
Rambling and Random bullshittery

This be your most daring story; A rambling if you must, Of language most foul, of unexplored ways to curse. Of bullshit in every turn, in every twist, in every twists of tongues. As told by thine ol'hands and masterminded by the crude tongue, with all my tics and antics. Do-told tale of a vegetable who limbs and stumbled on a new realm of where creation was pierced in it's boundaries. Of a connoisseur who learns of ways of an unshackled breathing body, the occasional doggie styles and the utmost high of all forms of unequaled shag-getry, wooing tarts and thots and hoes, all manners of terms modern and old to name all wenches of all- the ripened titties; "Thine taste ranges from nymphs of florescent pure to flooded lips which hangs and are forgivably bonk-able with a passing thought riled up by the hard down under, Which in short means all!" Heinously wholesome in ways of the vile tongue which grew most crude, terribly heinous with every breaths more lived- after to after and then more, much much more. A rambling- to what he sees, to what he does. This is a story of a living, in a world of pixels; of new universe where a man could swim in lava, a world where such and such is deemed mundane. An epic where a naked fledgling dove in the heat of an avian war, baby-steps towards a destiny-, etched in the root webs of two worlds with only a goal; To be the Pirate Ki- nevermind! To live most free. Rejuvenation; maketh man a new being, now what would be his tale when all he knew of living was blinking a set of dead little eyes, what would such a virgin of a human ways do in a surreal world that explodes magics and bullshits. I'll tell ye all! Just listen to the ramble. (Stay with me, I won't ever drop this.) [Warning:] 1. Not for the faint of heart. 1½. Smut will be there but it will be extremely rare. 2. The english dictionary would require a thorough update after I'm done with this epic. 3. Fuckery most heinous most foul. (By decree of a certain fool) 4. Don't tell your mums you learnt (curses) from me. 5. No other warning just enjoy, If ye dares. Cover art not mine, thank you for letting me use it and sorry but pray tell if you ordered it removed. Will use it until I could afford a more authentic cover art or until boss wants it removed.

JF_Fanai · ファンタジー
32 Chs

The Bitters, Dave who not look a Dave and Fuckery more Fuckery

The sun grew dim.

Clouds and darks like twilight's fart they made a noise in the sky above.

Standing our little feet in a quaint construct that stood mighty and rooted in the edges of the hill which was Hermes Rest, giving us an awe stunning view of the sights away from Sunder-Bloom.

The reddening sun and the clouds painted me wonders for this recently rejuvenated body, "Seeing in pictures is nothing compared to this!" I took a deep air by the nose, "Somehow I felt normal, like these magics are always mundane to me but sometimes it fills me with tears." I remained in posture, eyes closed for the skin and the nose to familiarise they-selves with the atmosphere.

"That's deep, Deep!" Rip nodded along, "Those three pointed titties are what they call Whiskey-steepes, tall fucking things aren't they? I never had the call to climb it though."

"Yea- Well I'm gonna- One of these days." I gave him my future to-do.

"I mean look behind you," Rip beckons.

As I did I saw this huge furry tail of black amongst the straight and aligned bushes on sides of the road, much reminiscent of the tail from the roof of the Mayor's office, "Uh! The tail which vanished as soon as I saw it?"

"What? No! – What you talking about?"

Looks like he did not see it as he continued with much the failing arms acting his words out- his habit, "What would you prefer, frozen balls or walking drunk on roads so straight that houses stood like soldiers in parades, saluting your warm balls in having the nerve to be that drunk."

"Both! My good man. I'm sort of both an S and M– however," I pointed to thine throat, "This wants to taste that bitters."

Rip then gave me a crooked smile, "How much gold you got anyways? The fisherman! Like did he gave you a lot?"

I answered him not but stead with a wide smile.

Fore the wide doors of the Inn called Boars Thunder we stood.

There were no tunes or songs but just rambunctious noises.

A whiff and I could smell the ruckus of drunkards on their hearty noises– Ears pierced and I could hear the echoes of beer and booze and buzzed faces of easy plunders coming from the little cracks of the walls and door.

That don't makes sense, might I be drunk from the smell of the inn alone?

Smelling sounds and hearing smells?

Twas spaced out, my eyes stood me there with not a word or blinks, even more they stared a set of frozen death- blankly forward but at what unknown.

As the smell of people people-ing comes so close to thine, my recent experience with a dame flooded in my mind.

"Earth to Lock! Come in Lock!" Rip waved a palm fore my eyes.

"Ah-what? Sorry!" shaking the head, 'What's wrong about me that a chick would resort to screaming in denial? Fuck it fuck it fuck it!'

Twas the thought that afflicted me, the lingering emptiness a man felt when he realized he had no game came and shocked me just fore I was to do some talking and hopefully get a tight lass to do the bonking.

"Sup with you bud? Is it because you don't have much G's?"

"No it's- Kang gave me a couple thousand and four."

"Then what's with the mood ol chap!? There's your first drink to ascending to manlihood waiting, sitting there lonely, eager to be filled in your mug and slapped your taste buds to awaken your Alpha… and Bitches! An ocean of bitches."

Rip was eager, twas late and near for the coming of night and the man was still there helping an afro out.

It rang me not to think bout what he might've wanted from me yet at the time, twas just gladdened there were some with kindness helping an afro out.

'Fuck all hecks!' thought I, 'He's helped me a lot, better pay him back with booze and smiles.'

I shred a weak smile, "Just a minute Rip, I have to call my parents, won't want them to call me when I'm drowning in beer and bitches.." I enlivened the smile more wide, 'I owed him a good time. No gloom Locket No gloom!' told meself, "You go without me, I won't be long."

"Fuck no bro! We're making an entrance together. I'll warm the throat up.. go, go do your call."

"Okay! Lemme just go over there, won't be long."

Took me steps towards a neat little bench under the many lined trees by the side of the straight ass road.

"How do I call people?" mumbling, fiddling around on the screen until I finally saw an icon with the regular and trusty old symbol of a phone.

I immediately find a single contact named Home and a toddler would know this is mom and dad.

It rang like regular phones only in the ears, when I was given the option to project an image out for a video call, I was given two choices- loudspeaker mode and earphones mode.

Choosing the latter, I then heard a voice and a scribble of images which pixelated more clearer after, there and then I saw mom.

"Hello?" said I.

"Aww! I just can't stop hearing your voice so clear, don't hate me for it but I-I mean I made your dad record our first call."

She had an apron on, it was close to night on the real world too as it seemed.

"It sounded exactly like how I used to hear me talk in the head, I like it very much, I like my body very much."

Words which shook my mom a tad, 'Fuck I said something bad!'

I always knew they were blaming themselves for I being born this way, "I'm sorry! I mean.. without you guys I won't be standing like this."

I stood for show as my mom gasped, ,"Honey! I'm so sorry!" her tears welled up and flooded her lids under.

Sniffling soft as her shoulders twitch.

The call I had lasted many long moments, mom lamenting and apologizing and me telling her it was never their fault.

Dad was out for work, getting a late call.

And the whole other moments spent on me doing some poses and mom occasionally cursing my hair and a little showcase of my power which in my luck did not obliterate the bench and the what's and nots around me- with a blue smoke the air around under my aura turned green and shimmering with little twinkling lights.

With all the poses and all- I shred a little shame when I spied Rip keeping close tabs at me and that fucking eye too- from some fucking where, The Prick!

I always felt it, a nonsensical notion it was- that fucking eye.

With promises to call frequently I said my goodbyes and made my wee steps back to the wide doors of the inn.

Talking to mom lifted the spirits back to my own moxie of free fuckening living, 'Yeah fuck that chick!'

"A better mood?" questioned Rip to which I nodded and with a cheeky smile he said, "Should've just said you missed mommy." He teased.

"Man Fuck you!" brushing him off slightly by the shoulders with a smile, "Let's get our entry on!"

"Woah-Woah! Tiger! Simmer the flame a little."

He pushed apart the wide wooden doors and just as he did, the smell, the noise bombarded yours truly in all fucking fronts.

A plethora of faces on their own buzz and smiles, each with yapping mouths more noisier than the last, only silent were ones with mug placed on their lips as the bitter juice of men embraced their belly to relax for the end of day or hurl if need be and the lifeless drunks who'd already fell defeated by the bitters.

In we went, the air here was damned the definition of hearty fun as the nose breathed in, jotting the smell and taking it to heart, "Everyone's here!" I exclaimed- Rip left me alone to take these all in.

Everyone as it seemed to thine fledgling blues, I've never seen this many heads flocking in a single room.

The eyes roamed and spied many beautiful flowers with hard bikini armors, some with tights stronger than chainmails, skirts that deflects arrows and cat ears that halts the force of a fucking ten ton hammer and some quiet folks with eyes of shaggetry lusts prowled around in almost every large circular table, 'If they get close enough they would nibble these treasures!' Thought I-

The treasures, meat balloons of every sizes on ripened thighs of beauty smiles jiggled as they bustled about, it seemed as if all eyes came to see them, they were waitresses and Descents too and I had not an ounce of complaint, the little one down under- it too and furiously did not have a complaint.

Some had already caught their Zz's, hanging their heads two elbows as supports, some resting their drooling mouths on top their palms and a couple of snorers craning their neck up to rest on the top of their chairs lastly were ones- as they cracked me a smile fore they told a tale of freedom most, each of these Descents were freedom incarnate but the ones did most and they were those who decided to fuck all morals and go visit the sandman in the wooden floor of below, the ones with the lifeless body as I told in the fore.

What a ruckus and I loved it.

"This is what I called a Fuckening!" I said, "Not chaos, all smiles and each to their own fun! A Fuckening!"

"Fuckening! Hmm! Mind if I used it in a bar or two?" Rip was besides me, waiting always and patient to the utmost on my inexperienced ways. It not occurred to me and this need be said for a second, for why would one helped a dumb soul but never was to say that I did not appreciate him, "How bout we join this Fuckening?" he presented me the bar of the inn to see.

"That be most fitting for a good fuckery for this Fuckening!"

"Ahahaha! That's one fine way to talk ya know! It sounds disgustingly distinguished and hilarious at the same fucking time, Fuckery!" he mused, "I'm using that too!"

"Oh! You like how I spit those do you? Well my friend I'll tell you what it's called." Said I, taking my baby-steps further to taste the aroma of men.

"What's it called?"

"Verbal debauchery!"

"That's an epic word for it, let me pay you back for your wisdom with this!" he hollered.

A gold coin his fingers fiddled from his spatial pocket, "Two mugs please!" he ordered, flipping the coin with his thumb at the bartender who was not looking like a Dave but had a Dave in his name tag.

"Coming right up!" replied who do not look like a Dave, thin and dressed proper with a waist coat of black and a slick fucking head with a scar under the eye by the right.

"The first one's on me bud!" Rip winked.

On- Two glass mugs were filled, where piss colored beer waited to put me high on the pedestal where these fuckers were having a bliss, foams on top in hopes that I won't miss the climb.

The bartender named Dave who still did not look like a Dave handed us two full mug of beers.

"Here they are, perfect introduction to the ways of men!" Rip claimed, "This calls for your first fucking cheers too!"

"That I can't deny!"

He held out his mug as did thine, "Cheers!" we bonked the two and Rip then gulped all in a bulging throat in one go.

During which I tried a quick little slurped, making a foaming mustache and tapping thine vilest of tongues, the things were stabbing the tongue and mildly biitter yet it has that something, that earthy something that made this tongue call for more, 'Whoa!' went the temple, 'He really did it in one go!'' twas an act of the manliest of men for thine.

"How's your Fuckening?" Rip the professional drinker in one go then asks, shredding a long opera chorus burp.

"Bitter yet the fuckery of this thing, the tongue moans to it." Said I, dwelling more to the verbal debauchery.