
Episode 1

It was a beautiful day outside. There was no rain, there was no clouds. Just a pure sunny sky. However, things definitely could be said differently for inside the classroom.

"Pass me the gluestick!"

"No! No! Give it to me first!"

"Argh! Get your hands off me you feathered butt bird!"

This was class 1-Y. The class I have been teaching for a couple months now. Things haven't changed one bit.

"Ehehe...Wandie-kun...Looks like your class is out of control again." Lulu said, floating close to my ear with a sly smile. Lulu was a small magical grey fluffy bunny and a companion of mine whom I formed a link with. She hatched from the egg when I slayed the legendary Dragon and Phoenix hybrid, Yhazon.

"Oi Wanderer! Another beer please!" Boro called out as he floated over to my other ear and continued yelling the same sentence over and over. Boro was the sentient voodoo doll with a drinking problem. He wore a fancy fedora and had gleaming rainbow eyes. I formed a link with him near the start of my journey and had to put up with his nonsense ever since.

The two blabbers continued going at it to me while I had to put up with the class who were also extremely loud fighting over random things in the classroom.

"Alright everyone settle down!" I shouted. Everyone paused and immedietly fled to their seats going quiet once more.

I sighed before speaking up again. "Now as you all know, we have a current competition with class 1-A. If we want to beat them, then we need to show our dedication. I believe ad a class we can do this together!"

The whole class was still silent and Valentine suddenly spoke up.

"That has got to be the most corniest shit I've ever heard." The whole class laughed at my bad speech, even Boro and Lulu.

"Hey shut up! All or you! Stop laughing! Oh goddamit." I sat at my desk and sighed. Man this class was just so miserable to teach. The peoe who only ever did the right thing were Crystalline, Lunar, Zakayuki and Yorimi.

"Alright class just quiet down now. So since you all have finally glued in your sheet, today we're learning more about math, more specifically quadratics." THe class groaned. They didn't really seemed interested but I couldn't really blame them. After all, it was quite boring doing the same thing over and over.

"Sensei! I gotta go to The bathr-" Tsugaki said before I interrupted.

"Shut! You'll go during break." I said quietly as I turned to the chalkboard and began writing once more.

"Awah...Sensei...Don't you think you're mistreating your students a bit." Lulu said with a slight teasing tone while she also burped out a bit of fire.

"No I'm not. I'm just a bit tired that's all and I need everyone to get their shut together." I replied back.

"Anyway what happened to Boro?" I asked abruptly before she could speak.

"Hmm..." Lulu floated over to the shirt pocket where Boro stayed and saw he was fast asleep as Lulu looked back at me and she had a slightly nervous smile.

"Ehhh...he's taking a little break that's all." Lulu said still floated next to me and scratching her bunny ears.

"You know what you need sensei." Valentine snickered as he got up.

"A break. Its so simply just effective." He said as he walked up the the chalkboard slowly.

"Hey! Sit back down Valentine I don't want to put up with you right now." I said a little irritated.

"Aww? What's wrong? Is sensei mad again? Is sensei on his period?" The whole class stayed silent knowing if they'd laugh then I would end up having murderous intent for them all.

I sighed and let out a small smile.

"Fine then." I handed the chalm to Valentine. "Since you are the smartest here besides maybe Yorimi, you go ahead and teach the class." I headed out and towards the teachers lounge to relax. "Hopefully he doesn't mess up." I whispered to myself as Lulu was still floating next to me smiling gently while Boro was still asleep in my pocket.


"Gah! What happened!" I said as I saw Valentine on the ground slightly twitching while there was a bunch of fire and burnt ashes in the classroom. The students remained in their seats and they all spoke at once while Valentine was still on the ground face flat.

"He was a horrible teacher." They said in unison.


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