
Broken lilies

Jay didn't return home that night. Nor did she think of showing up in the morning, or the whole day. Every other thing was almost trashed out from her brain. The only thing that concerned her for the moment was Ace. Even the present time being a little more than evening, with the sun completely down and the chill striking in, it didn't cross her mind once to return back to the place which cannot get any colder.

Not needless, but she ignored every single call or text from Chris and a few from Arthur too. Can't be concluded such, because her phone stays on silent 24 hours anyways. She didn't care to inform them her missing from home for almost two days.

Not even Ace pointed that out.

He was himself caught up in a delicate situation of his own and needed Jay more than anyone or anything.

She could control him.

Break him of his trance.

The longer she was with him, he would keep himself in check. After all, the things he tried doing to her twice, the guilt was overflowing within. He just couldn't let her leave for the whole last night, keeping her entrapped and cuddled in his arms, afraid to let go. Jay would never raise any objection to that, and that was obvious. They passed half of the night like that, and finally passed out on the couch itself due to exhaustion, keeping Jay's wounds in check.

They spent the next morning just lazing around, too bored to get up. To Ace's astonishment, Jay had suggested the very idea. Just kept snuggling to one another, when finally, Ace's OCD tendencies began to gather up and he felt an immediate urge to wash up.

He didn't pressure Jay to follow him.

The female had it really rough last night.

He let her rest a bit more.

The current scene presented when Ace just got out from the washroom, taking a bath and brushing all over cleaned thoroughly. The refreshing scent radiating from him, perked Jay up as she stirred from it and groaned, trying to shake off her sleepiness.

Getting up, her eyes roamed around in search of the brunette who was currently pouring himself a glass of water.

His hair still damp, with a pair of denim pants and a flannel hoodie on, looking all dressed up. He looked at a grumpy from sleep Jay and chuckled.

Jay rubbed her eyes and got rid of the blurriness. Her locks were all loose, falling all over shoulders and with bloodshot eyes. She sat still, just gaining her thoughts back.

"Morning, slept well? I assume you did", Ace smirked.

Jay threw a glare at him.

"I'm so crushed and shrunk because of you", she blamed with a hoarse voice.

Ace laughed lightly.

"I swear I could feel arms thrown around me too", he said.

"I couldn't just fold them and wake up sore from the lack of space", Jay defended as she started getting off the couch groggily," Got an extra toothbrush on you?".

"Use mine", Ace said, expecting a smack.

But surprising again, Jay just nodded lazily and drowsed towards the washroom.

Well, that wasn't expected at all. Surely, Jay is more open and expressive now. Effort of months turned out pretty well, and company for the upcoming years would surely bring out the normality within her.

Thinking of such, Ace ran a hand through his cold hair and started preparing something for the female to eat. She didn't even dine last night, caught up in the mess he created.

"Going somewhere?", Jay asked halfway.

"We …...", Ace corrected," ...getting you home. Unless you wanna permanently settle here, nothing to complain", he smiled indecently.

Jay scoffed.

It didn't once bother her that she wasn't there last night and didn't even inform anyone. Not like things are gonna change anyhow.

She returned a few moments later, still clothed from last night but more freshened up with properly groomed hair and cleansed up face and Ace finished up setting up a simple meal of omelettes and bread....

The doorbell rang!!!

Immediately Jay's head swift towards Ace, whose expression went firm as he returned the same look, less assured. His eyes alert and confused, gaze fixed at the door as the bell rang again with loud bangs this time.

Whoever is it, isn't here surely to sell friendly neighbour cookies or pamphlets.

"Were you expecting someone?", Jay asked just to be sure, because Ace always kept any other soul hidden from the place. Always dealt in online business, and from other various location apart from the home. Have to keep mastermind planning in stock if you are a serial killer.

"Come here!", Ace commanded with a stern tone as he himself placed before the front door. Jay joined him, and stood behind trying to read his face.

The blue eyed looked on guard, confused and angry.

His hands reached for Jay's and held it intertwined protectively. Jay gave an assuring squeeze and received the same in return. Ace's face frowning more and more.

The banging continued and increased.

This time, a gruff voice followed.

"We know you are in there!!!", it shouted impatiently," Don't make us break it down!!! Open right now".

This time Ace's hand started loosening around Jay's, scaring her. His face lost color as he understood the situation. He understood what was happening.

But how? Fucking how.... unless somebody...…...pitched him out...…


But it's too soon, way too soon.

Ace slowly turned and looked down at Jay ignoring the raising sounds outside. She had caught up with the moment as well. It shattered his heart when she continued pressing her palm against him, whereas he couldn't return the assurance. Her broken expression with still a bit of hope in them, beckoning him to do something quick.

Too soon ...…to let her go!

To let himself go from her….

It had been a one of a lifetime blessing to have found someone like her, and it was fool to think of him that it can last after all he has done.

Fool of him to think that he can protect her forever.

Jay kept giving him doe eyes, when Ace took a decision.

A last decision.

Even if this does end, he'll make sure to protect her until the end. No matter what.

The door started to make cracking noises. They were attempting to break it. He didn't have time. Jay tugged at Ace sleeve snapping him out of the daze.

"Ace! We gotta get going", she pulled him, only to no success. Ace stood glued wherever he was.

She looked afraid now, more confused.

Ace just smiled at her warmly.

"Not us baby", he said," You!".

Jay immediately shook her head violently," You're even fool to think there's anyway I'm gonna listen to the shit!".

"I expected that so", Ace felt relaxed at the outcome," I have a second plan under my sleeves"

He leaned towards Jay and pecked a kiss on her lips, his eyes boring deep within her. Even if he was a criminal, a vile cold hearted one, he was only Ace to his Jay. She will always look at him in a way which nobody will ever. No one can take that away from them. For the moment, this hurt him the most, that he might have to do the thing he had feared which would make Jay hate him. Hardly that's even possible.

"Do you trust me?", he asked whispering.

Jay nodded without hesitation. Her eyes getting glossy. This Ace seemed so foreign to her, it scared her.

"I'll protect you", he said as kissed again on her lips before pulling back, "I love you".

And at that very moment, they were interrupted by a loud crash as the door violently broke down revealing uniformed bunch of men.

Ace harshly clasped Jay's hand, refusing to part as he pulled her close behind him protectively. His face instantly changing in to a firm anger. His eyes burning at the intruders and the blue orbs almost glowing deep.

As the men approached him, he warned them by pushing back Jay a little, she's off limits.

No one even paid any attention to her.

Ace was the main deal.

Jay was too bewildered with everything.

Ace was caught!

She only met a last warm smile from Ace while he was being dragged away, while she stood frozen before she could see them.

Three familiar faces amongst the uniforms.



