
Human Nature and its Endless Cruelty

August von Mackensen met up with Bruno not long after the man had emerged victorious against two of Serbia's four Field Armies. Granted, their overall size was smaller in comparison to a single German Field Army, each of which were maxed out at 300,000 men at the start of the war, and given the most advanced equipment to fight with. 

But defeating them both, and forcing them to surrender within a handful of hours, was no doubt a phenomenal move. Because of this, August von Mackensen gazed at Bruno as if he were the living incarnation of some ancient Pagan God of War, before abruptly speaking his thoughts aloud. 

"I'll have my men relay your victory and its details back to the Kaiser… I think it's about time you were granted a proper rank for a man of your caliber. And if I dare say so, you might be the first one to be awarded an Iron Cross in this war…"