
Nudes & Threats

A soft knock rang out.

Jered's Ethereal Shadow Eyes immediately recognized Jasmine's presence.

"Come in," he said, his 'Telekinesis' unlocking the door and opening it. His sister tip-toed in, an album of photos secured in her arms. 'An album of photos?' he re-evaluated his assumption, for the album was too new to contain photos of their childhood, and he was sure as hell Jasmine was not there to reminisce. The moment Jasmine clicked the door shut, she made eye contact with him, and that caused her to fall in a brief trance. The crimson smudges in his eyes were deeper, swirling within glowing, emerald pools, "Something's wrong?"

"I... don't think... so?"

"Why are you here?"

The question snapped her out of it, "Oh, right! It's because of this, your gift!" she held the album aloft, reverently, as if it were an ancient treasure she unearthed from the depths of her closet.

"Oh, yeah... you did mention making me a gift or something like that," he approached her, "Come on, let's see what you got there."

"Hehe ~" she laughed shyly as his intoxicating presence encroached in her personal space, "I-It's nothing much..." she averted her gaze, holding the pink album out to him.

Jered accepted it and began thumbing through it.


There were photos indeed. And they were all nudes of Jasmine. Each photo displayed her in a naughty position; in one she had her legs spread in a 'M' shape as she stared sultrily at the camera; in another she was down on all fours, her butt stuck up as she looked back at him. The rest of the pictures were fairly similar to each other, except for the outfits and the degree of nudity. Now he could safely say to have watched his aunt and sister naked. If Jane were to hop in on that train of debauchery, he didn't know what he'd do.

She batted her eyelashes at him, "They're in black and white. That's what I could afford hehe... buuut... if you want to see the HD ones, well... I sent you a collage. Check your messages."

Jered summoned his phone, unlocked the screen, and clicked on the first notification.

The chat opened up, and a long series of images were loading.

Jasmine sneaked behind him and peered over his shoulder, staring at her nudes with childish enthusiasm and expectation.

"So? Do you like my gift, bro?"

"It's unexpected..." it was good eye-candy, there was no doubt about that. Jasmine was a highly attractive young woman—and her beauty was further accentuated by the Shadow dwelling inside her. 'What's the problem with a bit of taboo anyway?' He was not repulsed by her feelings. If there ever was a woman to go against the world for, it would probably be Jasmine. She was the forbidden fruit that could tempt any living relative into biting it and fully commit to the fact that, without it, they couldn't live.

"Jered..." she whispered his name, her breath caressing the insides of his ear.

He tilted his head to the side so he was staring at her.

She stared back at him eagerly.

"I couldn't have asked for a more perfect gift," he finally said, a small smile on his face.

"Really? You mean it?!" she gripped his shoulders, trembling, "Cuz there's more where that came from! You just need to ask, Jered. Ask away!"

He couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out, "I believe these pictures are more than enough for now?"

She frowned, "A-Are you sure? If you think that's not enough—and I hope it isn't—... I... I could..." she blushed, "You know... use the real thing..."

"What about that rape statement you made earlier? You already gave up?" he challenged

"Huh? No way!" Jasmine crossed her arms, nose up in defiance, "I'm going to rape you, and that's a promise! Believe it!"

Jered shook his head in mild amusement as he rubbed her hair.

"Hey!" she pulled back, eyeing the offending hand with resentment.

"Can't have you getting so cocky."

She wrinkled her nose at him, "You're the one who's cocky."

He walked past her and tucked the colorful album underneath his bed, right next to the eerie, black book he found in that settlement. Up until that day, he couldn't figure out what it was, or what it contained.

All of a sudden, his Ethereal Shadow Eyes picked up on an unfamiliar mana presence approaching from the distance.

It wasn't that of Rainey.

Jered ambled to the window, parting the curtain slightly to the side. A few seconds later, a name rolled out of his mouth, "Alison..."

"Huh?" Jasmine blinked, "What about her?"

"She's coming... with her family."


"I wonder if it's a coincidence, or if something happened."


"You're awfully quiet, sis."

Jasmine sighed, "Alison and I... parted ways on bad terms," she admitted.

"How so?"

She shrugged, "It just happened."


"We're here..." Alison breathed out as she stared at the modest house in front of them, "I hope she'll listen to reason this time."

Her mother, Emma, had a thoughtful frown on her face, "Did something happen between you two? It's indeed odd for sweet Jasmine to suddenly... become so cold."

"I know! She's... different, and not in a good way. She doesn't answer my messages, or my calls... or anything! It's frustrating!"

"Yes, something must have happened," Emma added, nodding at her own words.

Alaric was considerably more composed than his wife and daughter, "While I'd like to get to the bottom of this... it would be a danger to our existence if we continue any further," he stated.

Emma and Alison's heads whipped around in shock, "What do you mean, Al?"

"..." Alison was silent as she stared at her father.

"There is a powerful... mana presence in that house. It's different from that of a normal Magician or Swordmaster. It's more... inhuman, in a sense," his eyes were fixed on a window on the second floor.

The curtains fluttered, yet he couldn't make out anything.

"I think we should go back home," Alaric suggested with a sigh.

"B-But... Jasmine?" Alison was not willing to give up, "We can't leave her there... like that..."

"Al... is there anything we can do?"

"Yes, Al... is there anything you can do?"

A voice, smooth and thick with amusement, rang out right beside them.

Alaric, Emma, and Alison snapped their eyes to the young man standing there, between them, as if he had been there all along.

"Hi Alison, it's been a while, hasn't it?" Jered greeted cheerfully.

"J-Jered... what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I don't know..." he replied with a casual shrug, "What about you?"

Emma slowly hid behind Alaric. It was an unconscious move, and she had a good reason too.

While Jered's smile was harmless, his eyes didn't hold the same good intentions.

"Quite a beautiful night to stare at someone else's house. And then there's that short dialogue I overheard... something concerning my sister. Is there anything I should be aware of?"

Alaric pulled the collar of his shirt, "We... were just worried about the recent changes she went through..." he had to disarm the situation, because the mana leaking out of Jered was not something he could go toe-to-toe with. Besides, if a fight broke out, Emma and Alison would definitely be caught in the crossfire. It was simply not worth it—and it all depended on whether Jered wanted to pursue the truth of the matter with more violent methods.

He hoped that wasn't the case.

"Worried?" Jered nodded softly, as if that made sense, "I can understand. Yes. But as far as I've been told, it seems like Jasmine has decided to cut ties with you. It's quite weird how you're insistent... to the point where you'd stand outside our house like some sort of creeps. Maybe it has to do with your... less than human nature? It would be fitting, actually. I'm curious... I can't seem to understand what you are. If I were to burst your head open right now... right this instant, would you bleed red? Would your brain be different?"


Alison gulped, "Jered... y-you're being very weird... what's going on?"

"Nothing is going on, Alison," he smiled at her, "It's my birthday. Well, technically it's over, but I'm still in a festive mood, you see? So you can either offer me your souls as a gift, or you can get the fuck out of here and I'll pretend this conversation never happened before."

There was a tense stretch of silence as Emma and Alison stared at him in plain horror. If his words weren't threatening enough, the dense magic waves rolling off of him surely was.

"We don't want bloodshed," Alaric raised his hands appeasingly, "There's no need for violence."

"Exactly," Jered said, delighted at his reasoning, "That's why I'm giving you a way out. Pointless bloodshed has no taste, and I'm not barbaric so as to randomly kill people because they upset me. I can be reasoned with. Now, here's what we're going to do. Forget about me. Forget about Jasmine. Don't ever approach her again, in any way, shape or form. Move out of the state, begin a new life somewhere. You do that, and I'll write this little transgression of yours off. No hard feelings. Hm?"

"T-That's going too far!" Emma snapped unconsciously. Alaric's silence denoted that for all of his composure, he agreed with his wife.

"Perhaps..." Jered admitted, "But a bunch of non-human variables seem oddly interested in my sister. You can't logically expect me to be okay with that. In light of the fact that I've known Alison for quite a while, and that you've treated my sister like a daughter during her stay at your place, I'm willing to not pursue this matter any further... on the condition that you heed my words. Alternatively, I could report you to the Arcane Association."


A surge of anger welled up in Alison's heart, but she was promptly restrained by Alaric, who shook his head, "It's not worth it. Let's go..."

Emma couldn't believe that her husband was willing to give up so easily. Naturally, she knew that there was a huge gap in power between them, but still...


She had to try.

"No, Emma. Alison. Let's go," he said with a tone of finality, "There's nothing we can do."

He turned around, and that was Jered's cue to disappear in a burst of smoke.


Alison and Emma gawked at the spot the teenager was just in.

"That was..." the mother started, in a daze.

"A teleportation spell?" the daughter finished, stunned.

"Did any of you know Jered was a Magician—a powerful one at that?" Alaric asked, likewise disturbed by the revelation.

Both women shook their heads.

"I see..." he closed his eyes in thought, "Then we just got to live another day."


Jasmine swooned as she held her face in her hands, a huge blush spreading across her cheeks, "Aww, that was so sweet of you, Jered! So protective!" she gushed with pink hearts in her eyes and a line of drool at the corner of her lips, "W-What am I supposed to do now? H-How am I supposed to reward you?" she trembled, her body restless.

"..." Jered rolled his eyes as he passed her by, of course, not forgetting to deliver an ear-flick along the way, "Being the older brother sure is tough..."

"B-But I'm older than you..." she rebutted.

"Not with that attitude..."

Jasmine deflated with a bitter laugh, "Where are you going?"

He didn't answer—not immediately. He slung an overcoat over his shoulders and slipped his arms inside. And much to her sister's suspicion, he sprayed a bit of perfume on his neck, "I'm going out."

"So late?"

"Yes, why?"

She bit her bottom lip; she had seen him checking his phone earlier. He must have seen Evelyn's message, "Can't you stay here... with me?"

Jered paused, staring at her, "Why?"

"What if they come back?" it was a lie, and she had to avert her eyes, lest her brother saw it too.

He smiled, "They won't come back..."

"H-How can you be so sure..."

"I don't know what they are, or what they want from you. But they seem to be hiding from the public eye of the magical population. They won't do anything foolish... not if they don't want to be exposed and who knows what else."

Jasmine insisted, "How do you know that?"

"I sensed mana in them," he said, pulling the lapels of his coat straighter, "Ashy Petals keeps a keen eye on threatening elements, namely anyone who has mana and can use it. If they have yet to notice Alaric and his family, then it stands to reason that they're using something to conceal themselves with. An artifact, a spell, or some unknown method available only to their species... you get it. And if they are, then they should be packing right now and ready to leave Alabama. It's my word against theirs. They don't trust that I won't rat them out."


"If it appeases you, I promise I'll pass by their house and see what they're up to. If they're ignoring my warning, then I'll take care of them."