

Void_Cosmo · ファンタジー
5 Chs



As usual I completed my school day and was on the way to my home when my eyes fell upon an unbelievable sight. I saw my friends, my comrades who had died in the other world but there were only two of them. First the boy, James - The Spear Hero and the other was a girl, Aisha - The Mage Hero.

They didn't seem to know each other but were eating at the same restaurant in my neighborhood. I wondered " Do they remember the past like I do? " . I didn't know what to do. In the end I decided to approach James first because we had become really close throughout the journey. I went upto him like any casual guy approaching his friends.

" The look in his eyes...I am sure he remembers me! " I muttered to myself when I saw him ignore me and walk out of the restaurant. I ran towards him but couldn't catch up. He always was a fast runner.

I returned to the restaurant to look for Aisha but she wasn't there. Being disappointed, I rushed to my home. My mother had already prepared dinner for me. Seeing my family once again, the warmth of the food and their love... I couldn't help but shed tears. My mother asked me why was I crying with the same worried look she always has. I replied that it was because I was so hungry. It may seem like a stupid reason but she accepted it.

I finished my food and went to my bed. In the other world there was always a threat of a sudden attack or some other issues, we could never have a sleep which felt satisfied. The soothing weather, fluffy bed, the familiar room - I fell into deep sleep without even realizing.

" Hey dude wake up! How long are you gonna keep me waiting? Wakey wakey... " I felt as if someone had whispered in my ears. I opened my eyes and noticed that everything around me had turned black. I couldn't understand what was going on. I was still able to move my body but I couldn't feel anything!

I slowly stood up and walked in that dark path. I couldn't see or hear a single thing. Suddenly I saw a mass of those black material rise up to form something that looked like a human body. The face of that body was covered with a white mask. I thought I was dreaming so I tried to pinch myself but I couldn't feel anything. " What's happening? "

" Hey there, calm down buddy! What got you so worked up? You are probably wondering what is this place and what the hell am I, aren't you? I know you have a lot of questions but those have to wait as I don't have much time left. " the creepy voice sent a chill down my spine.

" Hey who are you? And what do you mean by you don't have enough time? Answer me! " I shouted gathering up all my courage.

" Did you think it was all over? You thought you could now live a peaceful life.... *Hahahaha*.... You can't be more wrong about that. Do you know the real reason why you were sent back in time? "

" What do you mean by the real reason? " I couldn't process what he was saying.

" It's not over yet! Be ready, you will be summoned again so that you could complete your unfinished work... Yes the work - the death of Demon King which you useless heroes couldn't accomplish. But don't worry, this time you have my help. "

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. " Does that mean I have to go back to that world and lead that disgusting life again? " I felt suffocated.

" Such weaklings! I just came ahead to give you a warning, the rest is in your hands. Signing off - The God Of D.... "


I rubbed my eyes as I woke up. Everything was back to normal. I wondered what had happened last night and what did he call himself. I couldn't remember his last sentence but I was sure he was some kind of a God.

{Yo-Ho! The system is at your service }

A bluish screen popped in front of me.

" Am I in some kind of novel? " I asked myself.

{ I guess you could consider yourself as a main character in novel, let me introduce myself, I am X01 or simply Xia. From this day onwards I will help you achieve the greatest power that could defeat the Demon King. }

I asked her what had to be done from then onwards as I was quite confused. She explained each and every part of the system and it's use. She also said that in order to properly train me, the system was designed in such a way that if I failed to complete it's missions then I would have to face penalties. According to her, this was done to ensure I work hard.

" Now what the hell is this new problem? " I screamed as I raged out of my room.