
Re: In Marvel with Spider-Man Powers

MC will have to work and train his powers to make them more useful and powerful. Others he will get as he grows older. He doesn't have a system but more of a training screen that shows his progress, and that is it. Writing for fun please no hate. I'm still figuring out a better title so it will change. But helpful comments about how to write better are always appreciated. each chapter will be 1.5k to 2k words long. English is my first language but I still am bad at it.

Bloodriot123 · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Results of the Test

~Agent Farley POV~

After seeing the needle hole in that baby's foot heal in a matter of seconds, I immediately knew that he had powers or mutation. This would require me to run some tests and a thorough background check for the parents. I called another undercover agent who was acting as a nurse to take the baby to the baby room while signaling possible mutant to her.

Leaving the child in her care, she made her way down to the ground floor of the hospital. She made her way to the labs where she would have all the equipment she would need to conduct the necessary and the other extracurricular tests she needed to conduct on the baby's blood. While stepping into the labs, she placed the tiny vial holding the blood in a stand to keep until she could set up the equipment. Looking at the blood in the stand and then back to the liquid that is usually used to check for diseases that need to be checked for. 'Well, it is a good thing I grabbed a vial rather than those cards used for regular babies.' Grabbing the blood and dropping four drops on to the paper. After that, she dropped the special liquid for those tests.

'Now it's time to start with the fun tests.' She remarked in her mind. Using half of what was in the tiny vial, carefully putting the blood on a high-powered microscope that would record the different genes and many other things that were needed.

That is when the nurse I asked to put the baby in the room walked into the room. "How are the tests going?" The nurse said

"They are going well Ma'am I was just going to check on the card, and by then, the machine should tell us if the child is powered or not." The nurse actually turned out to be her supervisor, Melinda May, a level 7 agent.

"Good work. How did you figure out if the baby was a mutant or not?"

"Well, Ma'am I was taking a blood sample but forgot to get a band-aid for him. So I turned around to grab one, and when I turned back, the injury was gone." She looked down at the medical card and saw that the baby had no genetic diseases and was perfectly healthy. 'No surprise there if he has a healing factor'

"Is the baby healthy?" Nurse Roum asked.

"Yes, he is perfectly healthy. Let's check the machine to see the results." I said, walking over to the microscope.

"Glad you are biology major because I don't have a clue what all those different colors and dots mean." She said, looking at the results of the machine. Chuckling a bit at her remark.

"Maybe next time you should be a doctor rather than a nurse while under cover." She almost always had a neutral look on her face, but my comment made her crease her eyebrows in thought.

"If it wasn't for our target who is going to come here in a few days, I would have, but his doctor works here, and to be honest, Dr. Steven Strange knows his stuff even if he is very arrogant." I could only nod at her for her remark while a crisp ding resounded through the lab.

"Oh, the tests are done. Let me check the baby's genes and chromosomes." Pausing for a moment before getting really confused. 'The X-Gene is present but not currently active,' I thought with a complex look on my face. Suddenly, a voice breaks my train of thought

"Hello, Nurse Frayer. How are tests going?" Quickly standing ramrod straight, for being caught of guard, while looking over to door way to see Dr. Nicodemus West. A tall man with short blonde hair and heterochromatic eyes, left blue and the right brown. 'Ugh, not this guy. Why did he have to be here now.'

"They are doing just fine, I wanted to check his chromosome count and see if there is anything we should or need to worry about." Quickly thinking of a lie to throw him off of anything suspicious. Dr. West didn't even bat an eye at this excuse.

"Are you also checking for Jaundice as well?" He remarks, looking at the remaining blood vial in the stand.

"Yes, she was just about to get on that doctor." Nurse Roum answered for me. For the first time, Dr. West turned from me to her like he just noticed her.

"Oh, Nurse Roum, I didn't see you there. How are you doing?" She just kept a neutral face at his face, then turned to ignore him. With a bit of an awkward tension starting to fill the lab, he laughs it off and turns back to me. "Well, since I don't have anything to do at the moment. I'll run that test for you." He walks towards the remaining blood.

I quickly snatch it from the stand "Oh there no need for you to do that. I was just about to start, and I'm sure you are busy with something else." I curse in my mind at the weak attempt to dissuade him.

"Oh no, I insist on helping you out." He smiles at me while taking the blood from my hand. While walking over to a different machine, pouring the blood into the receptacle. He turned it on and turned to me with a smile, "There we go, now how have you been, Katelin?" He asks. With a turn towards the machine to hide my grimace.

'This is not how I wanted my first mission out of the academy to go.' Turning back from the machine, "I've been fine, doctor, and please be a little professional and use my title and last name." Trying to give him a hint to leave us alone. All he did was frown for a second, then continued to try and smile at me. Then a ding happens, gratefully I walk towards the other machine. I move past him and walk over to the machine to take the results away. "Well, since the tests are done, we'll be leaving now." Turning to leave with the other "nurse", who was very quiet this whole time. As I grabbed the last test results. I hear Dr. West says something to me.

"Actually, I was wondering, Nurse Frayer, if you had time tomorrow after work to get a cup of coffee with me?" Stopping suddenly, I'm still turned away trying to think of a response that won't interfere with the rest of my mission here.

"Actually, Dr. West, I have to work two shifts tomorrow and won't get off until really late. Goodbye. I keep my back turned and walk quickly out with Agent May following close behind me. Once out of the lab, we start to make our way to the room with the parents, where we can talk about the results with them. I take another look at the results of all the tests to formulate a report for my co-worker. 'This makes no sense how can a baby not be a mutant or have any defining features in their DNA to indicate such a fast healing rate?' I look over and tell my supervisor the results.

"Other than a perfect bill of health, nothing is out of the ordinary for the baby. He has the X-Gene, but it isn't active in the least bit."

"Hmmm, we will have to watch him the next couple of days to see if we can't run any more tests on him. If we don't find anything else, we drop it and let it go." Thinking that seems to be the best path to figure out anything.

"Yes Ma'am we can tell the father and mother that their son is in great health but that we need to take some more blood to make sure of a couple of diseases aren't present."

"Alright, you are the one who knows more about this process. You'll take the lead on this." With that, we arrive in front of the parents' room to get more information from the mother and father of their medical background. We knock and enter to see the father holding his wifes hand with a soft smile, while the mother is fast asleep. Clearing my throat, I get his attention.

"Hello sir we just got back from the lab with your baby's test results he is perfectly healthy but we have a couple of concerns about your family's medical history could you answer a couple of questions for us? I say as quietly as possible to not wake the new mother up.

"Yes, of course I can give you any information. What do you need from me?" I grab a clipboard from a nearby wall and act like I'm searching through it.

"First off, sir, do you know of any genetic diseases your family may be prone to having?" He grabs his chin with his free hand, and a couple second goes by before he answers.

"I think on my mother's side, we have a tendency to have little white blood cell count, but that is all I can think of." Okay, not what I searching for. The tests say he has plentiful white blood cells.

"Alright, any from your wife's side?" I say while pretending to write that down.

"I don't think she has any. In fact, I don't think she has ever gotten hurt or even sick." He said with a contemplating look on his face before shrugging. That could be something maybe the mother has a healing factor or is a mutant herself without knowing.

"Do you mind if we take some blood samples from both of you to test and see if the baby has any chance of developing some diseases? Of course, it will be covered by your insurance." He doesn't even question it. And starts roll up his sleeve.

"Of course, nurse, please do." He says with a kind smile. Mentally fist-pumping that worked, I move to grab two needles and vials to store the blood. After a little bit, Agent May and I get the samples from them.

"Perfect, we will take these down to the lab and make sure everything is peachy."

"Alright, thank you for your hard work." He says, turning his head back to look at his wife. We take our leave and head to the lab, which thankfully is empty quickly going to the microscope with the mother's sample, after waiting a little bit. 'Sure enough, the mother is a mutant she probably passed down her mutation without activating her sons.'

"Agent May the mother is a mutant."

"Yes, I also noticed an enhanced healing with I drew blood from the mother." I guess mystery solved just a fast healing duo.

"Do we tell her what she is?"

"No, there is no need. Just put it in her file in our database and make sure to file her son as well."

"Yes Ma'am"

'I'll do that after we leave this current mission. I'm so ready to be done with this.' Afterwards, we let the parents know that they are perfectly fine and are in a clean bill of health.

hey little update on chapters. I will post everyday until 15k words they I will slow down and post 3 chapter a week, but I won't post on weekends, I need a break to.

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