

It starts with these two people who had met and fallen in love. Somehow an alien outbreak had occurred splitting the couple. The girl was safe in a large building with everything needed to survive until the attack ended. With her, were friends and family that had not been affected. The boy, miles away faced a horde of aliens. Those aliens attach themselves to the hand of the victim to slowly change their physical features. The neck develops three eyes and a mouth with a menacing smile. The old head has become a helmet that can be used as a disguise for other people. He runs into a close building only to find more of them. He had to burn the building down with the aliens inside. He then ran to another building with what seemed to be a small family: two boys and a dad as they were watching a movie. For some reason, the boy joins them. The three start to get closer and more touchy with the boy. After a lot of struggling, he was able to free himself from the trio. He had decided to run to his love instead of waiting. Despite knowing the risks of the world he went. The trio ran after him not wanting their prey to get away. As got near the facility with his love inside, time seemed to slow. The three guys were catching up to him, he wouldn't make it. The girls saw him coming and got into a wedding dress, standing at the door while others guarded her. As he saw her he was able to speed up and outrun the men. Right as he got in, the couple kissed. At that moment it was decided that they would get married regardless of the condition the boy was in. After it was decided, there was a commotion outside. The three men had gathered others to storm the building. They were all shot down due to being aliens. The couple's lives returned to a relatively normal state. After a year, the aliens stopped their attacks and went back into space. The couple moved into a new house, had kids, and lived the rest of their lives together.