
Re; Fat-Bastard

“What? Isn’t this the body of that fat bastard from that famous otome game?” “But why am I a janitor instead of an instructor?” “Why did I get disowned from my family?” “And why are my farts so magical? This is the story of a man who got transmigrated to an otome game as the fat bastard. Born naturally ugly and with no way to obtain a handsome face. The only path left for our poor Fat bastard was to get stronger and find a good retainer. Because, no matter what happens, he will definitely not die before enjoying married life.

GoGo · ファンタジー
6 Chs

1.01.2 Open the door, you fat bastard.

After reading the details of these methods thoroughly, Boltus was surprised to find that there was no difference in mana-heart created by all of these different manuals.

Their methods might be different but the result was the same.

"All one needs is to be one with nature to feel the mana, no training is needed. So let's do this. I am already tired and in no mood to exercise."

"So if my method works, I can do knight training while sitting my ass on the bed all the time."

Boltus began his extensive training on that day.

He worked hard during the day and sle… trained for the knight path at night.

While completely phasing out his prior diet to a better healthier one.

Sadly, even after a month, there was no change in his body. Instead, the only change he could feel was his farts getting louder by each day and the slight mana fluctuations he would feel during all those farting sessions.


"What is so special about my fart?"

"I only went on a lentil diet due to health issues. I never thought I would fart so much due to it."

"Neither did I expect that the farts would be my breakthrough to the lazy training method I am trying to devise?"

After experimenting for a few days to be sure that it was his farts helping him reach the state of being one with nature.

Boltus did the unthinkable and ate a whole service of kidney beans and peanuts.

One month has gone by since his training started and the monstrous batch was on the horizon. He needs to get stronger to get one of those monsters as his retainer.

So after coming to his room after work. Boltus opened his window and wrapped all the food he could, while also covering his bed with some giant leaves he plucked from the Academy playground.

It was the day to let loose. It was the day he would create his mana heart. It was the day he would destroy his bed and some shorts.

But all will be worth it if he could succeed.

Now all he wishes was one thing.

"God, please. Let it be only a fart and don't turn that fart into a shart. I am low on funds and I don't think I would be able to buy new shorts after this one round."

Since morning he has held in his farts, causing him to walk weirdly all day. Which earned him many jeers and mockery from the staff and some students that didn't leave for vacations. But he held on to his farts.

No way he can waste it here. The longer he can fart in a sitting, the longer he can focus on creating his mana heart.

"It's time to begin." Boltus' body remained soft and bubbly as he sat on the leaves above his bed.

But after thinking for a while, he placed those leaves on the floor before sitting on it.

He still feared an accident. He knows if a shart comes his way, he won't be able to stop it as most of his mind will be occupied with creating his mana heart.

"Wait… no what am I thinking. I only got two pairs of shorts. If this one gets ruined then I will have to wait till next month's salary to buy one."

The pressure in his stomach was huge, but saving his shorts was way more important. So after a whistle escaped from his butt, Boltus clenched it tightly in response. After which he got naked and threw all his clothes on the bed.

"You stay there." He said to his clothes while aiming his ass toward the opened window before he sat down once again.

"Now, let's begin."

Boltus started by getting into a stable state of mind as he loosened his asscheeks, to slowly release all the pressure.

First, it was a small whistle whose pitch went deeper and deeper before it turned into a longhorn. It was also this time that he stopped widening his ass.

A stable release of his fart needs to be maintained to achieve the best results. He can't release it all at once.

"I feel it, the mana is all over my body." So was his fart, but Boltus ignored the horrible smell and started to capture the gray particles that floated toward his body after he willed it.

In this world, the mana was divided into two kinds, the plain one and the attributed one.

The difference between the two is also not small. The plain one might seem powerful as it can be turned into any attributed mana if one desires and knows a proper method. But in the end, the conversion rate is horrendous and it also doesn't possess special abilities like the attribute mana.

So in general battle, the attributed mana always wins against the plain one.

Because while it may take a magus who has flame mana to cast only one unit of mana to cast a fireball. It would take a magus two units of plain mana, at double the duration, to cast the same spell. While the strength of the spell is inferior to the flame mana.

Currently, the mana Boltus absorbed was the plain mana. He can upgrade to attributed mana in the future. But currently, this was his limit.

He still possessed the body of the original Boltus and as one knows, he was originally average at best in his batch. So it was not that weird that current Boltus had the same lack of affinity for attributed mana at the start.

"It's here, it's warm. Now it's time to create the heart." The warm sensation that was floating into Boltus's body filled him with contentment. It gave him the strength to ignore the bad smell that was filling his room.

As it might seem, his opened window was not able to keep up with the release of Boltus's farts.

And while he was busy building his mana heart. Close to the servant dormitory, the people have started to notice the smell and the weird siren.

"Huh?... Did some accident happen? What is this smell? And that sound."

"Fuck, what kind of experiment were they doing, this is not even the lab. Did they break a vial or something?"

"Blech… Fuck, leave this place. That siren has been rung for a reason. It's not safe to be here." A woman said after wiping her mouth off of her afternoon lunch.

"This smell… It's like the smell of dead fish which was left under the sun for two days. Before being eaten by a pig who then shat it close to a pond."

"You are a weird man, chef."


'Yes, the hard part is over. The mana heart has started to form. Now it's my time to let it rip."

The formation of Mana's heart was a two-step process. Absorb the mana in the surroundings and then after enough of it is accumulated, start to spin it around through sheer will.

What Boltus didn't expect was the amount of focus this process will take. Making him ignore his butt.


With him losing control of his sphincter muscles. Boltus let it rip a hype one that not only shook his room. But scared many into thinking that the warning grade of the disaster has upgraded. As even the ground vibrated under him the sound of his shart.

And yes, it was a shart.

Unknown to Boltus, he not only ruined his floor and the right side of the wall.

But those trees closer to his windows witnessed the shower of the yellow snow.

'Wait, why is this happening? Why did it get so easy?' Ignorant of the events of the outside world. Boltus was completely enchanted at the sudden boost in his mana heart creation.

And it was not a normal mana heart either. Since he closed his eyes and focused on its creation. The whirlpool of mana in his sea of consciousness has increased its momentum, absorbing the mana particles at a faster rate.

This was a bizarre occurrence, as he never read anything like this on those notes.

"Maybe... Maybe I am a genius. No way to explain why this happened otherwise."

It didn't take long before Boltus was able to form his mana heart. And the moment it was created. It left Boltus's sea of consciousness and floated to his heart, before extending a tendril into it.

'This is a refreshing feeling.' The moment his real heart connected with his mana heart. A cool sensation ran through his body.

It felt as if the pain of the whole day was relieved in that instant and all the fatigue he has accumulated during this whole month left his body with the arrival of mana heart.

And this happy feeling remained until Boltus opened his eyes.

Which happened soon after.

"This smell…" The thought Boltus had when he first smelled his room.

"Huh? Siren?... Did something happen in the academy?" The thought the had when he heard the echoes of his farts.

"What the fuck…. Nooooooo" The thought Boltus had when he looked behind.

His wall was covered in shit. And there was no way to explain to people why this happened.

"Boltus you bastard… What are you doing there? What kind of sound was that?... Open the door this instant."

And now Boltus knew. He might just get kicked out of this academy.

"I… I just farted." Then Boltus looked outside to the yellow tree. "I may have just sharted a bit too hard."