reason Ros-Chi…" Subaru said "They are fucking Sin Archbishops of Gluttony. They should be taken care of as soon as we…" and then he stopped coming towards the table, discontinuing his ramblings on the matter. "Am I really thinking like this? Since when did I begin to casually talk about killing someone? Yes, there were people who have wronged me and people close to me but this feeling…What is this?" thought Subaru. Rosawall had a smirk on his face, which he didn't try to hide.

"Doooo youu really think either me or you are capable of killing childrennn, however malicious they may beee?"

"No" was all that he could say, without giving any excuse, for he had none "but we have to do something about them? They can't be left as they are. What if they got out?"

Rosawall then explained to him, about the barrier in the room where the twins Sin Archbishops were enclosed. Subaru was relieved a bit to know about a way to confront them without killing himself.

"Well I don't know what would you say about this but I want you to go to them?" Rosawall begin "and before you interrupt me, I have to say that you have to go there because it concerns her…"

Her? Subaru thought


And he sat on the table to have a talk with Rosawall. Was it because of her or was he really interested in helping Rosawall, only the time would tell.

"And that's how you iron these clothes" said Rem slowly brushing her blue hairs that had made their way near her eyes. Ram has been pestering her about helping in the chores, which Rem tried to avoid but the stubbornness of Ram was one thing that didn't cease to exist even if she had fallen to amnesia. So the blue haired demon was helping her twin with red hair to learn ironing.

"What's this…?" Ram asked looking at a peculiar shirt with an intrinsic design that seemed to be a bit odd.

"It's Subaru-Kun's jacket. He loves wearing it all the time. I wonder why he gave it for laundry"

"There's something here…OH its its" Ram seemed tensed to blurt out something. Rem's eyes went to the back of the jacket where an array of blood trickles can be seen. "Why is this on his clothes?" Ram said, her brain receiving distorted images of soldiers coming to raid her village, an old man trying to protect her, but a strong slash tears him from between and the blood sprays on her face.

"I think Subaru-Kun may have got it when he tried to protect you?" said Rem. Her mind as innocent as a lamb made her forget the psychology of people especially girls who are protected by someone in near-death situations. In her case Subaru had to take a long-cut, till her melted her cold heart but for Ram, it was as simple as this He has blood because he tried to save me. I don't know why, but I feel like he has done something great for me, something that I should never forget. Am I feeling this because my life was on line? However, it doesn't matter. What sort of life is this when you have to wake up as somebody reborn? Still, I must at least ask for his forgiveness as I somehow feel, he was in that situation because of me.

"Nee-Sama…Nee-Sama" Rem shook her a few more times.


"Geez...In which world did your mind drifted to? Tell me if the works too hard for you. I will be more than happy to let you rest."

"No it's nothing like that" Ram said grabbing both of her hands together and putting them near her chest "I just feel like saying thank you to Subaru-Sama, for helping me from that dire situation"

"Nee-Sama" said Rem giving Ram a sisterly hug "Subaru-Kun isn't the kind to expect praise for helping others. But if you still want to thank him, I won't stop you"

"Thanks Rem" said Ram returning the hug "But I need to. Something in my mind wouldn't let me rest until I have a talk with him"

Ram parted ways with her sister trying to find Subaru. Rem was happy to see that Ram although didn't remember much about her, other than the fact that they were twins, that too only because they looked similar, she found Ram becoming more and more joyful. This side of her sister, she wants to cherish.

"But this isn't you, Nee-Sama" Rem muttered slowly pondering over the circumstances of her sister's amnesia.

"Subaru – Kun" Rosawall continued still sipping the coffee "I think that those two may know how to bring Ram's memories back."


"I don't know for sure"

Subaru's face saddened a bit.

"But they know something. I saw it in their eyes. But they won't tell meeee. I think it would be better for you to talk with them."

"Huh! Why me? If the greatest magician of this time can't coerce them to say something, why would they listen to me?"

"Subaru-Kuun, force isn't always the mightiest advantage we have over our enemy. Wars have been won on the power of love. You have a way with the children; use it to your advantage."

Subaru said Hmm as he mentally begin to prepare for the encounter "Ok. I will have a talk with them. But I can't promise anything." He rose from the chair to exit the room.

"Wait a minute, Subaruu-Kuun" said Rosawall, now had placed his hands near his chin and had a serious smile on his face "Do you think, that Ram as she now is OK?"

"Why would you ask that?"

"I don't know. The way you look at her, the way your personality changes around her, its gives an indication of Love"

"L-O-V-E" Subaru's face was enveloped with red hue all over.

"And I don't want to sound rude but I think if you do try to get her affection, it would be a problem. In this state, you may win her heart but once she turns back, and she will turn back" I will make sure of it thought Rosawall in his mind and continued "She will be perplexed about the situation beyond control and I hope you wouldn't like that"

"Of course, What do you think of my character. My heart is only for cute and innocent diva like Emilia-Tan, I didn't ever plan on having a thing with that tsundere" and he stormed off towards the exit trying to hide his embarrassed face. Little did he knew, that a certain red – haired former maid had listened to every bit of their conversation and ran into the opposite direction as soon as he had come for the door.

"What was all that about?" But the reply to her question was never came out through her mind which was already fixated at filling the jigsaw puzzles of her prior life.