
Re: Behind Enemy Lines

What happens when a Demon Lord becomes bored? What happens when he gets a wish when he just really wants a glorious battle? Watch as our previous Demon Lord fights its way back to the top, against the world, against the tower, against the system itself!

Nashi · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 1

"Heh. Humans have such weak wills"

The humans have been eradicated on the 15th floor of the tower, it disappointed the Demon King since he was currently on the 20th floor and waiting for a glorious battle between him and the heroes of mankind. They fell short though, and their race would be enslaved from now on working for all eternity by the tower.

Humanity, if they won, would be granted a wish by the higher entities that controlled the tower, and in the case that the Demon Lord protected it he would get in their stead. The Demon Lord could wish for his race's freedom, to take this world as their farm, but this Demon Lord didn't enjoy the company of other demons.

They were born strong so their blood purity and evolution paths dictated their lives, so everyone he met was not an equal but a servant. He felt lonely, ten thousand years without an equal made him watch and cheer for the humans only to be disappointed, falling short of his expectations.

He handed over information, books, gems, and equipment, that shouldn't even be at the levels of the tower that they were at. Hundreds of advantages and they fought among each other dwindling their numbers too much, instead getting worn down floor after floor till there was only one left in the end. The valiant leaders, commanders of thousands of men would make the floors of the tower tremble under their force. The one thing they lacked was someone to take the fall as a shadow that was powerful enough to hold back human greed.

He did calculations time and time again, that at least five million should have made it to his floor given the treats before them even with all the restrictions that were in place but he underestimated the pride of some people. A necromancer screwed up all of his plans, and all of his ideas to find a worthy battle by murdering his fellow climbers to bolster his army of the undead thinking that monopolizing all of the exp and items would give humanity a higher advantage.

On the 15th floor, he was assassinated by two shadow demons who slipped past his army and decapitated him, holding his head up like a trophy before the crumbling undead before them. He didn't even know who that man was because he seemed to come from nowhere wielding power and magic beyond his level. One of the arms of the throne was destroyed when he attacked his fellow humans, and one of his guards had his head bashed in when the shadow demons cheered in victory.

'Couldn't you have given me one good battle? Made me weaker, and thrown me on the lower floors?' He was defeated spiritually, as this was the hundredth world that he had conquered and the hundredth wish he had accumulated.

The first one he wished for was a wife that had the same purity of blood as him, they ended up fighting for dominance and he tore her heart from her chest. A faint smile came to his lips as he reminisced, "Man I still love that horrible woman."

The second and third were much the same, then glory, a battlefield against a million angels, his world to toy with, a chocolate milkshake, and to watch a supernova with his own eyes. Everything was fun to experience for a while, but after thousands of years, he was bored of his existence, his invulnerability.

"They had everything, why couldn't they fight with me? I just wanted an equal." The Demon Lord sighed deeply, but his eyes lit up as he smiled. "Admin, my wish…."


Skyscrapers spanned out as far as the eye could see as a teenager just stared up at them, a small bit of smog filled the air making it a bit hazy as cars honked their horns as the traffic slowly moved. His ink-black hair was cut short, looking like a military cut with a rucksack slung over his shoulder filled with what looked like food and camping supplies.

A pair of harem pants and a loose-fitting t-shirt, was under a long duster, and a scarf made him look weird but the kid only wanted functionality rather than style. Opening up an ammo pouch on his belt he gathered some candy, something that he found he enjoyed two days ago when someone handed him a sample of chocolate.

With a bit of chocolatey peanut butter cup, he mumbled a countdown then stopped nothing happening for some time, "What? Wasn't it supposed to be at twelv-"

A loud voice boomed throughout the world in all languages before settling on one that was an ancient tongue, that everyone instinctively knew.

"Beings from Earth. You have been entered into The Game! Riches, glory, and in the end if you make it to the top… You can have anything your heart desires."

A blue screen appeared in front of everyone, including the teenager.


Kiki Wrath

Level 1



Title (2):

[Regressor], [The Betrayer]

Body : 1

Mind : 1

Spirit : 1

Magic. : 1




"Hahaha…" He needed something to hide his titles eventually as they could cause some confusion, especially with the betrayer title. Being told the effects of the titles he didn't train or exercised all this time, pulling up the regressor title.


All stats are one when the system comes online. No weakness, no strength.

This was a great advantage compared to a lot of humans since he had a one in magic whereas most would have a zero. Stats were hard to grow if they didn't have a starting point, especially magic.

[The Betrayer]:

All demons will hate you, and people's trust in you will be lower. Contracts are twice as effective, negative and positive effects will be increased.

'Great!' He thought about how he could use this, but he also wanted to test it out to see if his power grew. Right now he was level one with a human's stat growth so he was surprised that he still had a few more seconds before the game started.

"What's going on?" Several confused people asked, worry and fear filling the area as people didn't know what to do.

Opening his eyes, Kiki let out a sigh seeing the others running around like madmen, but none of them seemed to care that he was standing there doing nothing. One by one people started disappearing, these were the people that the tower thought were worthy of going into the tower as part of the first wave, Kiki being one of the people that a light engulfed before he vanished from the planet that he had been enjoying for about two weeks now.

"Good. Now for my first small goal, I need a range skill first." He lifted his hand thrusting it into the air as his body started to vanish, "Teleport!!"

A bright flash of light appeared and disappeared several times before he was back where he started.

"Ah, so powerful!" He mused to himself as he walked past the crowd of people, noticing that their stats were different as he added magic to his eyes to look at their profiles for anything interesting. Everything was overgrown with vegetation, cars destroyed and the towering skyscrapers mostly had their windows busted out hundreds of animals now occupying them. Kiki knew that this area was also filled with monsters, but only low-level ones like imps and goblins, they were a lot weaker than humans but the scared huddled masses that were in front of him usually ended up losing about one-half during the beginning running around like headless chickens and letting those weak creatures hunt them down. Other less 'civilized' areas had much higher survival rates in the beginning but fell behind when it came to the higher floors of the tower.

He checked his inventory seeing that he had some food, water, and other items, grabbing the bag he threw his rucksack into one of the spaces that he was given for free each new slot would cost them ten gold but that would be for later till then he would take care of his knowledge of the system mainly that bags and other storage items took up one slot instead of a slot for each item, the disadvantage was that you couldn't take out the item you wanted immediately. The backpack was a gift from someone that gave it to him a week ago, being confused for a veteran of his current world because of his hairstyle and the way he held himself, the military man said it was always easy to see which people had been to war. From the ammo pouch on his waist, he pulled out some heavy-duty darts that were inside of them feeling their weight as he rolled them on his fingers.

"My phone isn't working!" A woman cried out.

"We should wait here for the army!" A large man yelled, "So just calm down, I'm sure this is some type of mass hallucination."

"I very much doubt it." A man with glasses mentioned, before taking them off with confusion, then putting them in his pocket. "I doubt any hallucination could make it so I can see clearly."

Kiki used his vision to pull up the man's stats, noticing that the man's stats were the same as his making his eyes widen a bit, "A good seed." He looked at the name, and remembered the man's name 'Mark Lynch'.

A quick check showed that Mark had a lot of money and was able to buy a lot of things, and he wasn't alone, and with a rational mind knowing that money wouldn't help in this situation he started to recruit others around him handing out hundred dollar bills like they were trash. There was a group of five with him who seemed to be staying together, they had wide builds and were all in suits which Kiki marked them all as bodyguards, all their bodies being at 1.5 or 2, but nothing else special about them as the body stat was the easiest to raise spirit being the hardest which all of them had such small amounts they wouldn't last long in this new world.

"Hey, there is a human being here! We should start asking him if he knows how to get home. Maybe we can even take him with us! That would solve our problem and save us all the trouble of wandering around aimlessly!" One of them pointed to a small child-looking person in a tattered robe that was moving along the rubble gathering up berries and other small herbs along the ground in front of the building with swift movements using a small bone knife.

"Let's go!" Mark grabbed another man by the arm, "Come on, let's help him!"

"Wait! What about the rest of us?" The man looked worried, but he was pulled away by Mark who then brought out his wallet, shoving five hundred into the man's hand. He pointed to the child for the man to approach the child and ask for directions. The man looked reluctant but rushed up to the child with a nervous smile, "Hey kid..."

When the small child looked up the man could see the ugly green face looking back at him as it jumped up using its small dagger to jab and tear out the man's neck, making the last of the man's words gaggle under blood as the man fell to the ground. The goblin's hood fell showing its twisted appearance before darts punctured the eyes of the goblin making them pop like cherry tomatoes and killing the small creature instantly, making it fall on top of the dead man that had five hundred dollars crumbled up in his hand still.

"Oh crap...that was close," Kiki said feigning stress and horror like the others are showing at the moment not wanting them to know how composed he was, it would only lead to suspicions right now.

"Yeah, what the hell was that thing doing in here?" Another man asked pointing to the spot where the goblin had been. "What the hell did that thing do to kill that guy so fast?"

"A knife to the neck will kill any of us in a few moments." Mark replied, and shook his head, "He wasn't prepared for an attack."

A blue screen popped up in front of everyone as all the random people started to move closer to each other, you could now see three parties had been made while no one was looking.


Survive for 30 minutes

Optional Mission:

Kill as many creatures as possible