
Re:born with immortality in mcu universe

John a sick child that has been in the hospital for his whole life has been in bed waiting for his time to run out. The only thing he did was read some comics of spider-man and some animations. That have made him what to be like him only to come to reality and fear that he would die before he can read more Spider-Man comic

Kenny1243 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 4

Last time

(Told by system creator)

Some of you are probably why the fight scene was so rushed and didn't make scene right? Well I'm going to answer your question. The reason why was because the Mc made so many mistakes that I had to cut those fight scenes if you even consider that a fight. I'm sorry that I cut it if you want to see the uncut versions just ask.


After the fight the mc was shot without any way to escape he let him. He once again falls Into the embrace of the darkness.

As the doc was screaming to look for one of his prototype serum that he has given up on for not having the perfect test subject. To make matter worse his two idotic henchman were just standing there to only add more fuel to his anger.

What are you shits still standing there hurry up and get him and bring him to one of the rooms yelled Doc. As his blood started to boil as his subordinates didn't hurry up his wrath would explode.

In his anger he almost threw the serum that he was looking for. When he looked at it he could see that its glow was the same without it dulled in color. When he looked at it he remembered when he was ten years old experimented with the blood of some unknown creature to only fascinate him as he would look for clues of how it belonged only to come up blank in the end. When he gave up on it to work on something else to help him revive the blood cells or to awaken what dna it had.

Two years went by but he wouldn't have much time to finish it so he gave up on it. As one part of his brain kept on screaming trying to tell him test on it to see if it works to only find out that he should have done this months ago. To only see it shined a reddish color mixed in with neon green color.

Back to present.

After snapping out of his memories he took one more look then he started to walk to the room where Mc would be.

I just hope this idiots didn't fuck up this one like all the other times, who am i kidding the probly did. Doc said to himself.

As he was making his way there he could hear the screams of his other subjects scream as he heard this a smirk appears. Knowing that everyone was screaming in agony was like music to his ears. But then he stopped in front of a door as he looked in the room. He couldn't contain his excitement as soon Dio would be test subject 001 for prototype Unknown. When he opened the door he saw that the henchman was there taking a nap while the other one was somewhere else that just pissed him off. When he got close to the henchman he raised his hand and clenched his hand punched him on the jaw.

As the henchman fell to the floor as he started to hold his jaw in pain as blood started to drip from his busted lip in his state in panike he sent a glare to who hit him. To only realise that it was his boss did he stop feeling rage and fear start to surface for he knew that he should have never have done that. He quickly lowered his head hoping that Doc didn't see that as he had won the lottery he noticed that but went near the new tests subjected did he release the breath he was holding.

When this was going on DIO Start to slowly open his eyes to only for the bright light to hit him and close his eyes quickly. While this was going on Doc was getting excited because he wanted to hear him scream for his life as he would feel his blood start to boil when it's injected to him.

So you're finally awake test subject 001, I can't wait for you to let me hear the sweet melody of your screams. Said Doc with a crazy smile on his face as Mc was looking at him as fear started to take over all of his senses. As they were telling him he had to escape but to only find out that he was strapped in a chair to only to be able see Doc injected the syringe that had a strange glowing liquid in it.

[Fear Resistance has been obtained]

After hearing that Mc started to calm down and was able to think straight.

Shit, what's going on why is this guy looking at me like that. Dammit what is he injecting into me? Fuck!

As Doc finished injecting it he started to hear the Mc start to curse and scream in pain as Two hours passed he noticed that Mc stopped screaming. Did he start to notice that his appearance changed he saw that he had ears and his eyes were a golden color. But what screde him was that he noticed that he had set his hand free and was ripping apart the restraints. He hurried to the door and when he got out he locked it and left the henchman that glared at him in there to suffer.

When the henchman was seeing this happening he was having a late reaction to only hear a low growl and to turn to his left to see him there did he start to run to the door to only to trip when he looked at what he tripped at he saw that one of his legs was ripped. When he saw this he started to scream in pain But it didn't let him as it shoved his ripped leg into his mouth his screams were muffled he knew this was the end. It plunged it hand where the heart was and took it out to see his art that he made.

When he finished looking he set his sights on the door as he started to pull back his hand he put all of his force and hit the door. The door was sent flying did he start to smell something in the air. He hurley turned his head to the right and used his speed to get there to only see a big door open.

To be continued———>

Well I hope you like it. Oh and also I change the the system because my eyes started to hurt when I saw Capitalize for to long.

Kenny1243creators' thoughts