
Ranging Desire

Even the surrounding will tremble with fear when the great Lioness and the mighty Alpha are in a cold war with none bowing to defeat... .... The business world being the battlefield and marriage ...the weapon.. What happens when the one you hate so much suddenly fills you with an unquenchable RAGING DESIRE... "Do you know the meaning of the letter 'H' in my name?" Crystal asked Xender while leaning dangerously close to him. Gently she whispered.. "It means Heaven.. I can take you there.." The sides of his mouth raised slightly "You can't take Hell to heaven Becca" ... IT'S SOO ON!

ArmyElla · 都市
17 Chs

Chapter 8: Unbelief III

Crystal and Xender have been on each other's neck in the business world with none bowing down to defeat.

Late nights was a norm for the past few weeks. They now only saw each other on the news. Crystal refused to let Xender who just joined the business world a few months ago to come in the way of she who has been here since she understood how numbers work. Xender always find a way to take any project she decides to work on and it was really starting to piss her off but one thing was certain, she enjoyed the competition. Yes it was annoying but it has been so long she actually got challenged so she was putting her all into it.

It was another late night and the office was mostly empty with her two bodyguards standing outside the door. She was exhausted and haven't eaten anything except for taking coffee. Crystal decided to go get herself another cup of coffee, one of her bodyguards volunteered but she declined cos she also wanted to move her body which was starting to feel stiff from sitting for a long time.

Crystal sipped the hot cup of coffee and sighed in satisfaction. It was just what she needed. She felt her nerves calming down but her stomach was still making sounds of protest obviously demanding for food.

She heard something fall and her instincts told her something was wrong... Her bodyguards were in the next floor and no one was around cos it was really late at night. Just then she saw a shadow move and a pair of feet stepped forward, her instincts was never wrong... Slowly she placed her cup of coffee on the vending machine nearest to her. Judging from the way the person before her was dressed, it was a man and definitely not a common thief. She could feel his gaze on her, these people were getting bolder, they even have the audacity to walk into her company. In the middle of her thoughts she saw a flying fist coming towards her face which she dodged in the last minute and delivered two strong punches to his stomach while talking a fighting stance. The assassin was in for a surprise..


Two punches to the stomach resulted to a knee to the face. The man groaned in pain and frustration at how a woman had managed to hurt him, he touched his face that stung that was a powerful hit coming from her. He observed her, she was still in a fighting stance but he could see beads of sweat forming on her forehead, she must be tired, that brought a wicked smile to his face as he saw a chance, he was going to make sure she regrets ever engaging in a fight with him.

Crystal tried to keep a clear mind and a steady body because she was starting to feel exhausted. This guy's kicks and punches were no joke! His fighting style was like that of a trained fighter, although she had managed to get some punches and kicks in she didn't know for sure if they had the supposed effect on him cos he showed no signs of pain except for the last move she made which had slowed him down. Not eating for the whole day had it's perks cos now her body was failing her. If she hadn't been trained in Judo from a young age she was sure she would have been done for by now. Her head was banging and her stomach hurt so bad. But she won't let her opponent know about this but she couldn't stop the sweat tickling down her face as her breathing became haggard.

She almost didn't see it but it flashed through her eyes as she moved to dodge it but it still grazed her cheek and drew out blood. Crystal held her cheek as she felt the warm liquid tickle down her face mixing up with the sweat. She looked a mess with her hair sticking to her face and some still packed in a messy bun. She watched him thrill the pocket knife around his fingers ready for another attack. As he launched in for another attack, he missed and she utilized the opportunity by kicking him in the place where the sun never shines...

He yelped and fell to the floor in pain while grabbing his member.

Crystal stumbled onto the floor cos her body couldn't hold her up anymore but before she knew what was happening a handkerchief was placed over her nose as she felt dizzy. She saw another pair of feet before her. Where are those damn bodyguards when you actually need them? Was the last thing on her mind before she lost consciousness.