
Re: In Marvel with Spider-Man Powers

MC will have to work and train his powers to make them more useful and powerful. Others he will get as he grows older. He doesn't have a system but more of a training screen that shows his progress, and that is it. Writing for fun please no hate. I'm still figuring out a better title so it will change. But helpful comments about how to write better are always appreciated. each chapter will be 1.5k to 2k words long. English is my first language but I still am bad at it.

Bloodriot123 · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Women are Troublesome

We spent the rest of the day talking and doing some sort of games to learn something Peter and I already knew. 'You know this isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Even though I know all of this it is relaxing to just slow down a little.'

Futhermore it turns out they severely downplayed Peter's intelligence. Even in kindergarten, he sucked up all the information available and surpassed it by a wide margin. I haven't figured out what peak intelligence is on a peak human in terms of stat numbers, but Peter is probably up there or maybe even past it. It makes it fun to tell him something he doesn't know and see him figure out the reason why behind it and ask me more questions.

When I see how smart he is, I think about why Peter Parker is always poor, I mean why, when you are this smart you should have patents out the wazoo. But then i figure it out. When you live like this your entire life not knowing any different. It becomes hard to differentiate between a product that could help everyone and ways it will take down a bad guy in some way. In fact when I'm talking to him, he starts to fixate on a particular topic and keeps thinking about it even if we aren't talking about it anymore. That is until he finds something else that catches his interest. That's sounds like ADHD but it isn't, He is just too smart that he can't stop thinking. Which I think was exacerbated when he was bitten by the spider.

Anyway, it is the end of the day, and we are waiting for Peter's family and my dad. As we are waiting, I'll introduce Peter to Felicia.

"Hey Peter, let's go meet my best friend." I get a hesitant nod, as he remembers that I have a now ongoing prank war that is to happen soon. I smile as we walk over, thinking about how to prank here, to where she is packing up her things. "Hey Felicia, I've made a new friend his name is Peter!" I turn to Peter, wanting him to speak to and say hello.

"Hi, I'm Peter. What's your favorite color?" He asks awkwardly. My smile freezes 'Bruh is that the only question you could think of?' Mentally I facepalm and then look back at Felicia, who has a mischievous look in her eye.

"Hi Peter, my favorite color is orange! What about yours?"

'I feel a disturbance in the force. Why isn't she making fun of him or playing a prank yet? I think quickly to see if there is an underneath to her question or if I'm overthinking.' While I'm now sweating Peter answers.

"Oh, that is a good color. Mine is blue, but why orange?" Wait, ORANGE!!! I quickly try to change the subject, but she is already speaking.

"Oh, Orange is my favorite because one when we three, I used a straw to fill a banana with orange toothpaste and gave it to Arthur here. He didn't even question it! When he took a bite, I thought he would notice, but he didn't and took another two before he gagged so hard that he threw up on the couch." She barely made it through the last sentence before she started laughing while clutching her sides, Peter then started to laugh, imagining the scene. I'm on the side annoyed and thinking of how I'm going to get back.

'Originally, it was going to be an easy prank, but I think I've been taking too easy on her, no more now she will face all of my indignation.' Suddenly I get a good idea, I smile.

"Haha, laugh it up, at least while you still can." Quickly before she has time to processes, "Anyway, Peter and I are going to hang out at my home if his parents say yes, do you want to come?"

Thrown off, she takes a second and answers with a yes, and I notice my mom walk in. 'Why is mom here where is dad?' Quickly, she scans the room probably for me and narrows in on me, and pretty much sprints to me.

"Oh my cute little Arty! How are you? Did you have fun at school? Are you hurt anywhere from playing? Do you need something to eat?" She says while hugging me until I can't breathe along with bombarding with so many questions. I can only nod because after the first one, they all sort of mashed together in my ears. She just smiles at looks over Felicia and scoops her up, too. Asking her some questions about her day.

After a couple of minutes of being squeezed, I'm finally able to escape and catch my breath to talk to her. " Mom... *pant* What are you doing here? I thought dad was going to pick me up."

"Oh, Arty, he had a work emergency and needed to fix some thing," She smiles and answers. I have been their kid for long enough to know what they mean even if they don't know I do. When they say fix something, it refers to either someone at work dying or someone learned information about us and they need to "fix" it. Usually, it ends up with a death anyway.

My dad isn't what you would call a "good person" but he loves his family and always does as much good as he can by manipulating the background and minimizing innocent people who get into the crossfire. He is still a just as clumzy, though, for some reason, even if I know for a fact that he has some kind of training.

I need to get stronger. They don't know this but I've seen my dad after one of these where something needed to be "fixed" but he screwed up somehow and a family of three got killed while the dad barely survived in the end. He was devastated, and if it weren't for mom, I think it would have broken him a little.

"Mom, I wanted to hang out with my new friend a little more. Could he come over and play with me and Felicia?" She looks shocked at the mention of a new friend and notices Peter, who is standing a little ways way.

'Smart, you moved so you wouldn't get captured by the hug monster, but it won't help.' Like a Candarian zap-wing overtaking it's prey, my mom swooped in getting him in a tight hold and started to ask him so many questions, all ranging from who he is to his favorite food and games.

"Hi there, could you put my son down so we can talk about him going over?" We hear a woman ask from behind us. My mom looks over and gets even more excited.

"Mary?! Peter is your son?!"

'Okay note to self, mom knows the Parkers. Also, another note I need to ask more about the people my parents know.' Then Mary answers.

"Yes, he is. Please put him down, I think he can't breathe." Sure enough, mom got too excited, and Peter is turning purple. With a release and a crumbling sound, Peter is now grasping for air on the floor.

"Oh, sorry, sweetie, I just get a little too happy sometimes." As she starts to calm down and rub his back. She looks at Mary, "So our little boys are friends and they want to hang out at our house would that be alright? You can absolutely come as well." Mary smiles at her as Peter picks himself up and pretty much lunges away from my mom to his mom's arms

'Nice lunge, I give it an 8 out of 10.'

"I don't see why not we don't have anything else planned out today. I'll give him a call." She pulls out a smartphone that looks really new. That's right, a smartphone, even though we are only in 2003, technology is like twenty years or more ahead of where my past life world was at. Anyway, she calls her husband to tell him that Peter has a new friend and that they are going over to play and she hangs up and we start to leave as a group.

"Oh and Felicia, dear, your mom asked me to pick you up. Your father had a work problem that needed correcting, so there is no need to call them." She nods and continues walking as my mom gives Mary the address to our home. We get in our cars and start going home. "Also son, your dad talked to me about the deal he made with you we will talk about more after your friends go home."

'Hmmm not good I need the conversation to happen with Peter there. I want him to train with me as well. How can I make that happen.' She seeing me so silently thinking plays it off as me thinking about what I want to say to convince her. Little does she know I have mastered the puppy dog eyes skill even if the character sheet doesn't list it.

After a while we arrived at the house. While I preparing for a conversation that will hopefully change many lives.

Sorry about the dialogue heavy chapter, but I had an idea about how I wanted the conversation to go, and it got away from me. Also, on another note, this mark is the official breaking of 15k words! I'll still post one tomorrow some give me some stones if you will! Also did anyone catch what the problem was that needed to be fixed?

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