
Chapter 9 : Bullies?

*Music playing 🎶*

" The smile on your face let me know that you need me

There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me

The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall

You say it best

When you say nothing at all...."

While listening to her parent's favourite love song, she couldn't help but wonder..

How did they met? What makes them so sure that they were meant for each other? She never had the chance to ask about their love life.

The detour had a basketball court on its way. It's only 6 minutes walk from the apartment. It seems clean and new as the lines had not faded a bit while the basketball nets are still attached.

Sometimes she wondered whether her agent chose this area on purpose, but it didn't matter.

She decides when and where to play.

As she walked pass the basketball court, suddenly there's something hard hit her head. It was so hard that it made her fall and see stars circling her.

"Ouchh... My head... "

Before Mei Xing could figure out what happened, she saw a basketball in front of her.

" ..."

[ Who the h*ll throw it here? That's way too far from the basketball rim.]

While Mei Xing was complaining quietly to herself, there's someone running towards her.

" Dude!? Are you okay? I've tried to warn you but you didn't listen!"

Thanks to the impact, one of her earphones fell off, so she could listen to what he said. The guy also realized that ' he ' didn't listened because ' he' was listening to music.

" I'm sorry about that... It wasn't me okay? There's this bunch of bullies bullying a group of boys you see.. And.."

Mei Xing wasn't paying attention to his explanations. Her head still hurts and she's still seeing stars. After a while, she stand up and took off her cap to massage the back of her head. When the guy saw her messy bun, only then he realized that ' he' is a 'she'.

" You're... A girl? Sorry I couldn't tell cause you're really tall for a girl... Are you okay?"

He was about to reach for her arms but she avoided him.

" I'm fine.."

Hearing a familiar voice coming out from her, only then he take a closer look at her face.

" Mei Xing? "

Hearing he called her name, she look up at him.

This guy... From that day.. What was his name again...?

Seeing her just staring at him without saying anything, he thought that she'd forgotten his name.

" I'm Jun Hong... Just in case you've forgotten.."

Mei Xing : Ah... Jun Hong.. Right..

Jun Hong : [She did forget!!!]

Mei Xing : What are you doing here?

Before Jun Hong could answer her, Mei Xing heard someone scream from the basketball court.

" Ahhhh!!! "

Jun Hong : Sh*t! I almost forgot. I'll talk to you later.

Mei Xing : Wait! What happened?

But Jun Hong didn't wait for her to finish as he rushed back to the court, leaving Mei Xing hanging.

" Did he said 'bullies' just now??"

At this moment, Mei Xing darkened her gaze as she remembered the times she used to get bullied when she went abroad.

Meanwhile at the basketball court...

" Hey! Get your hands off him."

Jun Hong shouted at the bully when he saw him grabbing a boy's collar, tightened his fist as he was about to punch the boy in the face.

" Help me...." the boy look at Jun Hong and cried for help.

While Jun Hong left to see if the passersby (who is Mei Xing) was okay after her head was hit by the ball, the boy and his friends tried to fight back. As a result, the rest of his friends were already lying on the floor, beaten by the rest of the bullies. He's the last one standing since he knows how to fight. However, he didn't stand a chance against all of them.....

Observing the current situation, Jun Hong was in a dilemma.

He was just a passerby that joined a group boys playing basketball. Unfortunately, a bunch of bullies come looking for trouble, wanting to take over the whole court. Since there's 5 of them, he tried to solve the matter by suggesting to play a 5 on 5. So it's a win-win situation right? He handed the ball to the 'leader', saying his team can attack first. But he ended up throwing the ball far away.

" HAHAHAHAHAHA. We didn't come to play! We just want to see you LOSERS to GET LOSE."

Recalling that the bullies called them ' losers' really pissed him off.

They are the REAL LOSERS!

But he needs to think rationally. If the academy founds out that he'd involve in a fight, he could be suspended and won't be allowed to take part in the upcoming basketball season.

While Jun Hong was contemplating, he felt something bounce on and off his head and landed in his both hands as he reach out.

" The h*ck?"

" Hey! You left your ball so I thought I should come and give it back to you."

Jun Hong turn around and saw Mei Xing walking towards him, with one of her hand in the pocket, looking stylish with her cap on.

Mei Xing? Did she just make her voice sound deeper? Is she pretending to be a boy?

"Heh.. You brought that dude with you? Well, doesn't matter how many of you. In the end, you're just a bunch of weaklings."

The bullies laughed harder as they agreed what the leader said.

"Mei Xing... You shouldn't be here. Go before they know that you're a girl." Jun Hong walked towards Mei Xing and whispered to her.

" Shhhh... Don't worry. As long as you keep your mouth shut, then it's okay. Anyways, just trust me on this one. "

Mei Xing said casually as she winked and smile at Jun Hong.

Jun Hong : " Where did she got that confidence from? There's 5 of them who could fight well so what she's planning to do?"

Seeing how miserable the boys that were bullied, she couldn't help but sneered while giving pitiful looks at the bullies.

She did not say a word. But it was enough to make them boiled with rage.