
rKOH: 2

"While we wait for you to reincarnate, why don't I demonstrate the abilities you will inherit?" Yama said as Ken nodded in eagerness, "First, allow me to explain these." Yama pointed at his eyes.

"I was born with these eyes and I've named them the Nine Eyes of Naraka. I can read and see life energy in explicit detail. I'll explain what life energy is later, but they also give me incredible perception. When you reincarnate, I'd advise that you cover your eyes with something or risk short-circuiting your brain, which also won't matter because of this," Yama sliced off one of his arms and in 3 seconds his arm was back.

"A second trait I was born with. My body is incredibly durable, there was a point in my life when I wanted to die so I tried throwing myself into the center of a black hole. My regeneration didn't need to kick in because I wasn't even injured, now I doubt your body will have the same durability considering you're so young, but I wouldn't be surprised if you were born bulletproof." Yama laughed as he snapped his fingers and a regular black ball appeared.

"Catch," Yama threw the ball with ease, and when Ken tried to catch it his arms tore off.


"WHAT THE FUCK!" Ken yelled as Yama laughed, "The ball I just threw to you is heavier than your home galaxy. Although you won't be as strong as me due to your age, I'm sure when it comes to a battle of physical strength you will almost always win."

Ken didn't feel any pain when his arms were torn off and his arms returned to him after a few short seconds, 'Perks of being dead I guess?'

"On top of being incredibly strong and durable, you won't need to sleep, eat, drink, or piss. Though you still can if you would like to. Now with all the boring abilities out of the way, we can finally start having fun!" Yama said mischievously as he made a claw with his upper right hand.

"Crouching Tiger," Yama said, and out of his shadow came a gigantic white tiger that towered over him.

"The third ability I was born with. I named it the Night Parade of One Thousand Demons and it's pretty fitting. I can summon thousands of shikigami each unique in their own way, but I've relied on the 10 strongest ones." Yama said as he unsummoned the tiger.

"Those 10 being, Crouching Tiger, Three Wise Monkeys, Grand Toad, Dancing Butterflies, Hawk, Lightning Deer, Holy Cow, Hellhounds, Raging Gorilla, and the strongest shikigami I've ever summoned, Enma. However, when you summon him you will have to chant his full name which is, Unholy Amalgamation First General, Enma."

"I would explain each and every one of their abilities, but I believe it's better if you discover that on your own," Yama said with a wink. Ken nodded and absorbed all of this information like a sponge, 'I pray for anyone who has to fight me!' Ken exclaimed mentally as a grin grew on his face.

"Now, I have two abilities left but the last one I can't really demonstrate because you're dead, so that one you'll have to find out on your own too. So, for the fourth and final ability, I'd advise that you stand back." Yama said and Ken took 10 steps back.

"Release." At those words, a ball of bright orange flames was in Yama's hands, "I call these the Flames of Naraka. They are incredibly destructive and will definitely kill anything you use them against. If you are in serious danger I'd say these are a second-to-last resort, with Enma being the first line of defense. The ability I can't demonstrate is most definitely a last resort."

Suddenly, Ken's soul began to rumble and Yama smiled, "Looks like this is our stop. I'll see you when you're born! C'ya kid!"

"W-" Ken couldn't finish his sentence as everything went black.


May 1st, 2000 at 7:36 am the day the balance of the very fragile power struggle throughout the universe was tipped. Why has this happened? Due to the birth of one child, Ken Otori.

Ken's parents looked at their newborn son with unfathomable amounts of love but equal levels of confusion. Ken's mother, Kaori Otori, had long black hair and dark brown eyes. Ken's father, Asahi Otori, also had black hair and dark brown eyes.

So then why was their son born with blonde hair and red eyes that resembled the inside of a ruby? Even the doctors were confused and decided to try and get a blood sample from Ken to see if he had any genetic defects.


"What the hell?" The doctor said under his breath as he held up the syringe in front of his face. The syringe couldn't pierce Ken's skin and the needle was bent.

'Shit, I can't be outed as a superhuman this early. Maybe if I try turning down my durability for a bit? I have no clue if this will work but I hope so!' Ken thought to himself as he closed his eyes and tried really hard. This was a shot in the dark and if it didn't work, Ken would have to deal with the consequences.

The doctor tried again, thinking the syringe was defective but to no avail, the syringe wouldn't pierce Ken's skin.

'FUCK!' Ken yelled mentally as the doctor exited the room with haste. Ken's parents looked worried and Ken had a feeling of what was to happen next. Sure enough, not even 5 minutes later, men dressed in all-black tactical gear rushed into the room.

"What going on?" Kaori asked with fear heavily laced in her voice. No one answered her question and they quickly tried to grab Ken.

"NO!" Ken's mother yelled as she guarded Ken with her whole body as his father got in their way. The geared men wasted no time and raised their weapons at Ken's parents, "Hand over the child now or we will shoot." One of the geared men said but Ken's parents didn't move an inch.

"Fine then, open fire." One of the geared men signaled the rest of the team to shoot. It was at this very moment that Ken's world slowed down.

'I can see...everything!' Ken could see the dust mites in the air, the drops of sweat on his mother's forehead, and most importantly, various white auras radiating off of everyone.

'This must be that life energy stuff that Yama spoke about,' Ken deduced but his eyes awakening couldn't solve the problem of his parent's upcoming death.

'I refuse to be an orphan!' Ken yelled as he watched the geared men slowly pull the trigger, 'I assume I need some sort of hand sign to summon the stronger shikigami because that's what Yama did, but what about weaker ones!' Ken used his technique for the first time to shield his parents.


When the geared men opened fire, they expected to gun down Ken's parents with precision. But instead of hitting fleshy bodies, they hit the thick scales of a giant four-eyed lizard.

"What the f-" The lizard wasted no time and began to tear apart the team of geared men until there was nothing left except for arms, heads, and internal organs. The lizard looked at its master and turned its head, expecting more instruction.

'In order to protect my identity and to keep my parents safe everyone who witnessed this birth needs to die,' Ken instructed the lizard and it nodded. While the lizard dealt with the physical side of things, there were still cameras around.

'I need a shikigami that can generate electricity,' Ken told himself, and with those prerequisites, he summoned another shikigami. It was a beautiful blue jellyfish that had arcs of electricity crackling around it.

'I need you to locate the surveillance room and fry their circuits, okay?' Ken told the jellyfish and it flipped in understanding.

'Now I can finally start my life...'