
Rakudai kishi no cavalry: Persona

human soul finds themselves trapped in an endless void after their death. With nothing around them, they are forced to confront their own thoughts and feelings, causing them to spiral into madness. They spend thousands of years in this state until, finally, they begin to regain their sanity. His memory shattered and forgotten. As they try to make sense of their surroundings, they slowly start to move and suddenly find themselves thrown through a light door, entering a new world. The world is unfamiliar to them, and they are filled with a mix of fear and excitement. His memory shattered and forgotten. With no cheat ability and only his wits, how will he thrive in the new world? After being thrown into a new world, the soul finds themselves in the body of Kurogane Ikki, an infant with a troubling future and a strong desire to prove himself in the world of "Blazers" - individuals who can manifest weapons using their souls.

Sky_Demon_Order · アニメ·コミックス
47 Chs

The Troublesome Position of Kurogane Ikki

The meeting hall of the Kurogane family was a magnificent building that stood as a symbol of the influential and successful position held by the family. It was situated in the center of the estate that belonged to the Kurogane family and was encircled by a verdant garden. When the members of the family entered the hall, the first thing they saw was the high ceilings that were decorated with elaborate paintings and elegant chandeliers that threw a warm glow over the room.

The gathering place was roomy, so it was no problem to accommodate the big number of relatives who had traveled to be there for the gathering. There were bookcases lining the walls of the room, each one brimming with volumes of historical writings and mystical tomes. The seats and tables in the area were crafted from the highest quality wood and painstakingly carved with patterns and decorations, giving the space an aura of royal splendor.

The elders sat at the front of the room, on a raised platform that overlooked the rest of the hall. The platform was made of polished marble and was decorated with golden filigree that gleamed in the light of the chandeliers. The elders sat on cushioned chairs, each one with a symbol of their rank embroidered on the backrest.

The members of the branch family sat in rows of chairs, with their backs to one another, on either side of the hall. They had on their best apparel, but their expressions betrayed the tension that was building up inside them. Itsune Kurogane, the senior member of the family and the patriarch, took his place at the head of the table. He stood towering and imposing, with chiseled features and an air of royal dignity about him.

At the start of the Kurogane family meeting, the branch family members exchanged greetings and congratulations on the birth of Kurogane Ikki. Among them were several prominent members of the family, each with their own distinct personalities and areas of expertise.

There was Takashi Kurogane, the head of the Kurogane family's security division. He was a tall man with a muscular build, always dressed in a sharp suit and tie. He had a no-nonsense attitude and a keen eye for detail, making him an excellent choice for overseeing the security of the family's estate.

Next to Takashi sat his younger sister, Hana Kurogane. She was a talented mage-knight, with a specialty in ice magic. She was known for her calm demeanor and precise control over her powers. She had already been chosen to teach Kurogane Ikki once he was old enough to begin his training.

Across the room, seated next to the bookshelves, was Sora Kurogane. He was the family's resident scholar, with an encyclopedic knowledge of magic and history. He spent most of his time buried in books, but he was always willing to offer his expertise to anyone who needed it.

Beside Sora was his wife, Miki Kurogane, a skilled healer and pharmacist. She was known for her gentle touch and kind heart, always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. She had already begun to plan the herbal remedies that would help Kurogane Ikki through his early years.

Finally, there was the youngest member of the branch family, Ren Kurogane. He was only a few years older than Kurogane Ikki and was already showing signs of being a talented mage-knight. He had a mischievous streak and loved to play pranks on his older siblings. But when it came down to it, he was fiercely loyal to the Kurogane family and would do anything to protect them.

As Itsuki Kurogane made his way towards the elders, he was approached by his cousin, Hana Kurogane.

"Itsuki-san, congratulations on the birth of your son. I hear he's quite a healthy baby," Hana said with a smile.

Itsuki nodded in appreciation. "Thank you, Hana-san. We're overjoyed by his arrival."

She then turned to Sora who had just arrived. "Sora-kun, it's good to see you. You've grown so much since I last saw you."

Kazuki smiled and bowed. "Thank you, Hana-san. It's an honor to be here."

As the meeting began, the branch family members offered their congratulations on the birth of Kurogane Ikki. Itsuki sat stoically, listening to the polite conversation. He knew that the real discussion would come later, when the elders would discuss Ikki's future.

After the meeting, Itsuki pulled aside Kojiro Kurogane, a distant relative who had always been a vocal critic of the main family's decisions.

"Kojiro-san, I know you've always been skeptical of the main family's authority, but I need your help on this matter," Itsuki said in a low voice.

Kojiro raised an eyebrow. "What do you need?"

"Ikki's future is at stake here. The elders will propably want him to join the black company, but I'm not sure that's the best option for him. I need your support in convincing them to reconsider," Itsuki explained.

Kojiro frowned. "I don't trust those elders. They've always been more concerned with their own power than the good of the family. But I'll do what I can to help."

Itsuki nodded in gratitude. "Thank you, Kojiro-san. We need all the help we can get."

Beginng of the deliberations

During the time that everyone was waiting for the elders to speak, the environment was respectful but strained. Everyone's attention was focused on the front of the room, where the elders were seated, as they waited to hear the choice that they had made regarding the Kurogane family's future.

Mizuki, the head elder, leaned forward in his seat, his voice resonating with authority as he spoke. "My dear family members, we must remember that the Kurogane family has always been one of the greatest mage-knight families. We cannot let the birth of one child jeopardize our family's reputation."

He paused for effect, allowing his words to sink in before continuing, all the people around looked at him in uncomprehensible way???. "We must make difficult decisions to ensure that the Kurogane family remains strong and prosperous. And that is exactly what we are doing here today."

The branch family members murmured in agreement, while Itsune looked on with a scowl. Mizuki's words seemed to be carefully chosen to manipulate the thoughts and feelings of those present.

"As I discovered, the boy's magic power is only a tenth of what an average mage-knight possesses," Mizuki continued. "We cannot risk having in the mage-knight training program and tarnish our family's name. That is why we must consider alternative options, such as the black company."

He gestured towards Akeno-sama, who had spoken up earlier. "Of course, we must also consider the wishes of the main family. And that is why we have come to a compromise. Kurogane Ikki will join the black company when he turns 10, but he will not start working there until he is ready."

Mizuki's words were met with nods of approval from the elders, and even some of the branch family members seemed to be swayed by his arguments. Itsune gritted his teeth, feeling as though he was being outmaneuvered by the head elder's smooth-talking tactics.

After the meeting, Itsune met with Akane-sama privately. She told him about the elders' plan to bribe the branch family members to agree with them. Itsune was furious at their underhanded tactics but knew that he had to find a way to protect his son.

Meanwhile, in the mindscape

Kurogane Ikki's ball of consciousness was learning about memory training for absolute momentary memory using the GSP memory palace. However, the ball of consciousness was only at a basic level of understanding when it comes to mathematical concepts, and it could only comprehend numbers as counts of things in the material world.

As he floated in his dream as a baby, a shimmering figure slowly took shape before him. The figure was of a serene-looking man with a peaceful face, adorned in traditional Hindu attire. His skin was the color of warm caramel, and he had a full, luscious beard that flowed down to his chest. He had an aura of calm and wisdom that emanated from his entire being. Ikki was both shocked and infuriated by the appearance of the projection of Dhanvantari, the physician to the gods in Hindu mythology. Having been trapped as a soul in the void for what felt like an eternity, he couldn't believe that a god would appear before him now, of all times. The realization brought a sense of complicated emotions.

Dhanvantari remained calm, his peaceful face not changing in the slightest. "I am Dhanvantari, the physician to the gods. I have come to teach you, young one."

Ikki was skeptical. "How do I know you're not just a figment of my imagination?"

Dhanvantari replied, "My projection appears to those who are worthy of my teachings. I am not physically here, but my knowledge and guidance are real."

Ikki was confused but intrigued. "What do you want me to learn?"

Dhanvantari explained, "I am here to teach you the art of memory. The GSP, or the memory palace, is a powerful tool that can enhance your memory and help you achieve great things."

Ikki was skeptical, but as Dhanvantari began to teach him, he began to understand the power of the GSP. However, he still couldn't shake off his initial anger and confusion at the appearance of the god.

"You're not really here, are you?" Ikki asked.

Dhanvantari smiled. "No, I am not physically present. My projection appears to those who are worthy, but my teachings are real. You will see."

As Dhanvantari explained the concept of the memory palace, Ikki started to visualize it in his mind's eye. He imagined a grand palace with many rooms, each filled with details and information that he could easily recall in the heat of battle. The palace was his own, a place where he could store all of the information he needed to become a powerful blazer.

The mindscape was a surreal place, where Ikki's thoughts and memories coalesced into a swirling mass of colors and shapes. It was a place of infinite possibilities, where anything could happen. The projection of Dhanvantari floated before him, his words echoing through the space like a gentle breeze.

As the training continued, Ikki added more rooms to his palace, each one dedicated to a different type of information. He filled the rooms with vivid images and metaphors that helped him recall the information more easily. The palace became a place of wonder, where he could explore his own mind and learn the secrets of the universe. The projection of Dhanvantari started to explain to Ikki the concept of the memory palace.

He explained that it was a technique used by ancient Greeks and Romans to memorize large amounts of information by associating them with different rooms in a familiar building or palace. By visualizing the information in each room, one can easily recall the information by mentally walking through the palace. Dhanvantari also explained that the memory palace has been used by many historical figures, such as the Greek poet Simonides and the medieval scholar Thomas Aquinas.

He emphasized the importance of using this technique to develop absolute momentary memory, which would allow Ikki to quickly recall information in the heat of battle. As the training continued, Ikki started to understand the power of the memory palace and how it could benefit him. He began to visualize his own palace, adding details and information to each room. 'Such an amazing ability, I can put my memories inside and as if in a magical show take it out, the memory of my first meeting with book is as if alive!'.

As the training session came to an end, Dhanvantari's projection faded away, leaving Ikki alone in the mindscape once again. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes, feeling invigorated and full of new knowledge. He knew that he had a long way to go before he could become a powerful mnemotechnic, but he was confident that he had the tools he needed to succeed.

Same day, at the ancestral cementary of Kurogane family

Mizuki-sama walked alone through the cemetery, until he reached the tombstone of Genma, the fourth great leader of the Kurogane family. He knelt down, pouring a drink for the departed soul.

"Genma-sama, I hope you are looking down on us with pride. The Kurogane family is still going strong, and we have remained one of the greatest mage-knight families because of your leadership," he said, raising his cup to the tombstone.

Mizuki-sama took a sip from his cup, deep in thought. He remembered the meeting earlier in the day, where they discussed the future of Kurogane Ikki, Itsuki's son. He knew of the elders' plan to bribe the branch family members. He knew that was underhanded, but he also understood the immense pressure they were under to maintain the family's status as one of the greatest mage-knight families.

"It's not easy, Genma-sama. The burden of keeping the Kurogane family strong is heavy, and sometimes we must make tough choices. But I will do whatever it takes to keep our family on top," he said, pouring another drink for Genma-sama.

Mizuki-sama took another sip, lost in thought. He remembered the days when Gennma-sama was still alive and leading the family. The responsibility of being one of the greatest mage-knight families had always been a heavy burden, but Genma-sama had always shouldered it with grace and wisdom. 'Not like this idealistic fool Ryouma'"Ptui", he sighed "I will continue to honor your legacy, Genma-sama. I will do whatever it takes to keep our family strong and prosperous," he said, bowing his head in respect.

Mizuki-sama stayed at the tombstone for a few more minutes, lost in thought. He knew that the future of the Kurogane family was in his hands, and he felt the weight of that responsibility like a heavy burden on his shoulders. But he also knew that he was not alone, and that the spirit of Genma-sama would always guide him in the right direction.

Before bending his head in respect and placing his sake bottle on the gravestone. Mizuki contemplated matters of life and death while standing in complete stillness.

He then uttered "Rest in peace, Genma-sama," in a low voice. "I shall not fail to meet your expectations."