

***PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO ANY ANIME COMIC OR GAMES THAT WILL OCCURE DURING THE STORY I ONLY OWN THE CHARACTERS AND ABILITIES THAT I MIGHT CREATE DURING THE STORY P.S THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING SO DONT EXPECT GOD TIER WRITING**** Synopsis: Morpheus an otaku God wanted an apostle and also a brother so he save an extremely powerful soul from the floors of purgatory. Morpheus also decided to give the soul 6 wishes and send him to an alternate world of Re:zero were a couple of anime worlds are merge are and inside the galaxy. Join us and watch as our MC Asura rise up and become an emperor and also the demon God who feeds off the desires of others. join my discord : https://discord.com/channels/851513713991221288/851513890973024317

Retro_Senpai · アニメ·コミックス
48 Chs

Lucy training and the birth of AzaRath



Within a Floating Castle that Is flying and orbiting around the planet Neptune if we go deep inside the castle until we reach the throne room we can see an androgynous man rubbing the hair of Blond hair woman that is is sitting on his lap the two appear to be on top of a throne but what made this thrones special was that the throne is an asymmetric monstrosity of spikes and jagged edges and twisted metal the throne look like it was formed from a thousand blades and it was high up. The throne was a very high throne it was at least twenty stairs up with a red carpet laying on the stares it was big enough for two people this throne was no other than the iron throne from Game of Thrones and the castle was no other than Dracula flying castle from Castlevania. This was the new temporary home that Lucy made upon Asura request the two were just spending some quality time with each other while Asura was spoiling her a little after that he then started to get serious.

Asura: So Lucy you said that after reaching the second stage of my brain im able to controlled technology with through electric magnetic waves but why haven't I notice it

Lucy: That obvious because there no kind of tech around you.

Asura: Don't you think it quite useless when we are in a world were no form of technology exist that uses modern parts there are just magical weapon called media devices that are just advance compressed arrays that are place inside man made items.

Lucy: That is true and all but it quite useful when you do emergency quest and you will need to travel to other dimensions.

Asura: Oh Lucy can you please explain the quest function to me I can ask Cortana but I want to hear it from my beloved assistant

Lucy: Most certainly master they are three type of quest 1.Main quest 2.Emergencey quest 3. Hidden quest.

Asura: what up with you calling me master all of a sudden it feels weird.

Lucy: Ohhh you don't like it I thought been the otaku you are you would enjoy such a treat.

Asura: I not that I don't mind it was just so sudden fine then I shall take this treat and enjoy it with pleasure.

Lucy: Yes master anything to make you happy.

Asura was quite please hearing beautiful girl call him master it made him feel like he was king of the world Little did Asura knewed this was how he will later develop his habits of BDSM play of course he isn't going to be submissive. As the otaku Asura was he decide to play along with Lucy in her game of master and servant.

Asura: What a good beautiful submissive servant I have please do tell me servant of mine how do these quest work like what the difference between them.

Lucy: Gladly master the difference between the three quest is this

Story quest: Life is similar to a story hence a story quest are quest that are mainly focus on your new life only this time you are rewarded to do quest base on your new life.

Emergency quest: The multiverse isn't perfect there is danger every where emergency quest are like a quest for help or any form of urgent emergency within the multiverse or Asura daily life.

Hidden quest: These quest are quest Asura most find out on his own.

Lucy: Those are the detail of the quest function master.

Asura: Hmmm these quest can be quite dangerous if I'm not carful this is why I need more power in order to protect myself and the important people that will soon be apart of my life Lucy what do I gain from these quest.

Lucy: It can range from a set amount of DP, AP or skills and items it random but the quest function are design in such a way it give reward base on the difficulty of the quest given but upon failure of the quest some can be minor while others are just plane cruel and unfair but don't worry master the quest I will give you wont be too cruel I hope. In the end the quest was also made as a type of training function for you. Oh by the way quest are given to you from both me and Cortana in rare occurrence Morpheus can give you a quest as well.

Lucy said all this with Euphoric and sadistic smile normally this would make me tremble in fair but after unlocking more then 20% of my brain I don't feel things such as fair and pain in fact I find this as nothing more than a cruel form of training. To be honest im not surprise by the fact Morpheus can give me quest as well after all he did mention something to me along those lines.

Asura: I wondered when I will get my first quest.

As Asura was thinking about when he will be getting his first quest he heard the sound of Cortana in his head what he heard was like the heaven answered his prays.

<Story quest triggered: Spoil the assistant: Your beautiful assistant has done everything in her power to make you live comfortably in this space she has told you a lot of valuable information hence forth award your assistant and show her you care>


1. A random title depending on how you reward Lucy.

2. ???

3. Two free spin on a silver rank wheel of chance.


None since Lucy sole existence is to make you happy.

Asura: Oh my this seem simple enough I wonder what I should give her.

Asura was rubbing Lucy head while thinking of a reward to give his beloved assistant and first member of his harem then it hit him. He remember that Lucy actually have a thing for soft cuddly things. Asura then started to hug Lucy he pull her toward his chest and started to whisper in her ears and said.

Asura: Beloved assistant of mine I like obedient good little girls since you have help and please this king I shall now reward you.

Lucy then started to blush a little and smile out of excitement and ask.

Lucy: How are you going to reward me master.

Asura smiled at the question and then began to transform into his partial transformation state of that he got when infusing the ancient Fannus bloodline. No we can see a slightly different Asura he still had his facial feature and height only now he had long platinum hair while the tip of his hair was purple and it touches the floor. He had a yellow left eye and purple right eye with a fluffy tiger tail with platinum fur and purple stripes on top of his head was a full platinum color tiger ears and three pair of whisker on his face. He then took his tail and started to rub Lucy neck when he did this Lucy shriek a little. Asura could only think cute then he went to her ears again and whispered.

Asura: You can have your fun by mofu mofuing me till your satisfied.

When Lucy heard that she had the biggest smile on her face as if she had won the lotto from there she and Asura switch places. Lucy was no sitting on the throne while Asura was now on Lucy lap if one would look at Lucy they could see heart in her eyes as if she was about to received her favorite thing in the world then all of sudden Asura start to smell a very sweet and fragrance smell The smell felt like it was calling him and the he ask.

Asura: Cortana what is the smell and why do it feel like it calling me.

<That is the smell of desire would you like to consume and turn it to DP>

Asura: So this is how the smell of desire smell like my goodness this smell is too tempting it like an overwhelming force pulling me towards it. Cortana consume all of it every single drop I don't want a ounce left behind just take it this is what she wants everything in life have a price I give you pleasure and satisfaction beyond belief in return give me your joy your happiness your wishes your dreams your everything I will gladly accept it. What is mine is yours and what is your is mine that the purpose of equivalent exchange now my beloved assistant give in to all your desire its not wrong to want more than what's needed after all even the greatest of beings wants the simplest of things.

<Now consuming desire from Lucy please be warn she will be suck dry in a period of time>

<This will cause a state of immense weakness for a short period of time to the host Lucy>

<WARNING! the host Asura is going through a chaotic first time eater phase>

Lucy then take her hand and started to touch the ears of Asura when her hands touch the platinum color fur she moaned is satisfaction an pleasure.


Lucy then proceed to rub the soft warm silky smooth platinum fur on Asura ears Lucy then started to moan again even louder and louder thankfully nobody was in this castle except them or they would definatley taught somebody wife was getting boned really good in the first time in eighteen years of unsatisfied sex of her husband limp dick syndrome. Then a holy stud then appear like a magical genie out of lamp to grant and take all her desires away. Lucy was in heaven absolute heaven his soft ears his silky beautiful fur it something straight out of those Greek mythology Fenrir stories of the great wolf who betrayed the Gods only now Asura was a tiger Lucy continue touch it and said.

Lucy: What is this contradicting feeling between loss and gain if feel as if on one hand im loosing my sense of joy my happiness my wishes my dream my satisfaction my everything but on the other hand I feel happy, complete, absolute, there no greater joy than this, warm, happy and it feel like I have went through all the torcher of life to survive and reach this one moment in time that it feel like surviving all those cruel year as a human to get a new purpose of life at this very place, time and moment.

Lucy look down and what she saw was the most beautiful smile of euphoria a face could have she look into the eyes of her master. She then think back to the feeling she was feeling earlier the weird feeling of loss and gain an then she said.

Lucy: I see master is eating everything that makes me who I am im honored master im glad this servant can be useful to you. I live to serve only you master please give me more till im satisfied in return I will give you my every being and allow you to suck me dry till im nothing but a husk.

Lucy then started to rub his ears even more vigorously in excitement and satisfaction till his tail started to get longer and rap around her and touch her cheek she moan even louder.


Lucy then started to rub her face against his silky whiskers and rap around his now puffy tail like a blanket her eyes then roll back in pleasure and satisfaction she been suck stupid she was on the verge on passing out but before she did she said.

Lucy: Master im so thankful and happy for this feeling master im full im satis...…

Before Lucy could tell what she wanted to say she passed out with a face of euphoria and a mix of ahegao in it mean while Asura was also on the verge of passing out from absorbing all this new foreign energy but before he passed out he heard Cortana voice.

<Consuming of desires complete>

After he heard the emotionless voice of Cortana ringing through his head he passed out.




Eight hours later

Asura: Ahhhh what happen why do I feel so refresh and full of energy.

<Asura has went true his true chaotic first timer eater phase congratulations on loosing your virginity>

<Congratulation you earned the title "I'm a big boy now">

This title is given to any demon who looses there virginity for the first time

<Congratulation you earned the Universal title "Mofu is the way">

By will of the 3rd commandment of the supreme heavens were all celestial live it has spoken et to thee that none shall forsaken the law of the mofu or to be eternally strike by the heavenly lightning of the heavens for all their days to come. This almighty title make anyone who mofu the user to become addictive and become their slave for all eternity.

Asura: The bloody hell Cortana explain what the hell just happen I know for a fact that I didn't activate precise precision and shooted ball deep in Lucy and what the hell is chaotic first time eater phase. What surprise me more is the power of that God like title Mofu is the way and effect of it one of a kind lady killer powers it has I shall use this power well and worship this commandment even in death.

<As the user Asura knows when he got this body it was restored to it peak that was when the current owner was still a virgin not in the literal sense doe it just a term to refer to eating the desire of human for the first time normally it call first time eater phase but since the user devourer the strong desire of a Class Black entity super being dry of everything she is in a short period of hibernation>

Asura: Were is Lucy.

Asura then look up and saw a sleeping Lucy rap up in his tail with a smile on her face yes Asura was still in his Fannus state.

Asura: Cortana when will she wake up from her sleep.

<Approximately 5 minutes 56 seconds before she wakes up>

Asura: Good it look like I have time Cortana show me all the changes that happen to me and show me the result of the earlier quest.

<Affirmative now showing new skill gain>

<Congradulatations you gained 350,000 DP>

From eating Lucy desires you gain a tremendous amount of DP.

<Congratulation you learned the skill equivalent exchange>

A sacrificial type skills were you offer junk, corpse, emotion, weapon anything you have to offer in return you will get something in equal value>

<Congratulation you learned the skill temptation>

Your words hold the power of reasoning.

<Congratulation for completing the story quest spoil the assistant>

<Now giving the rewards to Asura>

<Congratulation you gain the world title "Is that the sound of moans">

This title increase the sensitivity of any woman you sleep with or do any form of sexual activity with by 20 times.

<congratulation on gaining a Silver tier Anime weapon bundle>

<Congratulation on getting two silver tier wheel of chance ticket>

<Would host like to open and use all rewards>

Asura: Quite a formidable title indeed but know I will open it later Lucy will soon get up and I want to get some training in I will just look at my stats, book of stats appeared before me.

The purple book with red mist came shooting out of my left heart I open the book of status and it read as follows.

Name: Asura (Damion Morgan)

True Name: Asuramaru Laalsa Kanta

Age: 2139

Race: Heavenly Accursed Demon king of Desire

Occupation: Apostle, Hero, king of curses and Demon king

Titles: {Apostle of Morpheus, He who adapts, Hard to kill demon, Reincarnated, Transmigrated and The seal one}

World Title: {Argonaut, True king of the west, All cursed king and Demon King, Is that the sound moans}

Universal title: {The source of all things, Mofu is the way!}

STR: 20,000 > 40,000

SPD: 15,000 >30,000

VIT: Error

DEF: 30,000 > 60,000

STM: 25,000 > 50,000

MGI: 150,000 > 300,000

CHRM: Error

INT: 5500 > 5,000000

EMT: {Ice, Fire, Wind, Space, Holy and Curse (fuse variants)}

BRN: 28% {Who the fuck needs Google-chan}

RLM: Green realm eight stage

Desire points: 840,000 DP

Weapons and Treasures


Active skill

{Soul perception, Asura-Kannon, Asura-Kannon: Thousand blades, Asura-Kannon: Ten thousand blades, Asura-Kannon: Infinite phantom blades, Asura-Kannon: Infinite Blades: Knot of Fate, Limitless, Dream manipulation (LVL 16), Dream domain (LVL 2), First commandment: The weight of sin, Second command: The Tree of Death, Third commandment: Judgement, Liaris Freese, Argonaut, metamorphosis, binding vow, dismantle, flames of ruination, domain expansion malevolent shrine, eye of Ra, demon bloodline suppression, rose of anarchy, flames of the eternal frost, roar of oppression, space burn, space burn, Equivalent exchange, Astral body}

Passive Skills

{Spiritual pain immunity (LVL 20), Absolute adaptation (Max LVL), Regeneration, One with the sword, Blessing of the multiverse, Desire eating, Desire sensing, Photographic memory, Apostle aura, Dimensional hair (LVL MAX), Contract (LVL MAX), Hair Manipulation (LVL MAX), absolute holy resistance, crown of tyranny, Cognitive mine, Temptation, Cell communication LVL 30}


{Heroic transformation, Demon king transformation, Ancient Fannus partial transformation, Byakko form}

Asura: Holy shit my stats double in proportion after breaking through the brain second stage not to mention that insane increase in intelligence. I know I have become extremely smart but I don't know to what extent everything just feel natural to me now but seeing it in numbers just come to show how dangerous my intelligent is.

Asura then began to hear growls and see the sleeping figure of Lucy stretching as if getting up from her nap she then look at me and said with a smile.

Lucy: Did you enjoy your meal master.

Asura then looked at Lucy and smiled while replying with.

Asura: Yap sure did it was the best thing I have tasted in my life.

Lucy then started to look at Asura and blush at his commented and said.

Lucy: I'm glad you enjoy my taste.

Asura then laugh a slightly and ask .

Asura: Did you enjoy the reward.

Lucy then smiled at Asura and said.

Lucy: Its the most amazingness thing I have ever felt in my life.

Asura giggle at her reaction and then said in a serious tone.

Asura: I'm glad you enjoy your self but I want you to continue training me I just checked my stats which doubled after jumping to 28%.

Lucy then went into a serious look and said to Asura.

Lucy: Of course your stats doubled and I also know you got a huge boost in you intelligent stats as well. Very well follow me I will teach you how to use your brain to do unbelievable things with it.

From there me and Lucy remove our self off the iron throne and went toward the training room underneath the castle there was a huge facility there were all types of weapon even weapons from COD cold wars like the kar 98-k a lot swords, spears, katana even some futuristic laser gun and a online simulation field with an virtual reality program for combat training Lucy never failed to stun me I say inwardly she then started to say something so I look in her direction.

Lucy: Now lets get started we will work on the movement of objects also known as telekinesis.

Lucy then looked towards the swords on wall to the left side of the room from there about 50 different type of swords floated towards Lucy all in variety such as katanas, longsword, short swords and even some daggers. Now we can see a total of 50 different blades floating above in a circular motion. Lucy then looked at me and started to explain.

Lucy: Normally one wouldn't be able to use telekinesis till about 35% but since your brain is way more complex than a human you could have probably pull off this feat when your brain was as little as 15%. From there the power just get stronger as the brain progresses and open up for example I can use my telekinesis to move planets and stars around as if it was noting While for you can probably move something a heavy as a bus at the moment.

After Lucy sayed those word she then summon a car, a bus and a plane she then look towards me and then she said.

Lucy: First I want you to test out the limits of your telekinesis focus on the object and imagine an invisible hand picking up the object.

Asura then started to look at the floating sword above Lucy head and imagine taking one of them using an invisible hand and to his excitement it works. The long sword then came toward Asura and he started to swing it with his mind he was happy with the result of the sword and payed mine to the car he imagine a hand to lift the car but it didn't budge then he started to imagine and imaginary flat barrier beneath the car with some resistance he manage to made it float and move it around a little. He then put down the car and started to do the same thing to the bus when he did that he started sweat a lot and started to get tired so he put down the bus and went to the plane but when he tried to lift it he started to get a major headache and fell face first on the ground he felt weak and he didn't know why then he heard Lucy.

Lucy: Using this skilled drain your mana the heavier the object is and trying to lift and object above the weight you can handle can damage the mine so it good to know your limits.

Asura then summoned his book of status and check how much mana he had left to his surprise out of his 300,000 mana reserved he had he only had 50,000 mana remaining.

Asura: This skill is indeed useful but I think I will only stick to making my weapon float for the time been.

Now that all for today we will continue how to use telekinesis properly during battle tomorrow now I will teach you my favorite part of been able to use the power of the brains its the ability of using the brain on how to control machine. For me when I was at 28% I can only control simple machine like a fax machine, television, phones and laptops but for you it different your able to control even advance machine such as satellites even I don't know to what extent your control over technology is.

Lucy Then summon two battle drones and said out loud.

Lucy: Alpha unit-12 please activate the simulation suitable for range combat.

<< Affirmative Now activating the virtual simulation >>

<< Switching to suitable Scenario for range combat training >>

<< The scenario BX-45739359284758294 has been chosen >>

With that the room change to to a giant battle field were bodies were been blown up every where bullet were flying in every direction. Asura was aware that Lucy created an A.I that was dubbed as Alpha unit-12 at the moment she was programed to create any battle scenario suitable for any type of training although Asura didn't know just how advance Alpha unit-12 was until now when she create the scenario instantly Asura inner gamer came into play when he saw two soldier coming toward him and Lucy. His complex mind then slow the time around him before they fire there assault rifle. He look at the left side of the platform they were on and then he saw a gun real familiar to him it was one of his favorite sniper rifle. He then use telekinesis to make the gun fly to him at an extremely fast speed. He then took his aimed an shot the soldier in the head the bullet went through the back and right into the heart of the other soldier after they fell to the ground he look at Lucy and smiled he was about to say something when he heard an awful familiar sounding male voice coming out of no where.

<< One shot one Kill >>

<< Kill confirm >>

<< Head shot >>

<< Double kill >>

Asura was about to loose it he knows this place this was the sacred ground of were a legendary trash talker messiah was born legends say his word were so profound it destroys the ear drum of those who dares listen to it. This was the place he made all of his hard earn cash to make a decent living back on Earth when he use to stream on twitch yes that was his job and he made a living of it now here he will rule as God he then smiled at Lucy and said.

Asura: Lucy did Alpha unit-12 actually created a game of free-for-all in sky jack map if so this is amazing

Lucy: Of course she was program and created for the sole purposed of creating the most optimal and sophisticated battle ground scenario for the user training of choice. Here is were you will learn to control technology and learn how to fight along side it.

Asura was sure now that dying was probably the most smartest thing he did in his entire life now he can now play the game of COD-BO3. Any time he want it was here that he would re-gain his throne as the trash talking messiah.

Lucy: Alpha unit-12 please pause scenario till further notice

<< Affirmative now pausing scenario >>

And just like that the never ending turmoil of death came to a halt from there Lucy then started to explain on how to control the technology around us.

Lucy: Now to control technology it quite easy simply think of invisible tread coming from your head making it way to each tech of choice you wish to control when connected it will feel like been at two place at ounce try using it on these two battle drones.

After Lucy brief explanation on how to control the drones Asura then Imagine two treads coming out of his head and went to drones after the tread touches the both of them he instantly felt a connection with the both of them and heard the following in his head.

<< Connection link to B-58 is now active >>

<< Connection link to B-72 is now active >>

Asura was now link to the two battle drones his vision was now better than ever why you ask because he can now see everything in 360 degree angle thanks to the drones 56k cameras. He then look at Lucy with a look of satisfaction Lucy then said.

Lucy: Ok master I don't think I need to explain further cause in a sense you are both those drones you know everything about them now have fun killing till your satisfied this will be your training for the rest of the day Alpha unit-12 please resume scenario. well see you later master I going to check on the castle system function on the lowest floor.

And with that Lucy disappear from the scenario completely while Asura heard the voice again .

<< Resuming scenario in 5 second please prepare >>

And with the little time Asura had he ready him self for battle he picked up his gun which was an SVG-100 sniper riffle this gun is a one shot one kill type of weapon it has a quick reload speed and a slow fire rate with a dotted aim for better aiming proficiency. Asura wasn't worried for the slow fire rate of the SVG-100 since he has a mini-gun attach on to his battle drones so that can cover for fire power with that the scenario resume and Asura went running.

Asura: Hahahahaha its time to regain my once lost throne as the messiah.

Asura was running along with his battle drones and see 4 soldier coming toward them he then took his gun and aim. Time seem to slow down once more it seem whenever he concentrates and hold his breath time seem to slow down for him every time he focus on something he then head shot three soldier. There lifeless body fell to the ground he then jump on top of the shoulder of the fourth soldier while reloading his gun he then jump to the window above reaching the top but before reaching the top he un-loose two grenade sending it back down to the fourth soldier all that was heard in the back ground was a loud explosion and a random CPU shouting.

Random CPU: Man down we need medics

What was also heard was that voice again

<< Triple kill >>

<< Cold blooded >>

<< Kill confirm >>

Asura was laughing like a maniac at the one sided slaughter he just did and rudely said after words.

Asura: I'm literally aint playing bro.

Asura: What happen your mama forgot to feed you her breast milk before you came to work this morning.

Asura: You all are some noobs even in your own game.

Asura then went and run down the hall of the ship from there he saw someone camping about to snipe him from there he command B-58 and shot a smoke bomb fulling the whole hall in smoke the CPU start randomly shooting everywhere I then proceed to run on the wall then I jump as hard as I could bash his head in with my feet then I said.

Asura: Sorry I didn't saw you down there.

Asura then went back outside were there was ten CPU trying to kill him he was surrounded he then took his sniper and shoot the one to his right from there he went to face a trio in front of him the trio started to shoot but right before the bullet reach him it stop Asura was laughing crazily.

Asura: HAHAHA behold the ultimate troll the limitless you will never touch me.

Like a cold hearted bastard Asura was shamelessly using the limitless in a gun games from there he slaughter for hours and hours until like 18 hours later Asura was surrounded by at least a hundred solider he started to cut down the soldier at a extremely fast speed with laser until B-58 was shot down by a random sniper. He then command B-72 to shot down as many solider until it is shot down on the side a pair of two CPU with rocket launcher shot at him. Asura saw that and he uses his telekinesis on random dead body on the ground to block it upon impact Asura flew all the way back he then said to him self.

Asura: This will be my last kill what else is better than going out with a bang.

Asura then start to imagine at least 50 invisible treads and aim it toward the solider he then hack into there system and activate all of there air strike all over the ship. The sound of hundred of air strikes can be heard from the sky and all came crashing down before Asura was sent out of the Scenario be Alpha Unit-12 he said.

Asura: Hasta la vista bitches.

And skyjack and all it player were disintegrated out of the map mean while Asura was sent out of the scenario.

Asura: I see I'm back that was fun I wonder what I should do now.

As Asura was thinking on what to do the sound of notification was heard in his head.

<Congratulation you learned the skill Telekinesis lesser>

The skill the lift 35 tons of weight.

<Congratulation you learn the skill heart of the machine>

The ability to control all technology

<Congratulation you learn the skill double jump due to absolute adaptation>

You can now jump 2 times instead of 1.

<Congratulation you learned the skill wall run due to absolute adaptation>

The ability to run on walls.

Asura: I see those are some great skills this 24 hours of constant game play is worth it hmmm while im at it let go open up all the rewards I gain so far.

Asura then made his way back to the iron throne were he sat down and said.

Asura: Cortana please open up every reward that I have.

<Affirmative now open up all rewards>

Ex rewards

<Congratulation you gain Ex rank Automata bundle>

<you gain the following>

1. YoRha unit 2B

2. YoRha unit 9S

3. YoRha unit A2

4. YoRha black box: infinite

5.Nier weapon kit: infinite

6. you gain Lacia

7. You gain Ryuzu

8. You gain 3x Black Monolith

9. You gain Automata Respawn Bunker x1

10. You gain YoRha unit pods infinite

11. you gain YoRha moon base

12. You gain YoRha Unit Commander White

13. You gain YoRha uniform bundle Infinite

<Congratulation you gain Ex rank weapon>

Ex rank weapon: Sword of rupture EA

<Congratulation you gain silver rank skill empty gates of Babylon>

An empty gates of Babylon is an empty gates of Babylon

<Congratulation you gain silver rank skill weapon fusion>

The ability to fuse any weapon after fusion it will be permanent this may affect the weapon in a good or bad way depends on luck.

<Open up silver tier Anime weapon bundle you have gain>

The Elucidator


Duel Kokorowatari



Fragments of an ancient zanpakuto

<Open up ???>

<Congratulation you gain the ability cheerios creation>

The ability to to create a box of cheerios for the price of a 100 mana.

Asura exe hast stop working

Asura: Co...…r.....ta..na! explain were did those ex rank came from oh my fucking God I hit the jackpot not only that I got my favorite video game waifu 2B 2 fucking B what are the chances not only do I have the skill to control machine I now I have a way to talk to my second favorite waifu of all time and make her mines for the taking .

<The 2 EX roles that you got was from the Universe achievement of creating a new element>

<The reason why Asura got lucky was because of the Argonaut skill Luck>

Asura: Thank you Bell fucking Cranel for the luck skill I totally forgot I got two EX rank wheel of chance roll.

Although Asura has hit the jackpots of jackpots and gained a whole lot of weapons and skills he was thinking about the Automata bundle he got from this. He had a lot of thought's and as if his Sukuna bloodline was screaming at him he had an idea this idea was going to be an idea that will change his whole entire life in a whole. Asura wanted to create an army of Automata no why stop at automata's let create an army of diversity no why stop at an army he thought let create a kingdom no lets create a Empire. One so big and strong that all the enemy it provokes will know nothing but destruction and despair and the one who will lead the people of the empire was none other than me Asura.

Asura: Yes I will create an empire one so grand that it shall never fade from History.

As Asura was going true his moment of enligthment he heard the sound of the system once more

<Due to the desire of host Asura the system has concluded that the host should buy the trait of the Supreme Emperor >

Asura: Cortana what a trait?

<A trait is something like a personality or a characteristic that helps you have immense talent in something this trait will give you everything a supreme emperor should have in order to become one it will cost 20,000AP>

Asura: You know it good if its costing so much AP ok buy it Cortana.

<Now purchasing trait>

<Congratulation you have gained the trait of The Supreme Emperor>

<In order to fully gain The Supreme Emperor trait please give a Name to your Empire>

A purple screen with a golden keyboard came out of no where Asura guess he has to type in a name.

Asura: A name haaa...….

Asura spend about 30 minutes coming up for a suitable name for his new empire then it hit him he had the perfect name for his empire. He then start to type in the name for his empire after pressing enter he was satisfied with his naming sense.

Asura: From here on out I Emperor Asura shall give our glorious nation the name AzaRath.

Hehehe I had a lot of fun writing this chapter I hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter and like always thank you for you word of kindness and support.

Retro_Senpaicreators' thoughts