
Rakudai kishi no cavalry: Persona

human soul finds themselves trapped in an endless void after their death. With nothing around them, they are forced to confront their own thoughts and feelings, causing them to spiral into madness. They spend thousands of years in this state until, finally, they begin to regain their sanity. His memory shattered and forgotten. As they try to make sense of their surroundings, they slowly start to move and suddenly find themselves thrown through a light door, entering a new world. The world is unfamiliar to them, and they are filled with a mix of fear and excitement. His memory shattered and forgotten. With no cheat ability and only his wits, how will he thrive in the new world? After being thrown into a new world, the soul finds themselves in the body of Kurogane Ikki, an infant with a troubling future and a strong desire to prove himself in the world of "Blazers" - individuals who can manifest weapons using their souls.

Sky_Demon_Order · アニメ·コミックス
47 Chs


The arena was a tableau of stunned silence, the spectators frozen in their seats as they watched the spectacle unfold. The air was thick with tension, the atmosphere charged with a palpable sense of anticipation. The once lively crowd was now eerily quiet, their cheers and jeers replaced by bated breaths and anxious whispers.

In the center of the arena, Ikke stood, his body battered and bruised, but his spirit unbroken. His eyes were locked onto Killua, a mixture of determination and desperation reflected in their depths. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, each one more frantic than the last.

His hand throbbed with a dull, persistent pain, a stark reminder of the aura-coated punch he had landed on Killua. His ribs ached with each shallow breath he took, a likely sign of a fracture. His legs felt like jelly, barely able to support his weight. His vision was blurry, his head spinning from the adrenaline rush.

He remembered the way Killua moved, like a shadow, swift and silent. He remembered the way his eyes sparkled with a dangerous glint, a predator sizing up its prey. He remembered the way his fists moved, a blur of motion that was almost impossible to follow.

'He's a natural,' Ikke thought, a bitter taste in his mouth. 'He's been trained to fight, to kill. He's a weapon, honed to perfection. But I... I'm just a boy. A boy who's in over his head.'

But even as these thoughts swirled in his mind, Ikke felt a surge of determination. He wouldn't let himself be defeated so easily. He wouldn't let himself be outclassed. He had something that Killua didn't. He had his aura, his spirit. And he would use it to his advantage.

With a deep breath, Ikke focused his energy, his aura flaring to life. He could feel it pulsing within him, a powerful force that gave him strength. He could feel it coating his hand, a protective layer that would shield him from harm. He could feel it surging through his veins, a potent energy that filled him with a sense of invincibility.

'With this,' Ikke thought, his eyes burning with resolve, 'I can defeat him. I can win.'

With a deep breath, Ikke focused, his mind honing in on the energy within him. He could feel it, a warm, pulsating force that coursed through his veins. It was his aura, his life force. With a grim determination, he began to channel it, directing it towards his hand.

Killua's body was a finely tuned instrument, honed through years of rigorous training and countless battles. Every nerve, every muscle, every fiber of his being was attuned to the fight, to the rhythm of combat. He could see the subtle twitch in Ikke's muscles, the slight shift in his stance, the faint glimmer in his eyes. He could sense the change in the air, the shift in the energy, the impending danger.

'He's planning something,' Killua thought, his eyes never leaving Ikke. 'He's desperate, cornered. And a cornered animal is the most dangerous.'

His instincts were screaming at him, a primal warning that echoed in the depths of his mind. His body was on high alert, every sense heightened, every reflex sharpened. He could hear the faint rustle of Ikke's clothes, the soft thud of his heartbeat, the quiet intake of his breath. He could see the minute tremors in his hand, the slight dilation of his pupils, the faint sheen of sweat on his brow. He could smell the fear, the desperation, the determination.

'He's not going down without a fight,' Killua thought, a grim smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 'Good. I wouldn't have it any other way.'

As Ikke lunged, his aura-coated hand aimed straight for Killua, Killua moved. His body was a blur, a shadow that danced on the edge of perception. His movements were fluid, graceful, a deadly ballet that belied the danger of the situation. He was ready for whatever Ikke had planned. He would not be caught off guard. He would not be defeated.

As Ikke lunged forward, his aura-coated hand slicing through the air with a loud 'SWISH!!!'.

Killua moved with a beast like grace. His body swayed to the side, evading the attack with an ease that made the dangerous situation seem almost trivial. His eyes, however, never left Ikke, watching his opponent with a hawk-like intensity.

The real Ikke was right beside him, his fist already swinging towards Killua. It wasn't the speed that caught Killua off guard - he had faced faster opponents before. No, it was the unpredictability, the erratic rhythm of Ikke's movements that threw him off. His footwork was unlike anything Killua had seen before, a chaotic dance that defied logic and prediction.

'His movements... they're not following any pattern,' Killua realized, his mind racing to keep up. 'It's not just speed, it's... chaos. He's using chaos to his advantage.'

Killua's instincts screamed at him to move, to dodge, to counter. But for a split second, he was frozen, caught in the web of Ikke's unpredictable assault. His senses, usually so reliable, were thrown into disarray by the erratic rhythm of Ikke's movements.

'He's good,' Killua admitted to himself, a grudging respect seeping into his thoughts. 'But I'm better.'

As Ikke's bloodied hand swung towards Killua, a spray of crimson droplets erupted from his knuckles. The blood splattered against Killua's face, a gruesome rain that clouded his vision and stung his eyes. It was a dirty tactic, but effective. For a moment, Killua was blinded, his world reduced to a red haze.

Ikke's bloodied hand, which Killua had initially perceived as a threat, was merely a decoy. The hand swung past him, but instead of the impact he was bracing for, he felt a warm splash against his face. Blood, he realized, as his vision blurred momentarily. Ikke had used his own blood as a weapon, a distraction to blind him at a critical moment. 'Clever,' Killua thought, a grudging respect for his opponent seeping into his mind.

The crowd gasped in shock, the brutal reality of the fight hitting them all at once.

In that moment of blindness, Killua felt a surge of adrenaline. His senses heightened, his instincts kicking in. He could hear the sharp intake of breath from Ikke, could feel the shift in the air as his opponent prepared to strike. He knew he was at a disadvantage, but he also knew he couldn't afford to lose.

In the split second that followed, Killua's mind raced. He had underestimated Ikke, and now he was paying the price. But he was not one to give up easily. With a swift movement, he attempted to dodge the incoming punch, his body twisting in a desperate bid to avoid the blow. 'I need to twist my body but only a little,' he thought, his mind focused on the task at hand.

As Killua evaded the incoming punch, his body moved with a fluidity that was almost surreal. His muscles contracted and expanded in perfect harmony, his movements a testament to his years of rigorous training. But as he sidestepped, he found himself falling into a trap.

But there was no time to dwell on it. The real attack was already on its way. From the loud swish of air being cut he could heart it, Killua heard Ikke's other hand, the one not coated in blood, swinging towards him. The aura around it was intense, a clear indication of the power behind the punch. Killua's mind raced, his instincts screaming at him to move, to dodge, to do anything to avoid the impending blow. 'I can't let it hit me,' he thought, his body already moving in response to his thoughts.

But something was off. The impact, though powerful, was not as devastating as Killua had anticipated. He could feel the force of the blow, could hear the sickening crack of his jaw, but the pain was not as intense as he had expected. It was as if Ikke had pulled his punch at the last moment, softening the blow.

Confusion flickered in Killua's eyes as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. He could feel the warm trickle of blood from his mouth, could taste the metallic tang on his tongue. His jaw throbbed with a dull ache, a clear sign that it was broken.

Killua's body was sent hurtling through the air, a ragdoll tossed aside by the sheer force of Ikke's attack. His body skidded across the ground, dust and debris kicked up in his wake. The crowd watched in stunned silence as he slid out of the ring, his body finally coming to a halt at the edge of the arena.

The silence was deafening. Then, as if on cue, the crowd erupted into a cacophony of cheers and gasps. Ikke, the underdog, the one who had been battered and bloodied, had emerged victorious. He stood in the center of the ring, his chest heaving, his body trembling from the exertion. But his eyes were alight with triumph.

In his mind, a whirlwind of thoughts swirled. 'I did it,' he thought, a sense of disbelief washing over him. 'I actually did it.' He had defeated Killua, a feat that seemed impossible just moments ago. But he had done it. He had used his aura, his determination, and his cunning to overcome the odds. And he had won.


The butlers of the Zoldyck family, who had been watching the fight with an air of detached professionalism, were the first to break the silence. "Impossible..." one of them murmured, his eyes wide with disbelief. "Young Master Killua...defeated?"

Another butler, a stern woman with a tight bun, frowned deeply. "This is unprecedented," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "We must inform the family."

Meanwhile, the criminal families, who had been observing the fight with a mix of curiosity and amusement, were now silent, their smirks replaced by looks of shock. "Who would've thought," one of the crime lords mused, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "The kid's got some fight in him."

His companion, a burly man with a scar running down his face, grunted in agreement. "Seems like we underestimated him. This changes things."

On the other side of the arena, Ikke's friends were in a state of euphoria. "He did it!" one of them shouted, jumping up and down in excitement. "Ikke actually did it!"

Another friend, a girl with bright eyes and a wide smile, was laughing and crying at the same time. "I knew he could do it," she said, wiping away her tears. "I knew it!"

And in the center of it all, Ikke stood tall, his body battered but his spirit unbroken. He had done it. He had won. And as he looked around at the stunned faces of the spectators, he couldn't help but smile. He had proven them all wrong.


As Killua lay on the medical stretcher, an inexplicable change began to occur. There was no visible glow, no ethereal light dancing around him. Yet, there was a palpable shift in the air, a sense of energy that was almost tangible. It was as if a soft breeze had suddenly picked up, swirling around Killua in a gentle caress.

The change was subtle, almost imperceptible, but it was there. It was as if Killua was being enveloped in a cocoon of unseen energy, a shroud that seemed to pulsate with life. The air around him seemed to hum with power, the atmosphere charged with an energy that was both powerful and mysterious.

But this spectacle was not visible to everyone. Only those who had awakened their aura could truly sense the power enveloping Killua. To them, it was a clear sign of a powerful nen user, a force to be reckoned with. It was a prelude to a great awakening, a testament to Killua's untapped potential.