
Ravenclaw of Hogwarts (HP)

Mike, formerly a career criminal, is reborn as a Muggle-born orphan in the Harry Potter world, focused on gaining power. With strategic cunning, he seeks allies and doesn't shy away from crossing moral lines for the "greater good." This tale explores a quest for power and societal change, presenting a gritty view of justice in a magical setting. Mike's journey, characterized by ruthless ambition and a merciless approach, also hints at the possibility of finding unexpected friendships along the way. "Don't call me Chen Ergou" is the author of this book. I'm just translating it and more importantly trying to make this story more "palatable" for an English audience. That means I will get rid of some of the darker and unnecessary undertones that many Chinese writers have - if you know what I mean. Also, I will be changing many of the more Chinese phrases (not all) around so that they are more understandable for us Westerners :) I plan to keep this translation going, especially if I receive help. I hope doing this will help me better my books in the future if I ever get the nerve to post them. My Patreon---- patreon.com/Lovetoread813 I will write a better synopsis soon. It should be noted that the MC is not a very good person.

Delvogen · 書籍·文学
36 Chs

Chapter 35

In the Slytherin common room, Draco was regaling his friends with tales of his family's extravagant Christmas party and the distinguished guests who attended. Just as he was about to continue, he was abruptly cut off by an urgent voice.

"Draco! It's trouble!" Chris panted, "Mike, that lunatic, is waiting at the Slytherin entrance, and he's out to get you."

"What!" Draco exclaimed, alarmed. "Chris, lock the door! Don't let him in!"

Draco had no desire to confront Mike again; his previous insults had been meant to provoke Mike into a reaction he thought would be mere irritation and frustration. However, he hadn't anticipated Mike's bold response—a petrification spell.

The most infuriating part was that Mike faced no real consequences, while Draco was given a solid half-month of detention. Unlike Mike, Draco didn't have someone like Professor McGonagall to mitigate his punishment. At eleven or twelve, kids are naturally mischievous, and during his detention, whenever Draco failed to maintain the proper posture while facing the wall, Professor McGonagall would swiftly correct him with a Petrification Charm.

After enduring half a month of this strict discipline, Draco grew to despise the Petrification Charm more than any other spell.

In Draco's view, Mike was a complete madman who blatantly disregarded the school rules. If Mike were allowed into Slytherin to assault him again in front of so many classmates, Draco would be utterly humiliated.

"You should probably see this for yourself," Chris said, looking uneasy. "A crowd has already gathered at the door, and Mike... well, he's been saying some pretty nasty things."

Upon hearing this, Draco clenched his fists. He understood what Chris was implying—if he allowed Mike to continue hurling insults at the door without responding, it would be just as damaging as if he allowed the confrontation to happen in public. Besides, Draco thought, he might actually be able to hold his own against Mike in a fight.

"Good thinking," Draco said, giving Chris a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Let's go."

By the time Draco and Chris reached the Slytherin door, a large crowd of Slytherin students had already assembled. At the center of the crowd were Mike, Franklin, and Dolfin.

The sight of Dolfin clarified everything for Draco—it was just another case of bullying the weak. Seeing the throng of Slytherin students around him, Draco felt a surge of relief. No matter how formidable Mike was, he couldn't possibly take on so many people.

Then, with a composed demeanor, Draco addressed them: "Mike, don't push your luck too far! And Dolfin, you little Hufflepuff, daring to show your face around here again—it seems I didn't make myself clear last time!"

At Draco's words, Dolfin was seething with rage. However, surrounded by so many Slytherins, he felt too intimidated to retaliate. He stood there, visibly upset, too angry to speak yet afraid to react.

It was at this moment that Mike spoke up.

"Draco, isn't it rather low for someone who prides himself on being a pure-blood nobleman to bully Dolfin, who is also from one of the prestigious 28 pure-blood families?" Mike challenged, his tone biting. "Are you scared you can't handle him on your own?"

"That's nonsense!" Draco snapped back, infuriated.

"Dolfin is my friend, and I'm here to stand up for him. Since you both claim pure-blood heritage, let's settle this in a way befitting our lineage—a wizard's duel!" Mike said, his smile tinged with mockery. "But I hope you won't chicken out like Harry did, right?"

"You're spouting nonsense! Anyone who doesn't show up at the usual spot tonight is a coward!" Draco retorted, panicking slightly. He was worried that if Mike kept bringing up the last incident with Harry, it would turn into an embarrassment for him.

"Fine, but you seem to be mistaken. It's Dolfin who wants to duel you, not me. I'm just here to back him up," Mike said, pushing Dolfin forward.

Caught off guard by Mike's move, Dolfin nearly lost his balance. After steadying himself, he was about to throw some harsh words at Draco, but the intense, threatening look in Draco's eyes made him think twice. Reluctantly, he stepped back to stand beside Mike.

The crowd around them laughed at Dolfin's hesitance, but Draco couldn't join in.

Mike, highly regarded by Professor Flitwick and known for his formidable abilities, was not someone Draco, Goyle, or Crabbe could easily defeat. With the challenge now public knowledge, backing out like before was not an option. The embarrassment of not showing up would far exceed the shame of losing.

After thoughtful deliberation, Draco selected a competent ally, choosing Chris to serve as his second in the upcoming duel.

Chris Flint, also hailing from one of the 28 pure-blood families, differs significantly from the likes of Goyle and Crabbe. The Flint family's status rivals that of the Malfoys, and Chris himself is notably formidable, best described as fierce.

Unable to simply summon Chris as he might with Goyle or Crabbe, Draco sought his counsel with a glance. The two, being of equal standing, communicated silently. Chris, catching Draco's look, gave a subtle nod in acknowledgment. With the Flint and Malfoy families having been allies for generations, and having grown up together as friends, Chris felt a strong sense of loyalty and couldn't ignore Draco's predicament.

Elated by Chris's commitment to assist him, Draco announced to Mike with a triumphant air, "My second is Chris Flint!"

As Draco spoke, Mike's gaze shifted to the dark-haired young man who had been at Draco's side from the start.

This young man, roughly the same age as Draco, sported short, slightly curly black hair and stood with an easy, upright posture that immediately suggested a refined upbringing.

Noticing Mike watching him, Chris offered a confident smile in response.

Mike nodded at him as a greeting, then said to Draco, "We'll see what happens."

After leaving Slytherin, Dolfin finally burst out, "Why am I the one dueling Draco?"

"Don't worry, with me by your side, we won't lose," Mike said, yawning nonchalantly. "Isn't it just about claiming a nominal victory over Draco?"

Dolfin felt a mix of emotions at Mike's words, but his inherent timidity still made him hesitant.

Seeing Dolfin's pitiful state, Mike didn't waste further words on him and gestured for Franklin to head back to the Ravenclaw common room.

Before departing, Mike left Dolfin with a stern reminder:

"Don't forget tonight. If you stand us up, you know the consequences."