
Chapter 8: Mei Xing's Simple Request

When Mei Xing arrived at her apartment, she pressed in the password and enter. She walk straight to her bedroom, switch on the lights and slumped against her Queen-sized bed.

The apartment that she's living in now is 600 square feet with lovely modern hardwoods. There are simple furnishings, space for washer and dryer, kitchen and comfortably sized bathroom.

The house that she used to lived with her parents, were now occupied by her uncle's family. When her uncle found out that she'd returned from USA, he offered her to stay with him and his family. Since she just arrived and had no place to go, she agreed.

However, she could only stay there for a few months. Because she couldn't stand it when her uncle and cousins talked about her late parents much too often.

Don't get her wrong. It's not that she doesn't want to remember about her late parents. It's because the more they talked about them, the more she remembered those happy moments she had with them. Then she would feel as if there's a knife stabbing her heart.

It was just too painful to remember....

So after a few months she'd turned 17, she told her uncle that she'll be moving out soon to an apartment that she'd asked her agent to arrange for her. At first her uncle was reluctant to let her leave. But with an excuse that she's going to be 18 in a few months and that she wants to live independently, there's no reason for him to force her stay.

The paper works that are related to her transferring school processes, were also handled by an agent.

This was her request when the officials asked if there's anything she needed help with.

" Whatever that requires information or permissions from parents or family members, financial management and shelter, I would like a female agent to handle all that. I don't wish to be adopted by any family, nor placed in the custody of my distant relatives'. Not to worry regarding my safety. I'm planning to study abroad in a boarding school, and will be back when I'm ready to handle everything on my own. Also, regarding what happen to my parents, I hope you can delete whatever information relevant to them "

Officials : ...

She's just 14 years old.. Yet she sounded like an adult. But her request is not difficult to fulfill..

" Alright Miss Wu. We'll find an agent for you so you can tell her whatever you need. She will handle them for you. "

" Thank you."

After returning back, Mei Xing actually wanted to apply for a high school that focus solely on academics. But then Jia Li persuade her to transfer to Tian Fu Academy.

Tian Fu Academy...

Their academic performance are great. It seems like they also encourage the smart students to be active in whatever sports they're good at. But she can just ignore that fact. After thinking carefully, she decided to change her mind and agree to Jia Li's request. She thought it'll be better to have someone she knows in a new environment.

But now....

" I ended up avoiding her again. She must have her reasons but I just refuse to listen. Ugh... How stubborn can I get.. Maybe, I'll wait for her tomorrow if she come looking for me again.."

After showering, her stomach growls. But when she went to the kitchen and opened her fridge, there's nothing left to cook.


She had no choice but to eat outside. So she change into her loose sweatshirts and long skinny jeans, tied her hair into a simple bun and put a cap over it and put on her sneakers. If not for the bump on her chest, she would often mistaken as a boy because of the way she dressed and of course - her height.

It was almost 5pm when she'd finished her meal. When she walked back, she would normally take a detour to aid her digestion.

But who would've thought that something would happened to her on her way back...