
RAVEN: The Supernatural Creature

His name is Raven Morgan but known as RAVEN for short. Raven has a dark past that he hasn’t revealed to anyone and due to his past life, he decided to keep a low-key. But everything turned upside down when he got to College. One fateful day, on his way home after his last day in high school he was attacked and bitten by an unknown creature (find out in the story) and he collapsed afterwards and was rushed down to the hospital. Getting to the hospital he was treated and discharged that same day as they noticed the wound wasn’t severe which was quite rare to the medical personnel because the wound looked deep. Raven didn’t take the injury personal but he was still in shock at how a creature not humane attacked him that same. After that incident and no effect was made on him, he was diagnosed injury disease-free. Raven, was happy again. But on the latter day, his happiness vanished when he suddenly noticed an abnormal change in his body. RAVEN: “oh my G!!! What’s happening to me??” he asks no one in particular. His iris changes colour uncontrollably, his body figure too and at the end of all. He turned out to be an unimaginably handsome dude (human) to be precise. *** FAST-FORWARD *** Today being the first day in college, Raven had a lot to digest. Such of those are; his new body features which he was proud enough to have, his new uncontrollable powers and worst of all. His sudden Urge for DESIRES. . . What will happen when RAVEN finds out who he really is and what powers he possesses?? Who do you think is RAVEN??? . . FIND OUT MORE…. . ……

Moni Sky · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Chapter 2

Oh my… Ouch-

This kiss, which came with blood, tainted Raven Morgan's 1st day of high school with red.

Right when the gap ceremony, he was suddenly bitten by an evil spirit on the approach home.

maybe different students were aiming to celebrate with their parents, perhaps even going out for a feast, to commemorate this special day. except for Raven, who was living alone, it wasn't potential to own a celebration like that.

whereas he was leisurely walking home, the sky was already dark.

With the cool night breeze processing on his face, Raven walked into a park close to home.

the plush foliage and trees blocked out the sunshine from the road lamps, therefore the entire space was very dark, even throughout the day. it absolutely was even darker at night, therefore dim that one couldn't even see his own fingers ahead of him.

however, why did he opt for such a route? ...Even Raven himself couldn't understand.

If he had to justify it, it might be the scent he smelled.

once he got through the park, he smelled what seemed to be the noble aroma of a rose.

He was drawn in by the scent, and by the time his head cleared, he found himself on a lane that he ordinarily wouldn't be on.

The result of this was a whole disaster.

An evil spirit from the myths had suddenly appeared within the flesh ahead of him. However, before he may even resist, he was bitten.

No, stepping back a bit, being bitten isn't such a giant deal.

though it felt a lot of or less awful to own such a lot of blood drained from him, his life was off from being endangered.

If he was your average person, he would be confronted with the quandary of bidding farewell to his humanity right before the bit of death. however to Raven, it absolutely was not a difficulty to be troubled with.

There was the chance of death from blood loss, but irrespective of what proportion of blood was lost, he won't become an evil spirit.

In different words, the problem he was confronted with was about...

“What on earth goes on? is that some reasonably magic? Or an inexpensive very little trick? Answer me, human!”

He was entangled with this stubborn vampire girl.

when she finished drinking his blood, she unbroken followed and yelled endlessly at him from behind.

“It is nighttime, therefore may you be a small amount a lot of quiet?”

“I am more spirited at night!”

“I see, you're an evil spirit when all...”

Vampire' Special Characteristic No. 2 - They become active after sunset and retreat at dawn. because of this characteristic, they were referred to as the kings of the night, however to nighttime owls like Raven it absolutely was very annoying.

“Why did nothing happen after I bit you? when being bitten you ought to become my servant and follow my orders!”

“I don't wish to.” Raven flatly rejected her.

“Impossible... to assume that you just wouldn't follow my orders!? despite the fact that I undoubtedly sucked your blood!”

Truly, to a vampire, for this sort of not possible issue to happen, it absolutely was as if the planet has toppled over.

whether or not it's saints, nobles or bloody thugs, as long as they're born human, being bitten by vampires can trigger the transformation.

additionally, those that are bitten would have their minds dominated by the vampire, wherever their solely thought was for the master's welfare....but Raven doesn't even seem to pay attention.

“What reasonably person are you?! What kind of magic is this!?”

“I don't have any idea, this is often not a skill, it's a physical trait, phy-si-cal.”

I even have answered your queries many times already, an angry Raven replies in an unfriendly tone.

“How may such a scenario exist? Also, I'm a vampire, you're meeting a woman like myself! Thus, you ought to be like... that right??”

“I am afraid. you're sporting this 'I am a vampire' outfit, I didn't expect I'd be targeted by you.”

“Didn't assume you were an Associate in the Nursing expert. From the approach you talk about, this is often not the primary time you met a vampire?”

“.....Ah, I wont to understand a vampire, that' it.”

Raven didn't speak anymore and was solely unbroken on walking silently.

Isabella additionally completed that asking such queries would be futile, therefore she remained silent for many minutes before remarking a special question.

“Alright, I'll recognize the very fact that you just have an absurd body. and that I don't care concerning those ordinary vampires; you can't escape the fangs of a real Original. Confess, what trick are you using?”

Raven suddenly stops.

Isabella suddenly brings up a particular description that he cannot ignore.

“True Original? Are you joking?”

“Of course not? I'm at the apex of the evil spirit race, carrying the blood of the founder, the mighty True Original!”

As Isabella with pride replies, her full chest puffs up, and Raven couldn't facilitate however lower his sight.

“In a, therefore, city like today, one thing sort of a True Original is rarer than vulnerable species. wherever are you from? Some place so much within the mountains?”

“The way you speak is so impertinent...”

once she replied, Raven began to sense danger, and suddenly became a lot of alerts.

The opponent could be an evil spirit. during this black night.

then again his body doesn't have any special abilities, therefore there are no thanks to struggling or winning.

and therefore the vampire lady encompasses a combination of short swords hooked up to every one of her legs. every one of her achromatic legs has a sheath certain to her fishing net hose, cathartic a dangerous aura.

Against that, the sole instrumentation he has is a high school book bag.

Naturally, there was nothing therein bag which will be used against a vampire.

Recognizing his own disadvantage, Raven's face darkens with fear. however, Isabella answers him with a fascinating smile.

“Don't worry, I won't use any violence that might hurt your body. I simply wish you to voluntarily provide Pine Tree State with your neck.”

Isabella squints her black pupils, dynamical their form into one thing resembling that of a cat'.

Then her eyes--released a beam of scarlet light.

As his gaze met her', he understood what Isabella is attempting to do.

Vampire' Special Characteristic No. 3 - Mystic Eyes.

those that are weak-willed would be enchanted by those scarlet pupils, and their spirit forever at bay within the darkness.

“Although this wasn't my original idea, however, it's a lot of noble than searching you down. to not Pine Tree Station that a stubborn person, an individual like you, cannot presumably escape my eyes' binding. Kneel before me, and provide me with your neck!”

“Ah, Mystic Eyes don't work on me either...”

Raven scraped his head and replied slowly.

supported what he's saying, his eyes weren't dazzled by the Mystic Eyes.

Isabella's jaw drops and she stares at him blankly.

wanting at her, Raven couldn't facilitate however feel sorry, and down his gaze.

“So... I'm sorry?”



