

A single artist in an art showcase, working as one of the many staffs handling tasks. Until his break finally started and ended up turning everything upside down. Meeting many strange beings and magic. Another world that has awaited for his arrival at last. What has truly happened to this average environment to turn so different?

Airiii · ファンタジー
23 Chs

Chapter 1

A single table lamp in a room. Lighting up the small spaces around it. It's very messy here, paper and supplies both on the table and on the floor.

There sits a canvas with a pre-drawn sketch of an abandoned building. Filled with flowers and greeneries from top to bottom. The dark-red brick walls with a large, overgrown garden in front.


A sigh that came from a person. Ruffling his messy black hair and rubbing his eyes. It seemed as if he haven't slept for a couple of days. Quite obviously with large eyebags that's peeking through his eye-length bangs. "This will be due next week.. I'll need to add more."

He picked up a paint brush from his table and some paint. To continue what seemed to be an eternity of continuous silent activities.

Not long after, his eyes started to blink slowly. Minute and minutes passed, all was left was his eyes shutting down. Just collapsing on the table.

He fell asleep.

[Bzzt bzzt]

Rumbling that came from a nearby phone. Awakening the insomniac person who was just finally in deep slumber. Forcing to open his eyes, he opened his phone.

The blinding light in a dark room, it hurts his eyes. Slowly turning his bright phone and dim it darker.

Wearing his glasses and stared at the text. Taking quite a while to comprehend what is stated. He rubbed his eyes and tried to focus, he managed to understand the name of the person texting him but still struggled about the text.

"Ahm.. Cam-campu..CAMPUS " He was reminded of what day was today. It was no longer then weekend he thought it was. He rushingly checked the time and his face turned shocked.

It was already 10:16, which meant that it was almost time for his university's Art Showcase feautiring some of his artworks. Panicking, he made sure to prepare everything he needed and immediately rushed to the spot.

Running, running, and running nonstop. He eventually arrives just 3 minutes before the start. Huffing his breath and walked in, hundreds of student's artworks everywhere. It was breathtaking.

He was supposed to be working as one of the staffs as well. Even when still tired, he didn't stop and was responsible to fulfill his duties.

"Ah! Kurosawa Jun!" It was a friend from a different major. Though, surrounded by girls, the boy Jun could barely notice his short red hair.

His friend was rather popular of both his good looks and skills. A talent that is quite incomparable with the others. Truly the perfect man.

"Ew, who's this weirdo."

"Now now, don't be like that. He's my best friend."

He was also Kurosawa Jun's childhood friend, Himura Riku, that shared the same art interest. He was more interested in sculpting as it attracts many audience. Jun is clearly unmatched for someone in the likes of Riku.

"Well you can continue doing whatever.. You're doing, we'll still have to do the opening just in a minute."

"Don't worry, I'm practically flawless!" Riku slicked back his hair.

It was quite tiresome just to meet with Riku but Jun was always close with him. It would be odd to just stop meeting.

It was finally time for the grand opening of The Showcase and thus, Jun will start his tasks. Talking with people seemed to be one of his weakness at first but he is quite fond to talk to.

It was an easy tasks to do. Explain about the artworks to some curious people, taking care of the entries, try to prevent wild children from demolishing the works. Maybe some tasks aren't too easy.

But at last, it was finally time for lunch. The only break he will be getting until 5pm. After that, nonstop repeating of the same tiring tasks.

Jun went out to get some fresh air, as well as the hunt to find some lunch food. The university outdoor park was refreshing with plenty of trees to cover in as shade.

A small cafe was spotted that was specifically opened for the event. It will continue to be open for the next one week so maybe stopping by sometimes would be fine as well. The scent of sandwiches and bread filled the air nearby the cafe. It was almost irresistable.

Jun is a simple person who would rather order something as simple as sandwiches with a side of latte or americano. Which is exactly what he just ordered.

It was indeed delectable. It would be a shame for the cafe only be open for this event. Turning it to a permanent location. It also attracts quite the crowd, even the picky eaters.

But lunch was almost up, "12:57" he was expecting more rest perhaps. And maybe some ideas to continue his artwork he did recently.

Standing up from the bench he was just sitting on, he scractched his head and stretched his arms. Preparing to be heading back inside the building. But he felt something was odd.

The sky was weirdly darker than usual. It was supposed to be the brightest time of the day as it was only 1 pm. The clouds started to gather as one as well.

Maybe it's just rainy season so Jun simply shook it off. He grabbed on his bag and was about to open the building's door entrance.


Jun fell on the ground as it started rumbling aggresively. It was like something large was moving, yet no living organism would move this fast right? He was absolutely wrong.

He tried regaining his balance and glanced at the distance. And there it was, not even something that was supposed to be real.