
Ramblings of a certain someone

As the title says, those are the daily ramblings of someone. Some days they will be long, others not.

Donutsaurio · 現実
10 Chs

Entry 4

Hi, Alpha here!

Very good news again! I have received the marks of almost all my exams, and what can I say, I'm quite satisfied... who am I lying to? I'm very satisfied, and since in several countries the system varies, let's say that I got almost perfect score in some exams, and perfect in others. Anyways, with a weight less on my shoulders, I can now slack off without any worry :)

Hmm, today I don't have anything in particular I feel like ranting about, so I think today's entry will be quite short.

Anyways, see you tomorrow!

Thanks for reading!

Donutsauriocreators' thoughts