
Her Name - 1

LittleHunter [ehhhh??? why did he told you about that?]

LittleHunter [it's embarrassing]

LittleHunter [>__<]

LittleHunter [regarding your pic...]

Me [it's fine, I know I don't look that good]

LittleHunter [you actually look so good]

LittleHunter [I stopped for a bit and stared]

LittleHunter [but I heard a skill cast]

LittleHunter [then went back and saw your chat]

Me [...]

Me [really?]

Me [but at school]

LittleHunter [really ^^]

Me [no one even likes me]

LittleHunter [I love you more]

LittleHunter [>______<]

Me [do I really look good?]

[Message failed to send.]

Did she just log out because she was shy?

Eh? I look good? Then why do I get rejected every time?

Why would I even become this way if I was good looking, where no one even dares to look at me in the eye. Where girls even avoid me like they saw a rapist coming down the road? Where a bus was full enough of passengers and no one dares sit beside me? If I was good looking enough, I would've been picked as a lead protagonist in that play where I wanted to be, back then a few years.

Of course I got the occasional 'Hey Ezzie, this girl likes you!' prank, but I never believed that anyone took a liking to me seriously. After all, I got rejected ten times already, by a girl, in every year of my school life. If that didn't happen, they I'd believe her fully.

Was this just because she only likes me because of her feelings right now? I wonder what would happen in a few weeks? Months? Years? Would we even reach that point?

I do hope to someday marry her, as what's the point of finding someone to waste time with?

As these thoughts come to mind, I saw her character suddenly appeared beside mine, and she logged in again after a few minutes.

LittleHunter [if we met]

LittleHunter [I probably can't look at your eyes]

LittleHunter [because you're so cool-looking.....]

LittleHunter [are you sure that girls hate you?]

Me [very sure]

Me [no doubts]

Me [but do I really look good?]

LittleHunter [of course]

LittleHunter [>__<]

LittleHunter [actually...]

LittleHunter [I'd like to send you another one of my pic]

LittleHunter [this I call.. my heart and soul]

LittleHunter [check your email a while later]

Me [sure, no problem]

LittleHunter [I hope you love it ^^]

A few minutes passed, and we talked about lots of things. Then as usual, we bid each other bye after sending our parting words of embarrassment. Of course I was absolutely shy about telling and opening my feelings to even her, as this was the first time that I have experienced these things.

It was almost midnight, then I looked for my mirror to see myself. Do I really look that good? I only see a person unbefitting of her looks. Almost no one praises me anyway, and it's always those boys that play basketball that always get the attention, too. Which I even currently hate.

Feeling a bit of frustration, I decided to login to the game once more and grind for money. It never hurts to have too much money in a game since you don't know when you would need to buy something.

As usual, I bought teleport items and went to my grinding spot.

The screen loaded for a while and I stood and took a bottle of juice from the fridge. Once I returned, the map already loaded but I found out that my character already died.


Good thing I had three revive scrolls.

My character revived and the chat window showed up. The last few messages finally made me crack for tonight.

[All of your equipment has been removed.]

[Anti-Weapon Strip Set activated.]

[You have been killed by Borealis.]

[Your Kalis of Dexterity +9 broke.]

[You lost 91864 experience points.]

It turns out, I've been ambushed by a PK'er. Someone who lives in game by killing other people.

Good thing equipments don't get stolen here, and only got removed if you die.

I didn't expect that my main hand weapon would break though. I guess he's prepared thouroughly for killing other players.

Seeing my gold intact, I rejoiced and finally revived myself before I traversed through the map to reach my grinding spot.

"What the heck?"

I've reached the area yet... there are no mobs? The place is empty. There was only a single item on the center on the ground, and it was the most worthless drop item I only keep getting lately.

"Did my luck ran out? Even my grinding spot has been compromised."

What should I do? This is the most optimal place for my character build. I don't want to waste all of the gold I had just to make another efficient character only to have another grinding spot stolen again.

With a sigh, I went back to town instead and logged out. I used a different character this time, and immediately went to the PVP arena to let out my frustration.

With my Chainer, things are bound to get bloody.

I got excited as the arena map loaded, and I didn't took my hands off the keyboard knowing that I might suffer another ambush.

"C'mon, c'mon!!"

The screen loaded, and there was no one in sight. Zooming out a bit, I saw another character. Venting out my frustration, I spammed the click button on my mouse even though I knew it wouldn't help to increase the movement speed, before I spammed the skill button on the keyboard as I clicked.

"Hmph. Hmph. Die. Die. Diiiiieeeee!!!!"

I kept spamming him my skills not on cooldown, and it took about ten seconds before the guy typed something.

[So how much shou]

Was that sentence incomplete?

At the same time the sentence appeared, I got distracted as I read and only saw a golden wave of light crashing on my character.

"The fuck? Are you serious?"

That guy was too OP. He hit me with a lowest rank skill of the Leon-class character and took my high HP Chainer in a single hit.

The mobs don't even scratch my character on PVE but he didn't even die after all of the spamming I did, and even killed me in one hit.


I quit.

I logged out with my dead character and shut off the PC.

I looked at my phone instead as I laid on the bed just behind me.

"Now that I think about it, what's her real name?"