


Wanaruta City Ruins: Second Layer.

Having come here multiple times, the scenery still looks very familiar, as there still aren't many enemies around. That bastard Grain has been collecting demons for a while now. I can't help but wonder how long it took for him to raise his familiar's levels.

Because of that Grain's excessive collection, we are stretched out when hunting here, not that I mind too much about that.

「Let's do it, Zeph!」


Milly began to chant Blue Gale, and I, using Time Square, matched her invocation and began to double cast it.

In a single hit the three tornadoes surrounded and caught the Wraith Master, destroying the surrounding Mist Wraiths as well.

「That technique really is amazing」

「It feels like you two could just do this by yourselves…」

「T-That's not true at all!」

Contrary to what she's saying Milly actually seems quite happy. The success rate of using combination magic's with Milly was still very low. Right now, success only came around 10% of the time.

Attacking using a triple incantation on my own timing with my Treasured Sword was much easier than combining my attacks with Milly. Even though I was slowly adjusting to it, it was still considerably difficult.

Milly still didn't possess enough experience to stabilize her timing. Other than casting 'Blue Gale', Triple incantations of other types of magic were impossible at this time.

However, Triple incantation 'Blue Gales' power was truly amazing, to the point where the power seemed to have more than doubled.

Hmm… if the power of a double cast is four times as strong, is the power of a triple cast nine times as strong?

Then, if we add one more, would it be sixteen times? Then twenty-five?

I grinned, that's a very scary increase.  I shook my head, before I even think about doing that I need to raise my 'Time Squares' skill level. If I do that then I can extend the amount of time I have in my time stop.

Sadly, even the elementary magic I'm most familiar with, 'Red Ball' cannot be cast using a Triple Incantation at my current level. I was so engrossed in thinking about this that I accidentally ran into Lydia's back.

「What's wrong, Lydia?」

「That guy's here again」

I looked over to where Lydia was pointing to see Grain and his two familiars in the distance. However, it seemed that he had already finished hunting. Having finished, he created a pale blue portal, and disappeared before he saw us.

「Did he decide to return…?」

I nodded, 「Seems like it. Anyways, it's good, right?」

The stockpile of demons that Grain had caged began to scatter. I was slightly worried that our pace might fall into disorder, but I quickly shook that off. We'll be fine either way.

After this, it would be impossible to talk about returning, anyway.

I pursed my lips, 「But, right now we should stick to hunting near the entrance. Milly's coordination with me isn't perfect yet, and there are too many demons to hunt solo」

She nodded, 「That's right, going too fast would be unreasonable」

「Eh~. Even though this is a good situation?」

「Yes, yes. Let's return, Milly-tan♪」

Lydia approached Milly from behind, wrapped her arms around her, and began caressing and stroking her chest. Milly let out a small scream.

「Hyaa!」 she jumped, 「Lydia, s-stop.」

「Fufu~ Then will you listen to what I say?」

「I just didn't hear you!」 Milly pouted.

Milly writhed around, her arms flaying like an octopus, as she tried to escape from Lydia's devilish hands. Unfortunately, she had no chance of escape, as Lydia wouldn't let go until she was satisfied.

「Grandpa, I'm scared…」

Ain popped out of Claude's chest and looked around, looking dubiously at Lydia. In response to this, Lydia's movements came to a complete stop.

「Ahh, that's right. Ain, If you get too close to her you'll end up making that 'A~a' sound.」


「N…no way… I'm not that scary~?」

As soon as Lydia loosened her hands, Milly made a break for it and ran away. Ain slowly slipped back into Claude's chest. It's like the story of hunting two rabbits at the same time and getting neither.

Holding back my laughter, we continued on to the entrance.

On the way, we fought several Mist Wraiths, although there wasn't a problem as they came one at a time. However, saying that, battling two at once ceased being hard now. A considerable amount of time passed as we continued our hunt. Because of the amount of time spent battling, the level of our Growth skill increased.  Having experience using it, we never found ourselves in a pinch.

While walking and thinking about this, I noticed a pale blue light at the edge of my vision.

Was that… Grain?

While I was looking, Grain's upper body emerged from the portal, and his two familiars showed up behind him. He looked around restlessly for a bit, before popping his head back into the portal and disappearing.

「Shit! Everyone, get back!」

「What's wrong, Zeph?」

「Grain didn't go back! He's been looking for the boss」

This boss, being a second level boss , took around half a year to a year to revive. I never thought we'd have the bad luck for it to revive while we were here, so I never checked. I cursed at my carelessness.

「Milly, get 'Teleport' ready in case we come across him. If we get hit by even one of his magic attacks, we could die. Lydia, I'm counting on you to help Milly if anything happens」 I say, while grabbing onto Claude's hand.

Claude looked at me in surprise, and grasped my sweaty hand as she trembled. I could feel the tension transmitted through it. With the exception of Claude, I casted 'Safe Protection' on everyone. Although it was only for peace of mind, it was better than nothing.

「Same as always: if the situation gets bad, don't worry about me. You've all gained experience so I refuse to let you die in vain. Don't worry about me and just go」

All three of them went silent.

I pondered for a bit. "Hmm..? Did I scare them a little more than necessary?"

Everyone, including me, had been too relaxed lately. We needed to prepare ourselves a little more.

「What? I don't understand what we should do. There's no problem as long as we run from the boss. Regarding the 'Teleport Seal', there's no way he'd use it unless he goes into berserk mode. If we scatter, we can meet at the entrance.」

「I…I know.」

Lydia led the way as we moved quickly.

Being on the second level of Wanaruta was a strong advantage, as it was extremely complex. As we turned the corners, we could hear our hearts beating. Lydia peeked around the corner and looked, seeing nothing there she gave us an 'OK' sign.

With Lydia in front, we begin moving quickly.

Somehow we had managed to make it to the last straight hallway leading to the first level. Even if we met the boss here, it was likely that we could escape and make it to the first level, before we teleported out. While we were carefully advancing down the hallway, an explosion resounded from the side.


Claude clung to my arm, and Lydia scooped Milly in her arms and jumped back to the wall.

「So…so surprising」

「Grain must've started fighting with the boss」

I sighed with relief. If that was the case, then we were safe.

I started walking faster. After leaving, everyone will be much safer.

Chirin Chirin.

I turned to where the sound was coming from, and saw a Wraith Master.

I cursed. It seems Lady Luck had really forsaken me. Of course it appeared now. Truth be told, I'm not surprised at all.


「I know already♪」

Milly began to cast 'Blue Gale', and I started 'Time Square' in preparation for when her palm shines.

I caught my breath. "…was my timing a little late!?"

Even though I missed the timing for the simultaneous invocation, I still doubled casted 'Blue Gale.'

After all, even without the double casting the power was still mind-blowing.

The 'Time Square' was released, and the tornado was formed.

I frowned. It seemed to be a failure, for some reason.

My double invocations, along with Milly's attack, hit the Wraith Master, however only the followers were affected.

Because there was no helping it, Claude separated her hand from mine and prepared to participate in the battle.

「Claude, Lydia, don't go too far!.」


I began to run forward while invoking 'double White Crash'.

The white sphere wrapped around the Wraith Master at the same time Lydia attacked.

「Blue Gale!」

In an instant, Milly's magic blew away what was left of the Wraith Master.

With a roaring sound, the wall that was lying sideways was blown off. A pitter-patter sound could be heard as bits dropped against the stone pavement.

An arm the width of a tree, and a small foot that didn't seem to match it, could be seen through the giant cloud of rising dust.

Crimson lines stretched across several folds of the big, black body. The face of a person could be seen wriggling around on the surface.

My face paled, this creature in front of me matched the description of the second level boss.

The Devil, Dark Wraith!


The Dark Wraith's body began to swell, as he let out a roar to the heavens.

The atmosphere trembled, and everyone was frozen in surprise.

The eyes, that were all over the body of the creature, were focused on Milly, and magical light was beginning to shine.

Not good! I think because Milly destroyed the Wraith Master with her 'Blue Gale', he established her as his target?! Milly was still frozen from the Dark Wraith's roar. It seemed that she was in no condition to concentrate and use teleport!

「Milly, run away!」

I began to cast 'Teleport', moving in front of Milly, in that instant, two projectiles of white light shot piercing the Dark Wraith.

The lights twisted and spiralled together, scraping against the Dark Wraith. The light began to fade, and one of Grain's familiars appeared.

「Oi, oi. Aren't you the stupid brats from before? Aren't you Zeph? Yeah, sounds about right」

Grain appeared through the smoke. After seeing me his smile spread from ear to ear.

They came out from the remnants of the wall, they were probably in battle with this Dark Wraith on the other side of the wall. I could see the tremendous traces of destruction from their fight.

This is bad.

It seems that we were dragged right into the middle of battle between the Dark Wraith and Grain?


「Kuku, Little kids like you should stay indoors ya know? From here on out it will be a battlefield!」

When he swung his one handed sword like a baton, the red hair and blue haired familiars returned to Grain's side. It would seem that their levels are higher than before.

「Red, Blue. You don't have to pay attention to those guys. Just aim at the target」

Hearing Grain's words, the two familiars nod their heads and poised their weapons.

Grain silently chants some things and his familiar spirits were once again beginning to glow with light.

It was a magic I've never seen before.

Is this perhaps, a special kind of magic that the dispatched magicians possess?

Before it's too late, I held on to Milly shoulder and teleported to the back.

「….? The exit is over there isn't it? Zeph?」

「I also want to go in that direction but…」

The gigantic figure of the Dark Wraith was blocking the narrow passage and it was difficult to pass it with the use of teleport.

If it is not done properly, then we might receive some backlash and get caught up in their fight.

Moreover, the road we used to come here was blocked up by the previous attack from Grain.

This situation was exceedingly bad.

「Although it is regrettable, we can only hope that Grain wins his battle. We are going to back him up, Milly」


I also don't like it, but it's better than losing right?

Chanting out Time Square, I began to cast White Sphere and Red Sphere.

「Nova Sphere!」

Milly also casts a white sphere and a white flame burns the Dark Wraith.

「Oi oi, I don't need your shabby support you know? My familiars will be enough to take care of it」

Saying this and turning towards us, Grain had a grin on his face.

It's not like I'm here because I want to help.

However, it is true that Grain's familiars seem pretty strong.

They easily dodge the stout arm of the Dark Wraith, the familiar spirit called Blue uses both of her hands to swing down her sword towards the Dark Wraith.

The Dark Wraith's arm bent unnaturally and its ugly face let out a low groan.

Blue was going to intercept the other arm, but the familiar called Red uses her spear in a thrusting motion to stop the attack.

They were quite a good combination.

Doesn't Grain plan on helping out his familiars? all he's doing right now is carrying the one handed sword on his shoulder and spectating the fight.

It seems that he is only strengthening his familiar's with his magic periodically.

Grain was just observing the situation but there were still the after effects of the Dark Wraith's attacks as bits of rock and stone flew towards him.

Just before the moment of impact, Red goes in front of Grain and blocks the remnants of rock, perfectly cutting all the debris down.

Red was bleeding a little from her forehead, but there doesn't seem to be much damage taken.

Grain acts like what just occurred was the most natural thing and he pushed his chin outwards.

I guess he's telling her to "Get back in there already" ?

Receiving his orders, Red immediately springs back into combat and flies towards the Dark Wraith.

He's letting his familiar do both offence and defence.

He's living such a comfortable life isn't he?

Dark Wraith

Level 97


This is the first time I've ever confronted the Dark Wraith, and as expected its magical power level is not something ordinary.

It's about 60 times more than the Sunny Raven?

Naturally, I haven't even taken into account the disparity in their offensive ability.

Even for his familiars, if any of them took a direct hit, they would probably get wiped out in a single blow.

I think Grain must also realize this fact, as whenever his familiar gets grazed by an attack, he would immediately try to re-apply Safe Protection on them.

「It….It's amazing isn't it? I didn't know such a fighting method existed…..」

「After seeing this, I'm convinced, I also want a familiar~」

Saying that, Milly launches a white sphere at the Dark Wraith. She wasn't inflicting that much damage, but the experience points she obtained from the Dark Wraith should be massive. If Grain manages to defeat the Dark Wraith, we should be able to obtain a large amount of experience points from the contribution we provided.

Although I feel a little annoyed when I have to take the leftovers from Grain, If I can make use of him, I will be glad to do so.

「Do your best!」

「Hyaa!? Ain-chan, please don't move around so suddenly~」

Ain pops out from within Claude's breasts, and perhaps she felt some sort of a connection as they were both familiars, Ain was giving her support to Grain's familiars.

Oh man, she's so carefree.

But this fight was really quite stable right now.

I confirmed with the use of Scout Scope, and Grain's familiars were actually both beyond level 90.

Although, this particular monster was not something that those two could just easily take on.

It just goes to show how formidable Grain's reinforcement spells are.

While thinking such things I continued to fire my Nova Sphere which burned the Dark Wraith with a white flame, it's black skin was crackling and tearing, underneath its crust was a deep crimson body.

Almost like it was baring its internal organs, it's blood vessels were popping out of its body and pulsating with a *thump thump*

It looked truly ominous. This must be the berserk mode of the Dark Wraith?

「Is it going berserk!?」

「Ahh, the problem starts from here on out. Claude and Milly, don't under any circumstances part from the group」

The Dark Wraith, roars out in an overpowering voice filled with magical power.

The effective range is considerably wide.

With this, Grain probably can't use teleport anymore.

For us we are just far enough that we can still use teleport, but if it drifts a little more in this direction, the Dark Wraith will be able to nullify our ability to teleport.

Just as a precaution, I used blue wall, and I generated a wall between us and the Dark Wraith.

Although it's only for our peace of mind, it's much better than not doing anything.

「Ku ku ku, What's wrong? Are you scared? Huh Zeph-kun?」

I ignored Grain who was trying to provoke me, and I fired another Nova Sphere at the Dark Wraith.

Grain was clicking his tongue, as he once again chanted out spells to strengthen and reinforce both Red and Blue, the Dark Wraith opened its large mouth.



When the Dark Wraith lets out a savage roar, the lights surrounding the familiar spirits start to dim.

Even the blue wall that was in front of us was starting to dissipate.

It would seem that it's roar has a magic negating effect.


Grain brings his hands together in order to cast a spell, but it doesn't seem like he's going to make it.

The Dark Wraith shakes its arms and swings downwards towards Grain, his familiars use their weapons and were poised to stop the blow, but they were instantly smashed up.


Ain instinctively raises a loud voice.

When the Dark Wraith lifts up its arms from the floor, bits of stone drop down in a *pitter patter*, and within the large crater on the ground was a squashed Red and Blue.

Their weapons were crushed and their bodies were twitching and convulsing.

Although they aren't dead, it doesn't seem like they would be able to fight any longer.

Or more like, the way things are going, even were are going to be in trouble.


「Geez, I guess it can't be helped」

Saying that, Grain started to walk towards Red.

Is he still trying to make them fight?

Red extends her trembling hands towards Grain, and he stabs her small back with his one handed sword.


Her mouth was flapping open and closed like a fish unable to breathe, and grain once again pierces red with his sword.

It is likely that she died, Red's body disappeared like sand drifting in the wind.

Seeing this, Blue tries to crawl away from Grain, but Grain easily catches up to her and slits her neck and cuts it off.

Grain then steps on Blue's severed head as he squished it under his feet, and just like that her body also started to crumble and disappear.

Doing such a thing, Grain didn't have any change in his expression.

Wh….what the hell is he doing...?

Seeing such a shocking scene, my brain stopped working.

Everyone else also did not understand the situation and was completely flabbergasted.

「Haa geez, I'm going to have to start again from the beginning. How troublesome」

Breaking the silence that everyone was in from Grain's words, the Dark Wraith bellows out a roar as it charged towards Grain.

He dodges the attack by a hairsbreadth, and immediately casting his portal, Grain's body was starting to get wrapped in a blue light, as it was transferring to a different dimension.

It would seem that a portal is different from the teleportation ability and the Dark Wraith's magic suppression effect does not influence the ability to create a portal.

「Then with this, I'm going to head off. Maybe we will meet again....That's if you live」

"Kukuku" Grain was stifling a laughter as he disappeared, The Dark Wraith was breathing raggedly as it stared to glare at us.

Shit, it's next target seems to be us!



「It's coming!」(Zeph)

I raised my voice to get everyone to come back to their senses, after being surprised by Dark Wraith's roar. Because Ain was still shocked at how Grain killed his familiars, it seems like she still hasn't recovered. However, I didn't have the time to be concerned about that right now.

I aimed my attack at Dark Wraith's foot, and when I cast Blue Wall, the huge figure was caught by the ice wall, but.


Dark Wraith roared, causing the ice wall to disappear in a twinkle. A roar that negates magic. Shit, this is troublesome.

Dark Wraith's magical level value is 12 million.

Berserk mode increases an additional one-third to power, so that's 4 million, this is many times more than the Sunny Raven's magical power. It is impossible for the us now to defeat it. We have no choice but to escape.

「Milly, I leave Claude to you」


I let go of the bewildered Claude's hand, and made Milly grasp it.

「Also Lydia, hand me all the magical power restoring medicine that you have」

「That's….fine, but Zeph-chi, you can't be …..」

「I'll buy you some time, so you guys go on ahead」

My words changed Milly's facial expression.

「That's wrong! Don't joke around! If that's the case, then I'll stay!」(Milly)

「Milly can't use Safe Protection, and this kind of thing is my specialty」(Zeph)


「Relax, it's not like me to die in such a place anyways」

As I said that, I ruffled the top of Milly's head.

I pushed Milly, whose eyes were wet and face looked like she will cry, away with all my strength and she was held back by Lydia.

「Go! I leave everyone to you. Aren't you the leader? Milly!」(Zeph)


Milly said while wiping her tears, and changed to a dignified look. Escaping from the melting restraints from Blue Wall, Dark Wraith took a big step forward towards me and I cast White Shot at him. A ball of white light burst on the giant body of Dark Wraith, and it turned its intense animosity in my direction.

When my eyes turned towards the dozen of eyes throughout its body, I felt a tremendous pressure. Well, well, looks like normal methods won't work.

「Milly! Hurry up and go!」


Picking the moment when Dark Wraith's attention was concentrated on me, Milly teleported as far as she could while clutching to Claude's and Lydia's hands.

I casted Nova Sphere towards Dark Wraith as it glanced and faced Milly. The white flame burned it's whole body and once again, the Dark Wraith turned around to face me.

In the meantime, Milly and the others ran around the side of Dark Wraith until they were out of its attack range. Alright, the first condition is cleared.

I casted Blue Wall and an ice wall spread in between Milly and the others. I jumped and dodged Dark Wraith's incoming attack, and facing the ground, I chanted Blue Wall.

With a Zon!, the ice wall spread sideways towards Dark Wraith's direction and was pushed outwards behind me. I got on top of the ice wall, which burst out sideways, and ran on the opposite side of Dark Wraith. The Blue Wall that grew in the horizontal orientation was like ice formed on top of a pond, so slippery that it makes it hard to walk.

But, that means it is also the same for the Dark Wraith. Naturally, Dark Wraith also climbed on top of the side of the pushed-out wall, running and chasing behind me threateningly. As I chanted Blue Wall sideways one more time, an ice wall stretched towards Dark Wraith from my hands above my head, but.

With agility, it jumped on to the wall and smiled in ridicule. Will I be able to gain more distance from it using this method?  It is a surprisingly nimble thing.

Dark Wraith's entire body shone red, and while my White Wall erasing the large amount of elementary magic that it fired, I faced it and ran. I slide through the length of Dark Wraith's legs to attack it while it was unguarded, and I chanted Blue Wall while facing the front, trapping both of its feet with an ice wall.

Turning to face my direction, Dark Wraith once again was coming after me threateningly. In that case, how about this? I stood up and while the ice wall still trapped the legs, I cast just a few Blue Walls diagonally.

Dark Wraith jumped onto the top like before, but it slowly slipped down the low angle hill of connected ice...is what I expected but instead it sunk its legs into the ice wall and supported the big body from slipping and falling.

Shit, it's persistent.

I casted Blue Wall one more time horizontally, and intended to trap Dark Wraith, but it also avoided that and jumped upon the wall.

This area is full of all the ice walls I created.

Blue Wall has a surprising large magical power consumption.

While I gulping down the magical power restoring medicine, I exhaled freezing white breath and prepared my breathing.

While charging ahead, I ascertained the timing that it's right hand fist will be thrown, and I kicked the ice wall behind me and slid to the other side, I created another wall with Blue Wall in order to catch my body as it slid.

Turning around, I released Blue Wall horizontal towards Dark Wraith who was chasing me, but it jumped on it, slid and dodged it, continuing its pursuit. When my magical power looked as if it will be exhausted, I supplied it with the magical power restorative medicine.

The Dark Wraith continued chasing me, and the ice walls continued to accumulate. From the bottom of the ground floor, how tall has it become now?

Because the tallest tower of the second level was on my right hand side, I jumped from the ice wall and held on to it.

The second condition is cleared.

The Dark Wraith was trying to follow me by jumping on to the tower, and so I covered the ice tower with Blue Wall.


Part of the cover slowly melted with Dark Wraith's roar.

(....As expected, that roar only negates magic in a rectangular area in front of it. If it could erase the ice wall in its entirety, then it would save me some trouble as well)

Whether or not it comprehended my words, I finished my casting the moment Dark Wraith looked in my direction and reacted.

「Red Zero」

A huge flame sword came out from my hands, stopped right above Dark Wraith, and extended directly below. The flame sword pierced Dark Wraith, but the effect was light, and it faced me again with a weakened animosity.

But, there is no problem. I wasn't aiming at you, Dark Wraith, but rather at the ice wall underneath you.

The flame sword that pierced Dark Wraith melted the ice wall in an instant, as well as the one under, and the one under that, melting them one by one.

The flame sword pierced in the ice spire reached the lower level and opened a large hole in the center.

Dark Wraith, who was at the top of it, scratched at the sky with its huge arms trying to grab the ice wall, but the ice that has become slippery due to the flame, could by no means be grabbed.

The result: it fell.

After a long drifting sound of the wind, there was a huge splashing sound.

I wonder if lower level of the ice wall actually had a lake?

It was looking at me from far below, but you probably don't have an attack that can reach me from there right? Dark Wraith.

「My bad, if there's another opportunity, let's fight again …..when we're in top-condition」

Saying that, I looked down at the water's surface that was Dark Wraith, and sat down on the ground.

I probably worried Milly, so I decided to send a guild message.

(Zeph!? Are you safe!?)

(Ah, is this Milly? I managed to shake it off, but I ended up using up all my magical power. After I recover for a bit, let's meet up)

Because I had had been running around on top of the ice, my clothes have become completely drenched.

While I'm at it, I suppose I can dry my clothes for a bit.


「Now then…..Guess I should return」

My magical power is almost fully restored. I faced the floor and chanted Teleport. When I got down to the place where Grain and his familiars were a while ago, the area was wet with the water from when Blue Wall melted.

If you look up at the ice tower, Dark Wraith is still floating around in the center of the tower.

Even if it was determined to come out of the deep recesses of the ice tower, it is not going to work. I wonder if it's comfortable in there?

Oh well, it's fine, it's not like I'm going to specifically go near it in order to aggravate it. While using Teleport to dodge and weave around the monsters along the way, I headed for the entrance of Wanaruta City Ruins.

It's probably going to take considerable amount of time. I called out to Milly via guild message to set up a place to meet.

(Milly, I'm going to return soon)


...? That's strange.

There's no answer.

(Lydia? Claude?)

All three of them didn't respond to my call.

Did something happen?

I have a really bad feeling.

I ran towards the entrance while having the maximum amount of alertness.

Just in case, I put enhancement magic on myself.

While walking along the intricate wall, I slipped past the crevices of the walls and in the direction of the entrance, I managed to spot a man wearing a white coat.

That is....Grain!?

Why is that guy here?

Didn't he already leave?

The figures of Milly and the others are nowhere in sight. Given that they didn't respond to my call, it may be possible that they couldn't respond.


It's his doing, without a doubt.

The disappearance of Milly and others coinciding with the fact that Grain brutally murdered his own familiars repeated within my mind, all the blood in my body boiled in an instant.

My vision became bright red, and I clenched my teeth, chipping them a little.


I couldn't bear it an longer and I jumped from the wall, and stood right in front of him.

「Yo, looks like you survived, didn't cha?」

Grain ridiculed me and I was trembling with anger.

I felt like a blood vessel would pop.

I just barely resisted the urge to immediately fire a spell, and I began to question him.

「....Where is everyone」

「Relax, I haven't killed them. I only had them sleep over there」

When I looked at the direction Grain pointed with his thumb, there were the figures of three people face-down, collapsed.

I saw previously that he was able to cast strengthening type magic on his familiars, it would seem that as a dispatched magician, he isn't limited to these types of reinforcement magic's but can also use debuff type sleeping magic.

Damn, what are his limits?

This was probably a surprise attack. Though, a Dispatched Magician can't easily make three people fall asleep. Maybe it is an original Sleep Code or some kind of inherent magic used at the same time.

「Anyways, is there something you need from us? I'm not such a soft-hearted person that won't say anything after you've done this kind of thing…..!」

「What? You've got this all wrong. Originally I didn't even intend to leave you all alive. After all, you did see a lot of bad things that you shouldn't have seen.」

「Things we shouldn't have seen? You killing a familiar? You using a boss to kill us? Or how much of a trash you've been for doing such things?」

While breaking out into a grin, he looked down on me and I was still throwing out all the words to express my anger towards him.

「In any case, waiting here for you guys was the right choice, although I really didn't expect that you would survive that ordeal」

「did you miscalculate?」

「Well… I will give you this acknowledgment, Zeph. You are quite the brat. That's why I let them live」

Grain said that, and pointed his left hand towards the direction of the three sleeping people.

No way, this guy...!

「Don't you dare move! If you are to display even the slightest bit of resistance, the lives of those three will be gone」

「...You bastard!」

Grain laughed at my face which was warped with anger, and looked like he was having fun looking deep into my heart. and chanted Summon Servant. The familiar, that was born, was a little girl who was black with horns that curved like a goat. It had small, black wings on its back, and served Grain with eyes that contain no feelings.

Aegis Blacktail

Level 1

Magical Power Level 230

When I looked with Scout Scope, I couldn't believe that her strength was at level 1.

If I were to believe Grain's words that the magician's own abilities influence the types of Familiars he or she will summon, this would mean that I am falling behind this guy.

「From now on, I'm going to call you Black」(Grain speaking)

The familiar nodded in agreement to Grain's words. It probably is indifferent concerning to the name Grain gave it. Which reminds me, I feel like the names of the previously killed Blue and Red, which I checked with Scout Scope, were also different.

「Black, shred that brat with this sword. …..But don't kill him right away, ok? It'll be boring, you know?」

Because of the restrictions of being part of the Dispatched Magicians, he cannot harm me directly, is he trying to torment me with a familiar? This guy really is rotten to the depths of his heart. Black took the sword from Grain, and made one shallow cut on me.


Two times, three times, Black kept shallowly cutting the helpless me, and while laughing, Grain looked down on me whose cuts were accumulating.

He asked me if I would dare to counter-attack, but though he carelessly showed that he was having fun, he did not put down his hand that was turned towards Milly and the others, ready to attack the sleeping girls. Blood began to ooze out from the my shredded clothing.


The probability of me firing magic here and defeating Grain is very thin.  A rotten Dispatched Magician, if I were to fight that kind of magical strength head-on, then the difference is way above me. Furthermore, he took hostages.


My clothes became tattered from the familiar's attacks, and a shallow pool of blood kept appearing at my feet. Taking any more damage will be bad! Sink or swim, I have no other choice…..!

In the moment that I concentrated on my right hand, Grain's hands started releasing magic towards the girls.


When the rising white smoke cleared, I saw a huge empty hole on the side of Milly and the others. It looks like it didn't hit the three of them.

「Aah, of course, using magic is banned. If you become a master like me, then you can also sense magic...Shall I hit them next time? Oi?」

When Grain said that and gave some kind of order, Black nodded in agreement, and then. She thrust the sword into my right hand.


「Hyahahahaha! Excellent voice, Oi! I, always couldn't stomach you punks! You kept looking at me as if you could see through me…..Although it's disappointing that because of the restrictions I can't kill you, die screaming while you cry at your own uselessness! 」

The feeling of my right hand being gouged.

Shit, however.

I made an opportunity, Claude.


A little rapier pierced Grain's right eye. In Claude's chest was a concealed Ain.

「What is this fly! Shit! My….eye...what did you doooooooooo!!」

「I'm not a fly! I am! We are!」

A half-crazed Grain faced Ain and fired magic randomly towards the sky, and estimating the timing, I chanted Summon Servant and withdrew Ain. Impulsively firing powerful magic into the empty sky creates a huge chance. There's no way I could overlook it.

Casting Red Clash and Black Crash at the same time, Pyro Crash buried the familiar of Grain, who was becoming befuddled.

「Don't think bad of me. If you're going to bear a grudge, bear it against your master」(Zeph)

I snatched Grain's sword from the hand of the familiar that was becoming sand, and prepared to attack.

「You bastaarrrrrrddddddd!!」

While Grain's screams were rising, he released magic in the direction of the three girls.

A powerful burst of flames surrounded the three of them...but.

「Unfortunately, magic won't work against me. I pretended to be asleep...until Zeph arrived」

「Nice, Claude」

Claude, near the Milly and Lydia, watched Grain, discerning that she couldn't win by herself alone and decided to pretend to sleep.

When first I talked in the guild message, I couldn't understand what was being said from too far away, but when I descended and started having a conversation with Grain, I first noticed that Claude was pretending to sleep.

While I was talking to Grain, I worked out a strategic plan with Claude via guild message.

And then, I created an opportunity, and this is how we have arrived at the current situation.

「Magic…..doesn't work...!?」(Grain)

「Relax, your opponent will be me. Claude will take care of the other two」

「....I understand!」(Claude)

The two were sleeping deeply. In addition, even though Grain's personality is shit, it is true that he is strong. I don't have the flexibility to fight while protecting Milly and the others. And above all.

「Grain, If I don't defeat you by myself, I won't feel satisfied! 」

Roaring, magical power burst out of my body covering it in a violent tempest of destructive energy.



While blood was flowing from his destroyed right eye, Grain revealed his fierce anger. But on the other hand, his head seemed to cool down enough, and even though he was screaming, he was covered in a magical light. It was the same enhancement magic he used on his familiars, just like in the fight against Dark Wraith.

However, I'm not the type to wait leisurely for the magic to finish developing.

Casting Red Crash and Black Crash at the same time, I invoked Pyro Crash and released it towards Grain.

The basis of magician vs. magician fights is "The one who strikes first wins", the one who hits the other with powerful magic first will be the winner.

If I was against an ordinary adventurer, it would be possible that I could defeat him with just a hit from Red Crash. As for my pride, Pyro Crash, which is close to the same power level as a Grand Magic, as long as my opponent is human, they will definitely be defeated.

A spiral of swirling winds of fire engulfed Grain and it swallowed up the ground, hollowing it out, however.

「You would dare to raise your hand against a Dispatched Magician...? With this the f*cking annoying limitation has been lifted. Now I can also freely retaliate」

Grain said with a voice filled with killing intent, and the strength of the wave of magic coming from him caused the magic clad around me to waver greatly.


When Grain psyched himself up, he scattered the swirling winds of fire and easily destroyed the shape of the spiral. That's impossible! My Pyro Crash was erased!?

「Kukuku, you shouldn't be surprised. Dispatched magicians have a non-aggressive policy, so I can't lay a hand on you. Nevertheless, if you brats are using powerful magic, then I have a right to defend myself. Well, I will praise you for actually damaging me」

Grain said, broadly grinning and triumphant. Although his clothes and body are slightly burned, it doesn't seem like a lot of damage. Is it because of that enhancement magic? As expected, it doesn't look like it will be easy to defeat him with this level of magic.

Grain raised his hands above his head, I noticed this and so I immediately jumped aside, just as this occurred, the place that I was just standing at was covered in a wave of flames.

Red Bullet, huh?

Before it was called Red Blaster and it seems like Grain has an affinity towards Red Magic. In my previous life, I mastered Red Magic and was called the Flame of Flames and I could see that he fired out a considerably strong magic. He's at approximately the same level as me from back in those times.

This will be interesting.

While continually counterattacking Grain's fire balls, that would hit me, with Blue Ball, I ran towards him and chanted Time Square.

In the middle of the time suspension effect, I cast Black Boots and Red Glove.

「Magenta Coat!」

A speckled burning coat covered my body. It is simple, but it is a combination of speed enhancement and attack enhancement. Although power drops compared to chanting each spell twice, the cost performance is excellent.

Weaving past the Red Bullet's he fired, I used the sword that I grabbed from Grain's familiar with both of my hands, using all my might I thrusted at him.

「...Aren't you weak! You damn shorty!」

Grain shouted and at the same time took out his silver shield, easily stopping my attack.

Did he take it out from his bag in an instant? After all, this guy is used to actual combat. He continued to use all his strength to repel my magic with his shield, the distance between us was being shrinking.


Grain shot Red Bullet again, and I countered it with Blue Bullet. If there are opposing magic like Red and Blue, Sky and Green of equal rank, then they cancel each other out, making the user's level irrelevant.

However, what should I do, if this continues….? My opponent right now definitely has better magical abilities and power consumption than me, and furthermore, my magic barely has an effect.

But that reminds me, Grain took damage from Ain's rapier and he uses a shield to deflect attacks from a sword. I wonder if I were to use physical attacks, then there would be some effect.

「Wait, the sword you are using is not matched well against your opponent」

「However, I don't have any other weapons...」

When I turned to the familiar voice, there was a blonde girl who flew besides me while I was running. Wings and hair that glowed gold, crimson eyes that looked strong. With her white dress-like clothes, she looked just like an angel.

「…..Who are you?」

「Whaat!? If you looked, you should know. It's me. I-t i-s m-e!」

When I looked closely at the girl who was pointing at herself, I recognized the what was sprouting out on top of her head, a red ribbon.

It can't be…

「...Are you Ain?」

「Gramps, you just looked at my ribbon and said that…..right?」

Behind Ain, who was staring at me, Grain's ball of magic passed by, and caused an explosion.


「We're not in a situation to just be careless. old man, your hand!」


While guessing about her request, I stuck out my left hand, and Ain grabbed it and cast a dazzling light. The light surprised me, but I could hear Ain's determination.

「That guy treated my comrades terribly…..I absolutely won't forgive him for it!」

Ain's voice harbored a strong wrath. I could feel the strong anger she has towards Grain, who killed his own familiars. I don't know what kind of reason he could have had, but it's impossible that just saying "It's because they're my familiars" is a good enough reason.

「I also feel the same. Let's cooperate and defeat that guy, Ain」


The light that Ain released gradually settled down, and all that was left in my hands was a single sword. I believe that the golden radiance released before from the light was Ain's wings.

(I shall call this technique Divine Sword Ainbelle)

Ain, who became a sword, talked directly in my head. Nevertheless, where have I heard that expression before….. Ah well, I probably don't need to be concerned about it.

I put Grain's sword into my bag, and with both hands holding the Divine Sword Ainbelle, I prepared to advance.

「Die, you trash!」

At that moment, Grain fired magic.

Red Blaster, huh?

(Old man, catch it!)

Reacting to Ain's voice, I caught Grain's Red Blaster right away with Ainbelle's sword form, and the spell was completely absorbed. Because Ainbelle absorbed the magic, the ruby embedded in the handle shined sharply.

「This is...」(Zeph)

「What!? You absorbed my magic….?」(Grain)

In the past, this kind of magical sword didn't exist. A sword with a jewel embedded in the handle that absorbs magic, turning it into its own power, surely the way to use this is...

When I swung the sword towards the surprised Grain, the previously absorbed Red Blaster was released towards him.


Grain panicked and jumped back, and a heat ray burned at his feet.

Looks like it's that kind of thing.

「Divine sword Ainbelle…..This sword is great. Thank you Ain」

I brandished Ainbelle taking my stance against Grain, maybe it was Ain's reply, but light starts shining from the edge of the blade, and beads of shining light danced in the air.