
Re:Life in a fictional world

William born in a poor family was suffering from illness for years.Despite the financial struggle his family has supported him with their all.Not wanting his family to suffer anymore William finally plan to end his pathetic life. But fate seems to have other plans for him for he was chosen by a mighty figure to be reincarnated.Follow William in his journey towards greatness.

Silentfairy · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Quest and storm




Element affinity:

Common affinity:(fire,water,wind, earth)

Variant affinity:(lightning,ice,sound,metal,nature)

Rare affinity:(light,dark)

Transcendent affinity:(space,time,life,death,fate,form,spirit,




Intrinsic skills:

{high-speed regeneration (S)}

{Universal shape shifting(S)}

Common skill:{.....}

Extra skill:{thermal resistance (S)}

{Element resistance (S)}

{Physical resistance (S)}

{Magic resistance (S)}

{Abnormal status resistance (S)}

{Exhaustion resistance (S)}

{Pain nullification (S)}

{Universal thread(S)}

{Poison synthesis (S)}

{Magic manipulation (S)}

{Body reinforcement (S)}

{Intimidation aura(A)}


Unique skill:{wisdom(S)}

{Devour (B)}

{Absolute element domination (S)}

{Essence reading(S)}

Ultimate skill:

After arriving near where veldora was sealed William looked at his status and thought"Both my skills and stats at their max given current time limit since the orc disaster will soon make appearence but even if I had time the efficiency will lower by a lot it's simply not worth it.By the way looks like the system removed the states section but it doesn't matter much since now skills amplification on states are too much for the status function to track my growth and with my unique skill[True sense] I can keep a track over myself so I won't be needing the stat report anymore.the next big surprise is the systems growth and the new function [Quest]."when William first saw the new function he leaped in joy thinking a system is not a system if it does not provide quests but it didn't last long for him as the kind wisdom decided to show the details the function.

"[Quest function: This function allows host to accept quest from others.

Quest function upholds the trade of equality between host and secondary party.A contract drafted from the quest function is absolute and cannot be breached.]

"When did you evolved into wisdom of trolls wisdom.couldnt you bear to let me

See happy for a few more moments"despaired William at the unwelcoming development of his skill.

Suddenly the first ever system notification brought William back to reality.

[System notification: The "world" has requested to send continues quests to host]

[Agree: yes/no]

"Yes!yes!!yessssss!!! I agree.isnt it like those world quest in rpg games."exclaimed William as he looked with expectation at the system interface.

[Permission granted]

[Following world quest has been genarated]

[World quest : return of tempest

Describtion: the storm dragon one of the five true dragon is a essential pilar of the world with authority over 'storm'.Due to disappearance of the storm dragon and not being able to pass the authority over 'storm' brought about harmfull natural disasters(storms) in different parts of the planet.

Objective: free/kill storm dragon.


Extra skill:{weather manipulation(S)}]


"Damn... I didn't know veldora being sealed had this kind of consequences.Accept of course accept

Killing veldora is nothing short of dream for me but I indeed can free veldora and the reward may be Extra grade skill but it has significant value for me.hehehe...i can already imagine what I can do with it the skill itself may be inferior compared to my other skills but it will one of my major card in the future."said William as he looked toward the place veldora was sealed.

After closing system interface William bounsed toward the place where veldora was as he begun to feel the spike in the amount of magicules in the sorrounding.Finally few minutes later William could see the magnificent body of the black and blue true dragon.even thou William knew what to expect but he

Still was dumbfounded as he stared at veldora.

"Hoo~ it is surprising for you little one to not run away in fear at the sight of this magnificent one "came the voice of veldora in Williams mind.

"Hello" replied William timidly.even though he knew veldoras character but along with his massive body size and intimidating aura William still felt pressured.

"Interesting..thou you are but a slime you can not only stand in this great ones presence but can talk to"said veldora as he continued "and with that level of intelligence you are not a normal slime, are you?

"I think I reincarnated after death in this slimes body and have been roaming around here for a while."said William as he looked at veldora.

"What about you?what are you doing here?"asked William knowing full well the answer but to get to the point where veldora would allow him to devour him he had to play along.

"Reincarnated huh? I have heard about them though this is the first time I hear someone reincarnate as slime.as for this noble one 300 years ago in a battle with a female hero I was sealed here with the skill [ultimate imprisonment] from then on I have been here sealed."

"Must be tough living here isolated all alone.do you want to be friends?"asked William as he felt like a bad uncle offering a young girl candy.willam hurriedly disparsed that Thought thinking"veldora is a male dragon."

"Whaaattt!!!! You want this great one to be your friend"

"Do you not want to?"asked William as he felt like he was coercing a virgin girl to a loved hotel.

"The hell!!! What kind of comparison is that!!veldora is a bonafide male dragon!?"exclaimed William internally.

"Of course... I mean this magnificent one shall accept your friendship"replied veldora fidgeting a little.

After that everything went on smoothly.

Just like the story veldora named me rimuru as I had no problem whatsoever and I named our family as Tempest following the trend since name itself doesn't really change much.later I described my skill to him and he easily agreed to let me devour him.

And after devouring veldora I rimuru took my first step towards future as I've already maximized the benefit in the cave.


Hello~thank you for reading. I'd rather appreciate if you guys provide useful feedback.